Living among the Stars (Sky Riders #2)

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Living among the Stars (Sky Riders #2) Page 11

by Rebecca Lorino Pond

  Inside the table next to his bed, he always kept a tube of the strong sleeping medicine he sometimes used when he was unable to sleep. It was easy to inject and didn’t hurt so he knew the sleeping woman wouldn’t even feel the pressure of the pointy tip when he pressed it to the side of her neck. A small click indicated when the clear drug was injected into the blood stream.

  He replaced the device back into the drawer then stood for a moment looking down at the human female. She was quite striking in his eyes and would make a good mother for his children. The streaks of blue in her hair lay fanned out on the pillow her head rested on. Her large breasts strained against the fabric of her shirt she must have slipped on right before he kidnapped her. Her shapely thighs were still bare from her exposition on the stage and a hint of her sex peaked out from under the hem of the shirt. He licked his lips as he thought about what he wanted to do to her, but it would have to wait.

  He left her sleeping on his bed and headed to the bridge of his ship. The transport of those wanting to go with them should begin in a little while and he was curious to find out how many had come willingly and how many had been forces.

  “What is the census on our new citizens?” He walked up behind the young warrior who was working at the control station in the middle of the bridge.

  “Commander, glad to see you made it back.” The warrior nodded at him. “The first shuttle is due to arrive in approximately in twenty-five minutes. The pilot has reported that he had thirty-seven males on board all of whom came of their own accord.”

  Zol’tsa smiled to himself. “Excellent. I didn’t expect so many volunteers in the first shuttle. How about the other shuttles? Any reports on them yet?” He needed a lot of males in order to replenish his population. He hoped that some females had been willing to come along but if not, he could always request some from the prisons.

  “Nothing on those yet sir. The last report I received was that the shuttles were in the process of arriving at the prisons that are the most overcrowded. I expect them to start reporting in soon.”

  Zol’tsa took a deep breath to ease the funny sensation he felt in the pit of his stomach. For once in his life, he was the one who was in charge of everything. He was the one who would delegate orders from now on, he was the one to be obeyed at all times, and best of all he didn’t have anyone else to report to.

  Ruehar had been a miserable leader to live under. His demanding ways and requests became tiresome and often annoying. Lephus fell into a state of total disrepair under his rule and his people suffered greatly, not that they weren’t suffering now. Ruehar really didn’t give a crap if his people lived or died, which was really sad.

  Zol’tsa was going to be a strict ruler, but at the same time he wanted to bring his people back from the brink of extinction. Even though he was only half Lephusan, he identified the most with his Lephusan roots. His mother and father tried to instill in him the ways of every race, but he had been hard-headed in wanting to learn nothing about any other race expect Lephus. He had made it his life’s goal to bring Lephusans back to a dangerous power and he was starting to do that with the plans he had set forth.

  “Sir, one shuttle has reported in.”

  He turned to give the warrior his undivided attention. “What’s their status?”

  “The pilot reports he has fifty-one males and twenty-one women on board.”

  His chest puffed out in satisfaction. Eighty-eight men and twenty-one women so far! It was an incredible start to his building his own empire.

  Hours later he still sat near the warrior who gave him steady reports on the incoming shuttles. Once all the shuttles had returned he planned on having a group meeting with all the new arrivals. He was ecstatic about the new arrivals but at the same time he wanted to make clear who the leader was and what the punishment would be for those not following his rules.

  “Once they are all off-loaded have they all assemble in the gathering room.” He stood up to leave.

  “Yes, commander.”

  He left the bridge and headed back to his quarters. His new bride had to be awake by now and he was eager to find out her reaction to being onboard his ship.

  Once inside his quarters he found Cherry sitting on his bed with a terrified look on her face.

  “I’m glad you are awake.”

  “Where the fuck am I, asshole?” She jumped up off the bed to confront him.

  He had expected some resistance from her so he tried to keep his clam. “You’re onboard my ship of course!”

  “Your ship? Why the fuck did you bring me here?” She was trying to get all up in his face with her shouting. She even dared to jab him in the chest with one of her long, bony fingers.

  “If you continue to act the way you are acting then I will be forced to restrain you. We don’t want that now do we?” It was a threat and he would follow through with it if need be.

  “What? Are you some kind of fucking lunatic? I insist you take me back home right now!” She jabbed him again with her finger.

  Before she could blink an eye, he held the offending finger in a bone crushing grip. He squeezed the digit until she silenced her offending mouth. “Now, if you are finished. I will explain to you what my plans are. Are you going to shut up and listen?” He added a little more pressure to get his point across. When she snapped her mouth shut with a loud click and nodded her head he let go of her finger. She instantly cradled the throbbing finger in her opposite hand. “Please have a seat on the bed.” He gestured behind her and waited for her to move. For a second, he thought she was going to refuse but gave in finally when she looked down to her injured finger.

