Point of No Return

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Point of No Return Page 4

by Tara Fox Hall

  Hearing that, I was much more afraid than I had been. I curled myself tighter in a ball, looked at him as if he were the Devil, and didn’t answer.

  “Shh, Sar,” Devlin said, slowly working closer, then drawing me to him. He was shaking slightly. “Danial said you would be nervous when I told you that I was ready. Don’t be afraid. My decision to take this potion was not only to lessen risk to you, but also to waste less time.” He kissed me softly. “I won’t hurt you,” he said softly, laying me down beneath him. “I promise. Now relax, so I may enter, Love.”

  He was right: this was safer all around. I’d been worried with trying too soon with Danial, and then been frustrated when it took so long. We should begin trying now, in case it took six months, or a year.

  “Relax, Love,” he murmured gently, kissing up my neck, even as his hips thrust lightly against mine, his erection straining. “Please. I want to be inside you so much...”

  I made my muscles relax. The moment the tension left me, Devlin began pushing, shuddering slightly. Within a short time, he worked himself inside. I let out a groan of contentment, the familiar feeling of being filled by him utterly satisfying.

  Devlin began thrusting deeply, groaning, his arms supporting his weight while he kissed my neck. There was some pain at the deep penetration, but I was expecting it. I tried to move with him, willing my body to relax. As his fangs pricked my neck, I suddenly surrendered with a moan, his excitement stoking my own.

  Devlin quickened his pace. I slid almost easily into orgasm. As it hit me, he bit down, sinking his fangs into my neck. I jerked beneath him, awash in pleasure, my ecstatic moans loud in my ears. Devlin swallowed in long pulls, his muffled groans of pleasure echoing mine. Abruptly, he drove harder, then let out a loud cry of release, shuddering as he spent himself.

  He moved off me, and pulled me into his arms. “It seems forever since I was with you last,” Devlin panted. “Much too long.”

  “It was just a week, Dev,” I said, my breaths also coming fast.

  “Never again,” he murmured, biting me gently. “You’ll come to me every few days, Sar.” He licked my neck, sighing gently. “I had wanted to do this again,” he said contentedly. “And now you are well enough to do it with me.”

  A small part of me had been worried that Dev wouldn’t be as interested in me now that I was his and no longer forbidden. Instead, he acted more excited now than he had been before. Relieved, I reached up to caress his face, running my fingers into his hair.

  “I love the way you touch me,” he whispered softly. “So casually, but with such emotion.”

  I didn’t reply, just continued to stroke him gently.

  “You like my touch as well, Sar,” he whispered. He sucked gently at my neck.

  “Ouch!” I said, jerking back from him. “Why must you do that?”

  “I like to do it,” he said, giving me a satisfied smile, and then did it again.

  “Stop,” I said grumpily. “Bite and drink, or just lick me, but stop doing that. It hurts.”

  Devlin blinked his eyes at me curiously. “Does it really hurt, or is it that it feels unsettling?”

  “It makes my nerves jangle, like a pinch does,” I said with a rueful smile. “Is it some kind of vampire foreplay, that you enjoy it so much?”

  “It’s my kind of foreplay,” he whispered, baring his fangs in a wide smile.

  Blood still stained his teeth. My blood. I shivered.

  That seemed to excite him. “Tell me you’ll scream for me later, Sar. Tell me that you’ve fantasized about tonight, here with me. About the things you know I’ll do to you.” I didn’t respond immediately, and he leaned closer. “Tell me,” he said harshly. “Now.”

  “What do you want me to say?” I stammered.

  “You didn’t think of me?” he hissed, his eyes reddening. “You didn’t long for me?”

  God, he was odd. “I did think of you,” I replied carefully, caressing him again in hopes of soothing his temper. “But I wasn’t thinking about sex. I was thinking about seeing you again, and wondering what your home would be like, and looking forward to being with you. This week has been a week from hell, Dev. My life’s turned upside down. Two weeks ago if you told me I’d be here in your bed Oathed to you and Danial and trying for another baby, I’d have told you that you were insane. So much has changed.”

