Hard as Steel: Book four ( Surviving Series )

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Hard as Steel: Book four ( Surviving Series ) Page 10

by Virginia Wine

  “Theo.” Steel crosses the room to shake hands, introductions are made. As we all ease into our seats. Steel cups my elbow leans into my ear. “I can’t remember a time when Flynn wasn’t of pillar the strength, tonight, it’s obvious my friend’s nerves are shot.”

  We are all acutely aware of the delicate situation. And all dedicated to helping this young woman find her story.

  Grace eases into the room, all eyes on her. Thick silence grows deep as we all navigate in the moment. Her long blonde hair trailing over her shoulders and her dark rimmed glasses resting on her delicate nose.

  “Grace has met Theo, Dr. Grant.” Flynn tells us. “Her memory is revealing pieces, at a higher rate in this enjoinment.”

  “Grace.” Dr. Grant begins. His easy laid-back persona eases the air filled with apprehension. “Under normal circumstances this would be a private session, but there is an active investigation working simultaneously. And that’s why we’re all here, we’re all here to help.”

  “May I read from my notes?” She calmly asks, peering over the rim, her bangs a bit too long, as she brushes them aside. Everyone nods in agreement.

  “Whatever makes you more comfortable.”

  “You’ll do great.” Flynn encourages.

  “I’m nervous Elijah.” She whispers back.


  My questioning gaze turns to Steel, he whispers back. “That’s Flynn’s first name, no one can call him that.” He shrugs.

  I watch her reach for her notebook, flip through several pages, as curious eyes surround her. The beat of my heart surges in speed, thundering in my chest. I was scared, if I was being honest, I’m frightened of what will unfold tonight. And I know before she begins, I’m fully aware of the fact I wasn’t there to save her, not then, and maybe not now.

  “The moment the tide turns, the moment my new reality begins.” She sits Indian style, scans the room, and once she’s gazes into the eyes of each of us, she begins to read from her simple spiral note book as we sit riveted for her story to unfold.

  We arrive at the manor. His home. The drive was barely tolerable, the silence thick as my eyes peer out the backseat window. I’ve already researched my new residence, and even though it has its appeal, it was far from ideal.

  The once church, built in 1874 had been renovated, blending of old and new.

  “Grace, darling we’re here.” My mother points out, as if I couldn’t see the Victorian architecture displayed in front of me. It was the creature inside I was most concerned about. As if hearing my thoughts. Dr. Hawthorne Vane appears from out of nowhere. My palms turn clammy and my heart turns to ice.

  As if opening my door on command, I step out of the car. His hand is there gesturing to assist, exiting the back seat. “Hello Grace.” His malicious grin, and commanding charisma warning me of something dark, something dangerous in his eyes.

  “Sir.” His hooded gaze seems pleased, as he discards me to greet my parents.

  “I trust your trip went well.”

  “It did, thank you.” I can see his charm at work displaying a false sense of comfort between my parents and this peculiar man. But I know to look deeper, searching beneath the surface for something more, something sinister.

  “A tour?” His bright smile and enticing charm luring them in. Sending shivers along my spine. His dark suit meticulous, his hair slicked to perfection he has glances over his shoulder focusing on me. His cobalt blue gaze collides with my emerald greens. I feel a silent conversation taking place between us leaving an indelible mark in its place.

  “This.” He gestures at the plush surroundings. “Once a historical church built in the late eighteenth century, has been beautifully renovated. Opening the front door as an invitation. My father pops the back hatch retrieving my suitcase. This act alone proves to be unnerving, as if it matters now.

  We follow one after another, I cross the threshold last, lagging. He simply stares as if my moves are calculated under such scrutiny.

  “The six-bedroom home, all with private quarters, in suite baths for individual privacy. Pressed tin ceilings soar high above us, the restored wide plank pine floors polished to perfection and the focal point, the hand-made brick fireplace.”

  “Exquisite.” My Mother says, enamored by the flawless setting.

