The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction

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The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction Page 2

by Cara Albany

  Then, slowly, the man reached up a powerful hand and pulled the covering slowly, almost casually, away from his face.

  This time it was Amber's turn to gasp. It couldn't be, she told herself. She took an involuntary step backwards. Her fingers tightened around the handle of her suitcase.

  Monica turned to Amber. "May I present Sheikh Sayid Al Kharif."

  Amber felt her face flush with heat as she gazed at the unforgettable features of the sheikh.

  At the man she had walked out on barely one year ago.


  "Sheikh Sayid," Amber said hesitantly. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

  His features darkened and he tilted his head slightly, as if he had been surprised by Amber's reaction to seeing him again. Because it was him. Somehow, inexplicably, Sayid was standing right in front of her again. And he looked every bit as amazing as she remembered.

  His tall figure seemed to tower over Amber. His even features were sharper than she recalled. His skin was darkened by the sun. His jet-black hair tumbled down to his shoulders. His brows were furrowed into deep ridges. There was that familiar cruel twist of his lips at the corner of his mouth, she observed. The full lips which had driven her to heights of pleasure. The mouth which had whispered passionate words to her during long, passionate nights.

  She was sure he was trying to work out what to say. He seemed momentarily speechless.

  Then he bowed, deeply and slowly. It was a primitive, almost courtly gesture. Amber glanced at Monica and saw her new boss smile right back at her.

  Sayid rose again to his full height and smiled at Amber. She felt warm sensation curl in her middle. Very familiar sensation she knew would soon become even warmer.

  Monica spoke: "Sheikh Sayid. May I introduce our newest employee, Amber Forres. She just arrived from the States."

  "A pleasure and a delight, Miss Forres." Sayid's voice was deep, and seemed to vibrate with barely contained tension. She saw a brow rise mischievously. "Or may I call you Amber?" he added.

  Amber's body quivered as she heard him utter her name. Amber held out a hand, noticing that it was shaking slightly. Sayid glanced at her hand, and then took gentle hold of it.

  Galvanic, sheer electrical sensation coursed through her body as she felt his fingers curl around her hand. The skin of his fingers felt rough, and the pressure of his grasp indicated more than just politeness. She contained the sudden impulse to gasp. She needed to maintain her composure, she told herself.

  Memories of the way he'd once possessed her came flooding back. Images and sensations she'd spent so long trying to forget. She felt a flush of indignation and pulled her hand loose from his.

  "You can call me Amber," she said. "If you like." She tilted her head. "I presume I don't have to call you Sheikh, do I?"

  His eyes narrowed. She saw him consider his next words for a few moments. "Sayid will suffice," he said politely.

  Amber glanced at Monica and then back at Sayid. "I understand you're the person in charge around here," she said glancing in the direction of the town.

  "This is a large operation," he said. "There are many people who have kindly offered their assistance. We are very grateful."

  "But, apparently you're the one we all report to, aren't you?" Amber asked. "Ultimately." Amber glanced at Monica. "Or so I've been led to believe."

  He seemed taken aback by the directness of her statement. He smiled at Monica. "It seems my reputation has preceded me," he said.

  "Reputation?" Amber said defiantly. "What kind of reputation?"

  Once again, Sayid seemed surprised. He stiffened and gazed down at her. She could see he was weighing up his response to her words.

  Had he just expected her to ignore everything they'd been through together? It was bad enough that she had been forced into this pretence immediately upon arriving at the compound. But, did he really think he could play with her like this? Like he'd done so many times before?

  Before he could say anything, Monica spoke: "I think what Amber means is that I explained to her how things are set up here, Sheikh Sayid." Monica squinted at Amber, clearly puzzled by her new employees reaction to meeting Sayid. "How you like to be involved in the relief effort. Very closely involved," Monica concluded diplomatically.

  "I have a great interest in my people," Sayid said.

