The Sheikh’s Marriage Deal (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 17)

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The Sheikh’s Marriage Deal (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 17) Page 14

by Cara Albany

Taliq's mouth turned downwards. "I'm a bit surprised, if you really want me to be honest."

  She knew why that was, but she wasn't going to say that to him. Not yet. She wanted to hear his version.

  He drew in a deep breath, suddenly thoughtful. He looked at her. "Whose idea was it?"


  "And the children? What did they say?" he asked tentatively.

  She paused a moment, realizing that the time had finally come to let him know just how much she'd learned from the children.

  "The children really want to," she said slowly. "But, they told me that you might not approve."

  She saw his eyes widen. "They said that?" he asked sharply.

  Abby nodded.

  He was silent for a few moments. She could tell he'd been affected by that revelation. Or was it more to do with the fact that she'd discovered it when he'd been absent from the palace.

  "Why didn't you tell me you didn't want them riding?" she asked.

  He glanced at her and frowned. "It wasn't anything I deliberately held back from telling you," he said.

  "But you didn't mention it."

  He shook his head. "I didn't think it was important."

  "It's important to them."

  He nodded. "I know it is. We've had some pretty heated conversations about it."

  "And you forbid them to go riding? Why?"

  He sighed. "I don't want any harm coming to them," he explained. "They're too precious."

  "But, they can ride, can't they?" Abby asked.

  Taliq nodded. "Their parents had a stable of horses. They've been riding for years."

  "But, you didn't want them to."

  He ran a hand through his hair. "It's hard to explain. It just happened one day. They asked me if they could, and something inside me just rebelled against the idea, and I wound up refusing permission."

  Abby peered at him, seeing how the memory of that still affected him.

  "It was a bad day," he said. "They didn't speak to me for days after that."

  "No wonder," Abby agreed.

  "They must have thought I was some kind of crazy tyrant."

  Abby shook her head. "You were only trying to do the best for them, Taliq. There's nothing wrong with that."

  Taliq glance at her. "You think so?"

  Abby nodded. "It takes time to get a handle on these kinds of things."

  "What things?

  Abby frowned. "Being a parent. Especially when its been thrust on you the way it was on you."

  "I don't need anyone's sympathy," he said sharply.

  "And you're not getting any from me," she replied quickly.

  He looked at her and they both smiled at one another. She realized that friendly battles like this were about to become a regular occurrence in the palace. It was all going to be part of being married and with a family to care for.

  "Don't you think you're being overprotective?"

  His brows furrowed. "I have a duty to keep them safe, Abby."

  "But that doesn't mean you have to wrap them up and stop them from taking risks."

  "After what happened to their parents, I couldn't stand it if anything happened to them."

  Abby paused, thinking about Kamil defiant nature. His obvious resentment at having to follow the rules that Taliq had laid down for life in the palace. Abby tried to understand how that could feel, especially to a young man trying to grow up after a tragedy. Someone like Kamil had to be allowed to make his own way in the world.

  "I understand how you feel, Taliq. It couldn't have been easy for you laying down boundaries for the kids. But, you have to let them explore life for themselves. That's the only way they're going to learn. The only way they'll ever be able to stand on their own two feet."

  Taliq sighed. "I know you're right. But, somehow, I haven't been able to find the right way to do that."

  Abby laid a hand on Taliq's arm. "We'll find a way, Taliq," she said softly. He looked at her. "Together," she added.

  The corner of his mouth creased into the hint of a smile. "You're amazing. You know that, don't you?"

  She felt herself blush. He leaned across and kissed her, tenderly. She felt desire flare again. Just like it always would every time he touched her. Every time he kissed her.

  Their lips parted and they looked at each other. "What are we going to do?" she asked.

  "About the children?" he replied. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

  He was right about that. She'd already thought of a way they could fix things.

  He lifted a brow and smiled. "In the meantime, I have an idea," he said. She slid down onto her back and he moved across her, positioning himself over her body. She felt his desire pressing against her.

