The Sheikh’s Marriage Deal (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 17)

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The Sheikh’s Marriage Deal (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 17) Page 8

by Cara Albany

  Most special of all the dancing was Abby and Taliq's first dance as man and wife. The dance floor was left to them, and all the guests watched intently as Taliq led Abby around the floor, holding her close to him, gazing deeply into her eyes, while the traditional music of the Qazhar musicians filled the vaulted space of the marquee.

  For a few brief moments, Abby allowed herself to sink into the illusion that all of this was real. That the way he was looking at her meant something. That it wasn't all for show, for the benefit of onlookers. That their marriage was more than just a deal between two people who needed one another.

  And for a short while, she almost convinced herself to believe it. That all of this wasn't some kind of perverse illusion born out of convenience.

  She leaned closer to him, resting her head against his broad chest, feeling the pounding of his heart. She asked herself if this meant anything to him. If his racing heartbeat was an indication of some hidden, secret remnant of their former passion.

  Being held so close to him, she inhaled his masculine scent, felt the heat of his body, the firm but gentle way he held her. She sensed the strength in his body, as well as the taut restraint he was so obviously placing upon himself.

  He clearly wanted to maintain at least a semblance of decorum while on such very public display. But, he'd also decided to demonstrate to everyone who was watching that this woman he had just married meant something to him.

  Even if it wasn't true, she had to admire the skill with which he had put on the show while she danced slowly in his embrace.

  And then the music stopped, and Abby heard raucous cheers and enthusiastic applause from the guests. She was dragged back to reality, away from the temporary dream she'd allowed herself to indulge in.

  For the rest of reception, she did everything she could to forget what she had felt out there on the dance floor with Taliq.

  Because to admit that she had felt anything would only complicate things.

  And that was one thing she was determined to avoid.

  Things would be complicated enough in the coming weeks and months.


  By later that evening, all the guests had left, including Taliq's family members. Abby's parents had been given a suite of rooms on the west side of the palace. They would be returning home to America the next day. That was in spite of Abby's request that they stay a while longer after the wedding. But, her parents were eager to get back home, it seemed, and nothing would change their mind.

  Her parents had retired to their rooms and the children had been taken by their nanny, leaving Abby and Taliq alone.

  At last, she thought as she walked alongside him up the stairs. It had been an incredible day, one she would never forget for a whole host of reasons. Not least of which was the fact that she was Taliq's wife now.

  From this moment onwards, she would have the responsibility to ensure that the children were brought up well, and that they should be as happy as humanly possible.

  That wasn't asking much, was it, she told herself as they reached the top of the stairs. She turned to Taliq, who was gazing steadily at her. There had been one subject they'd been avoiding since Abby had casually mentioned it the day before.

  Where were they both going to sleep tonight. Their wedding night. Not only that, but for every night from now on, she reminded herself.

  "Happy?" Taliq asked.

  "Of course, Taliq."

  He moved toward her, his hand starting to lift as if he intended to touch her. She reacted by taking one tiny step backwards, but it was enough to cause him to freeze on the spot and peer quizzically at her.

  He glanced away for a moment, his shoulders stiffening, and she was sure she could see his jaw tighten with irritation. He drew in a deep breath, as if to calm himself.

  When he looked back at her, she could see the remnants of annoyance in his dark gaze. "There's one thing we haven't cleared up," he said.

  His voice was quiet and sounded dogmatic, suddenly serious. The heavy growl echoed in the high-ceilinged space above their heads and all the way down to the bottom of the stairs.

  Surely they weren't about to have an argument, she told herself. Not on the wedding night. Even if the whole thing was a pretense, it still wouldn't be the right way to start their life together.

  "What's that?" she asked.

  He narrowed his eyes. "You know," he said.

  She shook her head. There was determination in his gaze. It was a look with which she was all too familiar. Something shifted inside her in response to that look. Sensation flared through her, and she did her best to control it, but failed.

  Her heart quickened as he leaned slightly closer to her, lowering his voice. "Where we are going to sleep," he murmured quietly.

  She frowned. "Where we always sleep," she replied.

  He quickly shook his head. "No," he growled again. The sound was sharp and louder than she would have liked. The sound of it died away and then there was a long silence between them.

  Finally she spoke. "You know what this is, Taliq. Our deal."

  "You are my wife, Abby," he stated.

  Some treacherous part of her liked how that sounded. But an equally firm voice told her that nothing good would come from encouraging those feelings.

  "And that's all, Taliq," Abby said.

  "That is more than enough," Taliq replied. He advanced toward her. "And since you are now my wife, I have expectations."

  She immediately knew what he was talking about. But, she fixed her expression into a blank, impassive mask, staring defiantly at him. "You know what we agreed, Taliq. Nothing has changed."

  He shook his head. "Everything has changed, Abby. That's where you are wrong."

  "What do you expect me to say, Taliq?"

  He breathed in deeply and gazed at her. "That you will keep your side of the deal."

  Abby felt herself bristle at the sound of that word. "You know the terms."

