Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 98

by Nicole Morgan

  Anger lashed her. A female with her males?

  Her heart began pounding madly as she opened the door. The room was dark and quiet, yet Megan heard the three sets of heartbeats. The scent of arousal was so thick it made her gag.

  “Do not disturb them. I have had a vision. You must come away with me. Now.”

  Megan turned to find Seer standing in the doorway. Her eyes were now blazing such a brilliant blue, Megan could do nothing but stare and shiver at the coldness seeping into her flesh.

  “Come with me. Now. You must not see this.”

  Devastation rolled through Megan “What are they doing?” Although she knew exactly what they must have been doing — because the female’s sex scent overpowered Megan to the point where her knees felt so weak from alarm — she couldn’t seem to leave the room. Instead, Megan flicked on the light switch.

  She wished she hadn’t.

  Brutal shock replaced her anger. Ice filled her heart and her fangs unleashed with anger. She wanted to kill. To rip out their throats. What she saw seemed simply…unbelievable.

  Lying on the king-sized bed, fast asleep, their naked limbs tangled in red satin sheets, lay Christian and Zane as well as a female Megan had never seen before. Why were they sleeping with her? How could they do this to her?

  She felt as if someone had just punched her in the stomach. No, actually that was an understatement. She felt as if she’d just been killed.

  “You have seen too much. We must leave.”

  “I must confront them,” Megan heard herself mumble. She could barely speak, she shook so hard from the ice zipping through her body.

  “No, I have had a vision. If you confront them, if you stay, the unborns will die.”

  Her unborns. Their offspring.

  Tears stung Megan’s eyes as she stared at Christian and Zane. They snored on each side of the sleeping female. A very well-endowed female indeed, Megan thought numbly as she spied a luscious breast peeking out from beneath the sheets. Sour bile billowed into her throat. Oh Vampire Gods! How could they do this to her when she carried their offspring inside her?

  “The second Queen,” Seer whispered.

  Megan blinked as another round of black shock smashed into her. Second Queen? They were going to take this…creature…as another mate?

  No, she would not accept this.

  “Wake them. I will not allow this.”

  “They have the right to take another. But you must protect the unborns. You must leave them. Tonight. And never come back. It is in my vision. You must obey me.”

  A hysterical scream echoed somewhere deep in Megan’s mind. Not hysterical because of what they had done to her, but because she knew she must obey Seer. Seer was always right. She had seen her unborns’ deaths by staying. She couldn’t take this chance. They said Seer was always right.

  Her temples throbbed as Seer wrenched her elbow and yanked her out of the room and into the hall. Holding on to Megan’s arm in a painful grip, the female led Megan back to her own bedroom. To Megan’s surprise, Seer tossed some clothing into an open suitcase lying on her bed. How had that suitcase gotten there?

  “Go. Never come back. I have a driver waiting for you. You must disappear. They must never find you.”

  “But this is insanity.” Megan shook her head and truly wanted to confront her males. Since taking her here to their castle and making her their bride, they’d brought her nothing but pleasure, showing no indication they were dissatisfied with her. On the contrary, they lavished her with gorgeous clothing and gold jewelry, as well as a magnificent array of the sex toys that had become quite prominent in the human world over the past decade.

  “What of this vision?” Megan’s mind whirled.

  “The unborns. They will be killed if you confront the Kings with what you have seen tonight.”

  Nausea burned through her as Seer continued.

  “You must protect the unborns. You must sacrifice your happiness to keep them safe.”

  “This isn’t making any sense.” Megan shook her head, her thoughts still circling around what she’d just seen — her mates lying with another female.

  “You would dare risk the lives of the unborns?” Seer’s voice shred through her confusion. She sounded harsh and accusing, striking fear into Megan.

  How could she doubt Seer? she thought, as she watched the female toss more of Megan’s clothing into the open suitcase.

  It all seemed too clear. Seer’s prediction was right. It had to be. Seer had said the female lying between Christian and Zane would be the second Queen.

