Living among the Stars (Sky Riders #2)

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Living among the Stars (Sky Riders #2) Page 5

by Rebecca Lorino Pond

  “What are you talking about? I don’t need anyone. I like being on my own!”

  Oh, come on! You know you feel something for the guy! He is freaking hot and he wants you!

  “No, he doesn’t. I didn’t get on that transport to search for a husband.”

  No, you got on the transport to save your best friend’s life. It just so happens, that you came across a man would do anything for you. He’s not like the men back on Earth. Give him a chance, for crying out loud!

  Her mind put up a good argument. “But, what if I take that chance and down the road he doesn’t want me anymore?”

  There’s only one way to find out, but from what I can see coming from the hunky alien, is that he is totally devoted to you!

  She sat on the edge of the bed and pondered her choices. One, she could keep ignoring Kharis and be lonely for the rest of her life, or she could take a chance and let him in. Maggie had told her many times she needed to let people in. After her grandparents had passed away, she had closed off her heart to everyone but Maggie. Was she ready to open it up again?

  “I’ll go see if he’s still sleeping and see where things go from there,” she convinced herself as she walked silently out of the bedroom and to the sofa. He was gone. “Figures,” she mumbled under her breath and put her hands on her hips. She was about to brush her teeth and use the bathroom when something out on the balcony moved. She looked to the doors and nearly fainted with shock. The green dragon was sitting on the railing peering into the room at her.

  Hesitantly, she opened the door and stepped out. Her heart was racing but for some reason she had a feeling the dragon wasn’t there to hurt her. She didn’t want to look the great beast in the eye for fear it might be looking for its next meal.

  “Uh…Hi,” she called out.

  The dragon let out a noise that sounded like a chirp. It spread its beautiful glittering, green wings then folded them back in. It lowered its head as if it were bowing to her.

  “What…what are you doing here? Who do you belong to?” She looked the dragon over and assumed this one wasn’t yet full grown. It was definitely smaller than Serelath who was full grown. Without warning, the dragon jumped off the railing and landed closer to her on the balcony. She took a step back in surprised then smiled as the dragon shrunk in size.

  “You can do the same thing as Rhaegos and Serelath!” She watched as the dragon shifted down to a size that left it eye level with her. At that point, she had no choice but to look into its eyes as it gazed at her. The big yellow eyes with black pupils widened as she studied the beast. When its pupils dilated to the point of almost covering up all the yellow, she felt something pulling on her mind. It was a strange feeling, one she had never felt before.

  She reached out with a shaking hand to touch its snout as she looked it directly in the eyes. She felt it then, a bolt of electricity shot through her, paralyzing her for a moment. When the feeling passed, she was unsure what to do next. Her hand was still out stretched when she heard a voice speaking to her.

  I am Parath.

  She jerked her hand back though her eyes never left the dragon’s face. “Parath?”

  Yes, Parath. I have been searching for you for a longtime. There’s no need to be frightened. I am here as your protector.

  Now she was really confused. “Protector? From what? And why can I hear you? I can’t hear Serelath.”

  That is because you are not yet mated to Kharis. Once your first mating has occurred you will be able to hear Serelath through the mind link. It is a special gift given to the mate of our owner.

  “But, why can I hear you? I’m not mated to anyone!” She was getting more confused by the minute.

  You can hear me because the first dragon of my kind, Livjatan the Life Giver, has given me the gift of having a mind link and you are the chosen one.

  But I’m not Qeteran. I’m human. I’m from Earth. Besides, has it gone unnoticed that I am female and you are male?

  That’s where you are wrong, little Earthling. I am a female too.

  The dragon looked as if she was actually smiling at her. Parath’s pupils had returned to their normal size and her yellow orbs sparkled as if she were laughing.

  I can tell by the expression on your face that you were unaware that a female dragon can form a mind link with another female? I will admit that it is extremely rare, but it has happened before.

  Unbelievable! “So, you are…you are…like my dragon?”

  Parath raised her head into the air and let out a great, big puff of smoke. Yes, I am your dragon.

  Without thinking about what she was doing, she rushed forward and threw her arms around the dragon’s neck and laid her head on her chest. She could hear a double heart beat as she pressed her cheek to the dragon’s scales. Darkness engulfed her as Parath wrapped her wings around her in sort of hug. She felt an instant connection with the beast as she stood there on the balcony.

  For the rest of the Kelly and Parath talked and revealed things about each other. It felt wonderful to have someone, rather, something to talk to instead of herself. She ignored her meals that were brought to her and waited anxiously for Kharis to return to their room.

  I hear him coming.

  She jumped up and ran inside to greet Kharis. She and Parath had come up with a plan to surprise Kharis when he came home. She laughed when she thought about his reaction when she went to talk to him, much less when she showed him Parath.