  “Come.” He crosses the living room opening the leaded glass french doors framed by the matching pine wood. The picturesque private garden with its bountiful landscaping and tucked away iron benches were spectacular. The floral scent hovers in tantalizing scents.

  “A very short distance to the university.” He boasts, my parents approving nod fuels his arrogance.

  “Four private guest suites all tastefully decorated. I utilize the Master-suite down here, on the main floor.”

  “Godfrey, my house attendant occupies one of the remaining suites. He will be at your disposal as well Grace.” I felt his gaze; his sultry heat exposing the moments our gaze crashed. “He’s a man of many talents.” The comment has an underling meaning that has me baffled.

  “The property sits on an acre, secluded from the other estates scattered among the grounds.”

  “It’s more than we anticipated Dr. Vane.” My Father chimes in. But the Dr.’s focus remains on me. “Grace your bedroom is the last door on the right, take the stairs here, but there is a back-stair case as well.” Shooing me away so a private conversation can be held between the three.

  I cross the hall quietly hoping to hear the conversations, but soon I arrive at my door. Turning the glass knob slowly, revealing its magnificent charm. I don’t miss the beautiful marble fireplace in my bedroom, the bay window, on the opposing wall. All shades of bone white and tan accents. I simply stare, is this where I belong? I feel brittle inside, fragile knowing my security is about to walk right out those doors, leaving me behind, leaving me with this complicated creature.

  “Grace, darling we’re leaving.” I heard from below. Panic returns in spades as I descend into the unknown, each step, closer to saying goodbye, and more importantly a step closer to him.

  “You’re going to do great.” My Mother embraces me. “We’re so proud of you Grace.” My Father follows. I stand on the wide wrap around porch as tail lights disappear in the distance. Life as I knew it slipping through my fingers.

  As if left here, like a gift, Oh God. I don’t turn, yet I sense his presence behind me.

  “I have been known to be quite the conversationalist.” He says. “Although you may consider finding someone else to fill your academic need, if you so desire.” I turn to face the man, who now holds some sort of power over me.

  “Contrary to what you may think Dr. I’m well suited to entertain myself.”

  “I see.”

  As if scolded, I am now unable to meet his gaze. The hairs on the back of my neck tingle. He sees through me, he senses my apprehension, and relishes in it. He has the ability to suck up all the air in a room, leaving me smothering, choking the life right out of me.

  “Dinner is at seven, you’re expected to be on time.” His deep male voice cultured, experienced and intelligent. But what lurks beneath the exterior cuts right through me, words falter and fade away as I nod and climb the steps into my new solitude.

  Moments later, a soft knock echoes through my room, as fear bubbles to the surface. I force myself to cross the floor and slowly peek through the crack.

  “Hello Miss Grace, I’m Godfrey.” The gray-haired man smiles, I don’t miss the white dress hanging on the quilted hanger held by his two fingers.


  “Dr. Vane has requested you dine in this.” Handing me a dress, I glance down at my black boots, as Godfrey’s other hand presents two white sandals, far from the style I’m accustomed too. This assemble is designed to seduce, and in my current state I’m unprepared for tonight’s dinner. Swallowing the knot in my throat, I’m able to speak.

  “Thank you, Godfrey.”

  “Don’t be late Grace.” He stresses, as if he�
��s seen the consequences of this act, and wants to spare me the ordeal. In which I’m grateful. I spend my time unpacking and fleshing up, nerves spread through my core as the time slowly ticks by. I slide the dress over my head, it’s stretch allows it to hug by body, unlike any of my own clothes. Unfamiliar in the sandals with the three-inch heel, are lethal, I practice for several long minutes, fear transforming into anger over my new attire. But I bury it for now.

  Five till seven, I make my way through his home, the Dr.’s lavish taste and decadent lifestyle displays a certain “Je ne Sais Quoi.” That indescribable quality that cannot be adequately described or expressed. I reach the formal dining room as Godfrey stands posed at the swinging door entrance to the kitchen, he crosses quickly to pull out my chair where I sit, alone waiting.