  And when he moved even closer, the heat of his body an irresistible promise, all she could do was groan in anticipation of the pleasure to come.


  Later, downstairs at the breakfast table, there was no mention of the subject of horse riding. No mention of what had happened the day before. Abby, Taliq, Aisha and Kamil shared breakfast as a family, and the only talk of the coming day was in the most general terms.

  The children complained that they had some schoolwork to do, and Taliq agreed that it was important they attend to that. But, he also hinted that today might be a little different from the usual study day. The children had their own private tutor who came into the palace during weekdays.

  The children seemed pleased that Taliq was once again at the head of the table. Abby watched with fascination how Taliq interacted with the children. Throughout the breakfast, she saw that he made an extra-special effort to pay attention to everything Aisha and Kamil said.

  Abby thought she'd never seen him so satisfied. So happy. It was as if the realization that he was a husband and father had finally become real for him.

  Not once did he mention what was about to come. That was to be their secret.

  After making love, Abby had shared her idea with Taliq, and he'd been instantly taken with it. The more she had thought of it, the more it seemed inevitable. Even if it would take the children by surprise.

  But, she extracted a solemn promised from Taliq that he wouldn't give the children even the slightest hint of what they had planned for them.

  Near the end of the breakfast, Taliq reached across and curled his fingers around Abby's hand. He looked across at her and gave her one of those looks that told her just how much he loved her.

  Even as she felt her cheeks flush like a schoolgirl with a crush, Abby noticed that Aisha and Kamil were staring fixedly at the way Abby and Taliq were holding hands.

  Then, very slowly, Aisha and Kamil looked at each other with an expression of mutual disbelief, eyes widening. They both mouthed silent words of astonishment, as if they couldn't comprehend what they were seeing.

  Of course, the two children had seen Abby and Taliq together all around the palace during the last few weeks. And there had been the wedding, when she and Taliq had shared kisses and embraced each other on the dance floor.

  But, somehow, seeing their new parents expressing open affection for one another at the breakfast table seemed to make a huge impression on the children.

  They both smiled. And when Abby squinted at them enquiringly, they quickly averted their gaze, pretending to be one hundred percent interested in the remains of their breakfast.

  Abby smiled at Taliq who shook his head, visibly restraining himself from bursting out in laughter.

  Once they'd all finished their breakfast, they went outside to the terrace. The morning sun was already warm. Abby reflected on the fact that it was perfect weather for what she and Taliq had planned. It seemed as if everything in the world was lining up to ensure that the family were as happy as possible.

  As they all stood on the terrace looking out toward the desert on the other side of the palace wall, the children asked to be excused, but Taliq shook his head. "Not this morning," he said.

  Frowns appeared on both of the childrens'
foreheads. They looked as if they were about to object when Abby interrupted them. "Your father and I have a surprise," she said to them.

  Aisha stared at Abby. "What is it?"

  "Should we tell them?" Abby asked looking at Taliq.

  Taliq shrugged. "Better that they wait, don't you think?" he said to Abby.

  Kamil and Abby squealed impatiently. "What is it?" Kamil asked, suddenly as excited as his sister.

  Taliq tilted his head. "Let's go for a walk, shall we?" he said.

  Kamil looked at Aisha and then up at his father. "At this time?"

  Taliq smiled. "You've just had your breakfast," he said. "You must be full of energy."

  "That's right," Abby added. "Unless you'd both prefer to get straight to your schoolwork, instead," she suggested.

  That drew groans from Kamil and Aisha.

  "Come on you two," Taliq said. "Let's go to the garden."

  Taliq took Abby's hand and started to walk. Abby halted and turned back to look at the children. She saw that the gesture of Taliq taking her hand hadn't gone unnoticed, just like at the table. "Are you coming?" Abby asked, smiling at them. Their expressions almost made her laugh out loud.

