Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 49

by Nicole Morgan

  Before heading back to Demon Control, I swung by the homeless shelter Simeon had mentioned. I knew exactly where it was. Considering I’d been policing Denver for ten years, I knew exactly where everything was. Up until recently, it had started to become monotonous—up one street and down the other, chasing demons who repeated the same malevolent acts on the same idiotic humans over and over again.

  Now, as I drove past the shelter searching for Piper, my heartbeat hiked up a notch from the adrenaline coursing through me. If I found him, it wouldn’t be the same old thumbprint to the chest deportation. No. I’d have to take him in for interrogation. I’d have to take him down, cuff him and drag him kicking and screaming to the Demon Control Interrogation cell. The thought of it thrilled me.

  It also made me come to my senses. I didn’t have a pair of demon cuffs with me. Moreover, I wasn’t confident I’d be able to detain him by myself. I needed a partner. Somebody. Pauline, bless her heart, would have to do. I’d drive through here when we were out on duty tonight. If I spotted Piper then, I’d let her in on the situation, and we’d take him down.

  But I had to keep it hush-hush until then. If the Angels knew my little bit of information, they’d swarm the area and scare away every demon in the proximity. Then I’d have no chance of finding Piper.

  Besides, if Simeon was sending me on another wild-goose chase, I didn’t want anyone to witness my mortification firsthand. No way. The sting would be bad enough as it was, not to mention my rage. Yep, if Simeon was pulling my chain he might as well consider himself deported. And I wouldn’t feel an ounce of guilt for doing it.

  I did a u-turn and headed back to Demon Control. There was no sign of Piper anyway. I’d simply have to wait.

  At five after two, I was standing in the reception area in front of MOG’s apartment. I couldn’t really call it an office considering she never left the place. How she didn’t go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs was beyond me.

  Then again—I sniffed the air and the strong scent of marijuana filled my nose— maybe this was MOG’s way of beating insanity. I knocked on the door since Pauline wasn’t there to let me in. Nobody answered, so I knocked again.

  “Who izzzz it?” I heard MOG singsong from the other side of the door.

  “It’s Abby.”

  The door slid open, and I walked in. It shut behind me quickly, nearly hitting me in the ass. I ignored that and scanned the room, looking for MOG through the swirls of smoke in the air. The room was a mess with empty chips bags and pizza boxes scattered about.

  “MOG?” I called out, concerned.

  A tiny hand rested on my shoulder, and I jumped.

  “Here I am, dear.” She walked around and stood in front of me. Her eyes were bloodshot, her hair was ratted, and her rumpled clothes had stripes of nacho chips residue.

  “You okay?” I felt silly asking the holy messenger of God if she was all right, but dang, she looked awful.

  “Oh, I’m absolutely wonderful, dear. Absolutely wonderful.” She grabbed my hand and tugged me onto a beanbag, settling herself next to me. “And how are you?” She was so close her raunchy breath blew directly into my nose.

  I tried not to inhale as I talked. “Uh... I’m fine. Actually, I’ve been doing a little investigating, and I might know where to find Peter Piper, one of my attackers. If I find him, I’ll bring him in for interrogation.” What was the point of giving her my source? She’d probably envision it sooner or later on her own.

  “That’s nice, dear.” She stared blankly around the room, almost as if she hadn’t heard a word I’d said.

  “You sure you’re okay? You don’t look so hot.”

  Her smile instantly transformed into a deep frown. “Oh, Abigail,” she said and slumped into my arms. “I’m no good. No good.” Tears started to run off her cheeks and onto my arms. I had no idea how to react. I’d never comforted anyone in my life. I’d never had to. So I just sat there and listened.

  “I only want peace for my Angels.” She waved her hands dramatically as she spoke. “But that...that butthead has taken it all away. All the tranquility is gone, and all that’s left is fear and anguish and...and pain. My poor, poor Angels. How will I ever make it up to them?” Her shoulders shook as she sobbed.

  Oh, boy.

  “Um, MOG, what happened to the Angels? Did more get hurt?”