  Cherry perched her tall, slim body on the edge of the mattress and waited for him to begin. He had to smile at her even though he knew she was furious. She was going to be one hell of a mate and he looked forward to taming her.

  “I brought you here for one reason and one reason only, to be my mate.” He held up a hand to hush her when she opened her mouth to say something. “I thoroughly enjoyed your display back on Earth and decided I had to have you.” He saw her face visibly pale with his comment. “We will soon be departing Earth and will be on our way to the new world I have selected for us. It’s much better than the planet we just vacated.”

  “Another…another planet. You’re taking me to another planet?” Her eyes bulged out in their sockets.

  “Yes, another planet and you will be my queen,” he stated dryly.

  “But…I don’t want to be your queen or whatever you just said. I just want to go home.” She near to begging him and he liked it!

  “Sorry, that’s not going to happen. You are here now and will remain with me. I can always give you to another one of my men if you wish.” He really wouldn’t, but he thought maybe the threat might change her mind.

  Cherry shook her head as she stared up at him. “Good. You will have an excellent life with me as long as you do what I say and the first thing I want you to do is strip out of that offending piece of fabric. I wish to examine your body much closer. I didn’t get to see all that I wanted to see during your little performance.”

  He closed the distance between them and stood in front of her. Instead of her disrobing she clutched the fabric closer to her body. Yes, she was going to be a handful to tame!

  Chapter 13

  Kharis’ ship neared Nimbus 3. He sent down the request to be allowed to land in the less populated part of the principal city of Nirrow. He didn’t want to make a grand spectacular of his arrival and wanted to keep a low profile.

  “Sir, we have received the necessary clearance to send down a shuttle.”

  Kharis watched the main viewing screen as his ship orbited the orange planet below. He didn’t relish the thought of having to go down to the surface of the infamous planet, but it needed to be done. The dragons would definitely be staying behind but getting Kelly to stay put would be an entirely different story. He knew she was itching to put her law enforcement skills to the task but didn’t want to s
ee her endangered in any way.

  He was about to head down to the shuttle bay when Kelly came flying onto the bridge in a fury.

  “Were you going to leave me behind again?” she shouted up at him.

  Damn, she was a tiny female but so full of fire! “I was planning on it but as I see that you are here now, you might as well come along.”

  “Really?” Her face told him he had stunned her by telling her she was going with him.

  “On one condition.”

  “Anything!” she shrieked as she jumped up and down with a smile now spread across her beautiful face.

  “You must stay next to me at all times, is that clear?” He waited for her response which came in the form of a head full of nods. “I am serious, Kelly. Nimbus 3 is a dangerous place and the only reason why I am allowing you to come along is that I know you will try to follow.”

  “Well, I promise to stay by you.” She said sweetly as she rubbed her breasts against his chest when she moved in to embrace him. “I will behave.”

  “You better. Don’t make me regret taking you. I need to run to our quarters first.”

  The entire way back to their quarters he fought the urge to yank her into his arms. Once safely inside he frowned down at her until he couldn’t resist the look she gave him. Her eyes pleaded with him to be nice while her lips looked moist and inviting. “Gods, female! You are going to be the death of me yet with those looks you give me!” He couldn’t resist her any longer.

  He jerked her body to him and pressed her up against his cock that was straining against his pants. He ran his hands down her back to cup her ass and lift her up until she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  “My, my, my. Are you happy to see me?” Kelly teased as she rubbed her sweet pussy against his engorged cock.

  He could feel her heat through both layers of clothing that blocked their skin to skin contact. “Ummm…I need to bury myself inside your sweet pussy.” He held her up with one hand while his other hand came around to the front to squeeze between them. He cupped her mound in his hand while she continued to grind against him. “That’s it! Clothes off!” His sudden announcement surprised even him when he carried her to the bed in their room and tossed her onto it. His eyes never left hers as they each stripped quickly out of their clothing.

  “I’m not going to last long, my sweet!”

  Kelly was out of her clothes before he was. She spread her legs and held out her arms to him. He wasted no more time in giving her what she wanted as much as he did. He pushed his flight pants off his hips letting his cock spring free from its prison. He moved between her silky thighs, ran a finger through her slit then brought it up to his mouth to taste her honey. “I will never get enough of this.” He sucked off the last bit of moisture from his finger then positioned his cock at the opening of her channel. In one quick forward thrust, he buried his cock all the way to the hilt in her warm, wet pussy. When he hit the end of her channel, he paused for just a moment to give her time to adjust to his size. They may have joined together numerous times since they became mates, but she was still small and he didn’t wasn’t to hurt her.

