Charged for His Sins

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Charged for His Sins Page 21

by Natavia

  “Umph, I wonder what bitches are going to send you pictures,” I replied. Yavin and I were fine, so everything he said went in one ear and came out the other. I wanted to know more about his phone. I was super jealous when it came to York.

  “Hopefully a shorty name Adisa. I miss that pretty pink pussy. Take a picture of it so it can wink at me. Tickle it before you do because I want it wet. My dick over here hurting shorty,” York’s sexy voice said through the phone. His voice alone was enough to make me cream.

  “I’m not doing that shit,” I replied.

  “Yooooo, stop fucking playing and give me that pussy over the phone,” he said. My hand massaged my left breast as I bit my lip. I thought about the rough sex we had and how he used to eat my pussy from the back. A moan escaped my lips and he heard me.

  “That’s what I thought. Whose pussy is that, shorty?” he asked.

  “It’s yours, baby,” I replied.

  “Spread those thick ass thighs for me. Is it dripping for your nigga?” he asked. I was rubbing my clit and I enjoyed it. I wasn’t into masturbating, but it was the best thing to me at the moment.

  “Ummmmm, York,” I moaned.

  “I can taste your pussy on the tip of my tongue. It tastes better than a pink starburst. Let me know when you want me to slide this big, chocolate dick inside you. I’m fittin’ to stretch that lil’ pussy open. Is it still tight for me?” he moaned into the phone. I vision his pretty erection with thick veins stretching to its length,” he moaned into the phone. Sweat beads formed on my head as my legs trembled. I hungrily licked my lips as I thought about York banging every nook and cranny out of my pussy.

  “Babbbbbyyy, I’m cumming!” I screamed into the phone. I know I ruined it because we were just getting started.

  “Shittttttt me tooooooo,” he groaned.

  “Damn, a nigga started nutting when you started moaning,” he said.

  I talked to York on the phone all day and every day for the next few weeks. I was up all night with him. I locked myself inside of my room at night so that I could have phone sex with him. I didn’t have time for Jaz anymore so I began to ignore his calls. I bought a few sex toys because I wanted to feel as if I had the real thing. Everything was going well until York fucked up again.

  One night while I was on the phone with York his line beeped. He clicked over without realizing he put me on three-way by mistake. I heard a woman’s voice and she was cursing him out because he didn’t call her back. I sat on the phone and listen to them go back-and-forth as tears fell from my eyes. York was yelling at her because she didn’t send him nude pictures. I got tired of listening so I hung up. The chick name was Harmony. I knew all the bitches he messed with except for that one. When I hung up, he called back ten minutes later.

  “WHAT!” I yelled into the phone.

  “What the fuck was that, huh? Who was that bitch you made a mistake and put me on the phone with?” I asked.

  “Yo, you bugging!” York yelled into the phone.

  “I’ve been ducking my boyfriend for you,” I said.

  “Fuck that nigga! Can he fuck you? The way you be craving for my dick, I doubt it!” York fired back.

  “Who is Harmony?” I asked.

  “Yo, don't worry about it,” he replied.

  “Oh, word?” I asked.

  “Yo, it wasn’t like that? She was speaking in code. Did you hear anything else? Did she say anything else about me? Did it really sound like we had something going on?” York yelled into the phone. York thought I was stupid.

  “This was a big mistake. I should’ve never looked back,” I replied.

  “You are always going to look back because you love me and I love you. Shorty, why are you doing this?” York asked calmly.

  “The lies and I’m sick of them,” I said.

  “I’m not lying,” he stressed.

  Samiah knocked on my door and told me that Jaz was out in the living room. I wondered what he wanted and so did York.

  “What is that nigga there for?” York asked with an attitude.

  “He’s my boyfriend,” I spat.

  “Since when?” York replied.

  “Since I will never in my life trust your jail bird ass! I should've left your ass when you caught that charge. Let your other bitches please you over the phone since that's all you can do for me anyway,” I spat. I was talking out of anger, I didn’t mean nothing I said. The other end of the phone got quiet. I thought he hung up on me but he was still on the phone.

  “A nigga in here told me bitches show their true colors after a nigga gets locked up. It’s all good because when I get out, you are going to want me again and guess what? I’m not going to look your way. You are dead to me, shorty,” York gritted before he hung up. I tried to call him back but it went to voicemail. Tears fell from my eyes because I didn’t mean it. Samiah stood in the doorway of my bedroom grilling me.

  “I know damn well you didn’t say that shit to my brother!” Samiah screamed at me.

  “I didn’t mean it!” I yelled back.

  “He doesn't know that because it damn sure sounded convincing. He has enough on his plate and he doesn't need the woman he loves to talk down to him! Bitch, I’m pissed off at you myself,” Sam said. Jaz came into my room with flowers in his hand. I felt worse because he must've heard everything that happened. I wiped my eyes and tried to look presentable but it was too late.

