Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 25

by Nicole Morgan

  ‘She isn’t going to be able to stay here alone, she has no idea what’s coming for her.”

  “I’ve got that covered. Being out earlier freaked her out and apparently, she’s been hearing things since the first day so my guess is they followed her here. I already offered to sleep on the couch so I’ll be here.”

  “Isn’t that sweet, her knight in shining wolf fur.”

  “Why do you always have to be an asshole?”

  “It’s just what I’m good at.”

  “You aren’t wrong brother. So, what happens now?”

  “I’m going to call an emergency meeting in about an hour, which you are exempt from because I don’t want you leaving her side. Dex is back in town so he’ll be there and we’ll work up a plan to see if we can flush out the unwelcomed ones at least. I really think you need to have a serious heart to heart with Piper. Killing the group that’s after her isn’t the end. There will be others coming in their place and it’ll be so much harder to protect her after she leaves here. I do have people in the city but it’s not our territory and you know how that works.”

  “You think I need to tell her about her heritage? I don’t think I’m the right person for that.”

  “You are. You have the link and eventually I believe she will be linked with you too. If you need backup, her dad is available, I talked to him earlier today but I’d just rather keep him oblivious and safe.”

  “I agree. I guess I’ll see what I can do. She seems comfortable talking to me so maybe I can get her to open up.”

  “Be prepared because she may get pissed at you and I’m sorry, but at least that’s fixable over time. We really need her to know who and what she is for everyone’s sake.”

  “Okay, I should probably get back in there before she wonders what’s going on. I’ll keep my wall down so holler when I need to know anything.”

  “Will do, later Pax.”

  He watched Porter leave the area and stayed a minute longer just to look around the perimeter. This was a bigger mess than he ever imagined and the thought of her not speaking to him again had him a little miffed. He didn’t want to be the one to tell her. Would she even believe it?

  Chapter Five

  Piper woke with a start. Dang it if she didn’t fall asleep on the couch anyway. The room was mostly dark but she could see light coming through the kitchen window. She quietly climbed off the couch and with the blanket she used, she covered Paxson as he slept in the recliner. She was happy to see him still there.

  She went to the kitchen to start coffee and saw that it was after seven in the morning. She must have been exhausted to sleep so late. She only hoped the coffee wouldn’t wake him but she needed it to get her moving. She wasn’t even close to being a morning person, at least until after three or four strong cups and a few hours. While the coffee brewed, she cleaned up the rest of the dishes from last evening.

  “Coffee smells good.”

  “Ah, gosh you startled me.”

  Paxson went to her, placing a hand on each arm to comfort her.

  “I’m so sorry Piper, I thought you might have heard me. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s not your fault, I’ve been a little jumpy the last few days.”

  “About that, I think we need to talk about some things.” Paxson moved to take a seat at the dining table.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “For now, but we need to talk.”

  Piper nodded. She filled two cups with coffee and set one in front of him and the other at the spot she sat down at. The table was small enough that Paxson could reach across and grab Piper’s hand.

  “Relax, I promise everything will be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. I just want you to keep an open mind.”

  “Alright, I’ll try. I was happy to see you still here this morning at least.”

  “I didn’t feel right leaving. You were worried and I told you I would protect you.”

  “Okay, give it to me straight. I hate the suspense of waiting.” In her everyday life, Piper was the one to usually give unwelcome news, not receive them, so she was out of her element now. As it would seem, Paxson wasn’t feeling much better. He was hesitating and wringing his fingers together, much like he was trying to find the right words to say.

  “Do you remember when I got here yesterday and you saw me for the first time, you said I seemed familiar to you?”

  “I do remember that and it did feel like I had seen you before.”

  “Well, you had, but it’s complicated. When I first saw you, it was a few days ago, not yesterday.”

  “How can that be?”

  “Think back when you were standing on the porch steps a few nights ago and saw a wolf in the clearing.”

  “I remember being scared and telling him to go away that I didn’t want to hurt him. What does that have to do with you though?”

  “Like I said, it’s complicated but that wolf was me.”

  “How?” What in the world was he talking about? He looked like a man as far as she could tell. Wolves or any dogs for that matter were very different and she wasn’t stupid enough to think otherwise.

  “I can shift from being a man to a wolf and back again.”

  “How? Like a werewolf?”

  “Not quite. Well I think the shift could be the same but a werewolf is a much darker creature, as in the Frankenstein era type monster. I just turn into a very big wolf with fur.”

  “I don’t’ understand how that’s even possible.” She could only shake her head. “I remember seeing the wolf in the clearing that night but I don’t remember anything else until I woke up in my bed the next morning.”

  “That’s my fault. For some reason I don’t understand, I’m drawn to you like a magnet and that night I couldn’t stay away a minute longer. When I got to the steps, I shifted as I walked up them to stand in front of you as the man I am right now. Then I caught you as you fainted.”

