Reckless Lust: New Adult Rock Star Romance

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Reckless Lust: New Adult Rock Star Romance Page 10

by Vicky Owen

  Finally he’s down there. He forces my legs wide and pushes his face into my crotch for a moment. I bite my lip, anticipating his touch.

  ‘Turn over,’ he says, pulling back from me.

  ‘Huh?’ Turn over?

  ‘I want you on your front.’

  I frown, nervous, but I do it anyway.

  As soon as I’m belly-down he pushes my hips up and his mouth makes contact with my clit.

  ‘Oh! Oh…’ I can’t stop myself from crying out as the initial shock of his touch sends a jolt through me. I clamp my lips together as his tongue strokes the length of my cunt, each lick pushing me closer and closer to orgasm, before he settles on using his fingers on my clit and his tongue on my vagina.

  One hand keeps me up, pushing against my ass while the thumb rests just beneath my vagina.

  It feels so good. Who would have thought this could feel so good?

  Climax creeps on me faster than expected. I try to hold on, but I can’t, and the shudders of orgasm soon overtake me. Jake holds my body in place as I come hard against his mouth, his tongue pushing hard into me until I come to rest.

  He lets me go, and I collapse onto my front.

  ‘Good?’ he says, kissing my lower back.

  I nod.

  ‘More?’ he says in a low voice.

  Oh God, yes. I nod.

  He stands up for a moment. I start to turn my body. ‘No,’ he says, ‘stay like that.’ He’s back on the bed, pulling my hips up. ‘Your ass is amazing.’

  Panic rises in me. ‘Are you going to…I mean, where are you going to…’ I need to ask him, to tell him I don’t want anal, but I’m suddenly shy. This is not the moment to get shy. Deep breath. ‘I don’t want to do anal…?’

  ‘Huh?’ His voice sounds confused. ‘Cerys’—my name in his voice never gets old—’I’m just going to fuck you from behind. No anal.’

  My body relaxes.

  ‘Is that okay?’ he asks, with some concern.

  ‘Yes.’ Better than okay. I tilt my hips more, to make it easier.

  ‘Fuck,’ he whispers, and I know he’s checking me out. It feels strangely empowering. He holds my hips with his left hand as he guides himself into me, slowly at first. I gasp at the thickness as he enters me fully for the first time, and at how deep he reaches from this angle. He groans as I bite my lip with the second thrust, pushing back against him.

  With both hands on my hips he rocks into me, slower but with so much more intensity than the last time. Each thrust effortlessly pushes me higher and higher, and I can’t help crying out each time.

  ‘Oh fuck, Cerys…’ he moans. It pushes me over the edge, and I come again, squeezing hard against his cock with each wave of pleasure, which in turn brings him to orgasm. He keeps thrusting, speeding up until we’re both completely spent.


  ‘LUCKY WE DIDN’T eat these last night,’ I say, unwrapping the burritos and handing one to Cerys.


  ‘Easy breakfast.’

  She eyes hers suspiciously. ‘I don’t think it’s like leftover pizza,’ she says before tentatively taking a small bite.

  I watch her for a moment as she chews slowly.

  I missed you.

  She looks back at me as she swallows. ‘It’s okay, actually.’

  I don’t want anyone else to have you.

  ‘Try some.’

  I take a bite of my own. ‘Hey, I was right!’ I grin. I flip on the TV and we lounge on the sofa, eating leftover burritos and watching Saturday morning cartoons.

  I want this.

  Gethin is probably right, though. Touring will take me away.

  Between Harry’s shitty dating advice and Gethin being…well, Gethin, the only one I like right now is Luc.

  It’s me too. I’ve had one relationship that ended horribly. And I was only with Ana out of a sense of obligation. Not sure how I would handle being with someone I actually care about so much.

  She seems okay with this casual set-up, though.

  ‘Hey, Cerys.’

  She looks at me, burrito smeared across her lips. I laugh and wipe it off, offering my thumb to her. She looks for a moment before licking it off.


  ‘Are you…do you want to come to a gig next week?’ You fucking chicken.

  ‘Who’s playing?’

  ‘Me, dummy.’ You should say something.

  ‘Oh. Hmm.’ She thinks for a moment. ‘Well, I’ve never seen you play.’ She turns to me and smiles. ‘Yeah, okay. That could be nice.’

  ‘Cool.’ Gethin’s going to kill me.



  ‘I CAN’T WAIT to be done with practicals.’

  I scrub my hands under the tap while Sam unbuttons her lab coat and takes it off. Unlike mine, hers is as pristinely white as it was when she bought it two years ago. She folds it carefully before returning it to her bag as I dab my hands with a paper towel.

  ‘So what about dissection?’ I say, joining her, stuffing my own lab coat into my bag.

  ‘Well,’ she slings her bag over her shoulder, ‘that’s different. No pipettes. No’—she waves her hand towards the incubator at the back of the room—’Petri dishes. I don’t understand how you can like all this stuff.’