  She shuddered and sat up. Her pupils widened as she stared at me. “You haven’t heard? Four more have lost their thumbs. One has perished, and one has escaped to bring us the news.”

  Perished? Oh, no. The attacks were getting worse. “Who died?”

  “Christina Angel.” More tears dripped off her chin. “She was so beautiful and vibrant. And that butthead took it all from her.”

  “Oh. Wow.” Sure, I was saddened by the death of an Angel. How could I not be? She was my sister in the war against demons. We Angels were a family. Although Christina was one of the many Angels who’d scorned me, I’d never wish harm to her. And I promised myself just then that I’d avenge her death. “What do you know, MOG? I want to do everything I can to stop this.”

  MOG’s face brightened, and she yanked a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her face. “I’m so glad to hear you say that, Abigail. I need your help.”

  “Okay. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.” I was more than ready to kick some demon ass.

  A slight pinkness colored her cheeks. “I’ve noticed you’ve been spending time with the half-breed.”

  Crap. I knew she’d find out. “I didn’t...we didn’t... It was just a kiss, really.”

  MOG waved my response away. “Not to worry, dear. Not now, anyway. In fact, you’ve done Angels, Inc. a great favor.”

  “Really? How so?” Boy, this was embarrassing.

  “You’ve befriended Malakai’s son. You’ve given us hope to end this.”

  “Malakai? I don’t know who that is.”

  “Oh, but you do know his son, Simeon Keller. You know him quite well.”

  “This keeps getting better and better. Is Malakai the butthead you’ve been talking about? He’s Simeon’s father?” I really should’ve found time to read more of Simeon’s extended file, so that none of this would’ve been as shocking as it was to hear.

  MOG smiled coyly. “Yes. Malakai’s the leader of this revolution. Now, I don’t know this for a fact, but I’ve been thinking, and he’s the only demon in this area powerful enough to escape my visions. He’s the only one evil enough to spit on the Powers That Be Pact by harming Angels. Believe me, back in my demon policing days I remember coming toe-to-toe with this fiend more than once. He’s not to be taken lightly. And I’m sure he’s acquired even more strength over the years.”

  “But how is he so powerful? What makes him so special?” It was times like these I wished I’d paid more attention in school.

  MOG thought about it for a moment. She didn’t seem to mind I was completely clueless. What a sweetheart.

  “I suppose he’s the equivalent of a MOG for the demons. The Lord of Hell, Lucifer, has entrusted him with certain abilities just as God has entrusted me. He’s what we call a Satan’s Senior Servant or a Triple S threat. However, instead of having visions, as I do, his abilities lie more in his need to deceive and persuade. Does that make sense?”

  I nodded, feeling like an ignoramus. How had I not known a demon like this existed? More important, how had I not realized I’d had sex with his son? Ergh. “Are you sure it’s him? This Malakai character might be innocent, you never know.”

  “Oh, Abigail. He has to be the one behind this revolution, and I should’ve realized sooner. It wasn’t until I viewed Mikey Tyson’s deportation that it all came together. He told you the answer was right in front of you. And Simeon has been there right in front of you. I should have warned you of his father’s existence five years ago. I guess I underestimated Malakai’s power.”

  I gulped as my next question came to mind. “And Simeon? Do you think he’s a part of it?”

  MOG tapped
her finger on her chin. “I’m not sure about that. It’s hard to tell if he’s been in contact with his father since finding out about him, seeing as I can’t view Malakai. You see, Simeon’s an unusual case. He wasn’t aware he had demon in him until adulthood. Before then he thought he was simply human, as did Angels, Inc. In fact, no one knew except his mother, and well Malakai, who swept into the boy’s life after he turned eighteen. Ever since then Simeon’s been on our radar.”

  I let it all sink in, unsure whether to feel sorry for Simeon or to be angry with him. It seemed that was becoming a familiar dilemma for me. Dang it. I hated feeling uncertain about my feelings.

  “So what would you like me to do?” I asked warily.

  Another dose of color painted MOG’s cheeks. “I’d like you to become Simeon’s friend.”

  “His friend?” I thought about how I couldn’t stand in the same room with him without wanting to rip his clothes off. “I’m not sure I can do that.”