  Piper was speechless. She didn’t know what to say but it was all very hard to believe. She needed proof.

  “I need to see you do it.”

  “To shift? Are you sure? I don’t want to scare you.”

  “No, I’m not sure at all but what you’re saying sounds farfetched to me. I’d like to believe you though.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure, we should probably go out behind the cabin just in case someone was to pick that moment to drive up.”

  She had never been so nervous in her entire life. If this was real, then what about all the other myths out there.

  As Paxson walked out the back door close behind Piper, it was a little surreal that he was even doing this which was dumb. He’d already done it in front of her a few days ago but the difference was he didn’t know her then. Now he had the power to change both of their lives forever and it made him a little nervous.

  “Before I do this Piper, I need to make sure this is really what you want.”

  “Paxson, I’ve made up my mind. Do you need me to stand further away?”

  “You’re fine right where you are. I won’t hurt you, don’t worry.”

  He wished now he’d thought all of this through completely. When his brother sent him to check on her, Paxson never thought it would lead to this. However, he also didn’t know her back story. The only sad thing is that she doesn’t know her back story either. He’d been put in the awkward position of being the one to tell her. It was going to do one of two things. She would either hate me and never want to see him again or embrace it. I don’t see it being the latter of the two.

  “Did you say something?”

  No way she could have heard that.

  “I was just thinking to myself but I didn’t say anything out loud.”

  “Hmm, that’s weird, it sounded like your voice. Anyway, are you ready? I don’t know quite what to expect right now.”

  Paxson made a point to keep his eyes linked with hers as he started shedding his clothes. Her expression went from scared to embarrassed. He probably shoul
d have told her he was going to strip. He’d backed away a bit and walked slowly to her as his limbs transformed and he grew fur, shaking his head from human to wolf in a matter of seconds. He stood still for a minute while she tried to compose herself but her whole body was shaking. She didn’t run so that was a good start.

  He wouldn’t be able to physically talk to her but he now wondered, maybe she could hear him mentally. It was a possibility, even though she knew nothing of their world. She had said she heard him talk but he hadn’t said anything out loud.

  He slowly walked closer to her, careful not to freak her out until he was right in front of her and nudged her leg with his nose. She looked down at him, then hesitantly reached out her hand toward his nose. He sniffed then licked which made her smile. Then she crouched down on one knee and dug both sets of fingers into the fir on each side of his face.

  “Oh Paxson, you are so beautiful and your fir is silky soft.”

  He took a step closer to lick her face and she laughed.

  “Are all wolves as nice as you?”

  He shook his head then his whole body. Then he tried talking to her in his head.

  “Paxson I just heard you talk. Did you talk? How is that possible?

  Again, in his head he told her to take a deep breath and relax. He would shift back into human form and they would talk about it. She nodded in agreement and stood back up, stepping away from him. As quickly as he’d turned into a wolf, he was back in front of her as a man. A naked one but still a man He grabbed his pants quick and pulled the shirt over his head.

  “Let’s go back inside and talk if that’s okay?” He moved for her to go ahead and he followed closely, locking the door behind him and met her in the living room.

  “Paxson, please tell me how I was able to hear you talking to me inside my head. That is not normal and I know it.”

  “Okay, promise me you’ll relax and I’ll try to explain. Would you like to sit?”

  “No I need to stand.”

  Well he was going to sit, it could take a while to explain.

  “Can you tell me what last you remember about your mom?”

  “Why?” When he cocked his head as if to scold her she continued.

  “Okay, fine. I guess that last time I remember her being in our house I was probably four or five. She’d missed dinner that night and I was in bed when she came in and kissed me. She told me she loved me dearly and always would. She had a massive blood stained scratch down the side of her face and when I tried to touch it she grabbed my hand and held it. She said something about having to go on a trip but she would see me soon only she never came back and we moved away shortly after that.”

  “Was that the only time you moved?”

  “No, gosh we moved half a dozen more times between then and me graduating from high school. It got old quick.”

  “Well actually, your dad moved you that often to keep you hidden and protected.”

  “What are you talking about, why would he need to keep me safe?”

  “As it turns out, your mom wasn’t who you think she was.”

  “You’ve lost me.” Piper had been pacing around the room while she talked but then she joined him on the couch. “What do you mean?”

  He knew he was doing a horrible job of explaining this but he was in it now, he had to try.

  “Your mom wasn’t a normal woman in the sense of the word, she was like me.” Yeah that’s it, just blurt it out. Best to be direct. I’m a dumbass.

  “No, she wasn’t. Why would you think that?”

  “I know I’m doing this badly and I’m sorry. Okay, we’ve talked to your dad and did a little digging of our own. Your mom was a wolf, from Romania. She didn’t come back after that last trip because she was killed in a battle.”