  "Okay," Kamil said, pulling on his sister's arm.

  Abby started to walk alongside Taliq. She could hear the sound of the childrens' footsteps behind her. They all walked down the five steps from the terrace and out onto the smooth, flat lawn.

  At first she didn't quite know which direction to take, so she let Taliq lead her. It felt good to be walking by his side. Especially on such a beautiful morning as this.

  Abby had the sudden sensation that life couldn't possibly be any better than this. That somehow fate had brought her to this place and delivered her to the most wonderful, sexy man in the world.

  She drew in a deep, satisfied breath, inhaling the gorgeous scent of the garden. She also caught a hint of Taliq's scent, the manly aroma with which she was so intimately familiar.

  From behind her, she heard the sound of the children teasing each other. They were speaking in the Qazhar language and she wondered if they were trying to figure out what was going to happen. Abby knew. And so did Taliq.

  Taliq lead them through a grove of trees and out toward the exterior wall which surrounded the palace. He'd told her that there was only one place which made sense, given what he and Abby had planned.

  Abby had gone to Mira before breakfast and given instructions. At first Mira had been hesitant to act on Abby's words. But, when Abby had told Mira that this order had come from her and Taliq jointly, the woman seemed to understand that there was a new authority in the palace. One that consisted of Abby and Taliq working together. All Mira's resistance melted at that point and she went away to carry out the preparations, no doubt with the help of some of the staff.

  Taliq turned to Abby and smiled. "Almost there," he said.

  Abby could have spent the whole morning walking in the garden with her new husband and with the kids. She thought about how her life had been when she had arrived on Taliq's private jet. How it had all changed, she told herself. She could hardly believe her life could have been transformed so quickly and so perfectly.

  Abby heard laughter from behind her. She turned and looked at the children. They straightened suddenly when they saw they were being watched. They peered at Abby as if waiting for her to say something.

  Abby was taken aback that she already had the power to make the children obey her like that. With just one look. Just as a mother could do.

  Was that what they thought of her? As their mother?

  She smiled and turned back to Taliq. "I think we've got two pretty disobedient kids on our hands," she said.

  He laughed quietly. "I noticed," he replied. "It's great, isn't it?" he added with a grin.

  Abby looked up ahead and saw that they had reached the northern corner of the palace walls. She could see a pair of high double doors set into the wall. The doors were open, and beyond them she could see the expanse of the desert, the golden sands shimmering in the early morning light.

  Abby heard a noise and glanced at Taliq. He continued to hold her hand and stare straight ahead. Had he heard it? She wondered if the children had heard the noise, too.

  Then they reached the corner and were at the exit. The doors opened inward to the garden. Once again, Abby heard noises. Her excitement grew as they all paused a moment.

  Taliq turned to the children. He released Abby's hand and took a few steps toward them. For their part, the kids looked confused, but also intrigued. Abby was certain now that they'd heard the noises from beyond the wall.

  Taliq gazed down at the children. "I'm sure you're wondering why your mother and I have brought you both here," he said calmly.

  Aisha and Kamil peered wide-eyed up at Taliq. They said nothing, merely nodding their heads in unison.

  "We decided it was time for all of us to make a fresh start," he said.

  For some reason, Abby thought she'd never seen Taliq possess such assurance, such confidence when addressing the children.

  Taliq glanced at Abby and then back to the children. "We want you both to know that we love you very much. And that we are here for you. In everything. Your happiness is the most important thing to both of us," he said. Taliq looked at Abby. "Isn't that right?"

  Abby nodded and smiled. "Totally," she said brightly. "You are both very precious to us. And we love you so much," she said.

  Aisha's eyes clouded visibly with emotion. And this time, even Kamil looked like he was struggling to contain his feelings.

  Taliq gestured toward the open gate. "I'll bet you're both wondering why we brought you here."

  More noises came from outside the walls. This time there was no mistaking the sounds. The children exchanged knowing glances.