  “Or more than a friend, if that’s what you’d like.”

  Now my cheeks were burning.

  “I know you’re attracted to him, Abigail, and I don’t blame you. He’s a striking creature. Actually, if I thought he’d indulge me I’d take your place.”


  She waved her hand, showing me the messy room. “It would sure the heck beat being cooped up here, don’t you think?”

  “I guess, but...what about the consequences? What if I were to slip up like before? Not that I want that to happen. Because I really rather it wouldn’t. But...” How could I say this without sounding like a masochistic nymphomaniac?

  “I can’t lie, MOG.” I forced the next words out. “He tempts me.”

  “Good.” She clapped her hands together, and I nearly fell off the beanbag in shock. “So this won’t be an imposition on you. I want you to get as close to Simeon Keller as possible. Do whatever it takes to get him to lead you to Malakai. After he’s found and deported, not only will your actions be reprieved, you’ll be rewarded.”

  Holy cow. “Uh, I don’t know about all this. What’ll happen to Simeon?” I couldn’t help but care.

  “If we conclude he’s involved in any part of the revolution, he’ll be deported as well. If not, then he’ll be free to go.”

  “I see.”

  “Whatever it takes, Abigail. I want Malakai found. I want the anarchy stopped, or more Angels will suffer. I know this isn’t exactly standard orders for an Angel, and I wouldn’t ask it of you if this wasn’t a dire situation. But I’ve been consulting with all the other MOGs in the area, and they agree that this is our best chance. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, unable to speak, unable to breathe. My mind was buzzing with the new information. Or maybe it was the new round of smoke circling my head coming from the doobie MOG had just lit up. She was smiling, apparently happy with her plans for me.

  Me? I was scared out of my mind. I may not be the most virtuous Angel, but I certainly wasn’t a seductress or...or a spy. Spies have to lie, right? Simeon was going to see right through me.

  I pushed off the beanbag and stood to my feet, preparing to leave before MOG gave me any more orders.

  “Oh, and Abigail?”

  Gulp. “Yeah?”

  “If you do find Peter tonight, if Simeon isn’t lying to you again, then be careful, okay?”

  Dang. “You saw all of that too, huh? I don’t know why I even bother telling you things. You already know everything I do.”

  “You tell me because you’re an Angel, dear, and Angels are honorable.”

  “Maybe... Although not altogether innocent at times,” I had to admit. “But you already knew that about me.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Abigail. Your wayward behavior just might save us this time around.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Do you honestly believe you can ignore me? After all I have done for you, I’m disappointed you would treat me so poorly. Now, my son, I must use other measures.

  I’m well aware of your relations with that redheaded Angel. Abigail, is it? My servants have informed me of your interesting relationship, and I have to say I’m quite impressed. I don’t believe in all my years I’ve ever been able to seduce one of those little sprites. Not that I’ve wanted to. They’re most disgusting. But it seems you’ve found yourself a winner. A pet, possibly?

  Tell me, Simeon, is she dear to you? Does she entice your inner demon? Is she like no Angel you’ve met before?

  Well, since you refuse to answer me I suppose I’ll have to find out for myself.


  Now that I had a direct order from MOG to sin my ass off so we could find Malakai—who I still wasn’t fully convinced was behind the attacks—I was even more ramped to find and capture Peter Piper. With him in our possession it might not be necessary for me to navigate my one-way trip to Hell via seducing Simeon.

  What was MOG thinking? Heck, what was I thinking even considering taking orders from my pothead boss? Whom I adore, of course.

  Don’t get me wrong. If MOG ordered me to strip naked and do the tango with Satan himself to protect my fellow Angels, I’d start unbuttoning pronto. I had that much faith in her and in her position as MOG. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help having some doubt in her—our—strategy.

  More importantly, if Simeon’s father truly was our evil leader de jour, how was I, a mere Angel, going to stop him? My brain hurt just thinking about it.

  First things first, I needed to find Piper. I had to believe Simeon wasn’t leading me astray. I needed to believe he wasn’t part of the revolution leading me down a dead-end path. Sure, he was half-demon. You bet he’d been more interested in corrupting me than helping me, but the annoying voice inside my head was once again telling me that he was more good than evil. More human than demon.

