‘You’re confused. This experience isn’t something you’re used to, but everything will work out the way it’s meant to happen. ‘A female voice sounded in my head.
I wasn’t sure to whom the voice belonged. “Do I know you?” I asked aloud. Did other immortals have the same powers as Jayce or was someone else here? I hopped up out of my blanket cocoon looking around for a sign of the other person. I swung open the wardrobes and closet doors, checked under the bed and behind the curtains. The room was empty. “Hello, is anyone there?”
‘You know me very well, better than most. You don’t always listen, but trust me when I say, you usually end up doing what I want.’ The voice let out a sweet giggle. ‘You need to learn to trust yourself more; listen to what you think is right and wrong. Feel what you need and act on those instincts, they may just save you one day.’
I listened carefully to everything the voice said and it made sense, I did tend to doubt myself a lot. I always second-guessed things and whenever I didn’t take time to think a situation all the way through, it usually backfired. Most likely, those were the signs I needed to listen to more frequently. The voice offering me advice had a certain familiarity, but could it be? Aloud, I said the name that came into my mind. “Ginata?”
‘Yes, Shanntal, it’s me!’
This brought me a sense of joy, knowing I could once again communicate with my dearest friend. “I’m not sure why I didn’t recognize your voice right away. Guess it’s been a while. Oh, how I’ve missed you. It’s so good to know you’re okay.” This must have been quite the sight, locked in a room alone, talking to myself. If someone were watching me right now, they would’ve thought I’d definitely lost my mind.
‘Yes, my dear friend, it’s been too long, but I’m here to warn you. Daray’s not the same as you remember. Darkness has dominated his light. There’s nothing left of the man you once knew. You must be very careful because the crew he runs with is evil and it’ll end badly if you stay. You need to get far away from them as quickly as possible.’
“Ginata, I’m locked in. There’s no way out.”
‘Everything with Jayce felt right, it’s because he’s full of light. Darkness hasn’t touched nor will it ever influence him.’
Memories of Jayce resurfaced and I saw his warm smile and sparkling eyes, and remembered our passionate sparks. How could I have been so cruel? Would he ever forgive me? I tried the door knob again, but it still wouldn’t turn. What was I going to do?
‘Your protectors will come whenever you request. They won’t come on their own because right now you are safe. You’re alone in the house. Your friend Layla can take the form of any creature she chooses. Tell them to bring her. Send for them now, there’s not much time!’ Ginata ordered.
I spoke aloud because I wasn’t entirely sure how to send my request. “Garrison, Kaleb, I need you, please come and bring Layla. I’ll need her help too. Hurry, they’ll be returning, dawn’s approaching quickly.”
‘Shanntal, I need you to know that I’m not with the living anymore. He came back to finish what he started. You’re not safe. I don’t think he’ll ever give up looking for you.’’
A tear ran down my cheek. I was officially the sole survivor. “Who’s he? Who did this?” I asked. “Daray?”
Ginata never responded.
“Are you still here? Don’t go. Please, you need to tell me who did this.” I was alone. My dear friend had warned me that I wasn’t safe in the best way she could. Glancing around, I took in one last look at my past, knowing that some things were better left behind. “Wow!” I blurted out. A large dragon occupied the space outside the window. The creature startled me until I noticed the purple eyes assuring me that Layla had arrived. I went over to the window and saw my protectors. Kaleb waved his arms and hollered, “Get out of the way!”
I moved to the far corner, covered my head and closed my eyes. A fireball smashed through the window, shattering the glass and sending shards everywhere. I felt the warmth of the flames quickly evaporate. I opened my eyes and to my surprise, nothing appeared damaged, with the exception of the window.
Layla pushed her way through, crunching broken glass under her giant reptile feet. Regardless of the fact that she was a scaly dragon, I’d never been happier to see anyone. I wrapped my arms around her thick neck and climbed onto her back. Once I was secure, she turned around and we flew out the window. Garrison and Kaleb raced across the ground with endurance and speed. It was amazing watching them as they leapt over obstacles both big and small, basically anything that stood in their path.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so happy to see you guys! Thanks for coming to get me,” I said as we crossed the yard and headed towards the beach. I looked back briefly at the broken window where I’d been held captive and felt a rush of relief. I was once again free of Daray and had a better understanding of what he was really like. The gentle man I’d once loved was no longer. I was alive because of the monster he’d become. It was my family who’d taught me that there was more to life and his way wasn’t meant for me. I faced forward; with my head held high, I wasn’t going to look back at the past anymore, instead I’d live in the moment.
The sun broke along the horizon — another day dawned. Daray and the others had probably returned to the house. Soon he’d realize I was gone, if he hadn’t noticed already. I pictured the tantrum he’d throw and shook the thoughts of his rage from my mind. There were bigger issues to deal with; he knew where I was and I needed a way to keep him far from me. I didn’t imagine he’d be as forgiving towards me the next time we met. I had a new set of priorities. Fix things with Jayce and find out who killed my family, because whoever it was, they needed to be stopped. The evidence pointed towards Daray, but I couldn’t shake the feeling… could he really do something so horrible… to me?
