Alpha Mage

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Alpha Mage Page 3

by Janelle Peel

  I met Blaze’s stunned gaze, “Shit!”

  Chapter 3


  Finished with my bath, I regarded my bag with trepidation. How did one meet their captors, exactly? Rummaging through its contents, I quickly dressed in an oversized grey hoodie and black yoga pants. It was very possible that I might need to shift again, and denim was too cumbersome to pull off with my teeth. Finger combing my raven hair, I threw it into a ponytail, and took in my reflection in the mirror.

  Skeptical green eyes stared back at me from my porcelain face. Dark circles marked the fragile skin beneath my lower lids, undoubtedly a side effect from whatever the hell I’d been shot with. Finished with my perusal, I hesitated at the door.

  Fuck it. Feigning confidence, I pulled it open and padded across the threshold.

  Justine sat at the foot of the bed with her tennis shoes tapping an impatient beat against the floor.

  “About time,” she smiled, “I thought I was going to have to come in there after you.”

  Lifting a brow, I quipped, “You’d be barking up the wrong tree.”

  Her brow furrowed as she cocked her head to the side, “It always seems like the good ones are batting for the other team. Damn.”

  My mouth opened in shock. She was gay?

  Her soft laughter mocked me, “Don’t be so surprised.”

  I stammered, “Sorry. But, but, you’re-”

  Lifting a hand, she waved an arm. “Don’t worry about it. I doubt I could be the Pack’s Mage otherwise. Too much,” her pert nose wrinkled, “testosterone, for me.”

  My cheeks pinked and I nodded. “There aren’t many females here, then?”

  Her jovial expression turned somber, “No. None.”

  How… odd.

  Shrugging a flannel clad shoulder, she tipped her head toward a platter of cold cuts on the nightstand.

  Suddenly starving, my feet carried me toward the tray without a second thought.

  After I’d inhaled my third mouthful of roast beef, she spoke, “So, once you’re finished, I’ll escort you outside. Kane is already waiting for you near the edge of the forest. The rest of the Pack will not be present.”

  Tonguing a bite aside, I muttered, “Will he have the dart gun?”

  Her blue eyes flashed, “No. That will not happen again.”

  The sharpness of her tone surprised me. Why would she care?

  She blushed, “Sorry. If I had actually believed that you were part Mage, I wouldn’t have made the concoction in the first place. We were lucky.” Her nostrils flared in irritation, “It could have been extremely damaging to your magic. The last thing we need is to start a war with your Clutch.”

  My thoughts rolled as I reached for my magic. Instantly, flames broke out along my hands in their normal silvered hue.

  Justine’s eyes widened as she let out a relieved sigh, “Good. That’s really good.”

  “What could have happened?” I asked curiously as I tested the boundaries of my well. All seemed to be normal, but I did not want to take any chances.

  “One dart wouldn’t have hurt you, but it should have incapacitated you. Two,” she shook her head, “two could have killed you.”

  Stunned, I stared at her in disbelief and cut off my magic. I could have died? Goddess, I needed to get the fuck out of here. Closing down my thoughts, I rumbled, “Take me to your Alpha.”

  My sudden mood change didn’t seem to faze her. “Are you sure you don’t want to eat more, first? You’ve barely had anything.”

  I growled in response. Food was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to leave, now.

  She lifted a hand placatingly, “Okay, let’s go.” Hopping from the bed, the tread of her sneakers squeaked across the hardwood. Pausing with her hand on the door handle, she looked back at me, “Natalie? Hear him out. Please?”

  My glare closed her mouth with an audible click. I would listen, for now. Then I would figure out how to get back home.

  As we walked, my agitation increased. Attempting a calm appearance was becoming incredibly difficult, so I decided my time would be best spent scrutinizing every inch of the house to plan my escape.

  Polished wood covered every inch of the floor that I could see. The walls were painted in a cheery buttercream all the way down to the tall white baseboards. It almost looked like a farmhouse, I mused. Framed pictures caught my eye and I paused to stare at a photograph of the forest.

