The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction

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The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction Page 12

by Cara Albany

  He and his friends had spent many great times here, building their own imaginary worlds. He savored the memories of those days. This was a special place.

  He'd had no idea that his passion for Amber would have been so easily reignited. But it had been and he was glad. Their love-making had been rapid and passionate. The speed had added an extra, new element to their passion for each other. Something new. He wondered if that could continue. But, he knew that would only happen if she remained with him. If she didn't leave and go to another part of the world to continue her work.

  So much had remained unsaid between them. Particularly, the subject of her leaving.

  He was reluctant to even mention the subject. He knew it hung in the air between them. An unspoken barrier that he worried might never be broken.

  For a while they held each other. He spoke to her about his childhood, relating to her just what he had done in this place. He told her of his friends and the joy he had shared with them.

  She seemed fascinated by his accounts of his childhood. Again, he took great encouragement from her interest. Perhaps things had changed between them. Already, the argument at the palace seemed like a distant memory. He had worked hard this evening to make that memory fade as quickly as possible. The meal at Ahmed's had only been the start. He'd felt as if they'd started their relationship from a fresh new place. He'd loved every moment of his time with her, this evening.

  But he was determined that it would not be the end. That it would not be relegated to a distant, painful memory. A moment stolen before losing Amber. Even thinking about that triggered a tense reaction in his body.

  Amber seemed to notice the change in him. She looked at him. "Everything okay?"

  He nodded sharply. "Of course," he replied. He forced himself to smile. "I was just thinking about how this has been a perfect evening."

  She smiled. "It has been wonderful." He felt her body stiffen and she pulled away from him. "But I have to be getting back. It's late."

  He nodded. "Of course," he said. He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her close. "But before we leave, I'm going to claim another kiss."

  She smiled at him and then he dipped his head. Her lips tasted sweet. Her body softened against him. He sensed every one of her delicious curves easing forward. The heat of her body ignited a firmness in him. He'd never known anything as exquisite as holding Amber in his arms. He never wanted to let her go. Never wanted these moments to end.

  But then the kiss was over, and she turned away from him. He thought she looked suddenly pensive. He wondered if he'd done something to trigger that. But, judging by her body language, she didn't want to talk about whatever thought had flickered into her mind during the kiss.

  They mounted the horse and headed out across the desert, back in the direction of the town. Sayid delighted in every moment of the ride across the desert. Amber's arms hugged him tight. She rested her chin on his shoulder. He caught the scent of her hair, and felt the softness of it against the side of his face.

  This was where she belonged. United with him, close to him. Never more than a step away from him. He'd never felt such a sense of perfect union with anyone.

  Finally they reached the town. They had only been gone a couple of hours, so it was still early in the evening. Townsfolk milled around, going about their business. A few of them gave Amber and Sayid and the horse a look that said they could hardly believe what they were seeing. Did they think that the sheikh had found a new lover? In spite of himself, he took a curious enjoyment from that thought.

  Sayid guided the horse to the brightly lit compound and halted outside Amber's accommodation tent. Sayid dismounted and helped Amber down off the horse.

  Suddenly she seemed awkward. He thought of her reaction back at the cave. Something was bothering her, he told himself.

  Amber rubbed her hands together, cleaning sand from her skin. "Thank you, Sayid," she said. "That was a wonderful evening."

  He frowned and glanced toward the metallic office block. A door had opened and he saw Monica come out of the block. Monica's gaze fixed upon them and she started to make her way to them.

  Amber turned and saw Monica's advancing figure. Amber smiled politely and extended a hand to Sayid. He peered at it, astonished for a moment. "Thank you," Amber said in an exaggerated, polite tone of voice.

  Sayid glanced at Monica who was now only a few paces away. He took Amber's hand in his and smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed the dinner," he said loudly enough so that Monica could hear him.