  Her replacement.

  They meant to kill her? Or perhaps this new female would send assassins to kill her and the unborns? They would be twin daughters. Instinctively, she knew this as fact.

  “Seer,” Megan whispered at the hurried figure ripping open her cabinets and picking more clothing.

  “I said remove your dress. Put this on. It’s inconspicuous. Times like this I wish the Kings had taken a mate who could dematerialize. Your kind is no better than human.” Seer spat the last word with such hatred, Megan had to take a step backward.

  Up until this second, Seer had always been friendly with Megan, so this outburst about her being no better than a human certainly seemed out of character. Perhaps she was as stressed as Megan at this turn of events? Megan began to undress. Her fingers shook as she pulled off the silky white layers of her flowing dress. Only moments earlier, she’d gazed with such happiness in the mirror. Now devastation rocked her world.

  “What…what did you see in your prediction?” she asked, surprised she’d managed to pose the question without completely falling down upon her bed and sobbing at the pain clutching her.

  At Megan’s question, Seer’s head shot up. Her eyes glowed such an icy blue, Megan swore she’d never feel warm again.

  “I saw two tiny white marble coffins and I saw a large matching white marble coffin beside the other two. I saw the new Queen. The Kings and she were smiling as your coffins were lowered into the ground.”

  “We must warn the Kings,” Megan gasped, afraid for their lives. For surely this female they’d taken to their bed would turn her assassins upon them after Megan was out of the way.

  “No, that is what will happen if you tell them of what you saw tonight. You must remain silent! Why else did you think I came to you so quickly? No Queen has ever burdened a Warrior King with a daughter and here you come bearing them two? Do you not realize it is a bad omen? Female descendants of Warrior Kings are a sign of immense weakness. The Kings will have you killed before you can give birth to your offspring. Your replacement lies in their bed. You saw it yourself. I saw the future. I am telling you this to protect you and the unborns. Listen to me. Never question this further. Your lives depend on keeping your silence. Surely you see this?”

  Yes, it did make sense. But she just couldn’t leave them, could she? Anger sliced through Megan. Of course she could. They had betrayed her! She owed them nothing.

  Megan nodded and put on the clothing Seer had given her.

  “I have a driver waiting in the lot. He will take you to the airport. He will outfit you with a false passport. Several passports, in fact. Use them wisely. I will set up an account immediately for you. Keep yourself hidden and never show yourself in Europe again. Your lives depend upon this. Do you understand?”

  Megan nodded numbly, wiping away a flurry of tears.

  “You must never return, or you and your daughters will die.”

  Your daughters will die…


  Megan awoke on a choke and a gasp as terror struck with menace. She tried to break free of the restraints holding her arms and legs captive and realized they weren’t restraints. They were limbs, attached to two very awake males who peered down at her with such concern in their eyes, she almost broke down and confessed everything.


  “Your heart is almost breaking free from your body, my Queen. What nightmare torments you so?” Christian

  His voice was so soft yet at the same time so firm, she closed her eyes and trembled, holding back her fears. Holding back the truth.

  “Not a nightmare,” she lied. “But my need for you two.”

  Silence followed and she opened her eyes to see doubt flashing across both their faces. Zane seemed to shake his head slightly in denial. Christian’s eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  Thankfully they did not question her further on the matter.

  She remembered after the lovemaking they’d carried her from the Rain Room to the bedroom. She’d never seen this room before. Decorated in a bower of blues and pinks, Megan found it simple yet elegant. Quite inviting, in fact. The silk sheets and covers were powder blue. The walls painted in creamy white and the bed they lay in had a canopy with sheer fabric tumbling all around them like a white waterfall, except at Christian’s side where there was a small opening, the sheer cloth held apart by pink ropes. An opening that allowed her to see part of the room.

