Agents of Chaos

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Agents of Chaos Page 26

by Des Pensable

  ‘Many newmans are born with an irrational fear of spiders causing them to panic at the sight of a small one the size of my finger nail.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘He may be one of them. If so one my size would have a profound effect on him let alone one of an adult Llanllean size. I would suggest that you turn to your alternate form and only you and I are present with all others out of sight otherwise he will be so scared you won’t get a single word out of him.’

  ‘You are quite right. He does seem unusually fearful of us.’ agreed Esller and she and Barinll left for a discussion with the other members of their group.

  Fortunately they decided to try Aquitain’s suggestion. They removed Garret to a small cave away from the main one and only Esller and Somanller, both in Elendari form remained to question Garret. Aquitain changed to his gnome form and woke up Garret who was immediately apprehensive. Aquitain assured him that they were all friendly, but he was suspicious. He wanted to know how Aquitain managed to find him so easily then wouldn’t believe that the gatekeeper had told him where to go.

  Suddenly Aquitain’s patience seemed to snap. He turned to a very nasty looking purple little person with big teeth. He grabbed Garret around the collar slapped him on the face and using mindspeak said.

  ‘Listen here you little worm. I’m not the nice little gnome all the time. I can be very nasty. There was some type of holy warrior here who wants me dead. He started a fight and I managed to beat him. He will probably try again. The point is they were after me not you. Tell them what they want to know and we can leave and see the Queen!’

  Of course that was a lie, as Aquitain didn’t know yet whether they would be allowed to leave. Garret was again afraid and wondered what he had got himself into but quickly agreed to talk to the spiders if they didn’t look like spiders.

  Aquitain changed back to his pleasant looking gnome form and said. ‘I’m sorry Garret … I…I don’t know what came over me. I’m not usually like that.’

  ‘Of course you’re not.’ replied Garret not believing a word Aquitain said.

  ‘Please let me talk with these spider people so that I can leave.’

  Fortunately, Somanller and Esller were patient and friendly with Garret reducing his fears substantially. He told them a similar tale to that of Aquitain and this seemed to please them. However, they were curious about Aquitain’s part in the skirmish at the Mudrun gateway as Aquitain had glossed over that.

  Aquitain explained that he was employed by the High Wizard and a part of his job was to stop magic fights. He had merely helped to reduce the carnage until the High Wizard had arrived to resolve the dispute. He told them the dragon was not real but an illusion produced by the High Wizard to help to stop the fighting. The Llanlleans seemed to accept that but Garret wasn’t as convinced.

  After further questions the Llanlleans seemed reasonably happy that neither Garret nor Aquitain was a threat to them and agreed that both could leave, but strongly suggested that they at least remain until the next morning as darkness on Moonmist was very dangerous for the inexperienced.

  Somanller suggested that Garret and Aquitain could rest in the small cave they were currently in if they wished to stay. Garret reluctantly agreed and was pleased to see them go. He had a lot of thinking to do.

  Aquitain stayed with Garret for a while but Garret wasn’t interested in talking so he left to visit to the Llanlleans and he found they were most interested in talking with him. No one had ever heard of anyone ever being reincarnated as a Llanllean.

  They had heard stories of resurrection and reincarnation of people on Mudrun but never on Moonmist mainly owing to the fact that there were no organized religions here and consequently neither priests nor druids that might be able to perform the magic rituals required.

  What really surprised Aquitain was that the Llanlleans all lived for hundreds of years and only had children when someone died hence children were rare. He was child size so that made him very special in their eyes. Any adult from any clan would try to protect him instinctively as children were truly treasured. His transformation to a child form of a Llanllean by The Lady now made a lot more sense.

  He couldn’t sleep. He talked and watched for hours. It was a whole new world of experiences. Unfortunately the more he learnt the more questions arose in his mind. There was something wrong here. Something they weren’t prepared to reveal. Eventually, everyone felt tired and drifted off to get some sleep. If it wasn’t for Garret, he could easily have been tempted to stay with these people for quite some time.

