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Love Under Protection (425 Madison Avenue Book 15)

Page 3

by Aubree Valentine

  “So, you did sleep with Harley!” Liv squeals.

  “Today’s your big day. We really don’t need to talk about me.” I try and fail to hide my smile behind my glass.

  “He is one of the sweetest guys.” Payton damn near swoons.

  “Oh, real sweet,” I snicker. “As sweet as Cody?”

  Payton smiles. “I’m just saying, when the paparazzi swarmed 425 Madison, he never hesitated to help me get in and out of there safely.”

  “And have you seen that man in uniform? Out there keeping the streets safe every day. Shew.” Liv fans her face.

  “I thought you hated Harley?” I question. I had never met the guy until that night in the bar, but I heard plenty about him while I was galivanting around the world. I’m blaming the booze for not making the connection that he was the Harley.

  “I was joking. But he has grown on me.”

  “Like a hemorrhoid,” I add.

  Harley and Liv’s hatership was nearly as strong as the love/hate thing that Liv had going with Jameson for years. Not that I could blame either of them. Harley didn’t understand why Jameson kept coming back for more when all Liv seemed to do was push him away. And Liv thought Harley was a stuck-up asshole who hated all women – her words, not mine, or at least the women that his friends chose to date. Considering he’s standing up for them today, I guess it’s safe to say they made it past that hiccup.

  Greta laughs and shakes her head. “You girls are a hoot. Y’all leave Raylynn alone and let her enjoy her newfound freedom.”

  I send a questioning glance to Liv, who shrugs.

  “Oh, Raylynn, don’t be like that. You know that Walter and I never liked Sawyer anyway,” Greta adds.

  Being friends with Liv also means that they are my family too. So, it doesn’t surprise me that Greta and Walter have an opinion on the man who cheated on me.

  “Seriously, enough about me now. Let’s focus on Liv and how hot she is going to look walking down that aisle in her dress! Besides, who’s soon-to-be husband crashed our party last night and carried you through the lobby and back to his room? I bet you broke that pre-wedding tradition, didn’t you?”

  Liv turns crimson, but she doesn’t deny anything.

  Attention successfully diverted away from me, I let out a deep breath and decide that with it all out in the open, a night with Harley might just be worth repeating.

  We all finish with brunch then head back to Liv’s suite to get ready, after I make a quick stop by my room to grab my dress and shoes.

  The make-up artist/hairdresser for today’s festivities has already gotten started with Liv’s hair as she sits cross-legged on a chair near the balcony in a white silk robe that says “Bride” across the back.

  “Man, Jameson really spared no expense on this wedding,” I whisper.

  Greta overhears my comment and leans in to whisper back, “He wanted to be sure she had everything. Especially after everything they’ve both been through. Walter and I vowed we’d pull out all the stops for our boy and his lady.”

  I swore I wouldn’t be one of those girls who cried on her best friend’s wedding day, but tears fill my eyes. Greta pulls me in for a hug and holds me tight.

  Olivia and Jameson do deserve all the happiness in the world. The last year has not been good for them. Not at all. Knowing that Liv will always have Jameson’s parents puts me at ease, even more so now.

  “Raylynn, wait until you try this make-up that Emmy gave me, it’s amazing. Becca even spotlighted it on her blog,” Liv says from her perch. “The foundation is amazing. It’s full coverage but doesn’t feel heavy or look caked on.”

  “Liv, I love you dearly, but the foundation for your porcelain skin is not going to work on me.” Thanks to my Italian heritage, I've always had a hint of olive in my year-round naturally tan skin.

  Olivia balls up a napkin and tosses it at me. “Dork. She sent me with several samples in different shades for you to try too.”

  I rush over to the table where make-up is spread out on full display and pick up a few of the samples, looking them over and selecting two that I think may work. “Let’s see what the fuss is all about,” I tell her and shuffle off to the bathroom to try on the two shades.

  Liv was right, this foundation is freaking amazing. The first color I try on matches my skin tone perfectly, and the application is silky smooth.

