Shielder — A new Science Fiction Romance (Book 1, Shielder Series)

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Shielder — A new Science Fiction Romance (Book 1, Shielder Series) Page 8

by Catherine Spangler

  She forced her stiff leg to move and walked around the second building. As she cleared the structure, she caught sight of a woman sitting on the steps of the third building. Hunched over a mug clasped in her hands, the woman stared pensively toward the sunrise. Coppery waves of hair masked most of her face and cascaded down her back. She appeared oblivious to Nessa, who moved forward cautiously, stopping near the steps.

  Sensing her presence, the woman stiffened, swinging her head around. Nessa stared into beautiful, surprised amber eyes. The mug slipped from the woman's hands, falling with a thud to the sand.

  "Oh, my, you startled me." She rose gracefully, flipping her hair over her shoulders. "I wasn't expecting anyone this early and I'm afraid you've caught me unprepared. I'm not open yet, actually. I rarely have customers before midday." Her voice was low and melodic. Tall and slender, she wore a lightweight gold jumpsuit that emphasized her lithe body.

  Nessa had never seen anyone so beautiful and for a brief moment, she could only stare. But the urgency of her situation soon pushed to the forefront. "Excuse me, but do you know where I can hire a transport?"

  The woman studied Nessa, taking in her ragged tunic. "A transport? How on Alta did you get here if you don't have a ship?" She came down the steps. "You're just a child. Are you fleeing from someone who brought you here?" She turned to scan the area, then looked at Nessa again. "Who are you?"

  Relief at finding someone who might be able to help surged through Nessa. "My name is Nessa Ranul, and I need to find transport to Zirak. Do you know anyone who would take me?"

  The woman let her breath out in a sigh. "Not anyone who could be trusted. Are you in some sort of trouble?" She laughed musically, shaking her head. "What am I saying? Anyone who comes to this abyss is either in trouble or the cause of it." Taking Nessa's arm, she turned her toward the steps. "And from the looks of it, you've got a problem. Come inside, and I'll get you some tea."

  Disheartened, Nessa followed her up the steps. The woman had to be wrong; surely someone here could help her. The sight that greeted her stopped her dead in her tracks. The room they stepped into was large and surprisingly light and airy, considering the grimness of the settlement outside.

  Early day sunshine filtered in from high skylights, illuminating shelves upon shelves filled with all kinds of merchandise. Fabrics, jewelry, scented oils, crystal, clothing, boots, holograms, computer disks, even live plants, lined the walls. Nessa had never seen such a variety and quantity of goods. The enticing aroma of incense drifted through the air, while soft music filled the room.

  Her hostess nudged her gently toward the back of the room. "Come on. I have a little alcove in the corner." She led Nessa through a wall of crystal bead strands into an area with a table and chairs and a small solar stove. "Have a seat."

  She put water on to boil and pulled two mugs from a cabinet decorated with inlaid crystal and lavender stone, chatting all the while. "I don't often have company, so I'm afraid I don't have much to offer you. But I do have some wonderful caroba from Elysia. The brutes around here wouldn't even begin to appreciate it. Now, where did I put that? Ah, here it is."

  Half listening, Nessa kept looking back at the main room, still amazed at the amount of goods. The woman set two mugs of tea and a plate of caroba on the table and slid into the opposite chair. "You're very quiet, aren't you?"

  Nessa dragged her attention back to her hostess. "I'm sorry. That room…so many wonderful things."

  The woman smiled. "Yes, it is pretty amazing, isn't it? Even on this dismal planet, people have gold and they're willing to spend it. My mercantile is the only place that provides goods other than the usual alcohol, drugs, space rations, weapons, or ship parts. It's surprising, but even the crudest criminal will buy rare and beautiful items."

  She waved a slender hand toward the main chamber. "Saija silk from Verante, Calpernian crystal, Vilana gemstones. You name it, I have it. And they pay dearly for it. By the way, my name is Moriah. Pleased to meet you, Nessa." She extended her hand.

  Hesitantly, Nessa offered her hand in return, unused to this common courtesy. Moriah squeezed her hand warmly before releasing it. Leaning back in her seat, she sipped her tea, eyeing Nessa thoughtfully. "Now that the formalities are out of the way, why don't you tell me how you got here and why you need a transport."