  “Please leave. I don’t want to hear anymore.” She raised from the couch, tears brimming her beautiful eyes, then went to the bedroom and shut the door. He had no choice but to go, not far though. He was determined to do everything he could to keep her safe. Even if that meant sleeping in the bushes all night. He locked the door handle from the outside with the key he always carried. He knew the house was secure so no one would get in and he’d watch from a distance.

  Chapter Six

  Piper glanced at the alarm clock on the night stand beside the bed. Three o’clock in the morning. She hadn’t slept at all. She wasn’t even tired. The only thing running through her head continuously was the words of Paxson saying that her mother was a wolf. He was wrong though. How could that be? It was ridiculous. She had witnessed the change in Paxson and that was strange enough but she would know if her mother was like that. She needed to call her father.

  “That’s stupid, what are you going to say? Hey dad, was mom a wolf?” But wait, wouldn’t that mean her dad was as well? Paxson said they moved around so much because he was trying to protect her. From what?

  “Well as dumb as it might sound, I need to call dad. Then I’m going to find Paxson and tell him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  She climbed from her bed, reached for the duffle bag on the floor, and searched for her phone. The number one key was the speed dial button for Wilson Halliday.

  “Hi dad, do you have time to talk?”

  She hadn’t expected her dad to say he had been waiting for her call.

  “Please tell me it isn’t true dad. How could it be?”

  “Listen Piper, I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s what she was when I met her and we fell in love. She was betrothed to someone else, he was from Romania as well and us being together wasn’t approved of by her pack since I wasn’t wolf. Basically, there was a hit out on her for breaking the code and once they’d taken her, I felt the need to run to keep you safe. They went to such lengths to hunt down your mom and I didn’t want to take a chance with you.”

  “Dad I don’t even know what to say. How is it possible?”

  “Honey, it just is.”

  “What about me dad, could that happen to me?”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t know. That’s why I set you up with the brothers. They are the best ones to keep you safe and tell you everything you might need to know just in case. I don’t really have any ties to anyone your mom used to know so I’m no help.”

  She didn’t really know what else to ask her dad. It was clear that he was oblivious to that life. She talked with him a few more minutes about how he was doing. She let him know that she’d check back in a few days from then and ended the call. She slouched into the couch cushions.

  “Guess I can’t call and yell at Paxson because he wasn’t wrong.” She felt bad for the way she’d treated him, making him leave. She would need to apologize but didn’t have a phone number to call him. Then she wondered how he’d talked to her mentally, wondering if that would work from her instead of to her. If she thought real hard, saying in her mind that she needed to talk to him. Then she waited a few minutes to see if she would hear anything else.

  A knock sounded at the door. Piper wondered if it was Paxson. Just briefly a thought trickled into her head about all the odd noises she’d heard this week. No one else but his brother and her dad knew she was there. She went to look out the window but then heard, in her head again, Paxson saying it was safe to open the door, it was him. Thank god!

  “Are you okay Piper?”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Did that really work? Did you hear me calling for you?”

  She invited him in and closed the door behind him, locking it for security sake.

  “I did hear but doing it mentally is kind of like sending texts, the tone of the message is misleading so I can’t tell whether it’s an emergency or not.

  “Sorry about that.” When he meant to dismiss her apology, she continued with why she needed to talk to him.

  “Actually, that’s not the only apology I owe you. I am sorry for not believing you earlier about my mom. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you.”

  “Piper you don’t
need to apologize. I know it had to be hard to hear.”

  “I called my dad and talked it out with him. He didn’t know much but did confirm what you said so now I feel horrible.”

  “We’ll get you through it, I promise.” Paxson sat next to Piper on the couch, putting his arm around her for comfort. They both leaned back into the cushions.

  “What do I do now? I mean am I going to change like you do?”

  “I’m really not sure. I’ve been talking to my brother about it. He’s the alpha of our pack here in the Windsor Woods territory.”

  “What does alpha mean exactly?” Boy her lack of knowledge was really standing out. She’d been stuck in the corporate world for so many years she felt out of place.

  “Alpha is the leader of the pack, top dog if you will. He’s the oldest of my brothers and inherited the position when our parents died.”

  “Do you have a title too?”

  “I do, I’m the Beta, which means second in command to the Alpha. If anything were to ever happen to Porter, I would become the Alpha. I could also go off and start my own pack which would make me the Alpha as well but I don’t really have any desire for that kind of responsibility.”

  She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, just relaxed into his arms. That’s when she noticed how good he smelled. An earthy tone mixed with pine and the feel of his arm around her was more comfort than she’d ever had from anyone.

  “Paxson, is someone out there hunting me down like they did with my mom?”

  How the hell am I supposed to answer that?

  “Piper, I would really like to tell you everything is going to be fine, but honestly, I don’t know that. We’ve never really had any trouble here before. I mean we’ve had squabbles among the pack and omegas crossing boundaries into other territories but this is new for us. I will tell you though, that my brother is working hard to figure out what’s going on.”


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