  Taliq shook his head and was about to say something else when Abby heard the sound of footsteps down in the hallway. She saw Taliq glance down sharply in the direction of the sound. Then he surprised her by seizing Abby's hand and starting to walk away down the long corridor that stretched to the eastern side of the palace.

  After a few steps, Abby slowed and forced him to halt. "Where do you think you're taking me?"

  "You'll see," he replied, tugging on her hand and guiding her down the corridor.

  The sound of their steps echoed down the length of the softly lit corridor. This was well away from the side of the palace where the children' rooms were and where Abby's parents were staying. Abby had been down this corridor many times before. She knew this was where Taliq had his own suite of rooms.

  Surely he didn't think he could just sweep her into his room and into his bed, she told herself as she followed behind him. There was an urgency about his steps that hinted at a strong desire, a determination to have this way. There were some parts of Taliq's character she knew would never change. And his stubbornness was surely one of them.

  They approached the door to Taliq's suite. Abby began to prepare to defy him, to tell him that under no circumstances would she go into the room with him. That they had an agreement and she wasn't going to allow him to pretend it didn't exist.

  Just because he obviously wanted her all to himself. Just because he believed she would simply forget her demand, the one to which he had reluctantly agreed.

  They took the last few steps to his door, but inexplicably, Taliq didn't slow. He carried on right past the entrance to his suite, holding tight to Abby's right hand as he led her further down the corridor.

  She thought about objecting, but stifled her words, suddenly seized by curiosity about where he was leading her. He didn't even turn back to check, to see whether she had been shocked by his action. He seemed so confident about what he was doing, as well as certain she would comply.

  Finally, at the end of the corridor, they took a turn to the left and came to a
large double door. Abby had recalled asking about this door before, curious to know what lay beyond it.

  Each time she'd tried to open the door, she had found it securely locked. But, each time she'd asked any of the servants, she hadn't been able to persuade any of them to open it. And, when she had asked Taliq about it, he had muttered something about it being a part of the palace which was hardly used, and of no interest to her.

  Taliq halted at the door and turned to Abby. "Ready?"

  She squinted at him. "For what?"

  He released her hand and took hold of one of the large golden handles and pushed. Abby peered past Taliq and saw a short hallway beyond. There were golden lights set in shimmering chandeliers. The hallway floor was carpeted in luxurious, brightly colored style. She could see some doors leading off the hallway. There was the scent of jasmine as she moved closer to the door. Taliq smiled at her and gestured for her to enter.

  She hesitated. "What is this?"

  "You'll see," he stated evenly.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, unsure whether she should enter what was clearly some kind of private suite inside which she had never been before.

  Taliq came to her, and slid an arm around her waist. She gazed at him, feeling the heat of his skin against her back. "Let me take you inside," he said quietly.

  She swallowed and thought one last time about crossing the threshold with him. "Okay," she said evenly.

  She glanced inside as she walked alongside him through the open door. Her shoes sank into the deep carpet, and the scent was even more powerful now she was inside.

  He led her along the short hallway and to a door which opened onto a large sitting room, elegantly and expensively furnished with sofas and tables and cabinets. There were flowers everywhere. They were placed in vases set upon almost every flat surface in the room. It was a riot of color and scent that was overwhelming. He'd clearly planned this, she told herself.

  Taliq looked at her and tilted his head in invitation. He stepped inside, releasing his hand from her back. She didn't follow him immediately, but waited a few moments at the door.

  She suddenly knew what he had done and, for a moment, she considered walking right back out the door. She knew why he had brought her to this suite. It wasn't intended for him alone. This was where he wanted them to live together from this moment onwards.

  Taliq had designated this as their sanctuary, their private space within the palace. This was where he wanted them to continue their charade. In private, away from prying eyes.

  Abby gazed into the room and then twisted her head, gazing along the length of the hallway. There were three other doors. She knew what would be down there. The bedroom. Their bedroom.

  Abby turned to Taliq and sighed. She gaze him a stern look. "This isn't going to work, Taliq," she said.

  He looked momentarily disappointed, but he stood his ground. "It's the only way, Abby," he said.

  "To do what?"

  "To show everyone that we are actually man and wife," he explained.

  She gasped. "We can't live together like this," she said. "Not after what we agreed."

  He took one step toward her. "We can, Abby," he murmured. "And we must."

  She glared at him. "You expect me to tear up the deal? Just like that?"

  He moved close enough to her that she could see the pulse on his neck. It was throbbing rapidly, just like her own heart was racing.

  "I expect us to be man and wife. In every possible sense. Nothing less," he declared.

  "In front of everyone? Yes," she said. "But, in private?" She shook her head and folded her arms around her chest. She turned her head away from him.

  Taliq reached out and placed his fingertips beneath her chin. He gently guided her gaze back to him. She tried to ensure there was enough disapproval in her gaze. She was desperate to dissuade him, but one look at him told her that it would take much more than that to tame Taliq's desire for her.