  "I know I told you I didn't want you doing certain things, before," Taliq said. "There were rules. But, that's all in the past, now," he added.

  One more loud noise erupted from outside the gate.

  Then a tall, white stallion appeared in the open gateway. One of the palace's male servants held tightly onto its reins, struggling to hold the horse in its place.

  Both children squealed with excitement and started to rush forward. But, just as they moved toward the stallion, another horse appeared. This one was as tall as the stallion, but jet black in color, its coat gleaming in the morning sun.

  The children froze on the spot, staring incredulously at the two horses.

  Taliq looked at Abby and smiled. A few moments later, after just about the most agonizing pause Abby had ever experienced, Kamil leaned against Taliq, wrapping his arms around Taliq's waist and smiling up at him.

  Abby could see the emotion on Taliq's face as he turned to her and grinned with complete satisfaction written on his features.

  The two servants guided the two horses back out onto the sand outside the palace walls.

  Abby, Taliq and the children followed them outside. There were two other horses there. Those would be mounts for Abby and Taliq.

  Four horses in all stood there, each of their reins held tight by a palace staff member.

  "Are we going riding together?" Kamil asked.

  Taliq laid a hand gently on Kamil's head. "Yes we are, my son," he said. Taliq looked visibly proud as he said those words, Abby reflected.

  "But, I thought you forbid us to do that," Aisha retorted.

  Taliq hugged her close and shook his head. "That's all in the past, Aisha."

  "I haven't ridden for ages," Kamil said evenly.

  Taliq looked down at him. "I doubt any son of mine will ever forget how to ride a stallion," he said to Kamil.

  Kamil's smile was broad. Abby had never seen such an expression on the boy's face since the day she'd arrived. He looked genuinely happy.

  Taliq looked across at Abby. "You ready?"

  She nodded. Abby had already explained to him that she knew how to ride. Her parents had lived in a small town for years and, growing up, Abby had
had plenty of chances to ride. "You're right, Taliq. Once you learn, you never forget."

  Taliq smiled at her. Preparations were made and then, one by one, she and Taliq lifted Aisha and Kamil up onto their respective mounts. Saddles had been tied in place before they'd arrived at the palace gate.

  Then Taliq was curling his hands around Abby's waist and helping her up onto her own white horse. She settled on the saddle and gazed down at Taliq. "Okay?" he asked.

  She furrowed her brow at him. "Of course, I am. I'm no novice," she stated and then pouted mischievously at him.

  He laughed and made his way to his own mount, shaking his head.

  Abby looked across at Aisha and Kamil, who were both fussing with the reins of their horses. "Okay, kids?" she called out.

  They both smiled at her and nodded.

  It sure sounded strange calling them kids, Abby thought to herself. But there would be plenty of time to get used to it. Years, in fact.

  Abby watched, fascinated, as Taliq eased himself up onto the saddle of his mount. There was something regal about the way he prepared himself.

  Right now, he looked exactly as she knew him to be. A sheikh of the desert. And he was about to do something that weeks ago must have seemed impossible. He was about to lead his family out to the desert. And on horseback, like some desert chieftain.

  There was more than enough to look forward to in the future to even think of what had happened to all of them in the past.

  Then, Taliq clutched the reins of his mount tight in his right hand and turned to the children. "Ready?"

  Abby saw the sheer delight on the childrens' faces. They looked so eager to get going.

  Some things just felt right, she told herself. And this was definitely one of them.

  Then Taliq started forward, with Abby alongside him, and the children riding next to their father.

  She looked out across the desert. "Where are we going?" she asked Taliq.

  "Not far," he explained.

  Suddenly, the children couldn't contain themselves any longer. With an enthusiastic outburst of laughter, they raced ahead of Taliq and Abby. Every one of her concerns faded when Abby saw how well Aisha and Kamil handled the horses. They would be fine, she told herself.


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