MOTORCYCLE CLUB: Rebel Riders (Billionaire MC Romance) (Biker With A Cause Book 1)

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MOTORCYCLE CLUB: Rebel Riders (Billionaire MC Romance) (Biker With A Cause Book 1) Page 22

by Alexandra Stone

  “I invited her to stop by our tent after work for campfire stories and such.”

  “Oh, cool.”

  “Come on. Let’s go take a look.”

  I followed Johnny out of the restaurant. We followed an easy and wide trail. It went behind the restaurant and through the very large redwood trees. We were going into the lush campgrounds. As we got closer I could hear the calming sounds of water running through a creek. We came upon an old wooden bridge. It was beautiful and it spanned over the small clear water of the creek below.

  “This is absolutely stunning. I am so happy I’m here.”

  Johnny grabbed my hand in his. My heart raced. He looked at me and we locked eyes for a second as he said, “I’m happy you’re here too.”

  I didn’t know what to make of this. I wanted him to lean in and kiss me. Now that another girl was suddenly in the picture I wanted it more now than ever. As though it would put a claim on him and I could relax.

  “Come on. I think it’s this way,” he walked away from me and toward the camp. I could see the tents in the distance.

  I followed him over the bridge and then along the trail that was creek side. The air was different down here in the lushness of the forest. It was crisp but heavy at the same time. It was fresh and smelled of rich plant life. I inhaled deeply and knew that this was a life changing moment. Most kids my age had to wait until they were adults and out of their parents home to have an experience like this. Yet here I was having it, and it was mind altering.

  “I think this is us. Tent number eight.” Johnny yelled out.

  He walked up to a camp area labeled number eight. On it was a large tent. It was the kind the army used. It was more like a giant outdoor room. It was up on a wooden platform with a few steps that led up to it. There was a fire ring a few yards in front of the tent with a cute wooden picnic table. It was perfectly situated along the creek and few yards away from the nearest tent. It was a perfect location with one giant towering tree occupying our area. Johnny unzipped the long vertical zipper and we went inside. It was massive and very user friendly. There were four cots with sheets and blankets, electrical outlets, and lanterns. This was not camping, it was an outdoor room and I loved it.

  We settled in and then he said, “You know I didn’t think to get supplies when we were inside the store. We need wood and some snacks and stuff.”

  “Oh yeah I guess we didn’t think about it.”

  “You know I’ll go back up there and grab a few things. You just relax here. Take a load off; we’ve been traveling for hours. I wouldn’t want you to be worn out on the road so fast.”

  “Oh no, it’s fine. I can come and help.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be back in a bit,” he winked at me and walked back toward the country store.


  I sat on the cot and sighed. I knew that he was going to talk with Sara. I counted every minute with loads of anxiety. First I looked around the tent. I changed out of the clothes I had been wearing for two days and freshened up. Then I went outside. The view took my breath away again. It really was a beautiful place. I decided to just enjoy it. There was nothing I really could do about Sara at this point.

  I sat on the edge of the creek and put my feet in. The water was cold and refreshing. I felt one with nature.

  I looked at my watch again. It had been twenty minutes and Johnny was nowhere in sight. I imagined that he would reemerge with Sara on his arm.


  I turned around and saw Johnny behind me. He carried a bundle of firewood and a bag of groceries hanging off his arm.

  “How’s the water?” he asked.

  “It’s wonderful.” I smiled. He was alone and I was glad.

  “It’ll be dark soon. I should get the fire going.”

  An hour later it was dark and we were sitting around the roaring fire. The temperature had dropped and I wrapped a blanket around my shoulders.

  “What’s wrong?” Johnny asked.

  “What do you mean?” I asked back even though I knew exactly what he was talking about. I felt like at any second Sara was going to show up. This was giving me an enormous amount of anxiety. Apparently that anxiety was showing.

  “You’re just quiet,” he said.

  “Oh, it’s nothing.”