  “We will talk later,” Samiah said before she walked away. Jaz sat the flowers on my dresser and I stared at him. He didn’t say anything to me when he sat on my bed. I felt like a cheater being caught. Well, I was technically cheating and on a good person at that. Jaz was straight up with me and never lied to me. I should’ve told him the truth instead of pushing him away.

  “I came over here to figure out this relationship between us, but I guess I already figured it out,” Jaz said.

  “It’s not like that. Well, I’m just confused. I was still in love with York,” I replied.

  “It’s because you never gave me a chance. Why haven't we been intimate yet?” Jaz asked. It was the first time he mentioned intimacy.

  “I’m scared to give myself to someone in that way because I might get hurt,” I answered honestly.

  “I will never hurt you! I’ve been here for months and you are still afraid of me! I treat you with respect and always put you first and this is how you do me? I had to walk in on your conversation about you and some guy to know I wasted my time. You told me York was like a brother to you but the whole time y’all were fucking? I don’t deserve this bullshit and we both know it!” Jaz yelled in my face. Jaz was always patient with me so him yelling scared me. I thought he wanted to hit me.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I replied.

  “Tell me that you will give me a chance to show you. I need to know that I’m not wasting my time,” Jaz replied. I should've left him but I didn’t want to be alone. I still wanted that void to be filled. It wasn’t like he was a bad dude. He was actually a great guy with a good life ahead of him. I gave up fighting for York that day because only a man that I truly loved with all of me could hurt me.

  I let Jaz enter my body that night and I still felt empty although it was amazing. He made love to me and took his time on me. He spent an hour seducing me without penetration. He kissed my fingertips, my toes and everywhere else on my body. They say when you have something good, keep it. Well, I couldn’t let Jaz go if I tried. It felt like the right thing to do after how much he put up with from me.


  Jaz stayed the night but he had to leave early in the morning. His father called him because he wanted Jaz to go to meeting with him. I walked him to the front door and kissed him before he left.

  “I still want to slap some sense into you for the shit you said to my brother last night,” Samiah said from behind me as I locked the door.

  “I was hurt and wanted to hurt him like he hurt me. It didn’t matter in the heat of the moment what was said or where he wa
s at. I’m just tired of being hurt after continuing to forgive him.” My heart couldn’t take anymore.

  “I get what you are saying but you said some fucked up shit to my brother while he’s in there. He can’t do anything about it while he’s in there and you’re stressing him out more. He doesn’t need that right now.” Samiah said and it pissed me off just a little bit.

  “I understand what you’re saying. York is your brother but at the same time if it was Zu your ass wouldn’t have held any punches either. I keep getting my heart broken by your brother then I have to pick up the pieces by my damn self. I tried to give him another chance again and found out he was cheating.” In my heart, I knew it was time to back off of York because those horrible thoughts that used to plague my mind came back.

  “You jump to conclusions too much is all I’m saying. I talked to my brother that woman is bringing in stuff for him. Her brother is a CO at the prison and he looks out for York too. How do you think he got his cell phone? Harmony’s hustle is transporting things inside of the prison. She’s very good at it. I met Harmony and she has a boyfriend with three damn kids! I swear you act hood but you’re naïve to a lot of shit that goes on behind the scenes in the hood. My brother was speaking in code about his product that she didn’t bring to him. Then your ass just blew up in his face and said some hurtful shit when he’s really trying,” Samiah said.

  “Just because she’s doing that doesn’t mean he’s not sleeping with her. I don’t care if she is married, a bitch is not gone risk herself and brother just for any ole’ nigga. And am I supposed to jump for joy that his ass is finally trying to make it official with me? Hell for all we know it could be all jail talk. York would be out in the streets sleeping with different bitches unprotected if he was home. York did some fucked up shit to me, even after I shared my darkest secrets with him. Shit that I never told you about. That’s why I thought what York and I had was special, but I’m always reminded about how much of a whore he is. The only thing I can offer your brother is friendship right now, well after he gets over what I said,” I said.

  “So, pretending to like Jaz is the key to all of your problems? Un-fuck-ing believable.”

  “I like Jaz,” I told Samiah truthfully.

  “But sadly you will never fall in love with him. This will come back on you one day. I’m still your sister so you know I’m down for whatever decision you make. Just know York is not locked up forever. It’s going to come a time when temptation will get the best of you. You can’t escape the person you love no matter how hard you try,” she said. Those words sent chills down my spine because I knew she was telling the truth. Samiah knew how much I loved York. Hell, York knew how much I loved him too. He was an addiction that I couldn’t cleanse from my body.

  “I love you, Louise.” I said to let her know I wasn’t mad at her for sticking up for her brother. I lost York, I couldn’t lose Samiah too.

  “I love you too Thelma,” she said. I hugged her as if my life depended on it.