  Justine stopped and glanced backward, “That’s right outside. It’s really pretty in the fall.”

  Lit by an orange and pink sunrise, the picture captured tall oak trees that towered high into the sky. The untrimmed grass was a vibrant green and seemed to glow with early morning dew. It was beautiful. Excitement raced through my veins. I’d never been to a forest; not that I could remember, anyway.

  “Come on,” she tossed over her shoulder as she continued down the hall. “Kane gets grumpy when he has to wait.”

  The rest of the house passed by in a blur. I couldn’t remember a single detail; my anticipation was too intense.

  Descending the stairs, we came to a large front door with a stained-glass window depicting a howling Wolf.

  “This is where I leave you. Head straight out to the tree line. Kane will find you.”

  “Justine?” I inquired, “Where are we?”

  Her cheeks dimpled as she grinned, “Epping forest, just outside London.”

  My eyes widened, “The UK?”

  Nodding, she pulled the door open.

  The scents of wild growing things met my nose as I stepped outside into the early morning air. Closing my eyes, I savored every inhale and attempted to catalogue every smell. Unfortunately, that didn’t go over very well since I had nothing to compare them to.

  Shrugging internally, my bare feet carried me down the stone steps as I looked back at the house. The brick façade was covered in ivy on each corner and overlapped the rails of the second story balcony. Hmm, I mused. It had seemed bigger on the inside.

  The damp grass tickled my toes with its cold kiss as I made my way to the border of the trees. Justine was right. It was almost exactly like the photograph. The smell of overripe cherries drew my gaze further inside the forest to a meadow bordered by a large oak.

  Looking left and right, not a soul was in sight, so I carefully maneuvered through the tall grass. I’d never known there were so many shades of green!

  The screech of a hawk drew my attention overhead as a squirrel chittered from a branch high up in the cherry tree. I smiled, “Getting a morning snack?”

  Its whiskers twitched as scampered into its den.

  “There’s a lot of wildlife here,” a man’s voice sounded, startling me.

  Sitting at the base of the massive oak, he almost seemed to blend in with his surroundings.

  My brow lowered as my good mood plummeted. “Kane,” I bit out.

  His black hair brushed the square line of his jaw as he stood in one graceful motion. The dark denim of his jeans flexed with each step as he prowled toward me in rugged hiking boots. His tee could have been painted on as it showcased every inch of his chiseled torso. The emerald of his eyes glowed as I met his gaze in challenge.

  With a sigh, the glow dimmed and he dropped his gaze to the forest floor. “Yes, I am Kane.” Turning to the side, he waved an arm at our surroundings, “Welcome to Epping Forest, home of the European Pack.”


  Her bold stare unsettled his Wolf. The beast didn’t like that he had decided to submit to her gaze. Sharp teeth flashed inside his mind’s eye as he gnashed his teeth; a guarantee that Kane would be paying for the sign of submission on his next shift.

  “Why did you take me?” She asked in a clipped tone.

  Looking toward the slowly rising sun, he took a moment to collect his thoughts. He had originally taken her to gain her help. Only after the fact did he realize the stupidity of his rash decision. She was pissed.

  “My Pack needs your help,” he rumbled.

bsp; She stepped into his line of sight as he focused on the string of her grey hoodie.

  “Why the hell would I help my kidnapper?” She growled.

  His shoulders dropped, “I didn’t intend to kidnap you.”

  Her bare feet whispered across the grass as she closed the distance between them. Sarcasm laced her voice, “Then what, pray tell, did you plan to do?”

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled. All Mother, she smelled amazing. Wild, with hints of the sea. Odd that a Wolf could smell like the ocean this far inland.

  A loud smack sounded as she slapped his chest, snapping his eyes open with a rumbled growl.

  “Answer me!” She shouted, unimpressed with him or his Wolf.

  Intrigued at her audacity to touch him, the beast stared out at her through their shared eyes. While they watched, the vivid green of her iris began to glow as it slowly became outlined in a silver circle.

