Far from Blind

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Far from Blind Page 4

by S. J. Maylee

  “When?” She smiled ear to ear.

  “Wednesday, six o’clock.”

  “I’ll be there.” She tugged on his tie. “So glad it’s only a couple days away.”

  “I’ll pick you up at five forty-five.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” When she caught his raised eyebrow, she added, “Or you could pick me up. You can get me from work.”

  “I’d rather you leave work on time and I’ll pick you up from home.”

  “You don’t need to go all the way up to my place.” She didn’t need him getting a good look at her neighborhood. Hell, she didn’t like looking at it either.

  “That’s not an option. I’ll pick you up from home.” He grabbed her ass and she tensed as the fire in her skin reignited. “Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She remained frozen while he rubbed over her skin.

  “Very good.” He reached around her ass to brush over her panty-covered slit and then slipped past the edge of the fabric. “You’re nice and wet.” He dipped into her channel, making her moan. “I’ve ached to taste you again, Candy.” He brought his fingers to his mouth and she stopped him.

  “Do you need to get back to work?”

  “Yes, unfortunately.” He leaned his forehead against hers.

  She drew his fingers to her lips and she licked him clean. The tangy sweet cream coated her tongue. “We both have something to look forward to now.”

  Chapter Five

  Wednesday evening, Candy paced the sidewalk outside her brownstone. Any minute Brad would arrive and take her to Charlie’s where any number of things could happen. Most likely they’d all see there wasn’t a match between them and all of this had been some kind of mistake. Her fantasy of Brad actually wanting her would die its final death. The ripe smell of rotting garbage did nothing to improve her mood. She tripped over a crack in the sidewalk.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Oh.” She turned and found Brad getting out of a cab. “I’m fine.” She walked toward him and attempted to skirt around him and get into the cab, but he stopped her by grabbing her arm. “Hello.”

  “Right.” She let her head fall back so she could look up at him. “Sorry. I’m just nervous.” She took a deep breath. “Hi.”

  He let her go and she climbed into the cab. When he got in, he wasn’t sitting next to her. In fact, he couldn’t be much farther away, but he set his hand close to hers. When she placed hers next to his, he grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed.

  “I promised Charlie I’d keep my hands off.” He tightened his hold. “Now that I’ve finally touched you, I’m having a hard time keeping my vow.”

  “Really?” She focused on a stain on the back of the driver’s seat. “That makes it sound like you’ve considered me before our blind date.” She would know if he’d been interested. After all, she’d been infatuated with him since the first day he walked into the office. “The only thing I’ve ever seen you interested in is my boss. You don’t have to pretend like you were interested to save my feelings.”

  “Huh.” He cocked his head to the side. “Charlie warned me about you, but I didn’t believe her.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Feeling a little out of the loop?” He turned toward her. “I can see I’m going to need to keep a close eye on you.”

  They rode the rest of the way in silence. Brad kept a hold of her hand, only letting go after he helped her out of the car. As they walked up the steps to Charlie’s B&B, his hand rested on the small of her back. The moment was too perfect. Her life was never this perfect. Her heart rate kicked up a notch. Something was about to go wrong.

  Brad opened the front door and they walked in, past the perfect living room and into the heart of Charlie’s home, the kitchen. The space was grand and welcoming, but it was the huge kitchen table she loved most. The table she grew up with had just enough space for her and her mom, which was fine since they had no one else. Charlie’s table held the promise of many friends. She’d seen it plenty of times.

  For the last few months, she’d spent every Sunday here surrounded by female members of Club Voyage. Their friendship and advice had created a safe haven for Candy. In many ways, she’d found a family here. Ivy had set the foundation, but every woman who’d sat at the table had brought the feeling alive. At this table, they could talk about anything. No one judged the decisions or told anyone they were unsuited for their dreams. It was the safest place she’d ever known.

  She looked between Mistress Charlie and Brad. The same sense of foundation was nowhere to be found. She didn’t see a future when she thought of Brad. She could practically predict how she’d disappoint him.

  She took a step back and bumped into the island, knocking over a bowl of oranges.

  “I’m so sorry.” She scrambled after the rolling fruit.

  “That’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I’d planned on smooshing them on the juicer later.”

  Candy crawled on her hands and knees after the last one. It whirled across the floor and bumped into Brad’s shoe.

  He bent down and picked it up. Instead of giving it to her, he offered her his hand.

  The image captured why she’d always known it would never work between them. He was the gentleman, perfect in every way. Here she was on the floor, picking up after the mess she couldn’t help but create. No matter how hard she worked to stand up straight, she continued to make a mess of things and Brad in all his perfectness only reminded her of that.

  Tears filled her vision. For so long, he was all she could see, he was all she wanted. She still wanted him.

  He helped her to stand and then he placed the orange on top of the basket she’d refilled, but he didn’t let go of her hand.

  “See what I mean, Mistress.” He squeezed her hand. “She wakes up every room she’s in.” His deep blue eyes were trained directly on her. She felt like she was on stage, the center of attention. A weird sensation floated around her.

  “Agreed. It’s endearing.” Charlie sat at the head of her table. “The whole dynamic of my brunch was different this week since she wasn’t here.”