  I took the elevator all the way down to the basement, which held the Demon Control Interrogation Cell as well as the equipment supply room. The doors opened, and I swung a left, heading down the fluorescent-lit hallway toward the steel door that read “DANGER. DO NOT ENTER”. I pressed my thumb to the scanner located right where the doorknob should have been. Three small lights blinked red, yellow, and then green before the door slid open.

  I stepped inside and immediately noticed Felix gaining his balance as he stood behind a steel-plated counter that fit the width of the otherwise white room. A television was blaring the sports channel from a corner in the wall. He grabbed the remote control in front of him and switched it off.

  “Hi, Felix.” Being civil to the jerk who had taken my virginity and then called me easy behind my back to my best friend wasn’t effortless. Actually, it was taking an awful lot of tongue biting. Wasn’t it just lovely that this was the guy I needed to schmooze with to get the equipment I needed to detain Piper? Ergh.

  “Hey there, Abby.” He leaned over the counter and waggled his eyebrows at me. “Haven’t seen you around for a while.”

  Yeah, there’s a reason for that, big boy. I’d been avoiding him, attempting to forget how naïve I’d been at nineteen years old. Trust me, that was a difficult undertaking when we both lived in the same seven-story building.

  I quickly did a once-over of his body. He didn’t look so hot. Some of the Ex-Angels really had let themselves go. Mind you, Felix wasn’t exactly svelte when we were dating, but now he had to be pushing four hundred with the way his belly was overlapping that counter.

  “We should catch up sometime,” I forced myself to say. Dang it. Can I just say how difficult it is to talk through gritted teeth?

  He didn’t seem to notice with his attention veered toward my chest.

  I cleared my throat and attempted a smile. “Right now what I really need is a pair of demon cuffs and shackles. And a roll of duct tape wouldn’t hurt.”

  He snorted and a pea-sized something flew out of his nose, landing on the sleeve of my jacket. I shuddered but held my smile, casually flicking the slimy wad onto the floor. What did I
ever see in this guy? Eww.

  “What’re you going to do with those, Abby? Plan to catch a demon, do you?”

  I’d forgotten Felix’s dialogue sometimes mimicked Yoda from Star Wars. It was all starting to come back to me like a roundhouse kick to my cranium. Thank MOG I’d come to my senses and had stopped dating men. Look what I could’ve ended up with, for crying out loud.

  “Possibly,” I said, distracted.

  “Oh, yeah?” His chubby cheeks squeezed into his eyes when he smiled. “A part of the revolution, is he?”

  “Uh, maybe. Can’t really talk about it. It’s sort of top secret.”

  “I get it.” He winked at me. “Discuss it later, we will. After you bring him in, right?”

  “Sure. Sounds great. Could I get that stuff now? I’m running late.”

  “For the big takedown?” His eyes lit up, and the small bulge in his too-tight pants expanded. I guess if you work in a ten-by-ten room by yourself all day long, little things will get you excited. But gross.

  “Yep. You got it.” I waved my finger toward the door behind him, reminding him to get a move on.

  He finally got the hint, wiped the drool pooling at the side of his mouth, and buzzed his way through the door behind him. Another steel door that I was pretty sure only Felix, MOG, and Lois were able to enter with their thumbprints. That was what we’d been told, anyway. I’d never actually attempted it.

  Five minutes later, he came back with a standard blue and yellow Angels, Inc. duffle bag.

  “Found you a few goodies, I did.” Felix plunked the bag onto the counter and unzipped it. He pulled out a pair of demon cuffs and leg shackles. “Do not, I repeat, do not lose these. They’re made of a special metal humans have yet to discover. Way stronger than carbon steel, they are. And even more lightweight than titanium. Break out of these babies, your captive never will.”

  I picked them up and dangled them from my fingers. They looked exactly like the regular handcuffs we used for practice at Angel Academy but lighter and maybe a little bit shinier.

  “Same goes for the leg irons.” He dropped those down next. “Know how to use these, do you?”


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