  "Your people?" Amber asked, trying to contain the incredulous tone in her voice.

  Sayid gazed steadily at Amber. "This is my ancestral home, Amber. Perhaps you did not know that."

  "How would I?" she snapped. "I just got here."

  She knew her tone was harsh, probably too harsh. But, he had gotten under her skin from the moment he had touched her. From the moment she'd set eyes on him again.

  And that realization was just plain annoying, she told herself. How was it possible that he could still have that effect on her? Surely they'd been apart long enough for the feelings to fade.

  Amber saw Monica narrow her eyes at her, as if she was trying to figure out what was going on.

  Sayid smiled patiently. "There is much to be done," he said. He glanced at Monica. "Although great improvements have already been made. I am extremely grateful for the assistance of your non-governmental organization."

  Amber suppressed a smile. The words sounded so odd when spoken in his Qazhar accented English.

  "We're glad to be of help, Sheikh," Monica stated.

  Sayid looked directly at Amber. "In exactly what capacity are you here, Amber?" he asked.

  Amber gazed straight into his eyes. He was doing such a good job at pretending he didn't know her, Amber reflected. She wondered why he hadn't just come straight out and admitted that he and Amber had been previously acquainted.

  So much more than just acquainted, she reminded herself.

  "I'm a Health Advisor," she told him. "The position was offered to me, and I took it."

  Monica nodded and rested a hand on Amber's shoulder. "We're really pleased to get someone with Amber's qualifications. She'll be a great addition to the team."

  Sayid nodded. "I'm sure you have all the expertise we need, Amber." His eyes narrowed and he smiled. "No doubt you possess a rare collection of skills and abilities."

  Amber gazed into Sayid's eyes, trying to judge whether or not he was being sincere. She saw the barest hint of playfulness in his gaze. She was sure Monica wouldn't be able to see it. She didn't know Sayid like Amber did. Amber knew every one of his ways, especially those he used to get people to do what he wanted.

  He was really good at that, she told herself.

  "Why, thank you, Sheikh Sayid," Amber said, trying to control the temptation to add some snark to her tone of voice. She knew how he could manipulate people, whenever he wanted. "I'll do my best to help in any way I can."

  He prepared to say something in reply, but she saw that his attention was seized by a movement behind Monica and Amber.

  The flap entrance to the tent opened suddenly and Yasmina emerged. Amber saw Yasmina halt suddenly.

  "Sheikh Sayid!" Yasmina exclaimed.

  "Yasmina," Sayid replied. "How pleasant to see you. May I say how charming you look today," he said.

  Yasmina's eyes shifted hesitantly. "Thank you, Sheikh," she said sharply.

  Yasmina's face changed color and she glanced from Monica to Amber. "You want to see where you'll be sleeping, I suppose," Yasmina said to Amber.

  "Apparently you and I are sharing," Amber said.

  Yasmina nodded. "Seems like a plan."

  Yasmina glanced again at Sayid. There was a sudden awkwardness between the two of them. It was obvious that the two knew each other quite well, Amber told herself.

  Amber wondered whether there was more than just casual friendship between Yasmina and Sayid. Amber wasn't naive. She knew that Sayid wouldn't have wasted time after their relationship had ended. She'd have been amazed if he hadn't had plenty of women during the past year.

  "You want to come inside?" Yasmina said to Amber.

/>   "Sure," she replied. She glanced at Sayid. "It was lovely to meet you, Sheikh Al Kharif," she said.

  This time he didn't correct her use of his name. Once more, she saw the corner of his mouth curl slightly with the hint of a smile. Had he liked the way she'd used his formal title? Did he think she was showing him some kind of respect by doing that?

  She turned away from him and entered the tent. Yasmina followed Amber into the tent and closed the flap behind them. The interior of the tent was divided by a central partition into two areas, each with a small bed and the basic essentials of a metal cabinet, a small set of drawers, a table and a chair.