  Chapter 20 Slivver and Adonis

  Aquitain sat wide awake in the dark in the small cave near Garret on a makeshift bed made of soft reeds stuffed into a large bag made out of some type of stringy bark woven into a crude cloth. It wasn’t Garret’s incredibly loud snoring that would almost wake the dead that kept him awake. It was the dream that he had at Astaria.

  He was tempted not to sleep at all. For the first time in his life he realised that he was so vulnerable when he was asleep but he knew his body needed rest. Who knows when he would have a chance to sleep again, so reluctantly he decided he would rest but he didn’t necessarily trust all of these Llanlleans yet either. While most were open and friendly there were some that were not as friendly. It was possible that while he was a sleep they could act against him.

  He moved to the corner of the room and changed shape to Logicon slime and slid into a crack in the rock, camouflaged his exterior to look like rock and meditated. His excited emotional state subsided and his mind became peaceful. He could now think logically about what had happened over the last day before dozing off. That’s when he noticed the mindlink.

  There was a very faint, subtle and unobtrusive link to his mind, a little like the link that existed between him and Alpha. At first he thought that maybe Alpha was nearby but he couldn’t feel Alpha there. Had someone linked with him without his agreement? Was someone spying on him? He tried breaking the link in the usual way and nothing happened it was still there. He thought about it for a while then decided he had to find out who was on the other end.

  ‘Hello. I know that you’re there. Who are you and why have you linked to me?’

  He waited but there was no answer. He asked again, but his request was still met with silence, so he thought at length at what this meant. Maybe this was the hidden spirit in his body? He decided to build up a mental wall to block it off, but no sooner had he blocked out the link than wall simply disappeared and the link was still intact.

  ‘That won’t work.’ said a voice.

  ‘What!’ thought Aquitain. ‘So I do have a passenger somewhere.’

  ‘Of course you do you idiot. I’m your minder. You don’t think Llanlorian would allow you to get away that easily.’

  ‘Are you a spirit?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘No guess again?’ said the voice.

  Aquitain thought of a variety of strange possibilities.

  ‘By the Powers you’ve got a vivid imagination.’ said the voice. ‘Try something more mundane.’

  ‘You’re a psychic parasite!’

  ‘Bravo.’ replied the voice.

  ‘Some people call us by other nasty names like puppeteers but I like to think of myself as your closest friend. You look after me and I look after you.

  Although I must admit that you’re pretty tough. When that Ansidian person stunned you I thought you were done so I gave you a bit of a hand. I can only do one thing and that is cause pain. So I did in the mind of that creature.’

  ‘Ah now it all makes sense. thought Aquitain.

  ‘What’s your name?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘I have lots of names.’ replied the parasite. ‘Usually profanities in one language or another. However, if you want to be civil, you could call me Slivver.’

  ‘Okay Slivver what’s the deal. What does Llanlorian want you to do and why are you working for her?’

  ‘Oh right to the point eh. Let’s say she wants to be sure you do what she wants and I�
��m to help you and ensure you come back. As to why I’m working for her, she’s got one of those blood oaths on me as well.’

  ‘She also wants to get to know you better and has sent me along as an unobtrusive travelling companion. I am to report back to her about you. So if you decide to get rid of me now she will not be as happy to see you in the future.’

  ‘All right Slivver, it looks like we are destined to be together for a while. I hope you’re ready for some excitement. I’ve got a feeling that tomorrow will be a busy day. How about you keep watch while I sleep.’ and Aquitain went to sleep feeling much safer.


  The next day before they left, Somanller sought a parting word with Aquitain.

  ‘In many ways I’m sad to see you go. It has been most interesting to talk with you. I hope we get another chance under more cordial circumstances in the near future. My friends are suspicious and distrusting of you, as you would probably be of them, if our situations were reversed. However, I am one of the few who knew Llanlorian well. I am convinced that if she sent you to us she thought you might be able to help in some way. Consequently, I am going to tell you a little of our problem.’