  She slapped him again.

  He simply stared, taking in the curve of her soft cheeks, dark lashes, and full, pink lips. She was even more beautiful in this form than in her fusion, he thought. His Wolf snorted in disagreement.

  The third time she lifted her hand, he grabbed her wrist. An electric sting zipped up his arm. Dropping her like she was on fire, he stepped back in shock.

  Her dark brows lowered as she sucked in a sharp gasp.

  His Wolf filled him in with one rumbled word… MATE.


  He hated flying. Traveling through the sky close to the speed of sound was definitely something he never wanted to do again. Add in the fact that he was squished between two strangers, and it was all he could do to hold his human shape.

  Why, he wondered for the hundredth time, did humans have to hide their scents behind so many layers of chemicals? It was revolting.

  The overhead speaker crackled to life, “This is your Captain speaking. The safety belt light has been illuminated as we are beginning our descent. Please take your seats. The weather in London is a pleasant 18 degrees Celsius, that’s roughly 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Flight attendants, please take your seats.”

  Finally! Closing his eyes against the turbulence, he tried to imagine what Nat was going through. The mere thought sent his Wolf into a frenzy, so he focused instead on Bex’s reaction to his leaving.

  Her ruff had stood fully on end as she growled at him; begging to go. He knew the growing pup loved Nat to the ends of the earth and back, but he couldn’t put her in harm’s way. He also couldn’t explain why he was taking a Wolf through security.

  His refusal had sent her into a rage he’d never seen before. He’d come back to his room after speaking with Blaze about the flight change to complete chaos. Most of his clothes had been shredded and his king-sized bed was in tatters.

  Julian was none too pleased when he’d asked for a replacement.

  He’d hoped she would come around and at least see him off, but she didn’t make an appearance.

  Jonas had promised to look after her, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was missing something. While Bex was mischievous, this new behavior was totally out of character for her.

  Lost in his own worries, he barely noticed the plane touchdown on the runway. On autopilot, he deplaned and immediately proceeded to baggage claim for his luggage.

  Finding the large orange Hawaiian print case, he plucked it from the belt and made his way outside.

  The cool air was a nice change from Southern California’s heat as it kissed his skin. Settling on a bench, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Jackson.

  He answered on the first ring, “Hey. We’re pulling up now. Look for a white VW van.”

  “Got it. I’m under the Baggage Claim sign.”

  A moment later, a small white rental pulled up. Viv’s spiky pink hair preceded her face as she poked her head through the passenger window, “Hey, sugar, you looking for a date?”

  Chuckling, he pocketed his phone and answered her quote, “No, I want to find Beverly Hills. Can you give me directions?”

  She smirked, “Sure, for five bucks.”

  He shook his head, “Ridiculous.”

  The green flecks in her eyes shimmered, “Price just went up to ten.”

  Jackson interrupted their reenactment of Pretty Woman, “Get in the fucking van, Mel.”

  Rowe opened the back door humming the theme song while Sasha laughed from the middle seat.

  Tossing his bag in, a pained whine met his ears. Confused, he looked to Rowe’s shocked face.

  She shook her head.

  Slowly, he laid his suitcase flat in the cargo area and unzipped the zipper. A ball of white fur immediately sprang out at him. Surprised, he barely managed to grab her shivering form.

  Rowe overcame her shock first, “Bex! What the hell are you doing?”

  Jackson’s black-eyed gaze met his in the rearview mirror as he bit out, “Get in the van.”

  Mel swallowed. Jackson was pissed.

  Quietly, he clenched Bex tighter and hopped inside.

  “How did you not notice she was inside your suitcase?” Jackson roared once they’d gotten back to their hotel.

  Mel shrugged, “She was mad because I wouldn’t take her. At least now I know why she didn’t say goodbye.” He glanced down at the slowly warming pup buried beneath a mountain of blankets.

  Viv laughed. “You have to admit, she’s pretty clever.”

  Bex’s tail thumped against the mattress in agreement.