  It was spartan, but she knew not to expect anything more than this. After all, this was what relief work really meant. She was far away from any civilization she was used to, so she couldn't expect any luxuries. Not when her job was to relieve the suffering of others.

  Amber pointed to what she presumed to be her area. "Is that for me?"

  Yasmina nodded. Amber made her way to her space and dumped her bag on the single bed.

  She turned to Yasmina. "What was all that about?" she asked.

  "What do you mean?" Yasmina asked, frowning at Amber.

  "How long have you and Sheikh Sayid known each other?"

  Yasmina squinted at Amber. "What are you suggesting?"

  Amber shrugged. "Seems like you two are pretty well acquainted."

  "I've known the Sheikh's family since I was a child," Yasmina explained.

  "That long?"

  Yasmina nodded. "The Al Kharif family is very influential," she said. Yasmina narrowed her eyes. "But, I thought you knew that, already, Amber."

  Amber folder her arms protectively around herself. "How would I know that, Yasmina? I only just got here."

  Yasmina's gaze became suddenly steady. She seemed to be examining Amber carefully.

  For a moment, Amber thought Yasmina was going to say something serious. Then she seemed to have a change of heart. Yasmina waved a hand dismissively. "Of course you did," she said. "I just thought you might have had some kind of background briefing from the NGO. So you know who is important. That kind of stuff."

  "I can see how important Sheikh Al Kharif is around these parts," Amber said.

  Yasmina sighed. "He is quite an influence. You'll get used to seeing him here. He's always around."

  "Really?" Amber asked. She didn't know if that was good news or the worst news imaginable.

  Yasmina nodded. "Never mind him. I suppose you want to get unpacked. And then I can show you around. Maybe we can take a look at what's going on in the town. Give you a chance to see what you're going to be doing while you're here." Yasmina peered at Amber. "However long that is going to be."

  Amber squinted at Yasmina. "What do you mean?"

  "I got the impression from what you said that you've got other things you want to move onto. Other relief work in different parts of the region."

  Amber realized that she must have dropped some hints during her conversation with Yasmina during the drive out to the town. Or maybe it was just that the attractive young Qazhar woman was very perceptive. There was a sharpness about Yasmina which Amber found impressive. She imagined there wouldn't be much that escaped the attention of the clever, young Qazhar woman.

  Amber advanced toward Yasmina. "I'm here. And I've come to do the best job I can, Yasmina. You know that, don't you?"

  Yasmina nodded. Amber couldn't help thinking there was something Yasmina wanted to say to her. Amber thought Yasmina hadn't been entirely convinced by her reassurances. Did she think that Amber was being mercenary by coming here?That somehow the work that needed to be done here wasn't important to Amber? That it was just a useful stepping stone to better things?

  Amber touched Yasmina on the arm. "I promise you I'll give one-hundred percent, Yasmina."

  Yasmina smiled. "I'm sure you will," she said softly.

  Yasmina turned and headed toward the entrance. "I'll see you outside."

  Amber nodded and started to unpack.

  While she did so, she couldn't stop her thoughts from drifting to Sheikh Sayid Al Kharif. She wondered what he was thinking, now that he knew she was here.

  This was going to be awkward, she told herself. Very awkward.

  If Yasmina was right, and the Sheikh was a permanent presence around the town, then Amber knew she wasn't going to be able to avoid him. And she couldn't see him surrendering his authority around here just because one of his former lovers had shown up, out of the blue.


  Sayid wasn't one to hide from a challenge, Amber said to herself. On the contrary, he might well take this as a great opportunity to pick up from where he had left off with Amber.

  Amber wasn't about to let that happen. Especially because he so clearly still had the ability to affect her. The effect of his touch had been instant and uncontrollable.

  She thought about their breakup and sighed. They'd known each other in California. They'd met through a mutual friend at a college conference on natural resource management.