  “I’m sorry.” They were talking around her and it should have bugged the crap out of her, but she was the one who’d set those wheels in motion when she decided to no show last Sunday.

  Brad led her to the table and together they sat.

  “I’m so glad you’re giving this match another chance, Candy.” Mistress Charlie reached out and rubbed the top of Candy’s hand. “We haven’t had many of these blind dates yet, but the success rate is much higher when the couples have a counseling session afterward.”

  “It’s just that I know him.”

  Brad rubbed his forehead. “I wasn’t what you wanted.”

  “That’s not true,” Mistress Charlie offered. “Several things went into my matching the two of you together, but I was hesitant for the same reasons why the two of you haven’t been able to make a go of things on your own.

  “On our own. Ha. I’m not even on his radar.”

  “That’s not true,” Mistress Charlie said again. “You’re both so concentrated on what the other doesn’t want that you miss what’s happening right in front of you.”

  “But I’ve followed what you told me several weeks ago. I’ve been looking for a sign. Anything to tell me he was interested and, believe you me, I’ve been looking. Nothing. Not one single hint of interest.” She remembered something else the Mistress and Ivy were always reminding her of. She needed to be proud of herself and all her accomplishments. If Brad couldn’t see all she could offer, it was his loss. “He sure as hell has noticed Ivy’s new skirt and just last week her new shoes.”

  “It’s wasn’t Ivy’s shoes that were new.”

  “What?” She narrowed her gaze. What kind of game was he playing?

  “It wasn’t—” He shook his head and chuckled. “You’re right, Mistress. She is blind. Hell, we’ve both been blind.”

  “Oh, the language.” Candy
sat straighter. “I can see just fine, fella. It seems I’m incapable of picking the right guy for me though.” All she could pick were noncommittal losers or men who were too good for her.

  “You picked fabulously this time, Candice. And Brad has found the right woman for him.” Mistress Charlie sat back in her chair. “Now, face each other, observe and listen.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” they said in unison.

  Brad turned toward Candy and she shifted to face him as well.

  “Candice, I’m sure you recognized your surroundings in the observation room last Saturday night,” Mistress Charlie said.

  “I did.” She twisted the simple band she wore on her right ring finger.

  “Keep going. Remember what I’ve told you before about holding back.”

  “Okay.” This was it. This was the moment she’d been dreading. “Do I really need to go first?”


  “Sorry, Mistress.” She turned further toward him and also put more space between them. “It wasn’t your fantasy, Bradley. It was mine.” She focused on his mouth which softened. Damn, it was kissable. Her thoughts flew back to their blind date. His lips were soft and strong. She wanted to feel them again, feel them tasting her whole body again.

  “A conference room?” he said.

  “Yes, it’s a place where I often help Ivy close our deals.” She gazed at her ring. “A place where I imagine you to be well respected.”

  He tapped his finger under her chin and after she raised her gaze back to his said, “You thought of me when describing your fantasy room?” His gaze intensified. It felt like he’d removed all the space between them, but he hadn’t moved.

  “Yes.” She’d expected her heart rate to be fast and uncontrolled, but she’d never felt calmer. “I imagine you’re in complete control in a room like that and your focus is on one thing.”

  “Did you imagine yourself as the focus of my attention?” His touch shifted around to her nape. He held her still.

  “Most definitely.” Her pussy warmed at the thought. His clear domination over their conversation woke her deepest fantasy.

  He held her close. “Then explain your behavior last Saturday night.”

  “I, well, I never imagined you to be there, that you were the one with me in the room.”

  “I see.” He let her go and moved away from her. “I don’t think I’m getting the whole story here.”

  “I agree.” Mistress Charlie’s voice cut through the kitchen.

  “I answered his questions.”

  “And offered minimal insight. Keeping him out won’t help either of you.” The Mistress retied the laces on her boot. “What did the sign in that room say, Candice?”

  She took a deep breath. “It said, you’ve got what it takes.” The night flashed through her thoughts. It had been magical until she found Brad in the observation room. It should have thrilled her to know it had been his hands, his mouth that had brought her pleasure. But he hadn’t known it had been her. If he had, the night surely would have gone differently.

  “Very good. What else did it say?”

  “It will take everything you’ve got.” Sweat beaded at her hairline. She fought the urge to swipe it.

  “What’s the first thing I’ve always told you about being a submissive?”

  “I can’t hide.”

  “Then why are you hiding now?” Brad said as he brushed the heat from her brow.

  “I’m not.” She stood and walked to the back window. “The truth is, I never imagined you to actually be there, but I wanted you to be there. I wanted you to be there so very badly.”

  The Mistress had a small yet exquisite backyard. Everything had a place, even she had her place. It broke her heart that she couldn’t imagine it next to the man who had captured her heart.

  “Aren’t you even curious to what my fantasy room looks like?” Brad said behind her.

  “I can only imagine.” It would look nothing like a room she’d ever occupied.

  “Maybe you’ll have better luck with her upstairs, Brad.” Mistress Charlie stood and walked to her fridge. “The second room on the left is set up like the room Brad described in his fantasy. I think you’ll be pleased at the level of detail.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.” Brad got up and walked in the direction of the stairs.