  Monica halted and smiled at Sayid. "Sheikh Al Kharif," she said and then gave Amber a puzzled look. "Amber." Monica tilted her head. "You two been out together, this evening?"

  Amber cleared her throat and smiled at Sayid. "The sheikh invited me to his favorite cafe in town. We had a lovely meal," she said.

  Monica's eyes narrowed slightly. Then she glanced at Sayid. "Ahmed's?" she asked him.

  "The very same," Sayid admitted, feeling a momentary relief.

  Monica nodded. "It is the best place in town," she said. "Did you try the lamb?" she asked Amber.

  Amber nodded. "I did. And there're some really nice main dishes, too," she said. "Sayid has promised to tell me more about how they're made."

  Sayid joined in with the good-natured chat. "I think some of that will have to remain Ahmed's secret. He'd never forgive me if I divulged the recipes."

  Monica glanced at Amber. "I've been looking for you, this evening," she said. "Can you join me in the office? I'd like to talk about something."

  Amber hesitated and then looked at Sayid. "Of course," she said.

  "Then I will say goodnight," Sayid said. He bowed and smiled at Monica. "A pleasure to see you, Monica," Sayid announced. "Amber," he added, giving her a long, steady look.

  Monica acknowledged Sayid. He made his way back to his stallion, lifted himself into the saddle and quickly rode off into the night.

  As he headed out the entrance to the compound he felt a stab of disappointment at leaving Amber behind. But there had been no choice. Monica's presence had made any further discussion impossible. He would have to wait The only problem was, he was not in a forgiving or patient mood. And he wondered if he ever would be, until he'd found out the ultimate fate of his relationship with Amber.


  Amber followed Monica into the metallic office block, down the narrow corridor and into Monica's office. She took a seat facing Monica. Amber couldn't help noticing the concerned expression on Monica's face. There was clearly something wrong. Had word about Amber's evening with Sayid made its way to her boss? Even if it had, surely there was nothing Monica could complain about. One of her employees enjoying a meal with the local sheikh would hardly cause a problem. Would it?

  "I'm surprised you and Sheikh Al Kharif got along so well out there," Monica observed.


  Monica shrugged. "I just got the impression that you and the sheikh haven't quite seen eye to eye. Especially about those visits to the palace."

  Amber sighed. "You know what he can be like," she said.

  Monica nodded. "I certainly do," she said. "He is quite a charming individual. Undeniably handsome, even if a bit quick-tempered. But you already know that, don't you, Amber?"

  Amber was surprised at the suddenness of Monica's agreement. Given what had been said about the palace visits, Amber would have expected Monica's judgment of Sayid to be harsh. But, right now, she had almost sung his praises. Charming? Handsome? That didn't even come close to describing Sayid, Amber told herself. What had happened out there in the desert had proved he was so much more than that.

  "The sheikh invited me to dinner," Amber explained.

  "He did?" Monica asked. "Why?"

  Amber shrugged. "He spent quite a long time today in the camp."

  "So I heard from Yasmina," Monica said.

  "And, to show me his gratitude for the time I gave him, he decided to treat me to dinner."

  Amber assumed that would be enough f
or Monica, but her boss's expression did not soften.

  "What did you want to tell me, Monica?"

  Monica shuffled some papers on her desk and then picked up one sheet. "I received a call and an email, this evening," she explained.

  Amber squinted at Monica. "What's it about?"


  "Me?" Amber exclaimed.

  Monica nodded. "A position has become available," she stated.

  Amber frowned and felt sudden twist of worry in her middle. "What position?"

  Monica sighed and read from the sheet of paper in her hand. "The NGO is looking for a Health Advisor to go to the neighboring kingdom as soon as possible. And, it seems you made an application for such a placement." Monica peered at Amber. "Before you came here," she added with a note of finality in her voice.

  Amber felt a heaviness in her middle. She swallowed and drew in a deep breath. "I was going to tell you I'd done that."