  “Why are you stopping,” Kelly breathed out huskily. “Move! Now!”

  He smiled down at her and leaned forward to put his hands on the bed. He began to move his hips in long, powerful strokes. His cock slammed back into her pussy time and again which elicited a moan or a gasp of pleasure from his mate. Her pussy gripped his cock tightly each time he went to withdraw desperately trying to pull him back inside. Just like he had told, he could feel his release quickly building, but he wanted to wait until Kelly was at her own breaking point before he released his seed deep inside her.

  When he thought he wasn’t going to be able to hang on much longer he felt the first tremors of Kelly’s orgasm rip through her. Her pussy clamped down on his cock so hard it sent him over the edge head first into his own orgasm.

  “Kharis!” Kelly called out. Her finger nails dug into his biceps as she rode out the waves that crashed over both of them. It was one of the most powerful releases he had ever had and it took him so time to recover from it. He flopped down on top of her mindful not to crush her with his weight.

  “Don’t you like we’re going to be late?”

  “What?” he asked confused. His breathing was still fast and uneven. It took him a minute to remember about them going down to the surface of Nimbus 3. He lifted his upper body off hers and looked down at her. He couldn’t help but smile at the look of satisfaction written all over her face. “Yes, I think we should be going. We got…umm…a little distracted!” He pulled out of her and felt the coolness of the air in the room on his cock.

  Kelly laughed. “I would have to agree. But it was a good distraction!” She sat up on the edge of the bed and started to pull her clothes back on. “Are the dragons coming with us?”

  “No,” he said as he too pulled on his shed clothing. “It’s too dangerous for them. Too many would love to get their hands on a dragon.”

  “Oh, okay.” She stood up to retrieve her shoes. “By the way, what did we come back here for? Did you forget something?” His half smirk told her all she needed to know. “Oh man, you’re bad!”

  The smile she gave him melted his heart. He thanked the gods and goddess everyday now for allowing him to have such a beautiful, loving mate. Everytime he looked at her, it was still hard to believe that she was really his. The first time he saw her when Etor rescued Maggie and her friends he knew that she was destined to be his. It had taken him a long time to find his true mate and with the help of the gods he did! He would protect her and care for her every day for the rest of his life, hopefully, they would have a very long life together.

  “Come, we need to go.” He held out his hand to her.

  Hand in hand they walked to the shuttle bay where a shuttle was waiting for them. Kelly entered first and took up the seat behind his and strapped herself in. He slipped into the pilot’s chair to check all the gauges before moving the shuttle into a position to disembark.

  A voice came of the speakers in the shuttle, “Commander, you are clear for takeoff.”

  “Thank-you. Here we go.”

  The shuttle lifted off the bay floor and slowly crept to the exit of the ship. The blackness of space was visible through the opening as they drew nearer. A bubble around the ship’s shuttle bay doors prevented everything in the bay from being sucked out into the emptiness of space. The bubble would encase a shuttle as it entered or left the bay through the main bubble that protected the opening. When the shuttle was safely on the outside or inside the bubble would so call “pop” in order to release the craft, sending it on its way.

  “How long will it take us to reach the surface?” Kelly asked from behind him.

  “About twenty minutes at the most. We’ll be landing on a less used landing pad. I want to keep a low profile.”

  The shuttle continued on its current path. The descent became a bit bumpy as they entered the outer atmosphere but soon smoothed out as it sped towards the surface. Gray clouds zipped by outside the front window only to eventually fade away to reveal a dingy dark planet with a rundown looking town coming into view.

  “Shuttle one, you are cleared for landing,” a disembodied voice said.

  “Thank-you, Nimbus 3.” Kharis slowed the shuttle as the landing pad came into clear view through the front window. He landed the shuttle without any trouble then powered it down. He unstrapped himself and stood up next to his seat looking at Kelly. “Remember what I said, Kelly. You must stay by me.”

  Kelly followed suit and unstrapped herself. She stood up in front of him and craned her neck back to look up at him. “I know, I know.”

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  Outside the shuttle, a dust storm was taking shape. The air was filled with fine dust that had been kicked up into the hot air making it harder to breath. The wind blew the air around in small bursts causing the dust to pelt exposed skin.

  “Is it al
ways like this,” Kelly asked as she trotted alongside him.

  “No, but it’s not as bad as some storms can get. There're been times when everything was shut down for days at a time. Doesn’t seem to affect the people who live here too much though. It must be a minor storm since we were still able to land.” They walked in the direction of the central part of town. There was a bar there he wanted to check out first and see if anyone knew anything about Zol’tsa.

  The group meandered its way through the streets until the bar came into view. From the outside, it didn’t appear to be busy.


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