  Because that was what she could see. Need that would not be denied. She knew how persuasive Taliq could be in situations like this. She'd experienced it first hand. The memory of his power, his potency made her feel a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

  There was hunger in his dark gaze and, as was so often the case, that visible hunger triggered something in her, a feeling which swept through her, forcing thought from her mind. Her pulse raced instinctively, now that this man was so close to her, now that she could feel the heat of his touch against her skin.

  He had changed her world once before, but she was determined to reign him in, to prevent him from utterly transforming every part of her life. She knew she needed to hold onto something she could call her own.

  Abby moved away from him and tried to take hold of her resolve. "It's not going to happen, Taliq," she declared shaking her head firmly.

  He paused and then curled his fingers around her arm. It was a gentle touch, persuasive and something she didn't want to resist, in spite of the thoughts which were tormenting her. In spite of the thoughts which told her she should leave, and quickly.

  "Come," he said softly.

  She peered at him, gazing at him sternly. She thought for a moment, considering what would happen if she stormed out of the room. Nothing good would come of that, she told herself.

  She followed him into the room, her steps slow and tentative. He led her to the middle of the room and paused. He gazed around the room. "I had this made specially for us."

  She looked at him. "Made for us? What do you mean?"

  He made a sweeping gesture with his hand. "It didn't look like this a couple of weeks ago."

  "Are you saying you had it refurbished for us? So that we can live here together?"

  He nodded. "Exactly. You know there is no other alternative."

  "There is," she replied defiant, once again needing to assert herself in the face of the logic of his argument.

  She knew what he said made sense, but she still wanted to find an objection. Anything that would save her from the torment of keeping her desires at bay. Because she knew that if she moved into this suite of rooms, all of her steely resolve could melt in an instant.

  He turned and faced her directly. "And what is that alternative? You live in your room, and I in mine? Have you considered what that would look like?"

  "Of course I have," she snapped.

  "And?" he asked lifting brow.

  She gritted her teeth, glared at him and then sighed heavily. "People will understand. These days, married couples don't always share the same living quarters."

  Even as she said the words, she realized how foolish they sounded. His reply was instantaneous. "Not in Qazhar, they don't," he declared. "Husbands and wives share everything." He leaned closer and dipped his head, his gaze steady and penetrating. "Especially the marriage bed."

  Abby gazed into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there, seeing the absolute conviction. She'd seen that look so many times before. It was the way he looked when he knew he would eventually get his way.

  "But you agreed, Taliq," she stated, lifting her chin and staring him down.

  He tilted his head and took a few steps away from her. "I have had much time to consider. And I have concluded that such an arrangement is not in the best interests of our family."

  "Our family?" she asked stepping toward him. "Our family is just an arrangement, Taliq. Or have you already forgotten that?"

  He narrowed his eyes. "I suppose you'd be willing to explain that to the children," he said slowly, and with a certainty, as if realizing that she would have no answer to such an objection.

  She glared at him. "I told you before. Keep the children out of our private arrangements," she said.

  He frowned. "How is that possible, Abby? As I said. We are a family now." He lifted a brow. "Or am I misunderstanding that aspect of the deal?"

  "Deal?" she gasped.

  "Of course," he replied. "That's what you wanted, isn't it? Haven't I already kept my promise?"

  Of course, she k
new he had. He'd replaced all the funds lost by her parents. The explanation that it was a tradition of Qazhar that the bridegroom pay off the debts of the bride and any of her immediate family members had been reluctantly accepted.

  Abby knew it was only partly true. That kind of arrangement had fallen out of fashion in the kingdom a long time ago. It had suited Taliq to resurrect an almost forgotten tradition so that he could keep his promise to her. Abby had gone along with it since it helped her avoid any awkward conversations about money.

  She groaned with frustration and turned away from him. She folded her arms across her chest. Her heart was thudding furiously and her breath was tight in her chest. Did he have any idea what he was doing to her? Of course he did, she told herself. He knew exactly how to play this situation.

  Abby heard his footsteps and turned before he had a chance to touch her again. Because she knew that was what he wanted to do. That would be his next move. He'd hope to catch her out with charm, with seduction.

  She stared at him. There was a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth, she noticed. His full lips were moist and slightly open, the whiteness of his teeth giving him a predatory appearance.

  "You want me to move in here with you?" she asked.

  He nodded, saying nothing, waiting for her to continue. Did he believe he'd already won the argument?

  She swallowed nervously, feeling her blood racing furiously through her veins. She was sure he could tell how unsettled this had made her. His scrutiny was intense and unwavering.

  "And you want me to be a wife," she added slowly.

  Once again, he nodded slowly. "In every sense," he said, his voice a low murmur.

  Her throat tightened at the mere thought of being in his bed again. Memories flooded into her mind. His skill, his expertise, his touch.

  She took a step closer to him, matching his gaze, hoping her expression was unreadable. He watched her advancing. She was sure she could see confidence on his face. Even worse than that, she realized.


  Seeing that expression on his face only made her resolve stronger.


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