  One thing had led to another and before she'd known what was happening she'd found herself tempted into his bed. Sayid had taken possession of her, claimed her for his own. Their time together had been primal, and he had driven her to unimaginable levels of ecstasy. She'd never known anything like it. Never knew that a man could be like that. But, Sayid was no ordinary man. She'd known it then. And had given herself over completely to him.

  It had been the craziest thing she'd ever done. He was a few years older than her, being just over thirty years old, but that hadn't mattered to her. All she had known was that she had surrendered to him. Completely and utterly.

  They had both shared not only a physical passion, but also a deep interest in environmental preservation. He had displayed a wide knowledge of the subject. He had told her of Qazhar, and it had seemed like a distant dream, something she knew, one day, she might visit. Maybe even with Sayid. As their relationship had progressed, Amber had tempted herself with that prospect. She had looked forward to visiting Qazhar with Sayid.

  But then had come the breakdown.

  After their first few weeks together, Sayid had inexplicably started to display a coldness toward Amber. It had started subtly, with long silences and what she had taken to be his natural mood swings.

  But then the arguments had started. Followed soon after by the accusations that she was too needy, clinging to him too much. He began to ask for time alone, away from her. And that was when the real hurt had begun. That had been when she had started to feel him drifting away from her.

  One thing soon led to another and then, one day, she'd decided she'd had enough. She'd taken the decision to end it.

  One day, Amber had taken a long drive. On her own. Into the wilds of the California desert, staying at a few desert towns. And when she had returned to San Francisco a few days later, Sayid had already left.

  And that had been that, as far as she had been concerned.

  Now, she was back in his world. And she didn't know what she should do about it. The obvious thing to do would be to come up with some excuse and say she had to leave. Walk away from him.


  But, even as she considered that option, she knew she couldn't do that. She was needed here. The work was more important than any old feelings she had for Sayid. The needs of these people were paramount, as far as Amber was concerned. She couldn't let personal issues stand in the way of her doing her job.

  And, on top of that, if she did leave, he would take it as some kind of victory. She wasn't going to hand him an easy win. Not after the emotional pain he had caused her.

  No. Amber wasn't going to quit, just because Sheikh Sayid was here.

  It was time for her to show Sayid who she really was. And that she was well and truly over him.


  After watching Amber and Yasmina go inside the tent, Sayid spoke briefly to Monica and then left the relief compound. He made his way into the town
. He rode slowly on horseback down the main street and reached a coffee shop. He dismounted, leaving the horse secured outside the establishment.

  He took a seat at a table and ordered a coffee. The proprietor, Ahmed, was extremely pleased and honored by Sayid's presence. Sayid's thoughts drifted to what had just happened.

  Amber had come back into his life.

  He sipped his coffee and shook his head in disbelief. How could that be?

  At first, he had been simply astonished to see her. He'd wondered how it could be that she, of all people, would come to this place.

  His domain. The place where he ruled.

  It seemed like more than just a coincidence. Had she sought him out? Had she decided to come back into his life? Recalling the manner of their breakup, he doubted that. She wouldn't have done that. He was certain of that.

  But still, she was here, and nothing would change that fact.

  Images of her pretty face drifted into his mind. She was still indescribably beautiful, he told himself.

  But, she'd changed. There was a maturity about her which had been missing when he had known her in California. And, back in the compound, she had wasted no time in doing what she had done so many times before.

  She'd challenged him. Pushed back against him. Stood up to him.

  Defied him.

  Perhaps she hadn't changed so much, after all, he reflected, allowing himself a wry smile.

  During their exchanges, her pretty features had been set into a petulant expression, one he knew so well. Her icy blue eyes had triggered an instinctive, familiar need in him. He'd been completely unable to resist drinking in the sight of her exquisitely oval-shaped face, her blonde hair tied in a neat bun, her neat, narrow nose and her full, sensual lips. He recalled how he had traced his thumb along the moistness of those lips. How he had claimed her mouth with his kisses.


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