  Standing next to the sofa, she waited for him to turn around and face. When he did turn around, she saw the weariness written all over his face as well as the bags under his eyes. He was fairly worse than she was. Guilt automatically hit her as she watched him. Her heart wanted to break when he looked at her then turned away. It was now or never.


  He stopped in his tracks and looked at her. “I have to get a change of clothes. I won’t take long.” The sadness he felt was evident all over his face and by the way he walked.

  “Kharis? Can I talk to you for a moment?” God she was so nervous! She prayed she hadn’t pushed him so far away that he would never return to her.

  “If you would like.”

  She waved him over to the sofa. “Let’s sit.” She waited for him to sit first then moved in between his massive thighs to sit on his lap.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  He refused to touch her, but that was about to change. She used her hand to softly caress the stubble cheek. “Are you…are you okay?” Her eyes searched his face.

  “I am fine. There is no need for you to worry about me. I will see to making the arrangement to have you transported back to Yhadell.”


  His blank expression was priceless. “No?”

  “No,” she repeated with a smile. “I want to stay here with you. That is if you still want me.”

  His eyes brightened at her words. He instantly pulled her head to him until their lips touched. One hand cradled the back of her head as the kiss became more demanding. His tongue traced her lips and she opened for him, allowing him in. His taste was phenomenal! She angled her body so she could have a better grip on the lips that were making her hot. Their tongues danced then retreated only to return once again. After what seemed like forever, she pulled away breathless.

  His eyes were questioning her move. She had to put him at ease and tell him about Parath. “I needed to tell you something.”

  He began to nibble at her neck and nipping at her ear. The hand that wasn’t holding her head moved to her waist then slowly slid up to lightly caress the underside of her breast. His whole demeanor changed with that one kiss.

  “Shhh…Let’s not talk,” he whispered into her ear.

  She felt the goose-bumps rise up on her entire body when she felt his breath on her ear. It swiftly became very hard to concentrate. Her body was reacting to him in ways she knew would bind her to him forever. She wanted him inside her! She wanted him to take her right there on the sofa, but
….there was something she needed to tell him first. But what was it? God, what he was doing to her was driving her crazy. How could she have been stupid enough to have denied this man and the feelings she had tried to bury.

  “Kharis, there’s….there’s something I need to tell you. Oh God, that feels wonderful!”

  “Tell me later,” he said.

  Did you forget about me out here?

  Parath’s voice broke through her thoughts. Shit! She pulled away from Kharis and tried to stand up.

  “What’s the matter?” He reached for her, but she darted out the way before he could grab her.

  “Umm…I don’t know how to exactly tell you this....” she bit her lower lip as she hesitated.

  “Just tell me what it is?”

  She glanced to the balcony then spit it out in one breath. “There’s a dragon on the balcony and she’s mine!” She held her breath as she waited for his reaction. The color drained from his face and his eyes widened.

  “You mean Serelath?” he whispered.

  “No, another dragon.”

  Kharis didn’t move a muscle as his brain processed the information she had just dumped into his lap. Was he mad? When he finally said something it scared her and caused her to jump.

  “Show me,” he demanded.

  She walked to the door thinking he probably didn’t believe her. His reply had been curt and demanding as if he was trying to placate her. She smiled to herself as she waited for him to follow her outside.


  Kharis stepped outside to find the balcony empty. Was she trying to play him for a fool? When she said, she wanted to talk his heart had soared. He had prayed to the gods and goddesses that she would come around and accept him. Now though she was trying to make him look like a fool.

  “There’s nothing out here, Kelly. Do you dislike me that much that you have to make me look like a fool?”

  He turned on her with such speed she stumbled as she took a step back. He had to reach out and grab her before she fell to the ground and hit her head. After he had steadied her on her feet once again, he repeated his question.

  “Answer me. Do you hate me that much to make up a lie?”

  She shook her head as he got in her face. He had enough of her stubborn ways. If she didn’t want him then fine, he would just have to accept it.

  “I never said I hated you! I just told you that I want to stay here…with you.”

  Her voice trembled and her eyes glittered with unshed tears. “Then why have you brought me out here?”

  His eyes roamed over her face for any hint of another lie. They stopped when they reached the puffy lips he had just tasted for the second time. He still held on to her and refused to let her go until she told him the truth.

  “Turn around and you’ll see,” she said quietly to his face.

  “Turn around? Okay, I’ll turn…” his words faded away as he turned and got his first look at the green dragon staring back at him. “By the Gods!”

  The dragon standing before him let out a loud roar. Behind him, Kelly was laughing at his reaction to her lie as he called it.

  “It’s not possible!” Serelath! Come, I need you to come see something. NOW! He turned to face Kelly with a shocked expression. “I owe you an apology, little one.”

  She sauntered over to him and stop inches away. “I too owe you an apology. I….I didn’t want to give you a chance. I was selfish.”