  He hugged me to him. “I hope they are all not unwelcome changes.”

  “No,” I said tenderly. “But like I told Danial, it’s going to take me some time to adjust. I wake up and think I’m still married some mornings.”

  “That will pass,” Devlin said quickly. “How is Elle?”

  “She was upset to see I had on your choker. But I explained to her how things were and are now. I think she accepts it.”

  “She is tough,” Devlin said, murmuring into my hair. “She’ll bounce back from this in time. Children are resilient.”

  I nodded.

  “Are you hungry?” he said next. “I had planned to take you out, but I couldn’t wait to be with you, Sar. I had to have you like this, at least once before anything else—”

  “I’m not protesting,” I said wickedly. “I love that you wanted me so badly, that you couldn’t wait to have me. I worried I might not still make you feel that way—”

  Devlin cut me off with a hard kiss, and pulled me on top of him, so I was straddling him. With a wicked grin, he clamped onto my hips with his hands, and simultaneously thrust up with his hips, impaling me. I let out a scream of shock, then braced myself, my hands splayed on his chest, his heart beating wildly beneath my fingers. We had never done this position, and it was too much. I felt every inch of him as he slid in and out of me as fast as he could, slamming himself into me hard. I let out a cry every time he shoved himself home, both from sensation and also the pain as he hit my cervix. He was hissing, crying out himself with every thrust, writhing beneath me as tremors rocked his body. All at once, he screamed, pumping into me, his back arching.

  Devlin gave a large satisfied groan, lowering my torso to hold my body against his tightly, his member still inside me. “Ah, Sar,” he said contentedly into my hair, his breaths ragged. “I have wanted to do that since the moment I first laid eyes on you. To see you above me, riding me, and to get into you as far as I could, as fast as I could. To hear you scream as I entered you, and to hear your cries as I had you.” A tremor went through him, and he gave a long delicious sigh. “It was just as good as I imagined it would be,” he said, giving me a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said, drawing back to look at him. “But why didn’t you do this with me before now, if you wanted it that badly? You could have told me your fantasy.”

  “Because the fantasy was a selfish one,” he said tenderly. “I was afraid of hurting you that day in the hotel. You were so nervous, even after you gave in.”

  “What about last week?”

  “When I came to you then, you needed more from me than what I just did to you. Both times you needed gentleness and love. Rough sex had to wait, at least until now.”

  “You didn’t hurt me,” I said, fingering his golden hair fanning over the pillow

  “In a way I did,” he said ruefully, stroking the small of my back. “I came and you didn’t.” He sighed contentedly, and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry for that, Love,” he whispered. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

  Strange that not giving a woman climax was a crime, yet forced sex wasn’t. Still, he had grown up in another time, when women were property, and any man of power could have any woman he wanted below his station, whether she returned his affections or not. In view of that, what he had done to me that day in the hotel was likely the norm back then for men of his class. Given that fact, I got how he might think it wasn’t wrong, or hurtful to me. Briefly, I wondered why he cared if I came or not, knowing how different women were perceived to be than men four hundred years ago, and how little rights they had. I finally chalked it up to pride, that h
e relished knowing after an encounter was over that the woman would be counting the moments until the next time he made love with her.

  “Penny for your thoughts, Love.”

  “I was happy to give you that fantasy, Dev. I don’t have to come each and every time, so long as you make love to me again later on, and give me an orgasm or two then.”

  He gazed up at me, considering. “I’ll be slower with you later,” he said with an easy smile. “You’ll have at least two orgasms, Love. I promise. But first,” he said, rolling me off him carefully, “we have to get you something to eat. I’ll dress.”

  He went to his closet, and rolled back the mirrored door, revealing more clothes than I had in my closet at home. Some were casual, jeans, denim shirts, T-shirts and heavy cotton shirts. Yet over half were suits, leather pants, silk shirts, with some at the far right being so ornate as to be almost costumes.

  Devlin was a clotheshorse. That was something I hadn’t seen coming.