  Monica frowned. She was clearly disappointed, but doing everything she could to mask that disappointment. "It might have been a courtesy for you to let me know that you were hoping for a transfer, Amber."

  "I had no idea the post would come up. I made the application before I came here. I didn't even expect it would be accepted."

  Monica placed the sheet of paper down on the table and peered at Amber. "Do you still want this?" she asked, gesturing toward the details of the other placement.

  Amber sighed. Right now, her mind was filled with a torrent of conflicting thoughts. She didn't know what she could say to Monica. She opted for the safest choice. "I can't say," she stated.

  Monica's brows furrowed. "Have you changed your mind?"

  Amber leaned back against the chair and shook her head. "It's not that."

  "Then what is it?"

  Amber rolled her eyes and managed to restrain the urge to groan with frustration. "I've really enjoyed my time here."

  "And I have been impressed by your work, Amber," Monica replied.

  "It's just that, I've formed some really close bonds with some of the townsfolk," Amber admitted.

  ""I've heard that," Monica said. "Yasmina has been giving me plenty of reports."

  Amber nodded. "Why am I not surprised at that?"

  "Yasmina thinks very highly of you, Amber. If you go, she'll be the one who'll miss you the most," Monica said.

  Amber tightened her lips into a thin line. She nodded. That wasn't strictly true, and Amber knew it. There was one other person who would miss Amber more than Yasmina, she told herself.

  And that person was the Sheikh of Meriyah, Sayid Al Kharif.

  But, right now, Amber knew that it wasn't the time to say any of that to her boss.

  "When do they want an answer by?" Amber asked.

  "Tomorrow," Monica replied.

  "Tomorrow!" Amber exclaimed.

  Monica nodded. "Otherwise it will go to another candidate." Monica lifted a brow. "You still want the position, Amber? It does offer a lot of prospects for promotion in the future."

  Amber peered down, anxious that Monica not witness how disturbed she was about this new offer.

  "There's still work to be done here, Monica," she pleaded looking up at her boss. "If you'd asked me this before, I might have agreed. But now? I don't know what I can do."

  Monica smiled. "Most of our work is nearly complete, Amber. The NGO will be winding things up here over the next few months. What's left is for the local agencies to attend to."

  Amber nodded. She was being offered a golden opportunity. One that, only a few weeks ago, she would have seized without hesitation. So why was the prospect of leaving tormenting her so much? Because, just the thought of giving up what she had found here with Sayid made her heart ache.

  It should be so simple, she told herself. She should move on. Put the last few weeks behind her. She'd been reunited with Sayid, and it had been wonderful.

  So why did the thought of leaving hurt so much?

  There was only one answer to that question? What had happened earlier tonight with Sayid had affected her deeply. She had felt complete when she'd been with him. More complete than she'd ever felt before.

  But there had been an awful moment, too. One that had taken her by surprise. An old fear had raised its ugly head.

  When he had kissed her, holding her in his arms, Amber had felt a familiar and terrible doubt creep into her heart.

  Of course, their love-making had been wonderful. More than that. But, in spite of the ecstasy she'd experienced with him, a troubling uncertainty still tugged at her. Something still held her back from giving her heart fully to Sayid.

  Were the ghosts of the past going to prove impossible to exorcise?

  Monica stood. "Think about it overnight, Amber. Let me know in the morning."

  Amber stood and nodded. "Okay."

  "And, I know it isn't easy making a decision like this," Monica said. "I know you've had an eventful time here."

  Amber frowned. "In what way?"

  Monica smiled knowingly, but said nothing. Amber was shocked. Had Monica seen something in the way that Sayid had looked at Amber? Had they revealed their secret?

  Amber said goodnight to Monica and headed back toward her accommodation tent.

  Her mind was filled with tumbling thoughts. Her heart ached with longing. She still felt the remnants of the pleasure he'd brought to life in her. Wonderful sensations, beneath the stars on a warm, desert evening.