  He engulfed her in his arms and held on tight. His hopes soared as his heart sped up. Is she really starting to accept me? He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled. Gods, he could stay as he was for the rest of his life and be happy. The female he was destined for was in his arms and she had a dragon!

  The sound of flapping wings made him lift his head as he saw Serelath land on the railing next to the green dragon.

  Who is this dragon and why is she here?

  I was hoping you could tell me. My mate says the dragon belongs to her now, but how is that possible? His eye stayed glued to his dragon as he spoke through the mind link.

  Serelath turned to the dragon and gave her a suspicious look. What is your name and why are you here?

  Parath grew to her full height as she faced a much larger dragon. She had bowed her head in respect to the older dragon before she spoke. I have been chosen to form a mind link with the Earth female, Kelly.

  Serelath snorted then blew out a puff of fire. That does not happen! The last female dragon to have a mind link was over a hundred years ago. What makes you think you have a link to this female?

  Kharis and Kelly stood watching as the dragons conversed in silence. He could hear everything Serelath was asking but no the replies from Parath. He looked down to his mate and whispered, “Can you hear what she is saying?”

  She looked up at him and nodded. Incredible!

  She can hear everything I say. I felt the pull of the link as I was flying over the city. I knew my female was here in the city, I could feel it. Ask me anything you wish me to ask my female. Parath slid closer to the dragon staring her down.

  Serelath though for a moment. Ask the female how she came to Qetera.

  Kharis heard the question asked and held his breath as he waited for Kelly to answer. Parath turned to face his mate. He saw when their eyes connected and Kelly nodded.

  “Serelath, I came to Qetera on a ship commanded by Commander Etor. He rescued my damaged transport after it flew through an asteroid field.” She smiled smugly as the dragon.

  Kharis and Serelath both stared in amazement. A surge of pride filled him as he hugged his mate to him again. This was the greatest news! A female, not from Qetera has formed a bond with one of their dragons!

  Are you satisfied, dragon? Parath asked the beast.

  You have truly been blessed, my friend. It is a very rare thing indeed to see a female have a mind link with a dragon and even rarer to be the mate of said female. The gods and goddesses have a reason for giving you this precious gift, but only time will tell why. Serelath turned to Parath and bowed his head this time in respect. Let us go inform all the other dragons. This is a time for celebration! He jumped into the air and flapped his great wings to keep him in place while he waited for Parath.

  I will be back soon, Parath said to Kelly.

  “Be careful!” she shouted back as the pair flew off in the direction of the mountain peaks.

  Chapter 6

  After the pair of dragons flew away, Kharis scooped Kelly up into his arms. He was going to make her his mate right now. He had waited long enough to claim her and he couldn’t wait any longer.

  “What are you doing?” Kelly shrieked.

  He walked back inside and headed to the bed they would now share. “I am claiming you as my mate!”

  She bounced on the bed as he gently tossed her out of his arms. His eyes never left her as he began to undress. Her eyes grew wide and she licked those tasty lips as she watched his movements.

  “Umm. Shouldn’t we talk about this? I mean…” she said as she tried to get on her knees in front of him.

  He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his pants and shoved them down. His cock sprang free for the confining pants and pointed right at her. He grew even harder when her eyes travelled down his belly to view his cock for the first time.

  “Shit! That’s not going to fit!” she squeaked out as he took a step to her.

  “It will fir, my heart. I promise to go slow. Now, come here.” He stood at the end of the bed with his hands on his trim hips. He saw the emotions she felt as they rushed across her face. She licked her lips again out of nervous anticipation. “You don’t know what you do to me.”

  She fell back onto her butt and tried to crab walked backwards. He wasn’t about to let her run again from him. He climbed on the bed, reached for her ankles, and pulled her to him. He didn’t waste any time before he lower his mouth to capture hers. He felt her resist him as he beckoned her to open her mouth and let him in.

  His body covered hers as he k
issed her. He used on hand to lightly skim along her side until he came to the outline of her breast through the shirt she wore. It was actually his shirt since she didn’t have much in the way of clothing with her. He raised off her somewhat so that he could give the nipple he felt through the shirt some attention. She moaned when he pinched the puckered peak and opened her mouth to let him in. He dove in to claim her mouth with his tongue. In return, she claimed his. The kiss grew quickly with need and longing.

  His hand trailed back down to find the edge of the shirt that covered her stunning body. He desperately wanted to feel her skin pressed to his as he made love to her. Fingers gripped the edge and slowly raised it over her thighs and stomach. He felt a small quiver in her stomach as his hand grazed the pale skin. He pulled his mouth away from hers which made her groan in protest. Unable to get the shirt off her without letting her sit up, he decided to just rip it down the middle. Her breasts were covered with a black lace garment that clasped together in the front. As his fingers worked to undo the last piece of material barring her from his view, he nibbled on her neck and shoulder. Licking and kissing his way down to the mounds that spilled out when the clasp was finally free.


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