  “I think I know what it is,” he said.

  “You do?”

  “Yes, you’ve been waiting for something to happen. I’ve disappointed you.”

  Oh no, I thought to myself. He knows I’m jealous about Sara. Here it goes. Johnny looked at me and smiled. I didn’t know if he was being cocky and arrogant because he knew I was jealous. Then he leaned closer to me and said, “You’ve been waiting for this.”

  Then he leaned in and kissed me. First it was a light kiss as he brushed his lips across mine. Then he pulled back and looked at me. I didn’t want him to stop so I put my arms around him. He kissed me again this time with more passion. I lost myself in the kiss. Suddenly all the sounds of the wilderness in the night got sharper. I could hear an owl in the distance and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

  Finally we stopped kissing. I breathed in deep. I had wanted him to kiss me for so long and it was as magical as I thought it would be. Then we heard a throat clearing behind us getting attention.

  “Ahem,” Sara said.

  Johnny jumped up to greet her. My heart dropped to my stomach. I didn’t want her here. Then Johnny did something that made it all better. He said, “Oh hey Sara! Come join us. This is my girlfriend Brittany.”

  I was in shock. I reached my hand out to shake hers and she was all smiles. Then she said, “My boyfriend Robert is on his way to hang out with us if that’s cool?”

  “Yes that’s cool,” Johnny said.

  I realized that I had worried about nothing. Sara and Johnny were only friends and she had a boyfriend of her own. Johnny had introduced me as his girlfriend, which meant I had nothing to worry about. It was perfect.

  We had a good time with Sara and her boyfriend hanging out until Robert said something unsettling.

  “Is that your motorcycle Johnny?” he asked.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “That’s cool. You know earlier today I saw a really cool motorcycle gang roll through town. It was rad.”

  Johnny and I both got quiet. We both knew it had to be my father looking for us. I was nervous and I feared for Johnny’s life, the life of the father of my child.

  After the couple left, Johnny and I talked it over and decided it was best to hide out here. The campground was far back from the road and you could not see it when passing by.

  However the danger of being hunted turned us on. I grabbed Johnny and threw his shirt off and untied his hair from the messy bun he had on top of his head. I wanted him badly. We had only been together the one time and it was driving me insane not to have him.

  “Brittany I’ve waited so long to touch you again. I want to taste you,” he said.

  With that he pulled my clothes off and placed his face between my thighs. I had no idea what he was doing as it was my first time receiving oral pleasure. As soon as he started licking me I was in heaven. It was beyond anything I had ever felt before. I thought I would have an orgasm any second. He moved his tongue around and pressed and pulsed and then did it again. I yelled out in ecstasy as my body tensed and released and once again I felt the pleasure of an exploding orgasm. Then Johnny moved on top of me. I gasped at his weight on me because I thought about the baby growing inside of me.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he noticed my demeanor change.

  “Yes I’m fine, you’re just heavy could you not put all your weight on me,” I said trying to cover up the real reason why I didn’t want him on my stomach.

  “Okay,” he said. He grabbed my hips and arched them up towards him as he sat back on his knees. He brought my body up to him and placed his cock inside me. Then he slowly pushed it in. Memories and feelings flooded me as he thrust himself in and o
ut of me. This is what I wanted. This is what I had been waiting for. It was heaven. His cock slid in and out of me with ease and he moved faster and faster. I opened my thighs wider allowing more of him in as he slammed his body against mine. I felt my tits jiggling as he pounded me and for a minute I thought they felt bigger than they usually did. I knew it was a side effect of the pregnancy and I smiled a little smile at myself. My body was changing. Johnny pushed himself thrusting and grunting as his body tensed up and I knew what was coming. He stopped moving for a second.

  “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

  “No, you are okay. I just don’t want to cum yet and you feel so good I need to stop for a second.”