  “Fifteen hundred dollars for that shit? It looks like target practice for paintball guns. They sell paintings like these at the flea market for ten bucks,” I said. Jaz doubled over in laughter as the people in the art museum gave us dirty looks. One of Jaz friends had two pieces of art on display. Jaz went to support his friend and dragged me along as a date.

  “I bet they say the colors represent the artist different emotions at different points of time. This painting is supposed to show anguish, love, fear but I just see splats of paint. The best art is black love. A painting to show the love between a black woman and man. Those paintings are priceless and deserve more recognition. This shit here is ludacris,” Jaz complained.

  “Now this one I would buy and its only two hundred and fifty bucks. It looks way better than that one over there it has substance behind it and strikes an emotion. Like the artist felt like they could put all of their broken emotions into the picture to become whole,” I said.

  The picture was a big canvas of one woman in different stages as she rose from the ashes. In the bottom part of the picture, the woman was on her knees crying with tears made of blood. A piece of her heart was in both of her hands with a gaping hole in her chest cavity bleeding. The middle part of the picture had fewer tears and a somber look as she was in the process of her having her heart put back together. At the top of the picture we could see there was a smile on the woman’s face. She had sewn her gaping chest back up after placing her heart back into her chest cavity.

  The picture was filled with emotions because the artist was thinking about heartbreak when she painted it and the different stages of it.

  “That’s Chelsea’s painting. She’s the one who invited us here. She made a series of them and said they got her through a serious breakup. According to her pouring her emotions in the painting, helped her grieve the relationship as she put the pieces of her life together,” Jaz said. Although I didn’t want to go to the art gallery, I was glad I did.

  “Now I wish I knew how to paint. I missed so many things in my life. I had always been restricted from the fun stuff. I still don’t know how to skate,” I replied.

  “I got an idea. Come on let’s get out of here.” Jaz grabbed my hand then pulled me towards the door.

  “Where are we going?” I asked him after we climbed into his car.

  “It’s a surprise just hold on,” Jaz told me as we pulled out of the gallery parking lot.

  An hour and a half later…

  Jaz took me to the park across the street from his condo. He made me wear elbow pads, knee pads, a helmet, and rollerblades. The sun was setting so it wasn’t quite dark yet.

  When I first stood up I thought it would be easy until I tried to move and almost bust my face. Luckily for me, Jaz was right there and caught my arms before I fell.

  “You bet not let me go until I tell you to.” Jaz laughed at me as I gave him my death stare.

  “Mannn, I’m not gone let you fall and hurt that pretty face of yours,” he said.

  “I’m stabbing your ass in your sleep if you let me fall,” I joked.

  “You ever glided across your kitchen floor with socks on? Skating is the same way except you have to move very slowly,” he said.

  Jaz held my hands and led me around the park in a circle twice before letting me go. I almost bust my ass twice when I went on my own but I slowly got the hang of it and had fun.

  “Alright let’s go in. I’m exhausted,” I said. I was out of breath as I rolled back to the bench.

  “I have one more surprise for you,” Jaz said. He helped me out of my skates and protection wear before we walked to his condo.

  We ordered takeout from this Italian place and watched a movie as we ate. After we finished eating Jaz went to the car and came back with a big bag. I couldn’t wait for his last surprise.

  “What’s in there?”

  “Body paint,” Jaz answered as he pulled out a tube of body paint.

  “One thing though. We gotta’ be naked for this one,” he said. We stripped out of our clothes before we went into the kitchen.

  I covered his whole body in the black paint. I added red paint so it could look like blood then tried to paint a rising phoenix.

  “You bet not get it in my hair,” I told him when it was his turn. Jaz made me look like a green alien with a dick and pussy tattoo. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. After we were done making a mess, we took a shower together.

  Jaz carried me to his bed and laid me down gently in the center of his bed then climbed in beside me. We both had our towels wrapped around our bodies after showering, both looking at each other with heated glances.

  He kissed me deeply as he removed my towel. His hands and mouth immediately zeroed in on my perfectly round breasts. Jaz sucked my nipple into his mouth. I moaned in pleasure as my nipple pebbled against his tongue. He showed both my nipples equal attention before he pulled back and climbed off the
bed to pull his towel off.

  He got in behind me, but he was closer to the foot of the bed. He slowly pushed my legs back until my feet were planted on the bed and my knees bent. I spread my legs wider, so his tongue could effortlessly get all of me.

  He cupped the mound of my pussy while he ran his finger up and down my clit. Suddenly, I felt the tip of his tongue as it traveled up and down my clit in a fast swiping motion. He pushed a finger into my tight waiting paradise. I cried out as a slight tingling sensation started.

  I gripped the sheets and moaned his name when he applied more pressure to my sensitive bud. He pumped two fingers in and out of me. I screamed when he added another finger into me, ramming his fingers into my slick opening while sucking on my clit.


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