  “Master will join you momentarily.” Master? Off to a good start. I gulp water and prepare myself, as if crossing the Serengeti. What hidden creature will appear? I didn’t have to wait long as the grandfather clock chimes at seven sharp.

  His entrance is almost theatrical, yet it takes a back seat to his masculine perfection, his exquisite face, his captivating charm, all are undeniable. Taking his seat across from me. He lifts his cloth napkin, whips the folds apart, then places it on his lap.

  “When do you become of legal age, Grace?” What?


  “I’m compelled to know personal details Grace, call it inquisitiveness.”

  “Two days.”

  “Ah, there’s nothing more enticing than a young woman in bloom.”

  The air in the room was thick as I watch Grace close her notebook and search each pair of eyes, now silently analyzing her.

  “We have names.” I say, as Grace appears troubled.

  “It’s too soon.” She says. “I need time to remember more before any action is taken.” She tucks her long blond hair behind her ear. “Promise me.” She insists fearfully. Tears flooding her eyes, as mixed emotions cross her face.

  Under Dr.’s Grants scrutiny, I watch as he steps in and takes over.

  “Grace, you should be proud of yourself. The memories are clear and decisive. You can now start to manage your feelings struggling to break free.”


  “Don’t judge yourself too harshly, as these memories come back to you, utilize those events to feel control over your life now, here in the present.”

  I watch her clench her notebook to her body, as if it holds the answers and maybe it does. But I knew I couldn’t honor her request, I would start the investigation, now that I have the facts I can dig deeper, my direction has a course.

  I glance over at Steel, tension rushing across his features then quickly schools them with a passive glance. I know Steel enough to know he’ll support my decision.

  “Being present in your body, rather than in your head. Reliving the memories of the past will allow you to ease into your mind organically. And despite your willingness to explore, this path will prove to be more productive.” Dr. Grant scribbles notes as Flynn steps in.

  “What’s next?”

  “I’ll be here next week, whether new memories reveal themselves or not.” He stands and holds his hand out to Grace, in a professional manner he offers a palm to palm shake. Her eyes lift to his, and somewhere in her darkness, she smiles.

  “Thank you, Theo.” Flynn says, and walks him out.

  “My pleasure.”

  “Will everyone excuse me?” Grace stands and makes her way down the long hall, Flynn answers over his shoulder. “I’ll be in soon.” As the sound of her door shuts.

  “I want to hunt the bastard down and kill him.”

  “Flynn.” Steel starts. “I agree we have enough to start investigating but as of today you’re officially off the case.”

  “Why the hell are you doing that?” Steels gaze shifts to mine, then returns to Flynn’s. “You’re too close Flynn, or should I say Elijah?” Knowing the full effect that will produce.

  “Fuck you, only my Mother calls me by my first name, you know that.”

  “And now Grace.” He takes several steps back, as if he’s been punched in the chest. He rubs the back of his neck, his eyes glue to the floor. “It’s okay Flynn, just take care of her, we’ll do the rest.”

  His gaze shifts from mine then Steels, and he nods reluctantly. Then turns and races towards her door.

  We depart into the cloudy dark night, both silently analyzing our own version of what transpired.

  “Take the next exit.” I say, Steel turns in question. “We’re going to the FBI headquarters, I need to run a search.”

  “And you want me with you?” The question causes me to go still. I did want him with me.

  “For now, I do.” Once in my office, Steel pulls a chair beside me, as I turn on my computer. The words Federal Bureau of Investigations flashes on the screen. I sign in and scroll down where I type in as much information Grace provided me. Nothing.

  “Something’s going on, trust me.” I glance his way. “Anyone who has a social security card is in here.”

  “There was no mention of her parent’s name, what about the university, search the staff, maybe we can come up with something there.” Steel offers.

  “Do you know how many universities there are in the state of Nevada?”

  “I have an idea, start with Reno, work our way geographically.” Time ticks by at a painfully slow pace as we search for a name that fills the criteria we create, male, age twenty-five to forty-five, Professor, Dr., we discuss the validity of that and determine Grace’s parents would have searched it also, and any red flags that arose would have caused alarm bells to go off.