  “We have a winner,” I call out. Walking out of the bathroom, I head straight for the balcony and the natural light.

  “Oh my gosh, Chelsea, check it out. Her skin looks flawless,” Liv gushes.

  Her stylist stops and looks up at me. “Whoa! You had gorgeous skin to begin with, but that stuff is liquid gold. I’m going to have to give your friend a call and bulk order her products.”

  “Totally. I’ll make sure I give you her card before you leave today.” Liv nods.

  “Well, ladies, I’ll finish putting my face on, then I’ll be ready for you to work your hair magic, Chelsea.” I grab my own make-up bag that is already stocked full of a wide mix of stuff, mostly from Becca’s blog recommendations and of course, Envirogal, the company Emmy works for.

  In the bathroom, I get to work applying a natural eye look with a pop of pink on my lips. By the time I’m finished, Chelsea’s waiting.

  Another forty-five minutes, and we’re all primped. The photographer has arrived, and we take a few staged photos of us getting ready before slipping into our dresses and taking even more photos.

  And yes, I damn well cry seeing Olivia in her wedding dress and all done up for her big day.

  Chapter 5


  I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off of her. No matter how hard I try, my eyes keep finding Raylynn. The strapless teal dress that Olivia picked for her maid of honor clings to Raylynn’s subtle curves, accentuating everything I enjoyed about the woman.

  It may make me sound like a complete pig, but I’ve had a perpetual hard-on since I saw her walk down the aisle to take her place beside the bride. She may have escaped me last night, but I have no doubts that she’ll be staying with me tonight. I’m pulling out all the stops to get this woman back in my bed, willingly. In fact, if I have things my way, she’ll be begging me for more.

  I’m focusing so hard on the woman across the makeshift altar that I nearly miss my cue to hand Jameson the ring. What I don’t miss is his silent questioning eyebrow raise.

  “Hey, I was giving Olivia one more chance to reconsider,” I joke, earning a laugh from the small crowd here with us and a head shake from Jameson. Behind Olivia, I catch the slightest of grins from Raylynn too.

  From there, I countdown the minutes in my head until the ceremony ends, and I get to escort Raylynn back down the aisle.

  Jameson wasn’t wrong yesterday when he said that I was stuck in a dry spell. Was being the keyword, until Raylynn crossed my path and set the sheets on fire with me. The best part about this whole thing is that I know it’s nothing more than a fling. We’re both scratching an itch, and when our time on this tropical island is over, we’ll both go back to real life.

  I still can’t fucking believe I didn’t realize exactly who she was that first night. Guess that’s what I get for thinking with my dick. At least I didn’t forget her name once we got back to my room. Not that I’ve ever done that.

  Now knowing who Raylynn is means I also know that from the little background I’ve heard from Jameson, she’s got some fancy job with a hotshot business exec and gallivants all over the world catering to the guy’s every need. Which means I don’t have to worry about any strings. We’re free to enjoy ourselves while we’re here and go our separate ways at the end of the week.

  Last Jameson told me about her she was…wait...son of a bitch...she’s engaged to that hotshot business exec too! Damnit.

  My blood begins to boil for a completely different reason, and I begin to understand exactly why she really wanted to keep our hook up a secret from the bride and groom. Unfucking believable.

>   I’m the other guy. She cheated on her fiancé with me.

  Regret and remorse bubble up as the minister pronounces Jameson and Olivia husband and wife. Swallowing it down, I plaster a smile on my face while Jameson kisses his bride. Turning to the crowd, the minister introduces them as Mister and Missus for the first time. In true Jameson fashion, he swoops Liv off her feet and rushes back down the aisle.

  Raylynn and I both step forward and take our place at the center of the aisle. My fake smile stays in place until we’ve passed the very last row; by then, I’m gritting my teeth and cannot get away from her fast enough.

  The wedding planner directs us into a small room away from the actual reception area to wait while the guests make their way inside. The minute we’re out of eyesight, I free myself from Raylynn’s grip and head for the mini bar that’s set up over in the corner.