We closed in on the beach. My heart beat quicker as I hoped Jayce would greet us upon our arrival. Disappointment rushed through me when I found he wasn’t anywhere in sight. I climbed off Layla’s back and she transformed back into her human form. My protectors caught up with us as we walked over to where Terran, Aiden, Makan and Meriel stood. Shea fluttered close to Terran and it was obvious they’d been talking.
“Quite the little adventure you’ve been on. Enjoy yourself?” Aiden sneered.
Meriel shoved him.
“What were you thinking?” he continued. “Can you even comprehend how much trouble you’ve caused? Did you at least learn anything so you could get this out of your system?”
“I did and I’m really sorry.”
“Sorry, is a start,” Makan replied, offering me a grin.
“Daray isn’t the same man living in my memories. I understand that. What I saw was more monster, nothing but darkness and evil.” The guilt I felt was un-measurable and I quickly realized that everything I’d chosen to do had clearly affected more people than just myself. “Please understand, I needed to find out on my own, because this is the life I once lived. I felt lost and didn’t know where I belonged. I owed it to myself, Daray and Jayce, to find out where I’m meant to be.”
Terran and Meriel came over and hugged me. I’d lost the love of my life, and met an old love, only to find out he was my worst nightmare. I’d been through so much and was relieved that someone recognized or at least acknowledged the pain I felt. The girls tried their best to comfort me, but I needed Jayce. Only his arms around me, letting me know he’d forgiven me, would make this pain go away.
Garrison, Kaleb and the element boys, gathered together in a circle, conspiring.
“What do you guys think you’re doing?” Layla said.
“What needs to be done,” Aiden snapped, turning his back to us.
“Enough! What’s done is done; it’s over. We need to stick together now.” Terran was the voice of reason.
The girls listened in as the guys rambled on about fighting the nightwalkers and who was stronger. There wasn’t any point; they had no plan of attack, just
an overwhelming batch of testosterone with nothing better to do but mouth off. However, one by one, the girls joined their circular formation. No one was getting left out of the loop, even if they were just talking nonsense. Feeling like an intruder, I was the last to join the group. This whole mess had started because of me and I couldn’t stand by and watch the outcome from the sidelines. I needed to step up and help make things right.
A few minutes of deep conversation passed. There were some very productive ideas being tossed around when suddenly, everyone stopped talking. Wanting to know what distracted the group, I turned my head to follow the stares. Jayce came down the beach towards us. I felt dizzy, I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to run over, wrap my arms around him and say how sorry I was. I started to move, but the look on his face made me decide otherwise. His anger and sadness was because of me. I’d done this to him. His eyes wandered in my direction, and he gave a nod of acknowledgement as he passed by.
Terran whispered, “He’ll be okay, just give him a little time. Once this is all sorted out with Daray, I’m sure he’ll come around.” She squeezed my hand.
Her small gesture gave me hope. I couldn’t help but think of how I’d managed to ruin my happiness in the blink of an eye. Everything had changed; it’d only taken a few minutes for my world to be turned upside down yet again. If I’d only listened to Uncle Dane and not run out, things would’ve been so different. This wasn’t fair. I’d just found my way and managed to let it get destroyed by a man I couldn’t remember, destroyed by a memory forgotten for a century, obviously for good reason. Yes, Daray had saved me, but by the sound of things, it was purely accidental. I owed him nothing.
I’d make things right with Jayce, even if it ended up being the last thing I ever did. He’d shown me how to live and love without being afraid. He’d taken the time to teach me what love truly meant. Things became clear; I was in this so-called battle to be the middleman. It was coming down to a battle of good versus evil. I’d seen both sides and knew the leaders each had one major weakness — me.
Looking around at the concerned expressions of the people surrounding me, helped me quickly figure out that I’d already inadvertently started the battle amongst the immortals. I hadn’t meant to nor had I’d known, until it was too late. There wasn’t any turning back. It seemed Daray would have to be destroyed; it’d be the only way for some kind of resolution. His destruction would set things right, and I felt deep down in my bones, it would be the only way he’d ever leave me alone. As long as Daray was around, there’d always be chaos and I’d live in fear.
Plan in Motion
~ Chapter Six ~
Another brilliant morning shone vibrantly upon us. Hours had passed as we pitched ideas on how to beat Daray and the rest of the nightwalkers. After all points were considered, everyone finally agreed a confrontation was going to be inevitable. Not one person believed Daray would simply walk away and let this go.
I looked around the circle waiting to see which sets of eyes would look at me. A confrontation was inevitable at this point because of my stupidity and selfishness. Surprisingly, no one within the group looked to place blame and I felt a smidgen guiltier for assuming they would have. Kaleb shifted over closer to me. I was thankful for his support. His thoughtful gesture made me feel a bit more at peace with myself.