  “When we were having the Rain Room built for you, we were also having this room built for us. The three of us. Our gift to our beautiful Queen,” Zane explained as he trailed a finger along her collarbone then skimmed lower to cup her breast. The zing of heat sifted into her flesh, warming her breast. She hadn’t realized she was cold until his hand warmed her.

  Christian cupped her other breast and she inhaled as she caught sight of their elongating fangs. Their heads lowered and their lush lips parted.

  In response, she creamed and her nipples beaded with fire as Christian and Zane sucked them into their hot mouths. Megan cried out as pain pierced her skin and two sets of fangs punctured her flesh, quickly finding veins.

  She gasped at the intoxicating pleasure-pain of both males feeding from her breasts. Such an erotic sight. So wanton and beautiful, she never wanted them to let her go.

  They felt exquisite. Looked breathtakingly beautiful as they fed from her, as streaks of blood meandered past their lips and down their chins. They were greedy as they sucked. Very greedy and needy.

  The familiar love clutched Megan’s insides as memories of the past rushed through her in flashes. They were dominant males, brought up as Warriors. Males who were taught to hunt for their females and take them. And she’d lost herself in their arms all those years ago. Just as she was losing herself now.

  Megan tensed at that realization. The males must have noticed, because their fangs were gone, slipping back into their mouths. Their heads raised and the sight of her blood on their lips, the gleam of love in their eyes, was unmistakable, and confusion about them not taking another Queen to replace her slammed into her.

  “You need to feed from us, my Queen. Need to nourish yourself. You look too pale,” Zane instructed as he raised his wrist to her mouth. Once again, she saw the glimmer of his fangs as they unsheathed.

  “No, I cannot.” How Megan craved their blood. It physically hurt to refuse their nourishment. But how could she drink from them? They had betrayed her with another female and then there was Seer’s premonition…

  Zane and Christian blinked in apparent shock at her denial of them.

  “This is as far as it goes!” Christian shouted. Roughly he pushed himself away from her to climb out of the bed through the opening. There he stood, naked as the day he was born, his eyes glowering with such fury it made Megan tremble.

  Ordinarily, she wouldn’t shake. In the past, once she had gotten over her fear of them, she had confronted them head on with any disagreement. But the lack of nourishment had left her weak and unable to gather her thoughts. Unable to fight.

  “Christian, we agreed not to bring this up,” Zane said in a soft, calming voice, as he climbed over her, giving Megan a bird’s-eye view of his engorged cock. Something deep inside her vagina quivered with need. She ignored it.

  They had betrayed her. Nothing else should matter, and yet in the back of her mind, Seer’s voice seemed to hover her warning. Never tell.

  “I don’t care what we fucking agreed on! She sleeps wrapped in a blanket of torment. She cries out and begs for us to help her in her dream state. And there is also the anger at us. What have we done that would anger her so?”

  Christian’s face had grown dark with rage as he targeted his gaze upon Megan.

  “You should know what you’ve done!” she snapped, realizing her mistake, and bit back anything else she might accidentally slip out. Pulling her knees up, she hugged them to her chest.

  Again, both Kings glared at her. She read the questions in their eyes. The need to know what was wrong. But how could she go against Seer’s prediction? She could not risk her daughters. She could not!

  “What does Seer have to do with this?” Christian asked.

  Megan gasped in shock, felt all the blood inside her body freeze.

  “Christian, I don’t think you should question her right now. Look at her. She’s looking worse.”

  “Answer me!”

  Fear ripped through Megan as Christian reached out. She thought he would hit her in his anger, but instead he grabbed her by her shoulders, turning her toward him.

  Christian’s fangs had elongated in his anger, and Megan prayed he didn’t rip out her throat if he didn’t get an answer from her.

  “Seer has been probing Zane and my mind constantly since you’ve come here, and then I heard you gasp her name while we were fucking you and questioning you. And then you muttered her name again while you dreamt. Why is she probing my mind? Why is she so much on your mind?”