  ‘For years we have been loyal and trusted subjects of Queen Aurora. Many of the Queen’s Royal guards are our people. Llalorax, the Royal Wizard and Llanlorian the gatekeeper are Llanlleans. About six months ago a group of young Llanlleans under the supervision of an elder left for a hunting expedition and disappeared without a trace. A couple of weeks later, a small settlement of Llanlleans were attacked by a large group of Elendari soldiers. This time there were several elders present and there was a serious fight leading to the deaths of many of the attackers and unfortunately many of the settlement. The attackers all wore the livery of the queen.’

  ‘We sent evidence of the identity of the attackers with a petition to the Queen asking why we were being attacked. She sent back a reply stating that if we continued to attack outlying settlements then she would have to punish the lot of us. We protested our innocence but to little avail. She won’t listen. It appears that we have become victims in some game of power. This will jeopardize the positions of both the Royal wizard and the gatekeeper.

  We know that many Lords are unhappy with them purely because they are Llanllean and not corruptible. They were both appointed by the King before he died many years ago and have served faithfully ever since. We are afraid that there is some plot to discredit them, which will leave the queen more vulnerable. Unfortunately she is quite fickle and doesn’t seem to understand her danger. We have been trying to scry for the problem but where do we look? I am hoping that you can help.’

  ‘Thanks for your trust.’ said Aquitain. ‘These events certainly seem a part of the larger puzzle. I’ll do what I can.’

  A few minutes later they were escorted out of the cave and Somanller teleported them to a path leading towards a large castle sparkling with lights about a thousand paces away. They were on the far side of a hedge maze that led to the castle.


  Snowbelle stood at the Moonmist entrance of the gateway to Astaria.

  ‘Hail Llanlorian, Gatekeeper of Astaria, I seek your approval to pass through your gate.’

  ‘You may pass.’ replied a voice.

  Snowbelle entered the gate and walked briskly down the path towards the Mudrun exit. She had nearly reached the exit when Llanlorian appeared in front of her in her Newman form.

  ‘Greetings, Snowbelle, what ill fortune forces you to pass through my gate.’

  ‘My ex-husband seems to dislike me opening my own gate to Moonmist. This time he managed to find and close it before I got back.’

  ‘But surely you can easily open a closed gate?’

  ‘The gate was not only closed but sealed with an arcane effect that I have never seen before. It defied my every effort to open. It seems that he has new knowledge or we have a new player in the game.’

  ‘That is curious. I was instructed by the Queen to deny you entry to this gate. It is almost as if someone wanted you trapped in Moonmist.’ said Llanlorian.

  ‘Why then are you letting me pass? Is this a trap? Do you wish to fight me?’ replied Snowbelle tensing for action.

  ‘Calm yourself Snowbelle. I wish only to exchange information. It seems that some foul plot is afoot and I would rather maintain the balance than aid in any mischief. I have chosen to interpret the Queen’s order that I deny you entrance from Mudrun. Consequently you are free to pass. However, should you wish to return to Moonmist then you must realize I will have to stop you with all the resources at my disposal.’

  ‘Thank you, Llanlorian. I understand.’

  ‘Is your former husband involved in whatever’s happening?’

  ‘I don’t know. No one seems to know. That’s what worries me. Someone is causing trouble and trying to pass the blame onto your kin. It doesn’t make sense. Your brother doesn’t seem to know what’s happening either. I have a bad feeling about this.’

  ‘And where does Aquitain, the small Llanllean, fit in the puzzle?’ asked Llanlorian watching Snowbelle’s reaction carefully.

  ‘Ah, so you’ve met him and he’s passed through the gate already. He is somehow tied in with whatever is happening, although I have no idea how.’

  ‘And your daughter, she also passed through.’ said Llanlorian.

  ‘She was with the Llanllean?’ asked Snowbelle trying not to act surprised.

  ‘No. She was with another, an Elendari hunter who had her bound and hooded.’