  He slipped into some jeans, and a heavy heather gray cotton shirt, putting a white T-shirt on under it. Then he noticed my staring. “What?”

  “I’m surprised you have so many clothes,” I said, getting up to look for my own garments.

  “You are comparing me to Danial,” he said, rolling his eyes. “He would wear denim all the time if he could. When you are a king, Sar, you have to dress like one. People expect it. And I get invited to a lot of parties, some requiring costume, like Danial’s.”

  “I understand that,” I said, slipping on my sweater and thinking I really didn’t. Why not put costumes worn once a year, if that, in the attic, or a spare room? “Can I use your bathroom?”

  “Go ahead,” he said gesturing with his hand to a door by the right side of his bed. “It’s through there. It’s stocked. I’ll wait out here.”

  Wondering what ‘stocked’ meant, I grabbed my overnight bag and went in. His bathroom was a surprise. I’d expected grey or just white, but it was done in black and white. Black tile, black towels, and white walls with mirrors everywhere, accented with silver fixtures and silver throw rugs. There was an oversize shower like Danial’s with two showerheads and also a full size Jacuzzi, the clear water steaming.

  Casting a longing look at the inviting water, I closed the door and put on a fresh pad. I’d had a lot of sex, so that was the wisest thing to do. Then I washed my face, and put on a touch of makeup. When I went looking for a towel in the nearby closet, I saw what Devlin had meant by stocked.

  He had everything a woman could conceivably need stocked there on shelves: pads, tampons, nail care items, foot care items, bottles of hairspray, several types of high-end shampoo and conditioner, body lotion, massage oil, hairbrushes and pins, aspirin, cold medicine, thermometers, toothbrushes, mouthwash, toothpaste, several packages of pantyhose and even several lipsticks, all in shades of a deep rose pink.

  Everything was in the packages it came in, and seemed to be trial sizes, the kind bought when going on a trip. Or the size a man would have on hand if he expected a lot of different women to need something they forgot, and wanted to have something handy to slip in their purse before or after bedding them. That was who all this was for. Danial had said Devlin was a lover of women. Lash had been telling the truth.

  I had never met a man I considered a Don Juan before, but Devlin clearly was. How many women had stood where I was now standing, or been on their back in his bed? He’d had over fifty in a little under four months or so he had said. Taking that as average made him bedding close to a hundred and fifty women a year. Doing the math with his four hundred years made the sum total something like forty thousand. It was sickening. I was disgusted with him for being like that and with myself for caring for someone like him, no matter what he had done for me.

  There was a knock at the door. “Sar, are you done? We should leave soon, unless you want to eat in.”

  I didn’t want to look at him, or talk to him. I wanted to leave, and never come back. But that wasn’t an option.

  “Sar?” he said a little louder, agitated. “Answer me.”

  “Almost,” I said softly, then washed the makeup off my face. I got out the toothbrush and paste I had brought with me, brushed my teeth, then rinsed out with one of the single use mouthwash bottles. After smoothing some of the skin lotion I had brought into my face, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

  I tried not to look at Devlin, but he was standing right there and I couldn’t avoid it. He took one look at me and his eyes narrowed. “I see distaste in your eyes, Sar,” he hissed dangerously. “Is it for me?”

  “It’s for me,” I said tonelessly, leaning against the doorframe. “For being with someone to whom a woman isn’t a person, just an experience, something to wile away the hours with and forget in a few days, if you remember their faces or names at all, that is.”

  “I like being with women,” he hissed harshly. “And they like being with me. I am not going to apologize to you for it, Sar.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” I said, moving past him towards the door. “But you should let me go then, Dev. I’m not going to be content as a face in your adoring crowd. And you clearly need that, a crowd of women to sate you. You have one-stop shopping in there.”

  “What really bothers you, Sar?” Devlin said, cutting and sarcastic. “Is it really that I’ve had many lovers, or that you think that you might not be enough of a woman to hold on to my love? That I might compare you to one of them and find you lacking?”