  “I even have your most recent purchase in the room. You’re right. It is lovely.” Mistress Charlie washed the apple she’d plucked from the refrigerator. “I suggest you get a move on, Candice. Oh and Brad…”

  He stopped at the doorway.

  “If she continues to hold back, I recommend warming her backside.”

  “Hey.” Candice turned to the Mistress and cocked her head.

  “I’ve warned you your behavior would get you into trouble with your Dom.”

  “I haven’t found my Dom.”

  She smirked. “I’ll talk to you in the morning. Get moving. I wouldn’t make him wait.”

  When Candice turned around she found Brad had already left.

  Chapter Six

  Candy ran up the stairs and found Brad standing outside the second door on the left. She slowed her movement as she got closer and stopped when she was a few feet away.

  “Do you think I’m going to bite?” Brad smirked at her.

  “No.” She twisted the ring around her finger once more. “I do think you’re going to break my heart.”


  “How so?”

  “It would mean you’re planning on giving me your heart.” He waited a beat before adding, “No quick comeback. Interesting.” He held out his hand. “Come on in. I want to know what you think about the room that holds my fantasy.”

  She pushed back her shoulders and walked past him into the room or rather into the lobby of Reed & Company. “Is that my desk?” She squeezed her eyes closed and opened them wide. “That is my desk and those are our guest chairs?”

  “It should at least look similar.” He stopped right behind her. “The Mistress sure did capture the room’s likeness.”

  “When the Mistress called me a couple weeks ago asking for the make and model, I assumed she was remodeling again, not recreating our lobby.” She turned to face him. “I don’t get it.”

  “What’s not to get?” He stared deep into her eyes and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “You are my fantasy.” He pulled her to him and leaned in for what she imagined would be an intoxicating kiss.

  Candy stopped him, pushing gently on his chest. “But you hardly ever even look at me.”

  “On the contrary, I look at you as often as I get a chance, which I can tell you is a great deal of time when I’m standing in your lobby because you, my dear, keep your focus on the computer or your phone or anything but me. I’d convinced myself I had nothing to keep your interest.”

  “Me, not interested? That couldn’t be farther from the truth.” She licked her lips.

  “Why did you never look at me for more than a fleeting glance?” He brushed his lips over hers.

  “Because then you’d know.” She rose up on her tippy toes. “You like me?”

  “Honey, I more than like you. I plan on proving it to you this evening.” He squeezed her ass, picking her up and carrying her to her desk. “But first you need to tell me what I’d know if you looked at me.”

  “Wow, okay.” She tried to make sense of what he’d just told her. Nervous butterflies filled her belly. “You’d know how much I’d wanted you. You’d know I wanted nothing more than to be yours. You’d know…” She closed her eyes.

  “If you’d looked at me, you’d surely be able to see how much I fucking want you.” He pressed her palms to his rock hard cock. “Now, keep talking. I’m hoping there are more than a few dirty thoughts in that delicious mind of yours.”

  “I don’t know.” She shook her head back and forth. “I don’t know what you’d think of me.”

  “Candy.” He ripped her blouse open and yanked up her skirt, exposing her n
aked pussy. “I’ve already tasted your sweet honey on my tongue. I can assure you my thoughts are naughtier. Hell, I’ve envisioned practicing every scene in the manual with you.”

  “Every scene?” The scent of her arousal filled the room.

  “Every dirty one.” He dragged his touch through her folds and then deep inside.

  “Oh, Sir.” She leaned back and spread her thighs wide.

  “There will be no more hiding, not from me.” He stepped back. “Damn you’re beautiful.”

  She drew her knees together.

  He slapped her inner thigh. “Don’t you dare close yourself off, not anymore.”

  “Sorry, Sir.” She blushed from head to toe and spread her thighs.

  “Very good.” He nipped at her knee. “Now, tell me what you envisioned me doing to you? Keep in mind, I may just make the fantasies come to life.”

  “This is too good to be true.” Her liquid heat slipped from her and caressed her inner thigh.

  He leaned over and licked the spot. “Tell me.”

  “I imagined you coming into our office and ordering me to expose myself, just like this.” She pushed out her breasts.

  “What would happen next?” The bulge in his slacks begged for her attention.

  “You’d fuck me over and over, Sir.”

  “Good, girl.” He pulled his shirt over his head. “Do it. Remove everything. I want you naked as I had you last Saturday. But this time I’m going to drink you in. Every gorgeous inch.”

  “Can I see you, Sir?” She took off what was left of her shirt and bra and shimmied out of her skirt.

  “Yes, my sweet.” He kicked off his shoes and unlatched his belt. “I hesitated from approaching you. I won’t make that mistake again. I’m just as much yours now as you are mine. And you are all mine.”

  The declaration in his gravely tone made her melt. She was living a dream. Once she’d bared all, she got back up on her desk and spread her knees wide. She belonged to him. Peace and need settled heavy in her belly. If she thought she needed him before it was nothing like in that moment. His long, lean frame was glorious. Strength radiated from him.


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