  ‘What?’ exclaimed Snowbelle ‘Are you sure it was her. Surely if she was hooded you might be mistaken?’

  ‘It is possible, however, not probable.’ replied Llanlorian.

  ‘If you wish to go back to Moonmist I will not bar your way as you have not yet completed your journey.’

  Snowbelle was worried. For the first time for years she was really worried. Had Wyvern Darkmantle somehow captured Miranda? Why had someone sealed off her gateway? Was it to stop her getting in or out of Moonmist? Was her gateworld in danger?

  ‘No thank you, I will continue on my way. May The Lady bless you.’ said Snowbelle and after bidding farewell to Llanlorian she hurried off to find out what happened to Miranda.

  Snowbelle first used her last charge in her teleport ring to return to her sheltered gully and passed through the gate there to check on her own gate world. Everything was normal. That was a great relief. She warned her people to be on the alert and spend a restless night brooding about all the horrible things that might happen to her daughter in the clutches of Wyvern Darkmantle while her two teleport rings recharged.

  The following morning she left immediately after meditation for the Wolf people’s village as they were the closest to the Southern gateway. A brief discussion with the shaman revealed that Miranda had indeed been there a few days earlier but had not returned from the visit to the area where there was a suspected gate. Buluk himself had become worried and was about to organize a group of villagers to go there to find out what had happened.

  Snowbelle was now even more worried. She shape changed into a giant eagle and flew off in the direction Miranda had headed. An hour later she came upon the body of the dead wyvern. It could hardly be missed. She could smell it from a hundreds of paces away.

  At first glance it appeared to have been badly damaged by a wizard fire attack. Was Aquitain involved? She examined the putrid body much closer and noticed several holes that might have been caused by arrows. That’s strange? Arrows would hardly have worried a wyvern as their skin was too tough. So she probed in the holes until she found what she was looking for, an arrow head. She carefully cut it out and examined it closely. It was an Elendari poison arrow. She tasted the poison. Yes it was a rare herb that would kill a wyvern.

  Around each of its legs was a steel ring. She had seen these before. They were used to hobble or chain up domesticated wyverns. She stripped off her clothes and cut into the rotting carcass to examine its stomach contents. The putrid ste
nch was nauseating. She opened up the stomach revealing the Elendari hunter’s body inside. The face wasn’t recognizable, as the Wyvern’s stomach acid had dissolved it away. She was relieved that it wasn’t Miranda.

  She washed herself in the nearby stream using plenty of soapwood sap then some other aromatic herbs to eliminate most of the smell from her body then carefully examined the tracks around the scene of the fight. It was confusing as quite a number of Elendari had been here recently but they all led to the same spot. The now closed gateway entrance.

  She used a command word and all the magic runes fixing the gateway to this world became visible. The symbols were of ancient druidic origin, which were rarely used these days. The gateway was very old possibly even predating the southern gateway. She was amazed. She had been the High Druidess of Mudrun for a decade and never knew about this gateway.

  She used her gatekeeper ability to analyse the gateway and discovered that it was a simple direct connection to Moonmist. This was quite surprizing, as it was generally believed that it wasn’t possible to form a direct connection to Moonmist. It was closed now but had been recently opened.

  She examined the tracks again and tried to mentally reconstruct what might have happened.

  A group of Elendari hunters had come through the gate to do some hunting. They had brought the wyvern to protect the gate. It had closed before they were all able to return. The wyvern had become troublesome and eaten one of the handlers. The ones trapped on this side had killed the wyvern teleported to Llanlorian’s gateway and returned home. Somewhere along the way Miranda must have turned up and been captured. How could she be so stupid?

  There was only one useful thing about the whole unfortunate incident. Snowbelle could open this gate and it should lead to Miranda’s captor. The problem was that if she opened it then it would probably set off some type of alarm at the other end. It could be a trap or it could be an easy way to retrieve Miranda. She stood pondering the consequences for several minutes then decided to act.


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