  ‘It’s easier than people.’ I clip my bag shut, lift it to my shoulders and pull out my phone. ‘Lexi’s downstairs in the café,’ I add, swiping the message aside and exercising considerable restraint in not opening the snap I’ve received from Jake.

  ‘Cool. I’m hungry.’

  We head downstairs and find Lexi on a table for four. Somehow she’s managed to hold onto all four chairs despite the overcrowding all around her. ‘Hey!’ she beams as we approach. ‘Thank God you’re here. I’m starving, but I couldn’t risk losing the table by going to order food.’

  Sam sits down and I toss my bag onto an empty chair. ‘What do you both want?’ I ask. ‘I’ll get it.’ And it’ll give me a second to check Jake’s snap.

  ‘Ooh, okay,’ Lexi says. ‘Chicken wrap and one of those little packs of chocolate biscuits. Thank you.’


  ‘One of those veggie burrito things,’ she says. ‘Please.’

  I join the queue and try to discreetly check my phone. I open the app, and my thumb hovers over his snap. I hesitate, wondering if this is a good idea. What if it’s something…inappropriate?

  The line moves forward.

  It might be something I want to save for myself, for later. But I’m seeing him later anyway. I’m not even entirely sure where the Tram House is, but presumably a taxi driver will know. Not sure if it’s a date or just a gig. God, it’s like I’m his groupie.

  The line moves forward again.

  Fuck it.

  I turn to ensure that no one behind me or to my side can see, then tap the snap, fully expecting naked Jake to appear on my screen. Instead it’s lingerie. The four sets of lingerie he bought in town a few weeks ago before I stormed off and told him he could shove it. Or something like that.

  There’s a caption.

  Just dropped these round yours. Mailbox. Surprise me tonight ;)

  ‘What would you like?’

  I’m at the front of the queue and there’s a very bored-looking woman in her fifties looking at me from behind the counter. ‘Uhh…’ I shove the phone back in my pocket before placing an order, paying, and returning to the table to join Lexi and Sam.

  ‘Was just telling Sam I never see you any more since you’ve started dating Jake,’ Lexi says as I sit down.

  ‘Who’s Jake?’

  I realise I haven’t mentioned a thing to Sam about the fact that I’m seeing a rock star. ‘It’s only been two weeks. Ish.’

  ‘And when you’re not with him, you’re in the library or writing reports.’ Lexi faux-pouts.

  ‘Who’s Jake?’ Sam asks again.

  ‘He’s no one,’ I say, as Lexi raises an eyebrow at me. ‘Just some guy.’ I can tell that
Lexi is fit to burst. I’m impressed she hasn’t told anyone.

  Sam doesn’t notice. ‘What about that guy from the shop? Lee or something?’

  I frown. ‘Oh, Liam. Forgot all about him.’ Lexi snorts, clearly making a comparison in her head between Jake and Liam.

  ‘Really? I thought you were interested. He seemed nice.’

  ‘Musicians are way hotter though. Right Cerys?’ Lexi has a wicked look in her eyes as she watches me, waiting for my reaction. She’s definitely about to burst. I narrow my eyes at her.

  Sam looks back and forth between us. ‘What’s going on?’

  I wait to see if Lexi is going to say anything. ‘How about,’ she says slowly and calmly, keeping eye contact, the hint of a grin on her lips, ‘the three of us do something together tonight?’

  ‘I can’t, I’m going to a gig.’ The words are out before I realise I’ve fallen into Lexi’s trap. The grin widens.

  ‘Wouldn’t happen to be No Reckless at Tram House, would it?’ Lexi tilts her head at me.

  ‘No Reckless are playing Tram House? Bit of a small venue for them, isn’t it?’ Sam says.

  I try to give Lexi a deadly serious look but I can’t help breaking into a smile, shaking my head and looking down. ‘Of course you would know.’

  She laughs. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not planning to crash.’

  ‘Crash what?’ Sam looks perplexed.

  ‘Actually, maybe you should come,’ I say. ‘Both of you.’ Lexi’s right. I’ve been a crap friend. And I won’t feel like such a lemon being there with friends rather than on my own. Win win.

  ‘Really?’ Lexi beams. ‘Does that mean we can tell Sam?’

  ‘Tell Sam what?’ Sam is clearly getting irritated at being so out of the loop.

  I take a deep breath. ‘Oh, fine.’

  ‘Cerys is—’

  ‘Not so loud!’ I hiss.

  She lowers her voice.

  ‘—dating Jake Norton.’


  Lexi rolls her eyes at Sam’s underwhelmed reaction. ‘Reckless’ lead singer.’

  ‘What? Shut up.’ Sam looks more than a bit sceptical as she turns to me.

  I nod.

  ‘But…why?’ She shakes her head.

  Wasn’t expecting that response. I don’t really know what to say. Because he’s gorgeous? Because we were best friends? Because I think I’ve been in love with him since I was seventeen?

  ‘Guys in bands. They just treat women like we’re something to be used up and thrown away when a newer, shinier one comes along.’

  Ouch. Tell me what you really think. ‘I…we’ve known each other since we were kids. Jake’s not like that.’ I can feel my defences coming up.