  “Oh I see,” I said with a big smile on my face. I loved that I had that affect on him. It made me feel sexy and desirable, even in my pregnant state.

  “Turn over, on all fours,” he said.

  My eyes widened, then I did what he said. I turned over and got on all fours. I felt Johnny’s body move behind me and he entered me once again. He grabbed onto my hips for control of my body and in this position he went very deep inside of me. I moaned and wiggled as I felt the familiar build up that I now recognized. He moved faster and faster and then I yelled once more, “I’m cumming. I’m cumming. Don’t stop!”

  Johnny moved faster and faster slamming his body against my ass as he thrust in harder and deeper. Then I let go. I released into orgasmic pleasure. Then Johnny released as well. I felt the warm fluid flow down my thigh. It was the release I needed. I felt relieved to be with him. Being together felt right and I knew I had made the right decision. I needed to figure out when to tell him that I was pregnant, but I just didn’t know how. I didn’t want to ruin the movement. We laid down in the bed in our glamorous outdoor tent and curled up in each other’s arms. I thought about the first time we were together and his painting of me.

  “Johnny what happened to that painting? The one you painted of me?” I asked.

  “It’s still there. In the greenhouse studio.”

  My eyes widened. I’m sure by now my father had seen the painting. I had gone missing and Johnny had gone missing and now he had seen a painting of me in Johnny’s home. I knew then that he definitely was out looking for us. He knew that we had become lovers and I was scared to think of the anger inside of him. I was soon to find out. However I didn’t know then that it would be the very next day that I would find out. I closed my eyes thinking we had lots of time before we were caught. I fell into a deep slumber. The pregnancy taking its toll on my body and making me very tired. The next morning I awoke to an empty bed. I was groggy but then I heard yelling. I jumped up and put my clothes on and ran outside. There in the campground was my father with five road warrior gang members. He had Johnny by the throat. I screamed. “Father no!”

  “Don’t protect him Brittany! I’ll teach you steal my daughter!” my father yelled.

  “Daddy I’m having his baby! I’m pregnant!”

  My father let go of Johnny. Johnny doubled over catching his breath. I ran to him.

  “You’re pregnant? Why didn’t you tell me?” Johnny said.

  “I didn’t know how,” I said. He kissed me and held me tight.

  I looked at my father. He had murder in his eyes. I eventually persuaded him to step inside our glamorous tent to talk. I told him everything. How Johnny and I had met before he became a road warrior and how things just fell into place that way. He was not amused at all. However, once he learned that Johnny was rich, it softened the blow a little. I think he just really wanted me taken care of. I could understand that. Finally we had come to an understanding and my father or the other road warriors agreed not to try to harm Johnny now that they knew he was the father of my child.

  Then we all made our way back home. We rode together in one pack and it felt good to be accepted again and to be with my father and with the guy that I loved. It felt right. I knew I had always promised my father not to end up a motorcycle mamma, but it was in my blood. I couldn’t get away from it. It was who I was destined to be. Johnny and I fit right in. As soon as we got home we had a very large wedding with all the road warriors. It was a true motorcycle rally and it was rowdy and loud just the way I liked it. They were my pseudo family and this was where I wanted to be.


  First time with an older man


  It was a month before my best friend Nicole and I would be heading off to college together. I had known her forever and I often went on vacation with her and her father. This last summer vacation before college was one that I would never forget. Nicole’s father, Mark was taking us to his friend’s ranch. It was a working Dude Ranch in Texas and the owner was named Travis Lawson. I was excited to see what he looked like. As I grew older and grew out of being attracted to guy’s my age, I found myself more attracted to the older gentleman type like Nicole’s father. He was an elegant and dapper gent, something like a Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind. If his friend Travis was anything like him, then I knew I would be in real danger of having my first experience with an older man. It was something that excited and terrified me.

  I sat in Nicole’s bedroom with my bags on the floor while she packed.

