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by Nikhil Parekh

  with traumatically tyrannized agony?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to perennially inhale euphorically resplendent air into your puristically humanitarian lungs; quintessentially enshroud your dwindling existence; with thunderbolts of vibrant life?

  And is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to invincibly dedicate each beat of your heart to the person you irrefutably adored; and I ask - The World's Poetry Archive9

  you once again; that is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to fall in IMMORTAL LOVE?

  For all of you who say YES to the above; I can only convey to you what the Almighty Lord has ordered me to do; that the questions above are unconquerably priceless; and the heavenly answer to all of them is indeed and forever will be; a BIG NO.

  Nikhil Parekh

  - The World's Poetry Archive10

  A Gift Called Life

  Life = Death - volume 5 - Poems on Life, Death (193 pages) , at;

  a Poem from my above described Book -

  In order to augment the glory of the crystalline sky; God inundated it with a festoon of enchantingly misty clouds,

  In order to augment the glory of the lanky tree; God flooded its barren surface with a blanket of fresh green leaves,

  In order to augment the glory of the fleshy palm; God embellished its surface with a myriad of fascinating lines bifurcated into islands and forks,

  In order to augment the glory of the plain atmosphere; God deluged its gloomy ambience with sizzling rays of brilliant Sunlight,

  In order to augment the glory of the colossal ocean; God imparted its boundless surface with a cavalcade of ravishingly frosty waves,

  In order to augment the glory of fecund territories of brown soil; God embodied its surface with a wide fraternity of salubrious crop,

  In order to augment the glory of the voluptuously fathomless jungles; God placed a battalion of majestic lions on its rustled paths,

  In order to augment the glory of the towering mountains; God embedded their treacherous slopes with compassionate balls of white snow,

  In order to augment the glory of the redolently scarlet rose; God granted its demeanor with a seductively exotic scent,

  In order to augment the glory of the delectably hidden nest; God filled its empty persona with a cluster of stupendously charming and innocuous eggs,

  In order to augment the glory of the placid night; God blessed its shivering persona with amicably twinkling stars,

  In order to augment the glory of the gorgeously unsurpassable valley; God lit up - The World's Poetry Archive11

  its dolorous space with a boisterously pepped up and a stringent echo,

  In order to augment the glory of the innocuously wandering cow; God imparted it with the prowess of oozing life yielding and sacrosanct milk,

  In order to augment the glory of cascading rain; God impregnated the cosmos with a spell binding and vivacious rainbow,

  In order to augment the glory of mammoth stacks of diamonds and gold; God triggered their periphery with a mesmerizing and perennial shine,

  In order to augment the glory of the blind bat; God granted it with the astounding ability to stick wherever it wanted; to sleep upside down,

  In order to augment the glory of the blossoming shoots of bountiful grass; God overwhelmed its tips with tantalizingly alluring dewdrops,

  In order to augment the glory of true love; God gave it the highest priority on his agendas of this unfathomable Universe; granted it the virtue of being supremely immortal,

  And in order to augment the glory of every human; God swamped his dead body with an armory of passionate heart beats; flooded his dormant lungs with gargantuan

  bellows of fresh breath; bestowed upon him the most wonderful gift existing on this planet; a gift that we all know today as life.

  Nikhil Parekh - The World's Poetry Archive12

  A Tribute To The Nobel Prize (Nobelprize.Org) - My

  Humble Salutations.

  Poetry written in appreciation of the Nobel Prize; as the world's most coveted honor.

  Wondrously transparent was its grandeur- which enamored the world with the charm of invincible substance- for the greatest benefit of the living kind,

  Brilliantly optimistic was its presentation- rekindling fresh rays of hope and compassion in a planet usurped within the mortuaries of a meaningless war,

  Majestically opulent was its flamboyant demeanor- as it ensured that truth prevailed in its own inimitable aura- and was perseveringly harnessed from its fragrant roots,

  Marvelously resplendent was its victorious trail- reaching out to the absolute best and awarding symbiotic humanitarian existence with laurels of humble goodness,

  Humanitarianly humble; yet astoundingly mighty were its deeds- as it accredited the true worth of success and insurmountable achievement- with the honor it deserved,

  Selflessly sensational were its headlines- as people of all religion; caste; creed and color united under a single roof of unparalleled love- to congratulate a fresh voice of promise,

  Gloriously embracing were its altruistic palms- as it unabashedly invited the common man as well as the super celebrity to browse its website- wherein lay the most impeccable pearls of literature on the most fascinating aspects of existence,

  Bounteously charismatic were its foundations- which evolved the most idealistic civilization of love; peace; friendship; dignity; integrity; peace and religious equality,

  Triumphantly enriching were its medallions- which reinforced faith in the ability to pursue conviction and let it uninhibitedly fructify into the fruits of joyous positivity, - The World's Poetry Archive13

  Irrefutably fearless were its decisions- as it poignantly accoladed the most deserving candidates in their respective fields- wholeheartedly appreciating talent and effort where it royally lay,

  Marvelously magnanimous were its ceremonies- where the most intrepid of laureates had their own inimitably natural opinions- on their chosen paths in blessed life,

  Honestly unbiased were its intentions- as it ingeniously segregated human fields of achievements into the most outstanding categories- defining peace; love; brotherhood and the betterment of the living kind,

  Handsomely benevolent were its goals- as it patronized any form of goodness that lit up besmirched darkness with the profoundly sublime rays of togetherness and humanity,

  Magnetically alluring was its charm- as it broke barriers of discomfort – facilitating inspired dialogue between you and the individual they crowned as their esteemed laureate,

  Ardently persevering were its ideals- as it embarked on its zealously fulfilling mission of instilling solidarity amidst humanity- with its philanthropic commitment to mankind,

  Beautifully bonding was its empowering feel- as what transpired at its prize giving function- was the world feeling more resourcefully enriched with the goodness of creation,

  Indeed it was as “Nobel” as its name which is the “Nobel Prize”.