  Sasha’s pale orbs caught his, “How did she survive in there? She’s getting so big, I’m surprised she even fit. Add in getting the zipper closed…”

  Shrugging one shoulder, Rowe reached into the mass of quilts and pulled Bex’s nose out into the open. “She’s extremely lucky they didn’t scan your bag. She survived because she’s a Shifter. Her innate healing repaired the damage from the extended period of cold air.” Lifting a blonde eyebrow, she added, “I suggest you get her some food, though. She’s expended too many calories.”

  “I’ll go. There’s a Subway down the road,” Viv said and stood. “Jackson, why don’t you come with? We can call Sora on the way. She’s probably worried sick.”

  With a growl, he nodded.

  Rowe chimed in, “Get 12 footlong turkeys with double meat please, no veggies.”

  Viv stared at her.

  “What?” She shrugged, “I’m hungry, too.”

  With a roll of her eyes, she and Jackson left.

  Bex’s black nose touched his wrist. Looking down at her tiny form, he sighed, “Yes, I’m still mad at you. What were you thinking? That was incredibly dangerous.”

  Her white ears flattened as she chuffed in annoyance.

  He crossed his thick arms over his bright yellow shirt, “I know, but if you’d shift, I could have brought you with me.”

  She snorted.

  “Liar,” Rowe smirked.

  Chapter 4


  I pulled my arm back with a jerk. What the hell?

  I’d only ever experienced the sensation once before… and it was with Mel.

  Kane seemed to be as shocked as I was.

  This could not be happening! I was mine, not some other Alpha’s Mate. Goddess, I didn’t even know what it meant, nor did I want to find out.

  My irritated growl rumbled through the woods and echoed off the trees. “This,” I said, making a cutting gesture with my hand, “is not happening. So, whatever you’re thinking, stop right now.”

  The light in his eyes dimmed as his lips thinned, “Agreed.”

  A soft whimper carried to my ears from the back of his throat; his Wolf, I assumed. Baring my teeth, I bit out, “Why am I here?”

  His face hardened into a stoic mask. “When we spoke on the phone, I admit I had ulterior motives. Word has traveled fast about what your Clutch has done with the Mage Stronghold. I had hoped, and am still hoping, that you can help us.”

  “With what?” I shouted. “You don’t go around kidnapping people in the middle of the n
ight, especially people you want help from. It’s absolutely insane!”

  His voice dropped an octave, “I couldn’t risk you saying no.”

  “So, what? You were going to force me to do whatever it is you want?” I shook my head, sending my pony tail whipping around my face with the motion and crossed my arms as a barrier between us.


  His honest answer threw me for a loop. If I didn’t help willingly, they were going make me do what they wanted? Um, no, I don’t think so. Pure rage lit my veins, instinctually my hands ignited in silver flames. Thunder rolled across the sky as I whispered one word, “No.”

  Unfazed, he tipped his face down toward mine. Inhaling, his eyes flashed as he rumbled, “Yes.”

  No one would ever control me again. My power lashed out and hit him square in the chest. In a flash of light, it sent him flying backward into a nearby birch. His back hit with a loud crack as the tree snapped in two and he tumbled to the ground.

  Without a word, I turned on my heel and stormed further into the forest.


  He came to as the healing heat ripped through his chest and repaired his shattered ribs. Getting to his knees on the grass, the sky opened up as thunder rumbled threateningly from the clouds overhead.

  Bracing his hand on the remains of the birch, he stood and looked around.

  Natalie was gone.

  Irritation flashed through him as his Wolf took the lead and forced their shift. Massive sheets of rain began to fall from the sky as his four large paws hit the ground.

  Shaking off his shredded clothes, he howled into the early morning.

  He would find her, then she would help their Pack. His human soul whispered words of calm that were quickly ignored.

  Kane had wasted his chance.

  If his Mate wanted to play, he would play. But, what the beast won, he always kept.

  Nose to the ground, he picked up her delectable scent. The tang of the ocean was more pronounced and laced with ozone, undoubtedly due to her irritation.


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