  She shook her head, hardly believing that any of this was happening. Fate was trying to drive her crazy and it was just about succeeding, she told herself.

  It was also impossible to forget what she and Sayid had shared out there. Unforgettable, she told herself. He was the most special man she had ever known. And now she faced the possibility of just moving on and going back to the way it had been for the last year.

  And how had that been exactly?

  She sighed, remembering the lonely nights; the regrets; the hopes that had been dashed.

  And now, Sayid had given her another chance. Who was she to throw it away? Did she even dare do that?

  Pausing at the entrance, Amber gazed hopefully our across the brightly lit compound. Had she hoped to see Sayid there, waiting for her? If she had, she was sorely disappointed.

  There was no sign of the sheikh who had turned her world upside down.

  And now she faced an impossible choice.


  Sayid was having breakfast the next morning when one of the staff came to him and announced that there was a visitor to the palace. He was surprised at someone would come, unannounced. But he was shocked and delighted to discover that the visitor was Amber.

  Sayid raced to the front door and found Amber standing there. Immediately he saw her, he could tell there was something wrong. Her features were stern. The light he'd seen in her eyes the night before was nowhere to be found. She stood there, dressed casually in jeans and white shirt, her hands clasped across her middle.

  "Amber," Sayid ejaculated. "What a surprise."

  She took a step closer to him. "Can I have a word with you?"

  "Of course," he said, ushering her into the hallway. He led her to the dining room. She declined the offer of breakfast or even a cup of coffee. She looked nervous. Sayid had never seen her look like this before. It caused an icy chill to settle on his heart.

  Amber sat across from him at the table. At first she seemed lost for words. He wondered if this had something to do with what had happened last night. An incredible night which he hadn't been able to shift from his mind. But then every night with Amber had been incredible.

  "Is there a problem?" Sayid asked nervously.

  Amber nodded. "I have something to tell you," she said. She shifted on the chair and looked momentarily speechless. Whatever it was, it must be serious, Sayid told himself.

  Amber cleared her throat. "I'm leaving," she said suddenly.

  Sayid felt his heart sink in to his stomach. "Leaving!" he exclaimed.

  Amber nodded. "I've been given an offer."

  Sayid squinted at Amber. He could hardly believe what he was hearing. "What kind of an offer?"

  "The NGO has given me a chance to work in a neighboring region. A development project." Amber's voice was matter-of-fact.

  Sayid felt his mouth drop open in astonishment. How could she do this? And, especially after what they'd shared last night.

  Sayid leaned forward. "When did you find out about this?"

  Amber's eyes widened. "Monica told me, last night. After you left."

  So that was why Monica had had that strange expression in her eyes, Sayid told himself. It hadn't been anything to do with his and Amber's mysterious dinner date or their late return to the camp.

  Amber gave Sayid some more details about the new placement she'd received. He listened to her, unable to restrain his disbelief. Finally, she stopped talking and gazed across the table at him.

  Sayid drew in a deep breath and thought for a moment before speaking. "Are you going to accept?"

  Amber gazed steadily at him. He'd never seen that expression in her eyes before. There was a coldness, a complete lack of emotion in her gaze. Gone was the passion he'd seen last night. Gone was the tenderness.

  But was the love gone? Because he knew he loved her. Sayid had whispered those words to her last night and she, in turn, had murmured the same to him. They both knew what this would do to them. He could see the pain in her eyes. And he could feel the pain begin to burn in his own heart.

  She was making him wait for an answer to his question. It was an answer which would decide his destiny. Their destiny. The fate of their relationship and any hope for happiness. For both of them.

  Finally, she leaned forward and did the one thing he had hoped she wouldn't do.

  She nodded. Slowly and emphatically.

  "You're accepting the position?" he asked urgently.

  "I am," she said in a flat voice. All the life seemed to have been drained out of her. He felt a hard knot twist in his stomach. He knew he had to do something.


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