  Three am, nothing. “We need more.” As I lean back on my chair, frustrated, and defeated. “He’s in there, we missed something somehow.” If this is any indication of what this case is about, we’re in big trouble.

  “We wait for more information, Nick.” His hand rest on mine, his shirt rolled up exposing sculped forearms. The current arch when his hand slid into mine an explosive electricity spark, heat creeping in melting the tender places as memories of earlier rush in. I remind myself where we are, and the office surveillance cameras twenty-four -seven, as I pull away from Steel. The spark fades and I’m left feeling suddenly cold. Our gazes meet, I tilt my head towards the corner of the room, the camera pointing down at us, and I receive an understanding nod. He knows the importance of keeping it professional.

  “It’s late.” He says. “Let’s get you home.” We keep a steady pace his shoulder gently brushing mine as we approach the SUV. Once in, silence ticks slowly, as my mind races away. I can see the yellow light turn red as we wait, searching his face only to find love? Certainly attraction, something in-between the two.

  His gaze steadies, damn the red light he reaches for my jacket gripping it, pulling me close, there’s a brief moment of hesitation, before his mouth slams into mine, I open willingly as his tongue mingles, and taste and dances with mine. He brakes the kiss breathless, his fist still gripping my jacket. “Nichole, how can I tell you…” A loud annoying noise startles us both, as the car directly behind us continually honks, ruining the moment. Our eyes drift up to the green light, and the moment’s gone.

  Once in my driveway he leans over and kisses me, a gentle sweet kiss goodnight. “I have an early morning meeting.” He explains, as I was just about to invite him in. “Tomorrow?” His humble approach making up for the slight sting I was feeling, wanting him in my bed, wrapped in his arms. Knowing his thoughts were on business, of course I understand his priorities.

  The house is dark, quiet as I cross over to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water, I make my way down the hall desperate for a few hours of sleep. Leave it to me, to find the only man whose work ethic is stronger than mine.

  Six am, I wake to the sound of Journey, my Bose speaker, which is capable of blowing off the roof, blaring the sound decibels off the charts. “City of the angels…” I hear mostly off-key singing, I hurl myself out of bed, whipp
ing the covers off, preparing to commit bodily harm.

  The closer I come the louder the noise was piercing through my brain, I consider sparing his life, if the coffee is made. He ignores my irritated look, like he’s a complete moron.

  “Will, what the hell?”

  “Cage the rage sis.”

  “Good news, my baby sister.” Yelling over the music. “Nikki, I got in!”


  “The Police Academy, it’s a six-hundred-hour course, I passed the test.”


  “You know, I’m deemed of sound mind and body.”

  How hard up are they? I arch a weary brow, chances were slim to none, he’ll come out of this alive. Coffee, thank God, I cross the living room where my spastic brother is dancing and singing to the next track.

  Coffee, I make my way to the hot dark liquid gold, add cream and sip my way back to life. “Congratulations, when do you start?”

  “Soon, a week.” Mercifully, he lifts the remote turning the sound down. “I’m trying to get into the next recruit class.”

  “That’s great, Will. I’m genuinely happy to see you so excited.” He rushes at me with a forceful hug, lifting me as a giggle escape.

  “You wanna’ see me shoot a gun?”

  “That’s a hell no.” I laugh, “And call Mom and Dad they will be pleased.” I love the idiot. But I had twenty minutes to get ready for work, and I was late.

  “You wanted to see me sir?” I was in over my head, how many ways can I say no, and stay in his good graces. I was running out of excuses. Or lies.

  In a chilling tone. “Agent Lancaster, we meet again.” Deputy director Andrew Quentin, my stomach takes a nose-dive, as I slowly sit on the chair across from him. Tension rushes across my body in spades. However, Quentin remains calm, cool and collected, proving he’s had plenty of time to master the art of being a predator, the only question now was what I’ll do, I brace myself for what’s to come.

  “It’s a special assignment.” He begins, reaching for a folder, tabs color coded, images laid out. A shiver races down my spine awaiting the words that follow.


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