  Desperation and panic made Megan struggle against his powerful grip, but Christian didn’t let loose. Didn’t so much as budge when her fists pounded his hard, muscular chest.

  “You have no right to question me! After what you did! What you both did!” Megan screamed as the familiar anger of that night pounded through her.

  “Zane! Go and find Seer. Bring her here.”

  Zane nodded and moved away from the bed.

  “No! You can’t!” she shrieked, trying to hurl herself at Zane, but Christian grabbed her and anchored her to the bed.

  “Don’t you understand? She cannot know you suspect her! Oh, Vampire Gods, do not let her know.”

  Seer probably already knew. Probably knew what was going on right now.

  Oh, sweet vampires! She was losing it. Losing her self-control. She was spiraling and she could barely hang on to her sanity. If anything happened to her daughters, she would die. She knew it as every mother knew it when their offspring were threatened.

  “You had nothing to do with those terrorist attacks over the years, did you? That wasn’t your handwriting on those calling cards. At first, when she said it was your handwriting, we didn’t believe Seer. But she was so insistent and she is always right…but she lied, didn’t she?” Christian asked coolly, letting go of Megan’s shoulders. He backed away from her as if touching her had just burnt his fingers.

  Muscles spasmed in Christian’s cheeks as he studied her and there seemed to be a sudden understanding rushing through his gaze. It was as if he knew what she might be thinking. But how could he? He could sense things, but he didn’t have the ability to read her mind.

  “Seer was the one who brought me the briefcase. She could have framed Megan. She could have put the incriminating evidence of Megan’s future attempt at terrorism against the castle into the briefcase to make us believe Megan was plotting against us,” Christian said. By the tone of his voice, it wasn’t a question.

  “What are you thinking, Christian? Seer is our terrorist?” Zane asked.

  Megan relaxed just a bit. They weren’t thinking about that night she’d left. They would never know what she saw. Never know about Seer’s prediction. Her daughters would be safe. They would now question Seer, and Megan could make her escape.

  “I’m thinking Seer’s name appears to be on Megan’s lips too much. Our Seer has a lot of explaining to do. And so does Megan. How would Megan know Seer is our terrorist? Unless she’s helping Seer?”

�No!” she gasped in denial.

  Christian turned to gaze upon her again. Zane looked at her too. Suspicion and curiosity blazed in both their eyes.

  Zane’s eyes narrowed as he watched her. “I’m thinking Seer is responsible for something else, and may be blackmailing Megan to keep her mouth closed. Am I close?”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Christian said. “And either Megan tells us what Seer has on her, or Seer will.”

  Megan shook her head, desperation once again spiraling through her. They were on the right track again. This couldn’t be happening. She needed to stay cool. But she couldn’t, especially at the intense way they were glaring at her.

  “Tell us, Megan. Tell us now or Zane will go for Seer.”

  “No. I cannot say, or the prediction will come true.”

  Christian’s left eyebrow arched in puzzlement. “A prediction? About?”

  “I cannot. Lives depend on my keeping the secret.” She was saying too much. She had to keep quiet. But even as she shut her mouth, she simply could not believe that Zane or Christian would harm their daughters. Unless Seer had seen herself killing Megan and the King’s offspring because she’d betrayed her?

  That would be crazy. Wouldn’t it?

  “Why did you not take that other female as Queen after I left?”

  The males stared at her as if she’d gone mad.

  “Female? What female?” Christian asked. Anger clouded his face.

  “And why did you leave would be the more appropriate question?” Zane asked.

  Shit. She was so screwed.

  “I need protection from Seer reading my thoughts. Lives depend on secrecy of what I know. I cannot say anything more, unless I am guaranteed mind protection.” Why had she not thought of this angle before? Because she was too weak, that’s why. She needed to feed. Needed nourishment to think. To fight Seer. To question her males as to why they would sleep with this other female behind her back.

  There was nothing Megan could do about Seer’s prediction, except to have her mind protected from her reaching in and reading it. She was probably reading her mind as they spoke.


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