As we stood there, I couldn’t help but look across at Jayce. I felt so badly for how I’d treated him. I tried being inconspicuous, eyeing every little detail of his beautiful face. Sadly, his features seemed harder now. The cuts on his face from our first encounter that night at the cave were almost healed. He’d tried so hard to keep me safe, virtually facing the nightwalkers on his own, all for me.
I remembered back to what he’d said to Layla about Daray being right. How he wasn’t a keeper because he couldn’t keep the most important person in his life. Thinking about those words felt like knives cutting through my soul; a horrible sensation that I wished I’d never have to face again.
Jayce still had me whether he believed it or not. He’d come around again. I needed him. My life wasn’t the same without him in it. He’d become the most important part. I told myself over and over that he just needed more time.
I tried focusing on what the group was saying. There wasn’t any point in dwelling on Jayce right now. He was clearly less than interested in me. He never once looked over in my direction, instead he attentively listened to the ideas the others were pitching.
The group continued making their game plan for taking out the nightwalkers. I didn’t bother looking up when someone suggested attacking during the day even though it would certainly be easier considering how outnumbered we were. Fighting like that was stooping lower than their level. I felt hurt when another suggested I should move away for a while.
“She won’t be moving anywhere, so forget about it!” Garrison’s deep voice forbade.
I was pretty sure the comment came from Aiden, but I let it go in one ear and right out the other. His rude remarks couldn’t make me feel worse than I already did. My attention drifted elsewhere. I could hear what was being said, but it was more background noise at this point. The first comment about attacking during the daylight hours brought back a lost memory.
I thought it was important and wanted to share it with the group, so I spoke up. “I don’t think we’re really that outnumbered.”
Everyone stopped talking, all eyes focused on me.
I chose my words carefully and spoke with all the authority I could muster. I needed them to hear what I had to say. “When I went to the house with Daray, he took me downstairs.”
I caught Aiden rolling his eyes.
“They keep the doomahorns and werewolves as prisoners. They’ve got a dungeon downstairs in the house. Maybe there’s some way we could convert them? Show them there’s a better way to live rather than being held captive. Perhaps then we would have the extra power needed in order to defeat Daray.” I felt Jayce lock his stare directly on me. I looked over and met his gaze. My face flushed red.
He smiled his perfect smile and announced, “She may be onto something. If we could somehow contact or show them that they don’t have to be prisoners, maybe… they just might help us.” He gave me a wink of approval and my heart skipped a beat. I had to focus back on the group to stop myself from running over, wrapping my arms around him and never letting go. I listened as everyone began discussing tactics. This time, the conversation was directed towards getting us into the dungeon.
Kaleb came up with the most reasonable conclusion, which encompassed all of the necessary time restraints. It was extremely tricky and only one kind of immortal could do it — the shape shifter.
The plan sounded do-able, a really good idea. However, one part of the concept left a lot to be desired and couldn’t be ignored. It came up in the different scenarios more than once. What if the beasts didn’t accept or want our help? What if they attacked? The lone shifter would surely perish. There wasn’t any plausible way for anyone, shifter or not, to beat those kinds of odds alone. It was a suicide mission.
No way I’d let anyone go, there was absolutely no way! I glanced around the circle. Everyone wore concerned or frustrated expressions on their faces. Layla caught my attention. She didn’t seem to be as irritated or disappointed as the others.
She stepped back from our circle and turned to face the opposite direction. Then, without warning she let out a loud screeching sound. Everyone immediately stopped talking and turned to see what all the noise was about. She calmly turned herself around and nonchalantly came back over to join the group.
“Now, that I have your attention, I want you to know that the other shifters have been called. It’s only a matter of time before they come.”
“The others?” I asked.
“Yes, there are only about twenty known shifters left in the entire world,” she said, “Devlin was the shape shifter that perished trying to save your family, Shanntal. He was my brother.”
“Oh Layla, I’m s
orry.” I felt like I’d just been kicked in the gut. Why did death and destruction follow me?
“Shifters have always been around to help protect the other immortals from the nightwalkers.” She spoke to me as she always had, as my friend. She didn’t seem cold or resentful in any way.
“Oh, Layla. I’m truly sorry. I honestly never knew. The police told me my pet cat died that night, but I thought they’d been mistaken because we never had a cat, or a stray wandered in.” A big pit of guilt arose in my stomach, making me feel even worse. I never imagined it could be possible to feel any lower. I stood silently as I thought about how everyone had been so good to me. What did I do to thank any of them? I hung my head in shame, stepped out of the circle and walked away.
Garrison and Kaleb followed and this time I let them. After walking a little ways from the rest of the group, I looked up at my protectors. I never said anything aloud as thoughts and questions raced through my mind. What had I cost them? Who had they lost trying to protect me? Why did they bother? No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t spit the words out. The way they both looked back at me, I knew they understood my pain. As I looked deeper into their eyes, I swear, all I could see was my worthlessness staring me in the face.
Escaped the Night Page 12