  Bastard. I let all of my disgust show on my face. “It’s neither,” I stated flatly. “It’s that the women in your bed were all one night stands, Devlin. You didn’t care anything about any one of them past the night you spent with them, did you? How can you be so shallow? And how can I trust that you really care about me after seeing that?”

  “I didn’t care about any of them, it’s true,” Devlin said seriously. “But I care about you. Anything you don’t want in my bathroom, feel free to toss out. You’ll be the only woman using it now. I promised you that, and I keep my promises. I already tossed out all the lipsticks that would not complement your skin tone—”

  His eyes met mine, and saw I didn’t believe a word. His eyes slowly bled to red gold and he snarled at me, baring his fangs.

  “You pretended so well with me, I believed you,” I said bitterly. “God, I’ve been an idiot—”

  Devlin crossed the room to me, cutting off my words with a rough kiss, his tongue almost choking me. Scared, I jerked back and moved my hand to slap him. He grabbed my wrists, both of them. I tried to back away from him, but my back was already against the wall and there was nowhere to go. He put both wrists in one hand, holding them over my head, still kissing me.

  I broke free of his lips. “Stop, please!” I pleaded shrilly.

  “No.” He tossed me onto the bed, holding me down with one hand and using the other to yank off my jeans. “This is what I want, right now. I’ve waited a long time for it, sweet Sar. And like I said, I’m done waiting!” He pulled down my underwear.

  “Stop!” I yelled, and then cried out as he slipped his fingers inside me.

  “I’ve barely touched you, Sar, and you are oh so ready for me,” Devlin purred, stroking me. “Because you know what all those other women knew; how good I can make you feel.”

  “No,” I denied. “Your behavior repulses me.”

  “Tell me you don’t want me then,” he whispered back, kissing my neck as he massaged me. “Tell me you don’t love me, Sar. Let us both hear you lie.”

  I blinked back tears and didn’t speak.

  He grinned, and pulled me to my feet. Then he stripped my sweater and bra off, pushing me against the nearest wall. I pushed off it, trying to turn and he grabbed the back of my neck, holding me with an iron grip, my cheek pressed flat to the wall.

  “Don’t move,” he purred in a warning tone dripping with ominousness.

  Afraid, I went absolutely still.

  Devlin’s hand stroked the bear at my hip
. He sighed, his face pressed into my hair, then unzipped his jeans, shoving them down. He bent his legs, and pressed to me, his stiff organ sliding against my bare cheeks, flexing gently. “Feel that, Sar?” he whispered, tilting my hips to put the head of his cock against my moist glans. “Only you excite me this way.”

  He pushed up and into me suddenly, again tearing a scream from my lips. Devlin moaned, the sound all encompassing, primal, and utterly possessing. I scrambled to get away from him, scrabbling at the wall with my hands as he pounded into me. Devlin tightened his hand at the back of my neck, and clamped down on my hip with the other, holding me fast. With a snarl, he bit down again into my shoulder, and began drinking.

  I let out a cry of surprise, then pleasure flooded me, and I sagged in his arms. Devlin swallowed me down, still moving fast, then withdrew, his breath hot at my throat.

  “You’re mine,” he hissed in a sinister tone. “Do you hear me, Love? You are mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I moaned loudly, climax flooding me. “I’m yours, Dev. Yours!”

  Devlin went rigid at my words, then shouted my name in a scream, his body jerking as he let loose inside me for the third time. “SAR! Aahhhh! Aaahhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!”

  He loosened his grip on me as he finished moving, then separated from me. Gently he turned me to face him, shaking slightly and breathing hard. “I’m sorry if I was too rough,” he said. “Did I hurt you, Love?”

  “I don’t think so. Do I have bruises?” I said hesitantly, looking down at my body.

  “Yes,” he said haltingly. “From my hands, where I held you to the wall. They should fade in a day, but I’ll heal them for you if they hurt.”

  “I’ll be okay,” I said wearily, then staggered.

  Dev steadied me. “I’m sorry,” he said gently. “I should’ve waited to do that until later.” He guided me to the bed, sat me down, then handed me my jeans and underwear. “Let me dress and I’ll help you.”


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