  Olivia has already grabbed two glasses of wine and is heading in Raylynn’s direction while Jameson is leaning on the bar, sipping on a glass of whiskey.

  “I’ll have what he’s having.”

  The bartender nods and quickly makes my drink.

  Jameson looks at me and grins like a loon. “Finally, did it, man. You’re next.”

  I snort. “Bullshit. You know I prefer to live life wild and free.”

  “For now. Until the right one comes along and knocks you on your ass,” Jameson nods in Raylynn’s direction. She looks up at us and has the nerve to blush.

  “That’s not happening. I don’t do scraps.”

  He shoots me a warning glare at the same time that Olivia rejoins him. “We’ll come back to that.”

  “Back to what?” Olivia chimes in while rubbing Jameson’s arm affectionately.

  “Nothing,” Jameson quickly answers, no doubt I’ve offended my friend with my comment about scraps.

  “Show-time!” The wedding planner pokes her head back in the room, thankfully ending that conversation.

  I reluctantly take my spot just outside the entrance to the reception area with Raylynn to my left. My entire body tenses as she slips her arm through mine, like she didn’t use me the other night to cheat on her fiancé.

  Music starts playing inside and I hold my breath, waiting for the moment I can separate myself from her again.

  “Seriously, are you giving me attitude because I said no repeats?” she leans in and whispers through sealed lips.

  My mouth opens and I’m about to give her a piece of my mind when the DJ announces us, and the doors open. Playing the part, we both smile and walk in. Taking our spot on the dance floor to wait for Jameson and Olivia.

  “And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, Mister and Missus Jameson Phoenix.”

  The doors open once more. Jameson and Olivia walk in, beaming. The upbeat notes of Get This Party Started transitions to Marry Me and they begin their first dance together.

  “Jesus, if you grit your teeth any harder, you’re going to break the enamel. What the hell is your problem?” she says softly.

  My head snaps to Raylynn. “Not the time or place to have this conversation.”

  “Oh, so it’s something I did?”

  “You’re damn right it is,” I ground out. “But this isn’t about us and I’m not ruining things for my best friend. So, let it go. Doesn’t matter anyway. No repeats, remember?”

  The music shifts again, and the DJ invites the guests to join the bride and groom on the dance floor. There’s no stopping the frustrated grumble that escapes, I know that this means I’ve got to suck it up and dance with her.

  It’s Your Love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill filters through the speakers as I reluctantly take Raylynn’s hand and pull her closer.

  A short while ago, I would have enjoyed every second of having her body pressed this close to mine. Now, it’s all for show and it’s killing me, solely because I feel used and like I’ve broken some sort of Bro Code.

  “At least pretend you’re enjoying this. Since you’re all about not ruining things for our friends. As it stands, they’ll look back on their photos and see you scowling.”

  I can’t take it anymore. I swore I’d hold it together and keep my mouth shut, but she’s pushing me too far. As someone who has been cheated on before, I vowed to never do the same. Regardless of whether it was only one night, my morals have been compromised.

  “Tell me something,” I say with an over the top fake smile on my face. “Where’s your engagement ring?”

  Raylynn’s breath hitches ever so slightly and she looks up at me with confusion written all over her face. That’s right, I think to myself, I caught your little lie.

  “I’m afraid there has been a grave misunderstanding. One we should talk about. But not here.”

  The song ends and we’re finally able to break apart and not a moment too soon.

  I feel like I’m suffocating.

  Who would have thought what was meant to be a week away, celebrating my good friend’s wedding and a break in the warm sunshine with beautiful women abound would turn into such a shit show? And why? Because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants for once.

  Chapter 6


  How is it possible that things can go from scorching hot, burning up the sheets, to as frigid as the Arctic?

  Simply because he’s concocted a scenario in his head that he hasn’t a clue about.

  A one-night stand pissed because he’s convinced himself that what we had was an illicit affair, yet he’s far too damn stupid to even begin to hear reason.