  Nessa plunged into her story. "I'm a pilgrim of Shara. I was traveling to Zirak for the Festival of the Eclipse, when my ship broke down. A shadower rescued me, but he refuses to take me to a star base so I can get transport to Zirak."

  Moriah's golden eyes widened. "You've been traveling around the quadrant with a shadower? You poor thing! It's no wonder you want to get away."

  Nessa breathed a sigh of relief. Moriah understood her predicament and hopefully would help her.

  Her hostess poured more tea into their cups. "How long have you been with this shadower?"

  "About seven ship cycles. I must get away from him. If I don't get to Zirak soon, I'll miss the eclipse."

  Moriah studied her closely. "Nessa, has this man hurt you in any way?"

  Quite the opposite, in fact, Nessa thought. Chase had treated her seizures and insisted she eat well. He certainly hadn't acted in any manner she would have expected from a shadower. She shook her head. "No."

  Concern etched Moriah's lovely features. "I know what most shadowers are like. You can tell me the truth, Nessa. I'll help you if I can. Has the man forced you to do anything against your will?"

  Nessa had no idea what she meant. "I'm not sure."

  Moriah leaned forward, placing her hand over Nessa's. "Goodness, but you might be as innocent as you seem. Let me rephrase the question. Has he tried to mate with you?"

  A heated flush spread across Nessa's face as she remembered Chase's kisses, his hand on her breast. "Well…not really. I mean, we haven't mated."

  "That's a relief."

  "He did kiss me." Now why had she blurted that out? Uncomfortable with the discussion, Nessa looked away from her hostess. She had no reason to mention the kissing; she couldn't imagine Chase ever wanting to repeat the experience. "But it probably won't happen again."

  "What makes you think that?"

  Nessa fingered her tattered tunic. "Just look at me. No man is going to want me."

  Moriah squeezed her hand. "Why in the universe not?"

  Why not indeed? Nessa fought back her despair. Wasn't it obvious? "I'm not only unattractive, but I have physical defects as well."

  "You mean your limp?" Moriah scoffed. "That's nothing. Listen, Nessa, beauty isn't just a surface commodity. Looks can be bought. A good heart can't."

  Nessa didn't bother to reveal the fact she also had seizures. Nothing Moriah said could change the truth. She'd been told often enough by her own people how undesirable she was.

  "This is very interesting," Moriah mused. "A shadower has spent seven cycles alone with you, and he's only kissed you. At least he's not a rapist, which is good thing. Maybe his preferences veer away from females."

  She leaned toward Nessa. "Who is this man?"

  A chime sounded before Nessa could reply. "A customer at this hour?" Moriah stood and hurriedly gathered her hair and began winding it into a bun. "I always keep my hair up and wear a loose robe when I'm doing business, especially with these space scum. It keeps things more professional, and I certainly don't want to give them any ideas, if you know what I mean."

  Nessa looked at her blankly, and she paused. "No, I guess you don't. Seven cycles with a shadower, and you're still innocent. Amazing."

  Nessa watched, fascinated, as her hostess deftly tucked her glorious hair into a severe knot.

  "Moriah? Where are you?" a familiar voice called out, and heavy footsteps approached the alcove.

  Nessa's breath caught, the well-known sensation signaling another Shielder's presence jolting through her. She rose from her chair as Sabin came through the crystal beads separating the alcove from the mercantile.

  He halted when he saw her. "W
hat are you doing here?" he growled and strode toward her.

  She grabbed the chair for support as her leg threatened to give out. Would she ever get away from this man? "Why aren't you with Chase?" she asked.

  "Why aren't you on the ship, where you belong?" he shot back.

  "Wait just a minute here!" Moriah interjected. Her eyes narrow with suspicion, she marched over to Sabin and jabbed him in the chest. "How do you know Nessa? Do you know the son of an Antek who's dragging this poor girl all over the quadrant instead of taking her where she needs to go? If you do—"

  "Mori, Mori!" Sabin took the hand stabbing him and lifted it to his lips. "I travel light years through the quadrant to reach you and all I get for my efforts are harsh words. Aren't you glad to see me?" He kissed her hand.