  It can also be further visited at its website –

  And as a true citizen of my sacrosanct motherland India- I, Nikhil Parekh, offer it my humble salutations!

  Nikhil Parekh - The World's Poetry Archive


  Aftermath's Of Pinching

  Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems (95 pages) , at;

  a Poem from my above described Book -

  When i sedately pinched an opalescent balloon filled with tons of gas, pricked it with ultra thin needles coated with scorpion sting,

  gave it a volatile punch in its solar plexus,

  the colossal ball of swollen rubber burst with obs
treperous bangs, now resembling deflated skin of threadbare junk.

  when i boisterously pinched the shell of juicy water melon, ripped apart the fruit with adroit strokes of the butcher knife,

  kneaded the blood red pulp, applying unrelenting pressure with palms, squashed the residue in compressed interiors of knotted cloth,

  a stream of crimson red juice tumbled directly into scorched regions of my throat.

  when i placidly pinched the striped skin coat of a sleeping leopard, tickled his upright ears with silken camouflage of Falcon feather, left a plethora of red ant to wander around his slimy nose,

  kicked his rear playfully with swashbuckling strokes of my feet, the beast roared ferociously, jolted from arena's of blissful sleep, devoured me like an insect, relishing a meal of soft tender bone.

  when i vindictively pinched blissfully asleep tunnels of my heart, poked my ribs with icy cold vegetable of carrot,

  turbulent voices advocated my penchant for everlasting freedom, a mystical aura radiated from my wheatish face,

  i wanted to smile with pumped exuberance for the remaining quota of life, before blending my ashes with the mundane playground of earth.

  Nikhil Parekh - The World's Poetry Archive15

  As Important

  You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10 (138 pages) , at;

  Poetry from my Book as above mentioned -

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was disseminating flamboyant light all day to the gruesomely staggering earth; for the Omnipotent Sun,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was tirelessly showering bountiful droplets of rain upon dreadfully parched soil; for the voluptuously crimson clouds,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was majestically oozing unfathomable tons of sparkling honey with the exuberant breeze; for the boisterously flirtatious honey bee,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was fulminating the inner most arenas of his heart and soul into an unsurpassable valley of vivacious graciousness; for the celestially wandering artist,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was replenishing itself with quintessentially ingratiating droplets of water; for the traumatically agonized and

  scorched throat,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was enchanting diffusing into an endless entrenchment of astoundingly spell binding rhyme; for the melodiously blessed nightingale,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was ubiquitously disseminating its scent of poignantly handsome friendship; for the vibrantly ravishing and eternally exotic rose,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was iridescently un unfurling into a river of mystically milky pearls; for the gloriously regale and fascinating stars,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was ubiquitously propagating the message of unconquerably heavenly peace; for the harbingers of egalitarian humanity, - The World's Poetry Archive16

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was exultatingly jubilant and cardinally crimson blood; for the intricately sensitive veins,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was intransigently fantasizing in the realms of fabulously blessed paradise; for the walls of infinite infinity,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was towering as the most unparalleled conqueror; for the irrevocably Herculean and invincibly supreme mountain tips,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was fabulously disintegrating into a countless billion pieces; for the tumultuously descending and poignantly pristine avalanche,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was sporting an immaculate blanket of heavenly mesmerizing fur; for the timelessly humble and innocent sheep,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was portraying an unequivocally candid reflection; for the flamingly eloquent and scintillating mirror,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was gargantuan lakes of virgin water; for the impeccably gliding and heavenly fish,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was romancing in inexorably wonderful titillation; for the charismatically incarcerating eyelashes,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was the art of culminating into rhythmically incanting sound; for the rosily forked and fantastically tangy tongue,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was the unfettered sailing on gigantically stormy ocean waters; for the harmoniously crafted and brimming to capacity; passenger ship,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was the art of indispensably ardent sustenance; for the miserably slavering beggar,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was unraveling into a tale of reinvigoratingly tangy froth after clashing against the shores; for the aristocratically undulating waves, - The World's Poetry Archive


  For me to bond with her was as important; as was tranquil waves of gregariously serene and rejuvenating shade; for the preposterously dreary and horrifically staggering traveler,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was boundless rivers of unblemished mother's milk; for the freshly born and divinely wailing infant,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was enthrallingly ecstatic rainbows to spawn up in the oligarchic cosmos; after it rained euphorically under the dazzlingly profound rays of the midday Sun,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was for the spirit to holistically liberate from the immaculate body; after veritably inevitable and absolute death,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was tears of happiness to flow after witnessing its departed ones; for the wonderfully princely and emphatically eclectic eye,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was bouncing in the aisles of uncontrollably uninhibited and untamed mischief; for the incessantly winking chimpanzee,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was wholesomely freeing every iota of his irrefutably sacrosanct motherland; for the patriotically unflinching and valiantly intrepid soldier,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was the chapter of timelessly magnificent proliferation and opalescently blossoming newness; for the Omnisciently

  Almighty Lord,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was the dance of perennial glory in torrentially seductive rain; for the majestic winged and blissful peacock,

  For me to bond with her was as important; as was inhaling limitless gallons of effulgently Omnipotent air; for the miserably impoverished and diminutive nostril,

  And for me to bond with her was as important; as was unleashing into a Universe of unassailably immortal love; for the passionately thundering and compassionately honest heart. - The World's Poetry Archive


  Nikhil Parekh




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