  Tossing back another shot of the premium vodka provided, I curse Harley’s name.

  “Might want to take it easier there, wouldn’t want to have to scrape you off the floor before I whisk Liv out of here.” Jameson intrudes on my moment of self-pity.

  “I’m fine. This is fine. Everything is fine.”

  Jameson takes a long pull from his beer, before speaking again. “So, you and Harley?”

  I fight back the urge to slam my empty glass back on the bar. “Nope. Nothing happened.”

  He has the nerve to laugh at me. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  “You’ve always been the perceptive one. Doesn’t matter now though.”

  “A word of advice, Raylynn? Harley’s a tough nut to crack. Don’t take it so personal.”

  “Appreciate the advice Jay, but it was all in good fun. Now, I’m going to dance with my bestie, like the old days.”

  Jameson groans. I can’t help but laugh. Liv giggles and grabs my hand, spinning me in some elaborate circle.

  “Gah, can you believe it? I’m married,” she squeals while shaking her butt.

  “Oh, I believe it. I’m surprised it took you two this long.” I laugh along with her.

  “Please. That man used to drive me absolutely insane.”

  “What changed?” I ask, jokingly.

  “He learned to drive me insane the right way,” Liv says with an eyebrow wag. “Shew. Now, let’s go grab another drink.”

  In spite of all of my annoyance with Harley and his know-it-all attitude, the rest of the night is filled with laughter and a whole lot of fun.

  Once some of Liv and Jameson’s family thins out, Payton and Cody decide to challenge the rest of us to a game of beer pong.

  What a sight we all must be. Dressed to the nines in this high-class resort. Red solo cups lining what was the bridal party table. And the bride and groom on opposite teams, talking shit to each other about who is going to win this little game. Divided guys versus girls, we kick some major butt against the boys.

  Wrapping an arm around Liv’s shoulders, I pull her in for a side hug. “I gotta hand it to you Liv, your friends are a riot.”

  “Have you noticed how adorable Payton and Cody are too? It’s like, love is in the air and stuff,” she muses.

  “Dork. It is a wedding after all, tends to have that effect on some people.”

  “Like you and Harley?”

  I groan, “Good Lord, are we still talking about this?”
/>   “Have you seen the way that man has been looking at you all night? It’s enough to cause an inferno.”

  With Liv’s words, I immediately look for him. He’s standing on the opposite side of the room, but he must sense the minute I look his way.

  Liv gently elbows me. “See? How hot is that? It’s like he wants to do all the wicked things to you. Right here.”

  If only. Maybe a few hours ago, before his fake reality sank in, sure. Now I think he’d rather pretend we never met.

  “Right. That’s exactly what he’s thinking.” I play along but I’m shocked when Harley nods his head toward the door, like he wants me to follow him.

  “Oooo, I saw that. Go get ‘em, tiger. We’re pretty much done here.” Liv nearly shoves me forward. “We’ll catch up at lunch tomorrow. Don’t forget!”

  Damnit. I guess we really are going to hash this out tonight. At least we survived the wedding without murdering each other.

  Harley’s waiting for me outside with that damn scowl back on his face.

  “Walk with me for a minute,” he says softly but firmly.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You’re not going to do something crazy like drown me, or murder me and hide the body, are you? Maybe we should just stay here,” I deadpan.

  The tiniest grin plays at his lips. “I’m a goddamn cop. I’m not going to hurt you. Come on.”

  I take his cue and walk beside him along the parameter of the resort and out onto the sandy beach where our friends tied the knot just hours before. The silence is deafening, and I want to speak up, but I don’t know if he’s ready to listen.

  “I don’t do shit like this. I’m not that guy,” he finally says, stopping near the shoreline.

  “You don’t do what? Have one-night stands? I’m not judging.” Hell, I don’t usually either. But I know it’s not the one-night stand part he’s talking about.

  Harley turns and faces me. “That’s not what I mean. I don’t condone cheating, and I damn sure don’t want to be the guy you hooked up with, while another man’s ring is on your finger.”


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