  She pulled free. "No. Especially if you're in cahoots with the shadower mistreating Nessa. I want to know what's going on."

  "I had nothing to do with this, Mori. She's traveling with McKnight."

  "Chase?" Moriah looked incredulously from Sabin to Nessa. "Is that true, Nessa?"

  Nessa nodded, and Moriah seemed truly taken aback. "Chase McKnight. That explains a lot of things…I think." She tapped her cheek thoughtfully. "But he kissed you…."

  "He kissed her?" Sabin scowled at Nessa. "Why, you little gold digger— Ouch!" he yelped, as Moriah punched him in the chest.

  "This is not Nessa's doing. Chase is to blame here," she said. "Not only has he kept her on his ship against her will, but he refuses to take her to Zirak. He needs to be put in his place."

  "And you're just the person to do it, Mori." Sabin rubbed his chest. "So stop taking it out on me, sweetheart. You love me, remember?"

  Moriah sniffed. "Sometimes."

  "Come on," Sabin wheedled, pulling her against him. "You're happy to see me. Admit it."

  She didn't offer much resistance. "Not really."

  Nessa watched them with interest. She sensed an underlying tension between the two that really had nothing to do with their conversation. The tension didn't seem to be anger or enmity. More like the odd energy she experienced around Chase, similar to the sensations that left her breathless and her heart racing.

  "Well, then maybe I'll just have to change your mind," Sabin said huskily.

  He lowered his head, but Moriah turned her face. "We have an audience."

  His accusing gaze shot to Nessa. "So we do." Heaving a sigh, he released Moriah. "Have you got anything for me?" he asked, his voice lower, more serious now.

  "Yes. The merchandise arrived two days ago. I'll get it for you." She slipped through an entry at the rear of the alcove, leaving Nessa alone with Sabin.

  He turned his attention on her. "Just what do you think you're doing, leaving the ship and wandering around Calt by yourself? Stars, this hellhole is dangerous for an armed man, much less a lone woman. Chase needs to lock you up."

  "Chase needs to honor his word," Nessa retorted fiercely. "He promised to get me to a transport, but shows no signs of doing so. I have to get to Zirak soon."

  "What's your hurry? And don't give me that song and dance about the eclipse and the shrine of Shara. I've never known a Shielder to be a cult member."

  Not giving her a chance to reply, Sabin activated the comlink on his wrist. "Hey, old man. I've got Nessa with me. Found her at Moriah's."

  Nessa stood too far away to hear Chase's response, but she could well imagine what he might have to say about her leaving the ship against orders.

  Sabin shook his head. "I have no idea. She was just sitting at Moriah's table, drinking tea like they were old friends." He listened a moment. "Okay. We'll meet you outside of Mori's in five minutes."

  He punched off the com. The look he gave Nessa appeared sympathetic, but she knew better. "I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when Chase gets here. He's not very happy with you right now."

  "I'm not very happy with him, either," she replied with a bravado she didn't feel. Now she probably would spend the remainder of the trip in the brig.

  Moriah returned just then and Sabin moved to the end of the alcove with her. She handed him a small package and they talked in low voices.

  Wondering if she might be able to give Sabin the slip, Nessa sidled through the beads into the main chamber, and headed toward the entry.

  "Don't even think about it," Sabin called after her. "Stay right there. Chase will be here in just a minute."

  She sighed, realizing she could not elude Sabin and Chase when she didn't even know where to look for transport. Somehow, she didn't think Moriah would offer a haven from the two. She'd have to fall back on her computer program and see if she could access Chase's ship operations.

  Resigned, she turned her attention to the vast array of goods in the mercantile. The brightly colored clothing interested her the most. A Saija silk robe in a deep russet color caught her eye. She couldn't help but stroke the whispery fabric. She'd never felt anything so soft.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?" Moriah spoke quietly from behind her.

  Nessa drew back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have touched it. I've never seen anything so fine."

  "Saija silk is meant to be touched. No harm done." Smiling gently, Moriah patted her shoulder. "Nessa, you really need to go with Chase. He's one of the few shadowers who can be trusted to get you safely to your destination."