  “Ariel, I’m so glad you are coming with me. It will be so much fun. My father is going to make me take riding lessons while I’m there, but we will find time to hang out,” she said as she packed her bag. She was always last minute when she packed. Nicole and I were very different. She was very tall and slender in a lanky but pretty sort of way. I however was a fully blossomed woman with full breasts and full round hips with a round bottom. I had dark hair and dark lashes and she had blonde hair and blue eyes. Still we got along very well in personality as we kept each other’s secrets and thought of loyalty and the upmost confidence as high priorities on the friend list.

  “I’m sure I will find something to amuse me while you take riding lesson,” I winked at her.

  “Ariel! You dirty girl! You must watch out. These won’t be the guys we’re used to around here and in school. These will be dirty rough cowboys you know,” she said as she zipped up her suitcase and grabbed a few last minute things and shoved them into a tote bag.

  “I know I’m counting on it. I need a new experience,” I said seductively.

  “A new experience? What are you girls talking about?” a voice said from the doorway. We both blushed as we looked up to see her father Mark standing in the doorway with his bag in his hand.

  “Oh nothing daddy. We were just talking about riding and roping pigs and such,” Nicole said trying to cover up what we were really talking about.

  “Well, I don’t think you rope pigs, you rope cows. Are you all ready then? We are running late?” he said as he walked away.

  “Yes, be right down!” Nicole yelled. “Ugh, I don’t know why I am always late.”

  I grabbed my bag and headed down the hallway. I watched Mark as he loaded our bags into the black town car. He had blonde hair, just like Nicole with blue eyes. He was muscular and had that air about him, like he knew how to handle a woman. It was confidence and knowledge. I had only begun to notice these things about him in the last few months. It was very uncomfortable but also erotic. Nicole busted out of the door in a fluster and soon we were being driving through the streets of New York to the airport. Nicole’s father was in the front seat with the driver on his phone talking real estate. He was a very successful businessman, while Nicole and I talked in the back seat.

  A few hours later we had landed in Dallas, Texas. It was a very large busy airport and it was not at all what I thought of when I thought of Texas. It was a bustling big city and I expected countryside and horses. After grabbing our luggage we were yet in another black car being driven away from the busy streets of Dallas. We were headed toward Fort Worth and then out into the country. The further we went I started to see signs of what I thought Texas would be like. Large sections of fenced in land passed us by. There were huge b
arrels of rolled up hay lying on their sides across vast fields. There were cows with big horns and cows with no horns eating lazily. I saw horses running in open fields as if they were wild mustangs. I started to see the romance of the place and started to feel more excited for it. I started to feel more excited about it in a very sensual way. I started to imagine what the cowboys on the ranch would be like and if I would get to experience their dirty rough hands on me. What I eventually ended up experiencing was way beyond anything I could have ever expected. It was so erotic and new to me. It was the most adventurous I had ever been sexually and it all had to be kept secret, which only made it much hotter.

  We finally arrived at the sprawling fenced in land and turned off the main two-lane highway down a dirt and pebble road. In the distance I could see the working ranch far down the road. We drove through two stone pillars that served as gates with two long horn cow sculptures on top of them. The ranch was called Longhorn Heaven, and as we got closer I could see while. There were massive cows in the fields with the longest horns coming out of their heads. I had never seen anything like it in real life. It was very fascinating. The car finally pulled up to the country estate house. It was beautiful and it was late afternoon. We got out of the car and the August heat him me like a truck. This indeed was Texas and it was hot.

  The owner and one of his ranch hands met us. The owner, Travis, caught my eye immediately. He was tall, dark, handsome and rugged and a cross between Rhett Butler and Daniel Day Lewis in his late forties early fifties. He had a look to him, he looked strong and dirty. The Texas dust covered his body in some places. He had thick black unruly curls and dark stubble. His eyes were dark and the whole look made him look mischievous and mysterious. I suddenly felt very hot for this older man, and it wasn’t just the weather.


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