  That might be true, Nessa thought, if she wasn't a Shielder. But if Chase discovered that fact, her days would be numbered. Prisoners in a Controller holding facility had short life spans indeed. And if she didn't get to Santerra within the next few weeks, her life was over anyway. No, she couldn't depend on Chase for anything. She'd have to find another way, although for now, she had no choice.

  She gave the robe one last glance and turned back. "Thank you for the tea and the caroba, Moriah."

  "Any time, little friend." Moriah offered her hand once more. "Good luck. I hope you make it to your eclipse and that your goddess smiles upon you."

  Sabin grunted and rolled his eyes. "Fat chance." He hugged Moriah, holding her close a long moment. "I don't know how long I'll be. We'll be stirring up the riffraff out there, so there might be some laser action. You be careful, Mori. Stay inside and don't take any unnecessary chances, you understand?"

  "You worry too much, shadower. I can take care of myself."

  "Be careful," Sabin repeated, his hands lingering on her hips as he released her. "Later."

  "Promises, promises. Bye, Nessa."

  Moriah watched Sabin and Nessa leave. They stepped out into the lifeless surroundings that seemed even bleaker after being inside Moriah's wonderful store. The dusty thoroughfare remained deserted. Obviously, the inhabitants of Calt were late risers.

  Sabin glanced around. "Where is McKnight? I guess we'll meet him halfway." Taking Nessa's arm firmly, he marched her toward the landing strip. The sun rode higher now, raising the temperature to almost unbearable limits with its ascent. The wavering heat waves created distorted images of the hodgepodge of ships. Struggling to keep up with him, she drew in a searing breath.

  "Damn fool thing to do," Sabin muttered, pulling her along without any regard for her leg. "For a Shielder, you don't show much intelligence. I should just leave you alone out here and let the riffraff finish you off. I don't have time to play protector to a crippled runt."

  His words hit home with stinging accuracy. Nessa jerked back. "Why don't you just leave me, then? I'd rather deal with known criminals than a traitor."

  He swung around, grabbing her shoulders in a punishing grip. "Don't tempt me. If you were my responsibility, I'd have washed my hands of you long before now." He glanced up. "There's Chase."

  Chase strode toward them, his rapid stride eating up the distance. He had on his helmet, with the visor up. Sabin gripped Nessa's arm as if afraid she might try to flee. The thought had definite appeal as Chase approached. He must be furious with her, yet his expression was cold.

  He stopped beside them, hardly sparing her a glance. "Thanks for holding her, Travers
. Did you make arrangements?"

  "Yeah. Meet me at Giza's in thirty minutes. Thorne will be there by then. It should be safe enough. It's way too early for most of the space scum to be up and about."

  "All right." Chase took her arm. "I'll take Nessa back to the ship, then meet you there. Be very careful."

  Sabin looked offended. "I always am. It's the older ones I worry about. You be careful, old man."

  Chase snorted. "You don't know Dansan like I do. Believe me, age and experience help when dealing with that criminal. I repeat, be careful."

  "I will." Sabin headed back into the settlement.

  Without another word, Chase turned toward the landing strip. He also walked rapidly, without regard for Nessa's awkward gait. Determined not to complain, she stumbled along beside him.

  They had passed one building when he halted. Nessa looked to where his attention was focused, but she could see nothing except a cloud of dust.

  "Someone's coming," he hissed in a low voice. "Quick! We have to get out of sight." He half dragged, half carried her back to the building they'd just passed and hauled her around the corner.

  He squatted down, pulling her with him. "Stay close to the building," he whispered, then crawled forward to peer around the corner. He drew back quickly. "That's Brutus, one of Dansan's henchmen. What in the Abyss is he up to? Don't make a sound."

  He pressed flat against the wall, forcing Nessa to do the same. He slipped the rifle off his shoulder. She could see the cloud of sand signaling the approaching being. The involuntary gasp that escaped her when Brutus walked past would have given them away if Chase hadn't clamped his hand over her mouth. She couldn't help herself. It was an Antek! Hulking and ominous, he lumbered by, unaware of their presence.

  Chase leaned close to her ear. "Not another sound until I say," he whispered. Nessa nodded. Releasing her, he scooted to the corner and peeked around. "By the fires! He's headed for Giza's."

  He sank back against the wall, glaring at her. "From now on, try to control yourself, before you get us killed. One more screwup like that and I'll gag you."


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