  ‘I’m sure I read something about him being the worst one in the band for it,’ Sam says as our food is finally brought over.

  ‘Actually,’ Lexi says, taking a bite out of her wrap, ‘that’s Harry. The bassist.’

  ‘The other two are in relationships,’ I quickly add.

  Lexi swallows. ‘Just the one now. Luc and his girlfriend recently broke up.’

  ‘Well, I still think you’re crazy,’ says Sam.

  ‘So does that mean you don’t want to come tonight?’ I tease. She scowls at me.

  ‘HOW ABOUT THIS?’ Lexi appears at my bedroom door in the same red dress she wore to Low. ‘I’ve only worn it once before. Is it okay?’ She walks over to the full-length mirror against the wall and checks her reflection.

  ‘It’s only a gig. But yes, you look amazing. As always.’ I turn back to the sudoku puzzle on my phone.

  She turns to look at me. ‘It’s not only a gig. It’s No Reckless. And you’re seeing the lead singer. We’re practically part of the entourage.’ She faces the mirror again and fusses with her hair.

  ‘Entourage?’ I’m starting to wonder if taking friends to this show is a wise decision.

  ‘Is that what you’re wearing?’ She asks, turning back to me.

  ‘I…yes. What’s wrong with it?’

  ‘Jeans and a t-shirt?’

  ‘Yes!’ I frown.

  ‘Come with me,’ she says, walking out of the room. I sigh, get up, and follow her to her room where she’s rifling through her wardrobe and tossing clothes onto the bed. ‘Aha! This.’ She reveals a short, black party dress. ‘This will look so good on you,’ she says, holding it up to me so she can see.

  ‘I can’t wear this. It’s so not me,’ I say, taking it off her and holding it so I can see. It’s too…sexy for me.

  ‘Just try it on.’

  ‘My thighs will rub.’

  Lexi rolls her eyes. ‘You can use some of my anti-chafe stick. Just go try it on!’

  Two minutes later, I’m standing in front of my mirror. I hate to admit it, but maybe Lexi’s right. Again. Damn it.

  ‘See?’ Lexi has a smug, I-told-you-so look on her face. ‘And just in time. Taxi’s here.’

  ‘JAKE SAYS WE should go to the side entrance to avoid the crowd out front.’ I close the message as the taxi pulls up outside Tram House.

  ‘Ooh!’ Lexi pays the driver and we head over to the building. ‘Wait, what about Sam?’

  ‘She’s not here yet.’

  ‘Okay, well, I guess we’ll meet her in there.’

  After a few minutes of trying to get our bearings, we find the side entrance and slip away from the queue that’s building up at the front. We stand there for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

  ‘Should we knock?’ Lexi knocks without waiting for my answer. I feel oddly exposed in this dress. Naked even, despite it not being particularly revealing.

  When no one opens the door, I decide to send Jake a message to let him know I’m here. Less than thirty seconds later, the door opens and there he is in his trademark black jeans and faded grey t-shirt. He looks me up and down for a moment. ‘Sexy. Very sexy.’ He takes both my hands in his and leans forward as if to kiss me but stops short. ‘Uh, hey? Do I know you?’

  Oh right. Lexi.

  ‘Jake, this is Lexi’—I indicate with my hands, smiling—’Lexi, this is Jake.’

  ‘Hello,’ beams Lexi, gripping her clutch purse. Jake eyes her warily and frowns slightly at me before responding. Oh no—is this not allowed?

  ‘Hi,’ he says eventually. ‘Uh, okay, follow me.’ He half smiles but drops my hand and walks back into the building.


  I turn to Lexi and shrug apologetically. She takes my hand and squeezes it reassuringly as we follow.

  We find ourselves backstage, surrounded by people and instruments and equipment I can’t identify.

  ‘Cerys!’ A voice to my right startles me. ‘Haven’t seen you for ages. How are things?’

  I do a double take, but I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, I knew he was in the band. ‘Gethin,’ I manage, before he pulls be into a bear hug. ‘Things are good,’ I say when he lets me go, ‘I think. Just in my last year of uni now. Heard you’re a famous rock star these days.’

  He laughs and looks down shyly. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘How’s Leah?’ His girlfriend since college. I barely knew her but she seemed nice enough.

  Gethin just nods. ‘Heard you’ve been spending time with our miserable singer over there.’ He nods towards Jake, who is talking to someone on the other side of the room.

  Does he know? I feel my face reddening at the thought.

  ‘Listen,’ Gethin lowers his voice, ‘if he messes you around, you just fucking tell me. I haven’t forgotten how things were before, so just say the word if he acts like a shithead to you.’

  Fuck, was it that obvious that I had a crush on Jake in school? God, this is humiliating. Lexi squeezes my hand again.

  Jake is coming back over with another good-looking guy. I recognise him.

  There’s a girl hanging off new guy’s arm, looking smitten.

  ‘Girls,’ Jake says, ‘this is Luc.’

  ‘And Candy,’ adds the girl.

  ‘Right. Candy,’ Jake says
, rolling his eyes. ‘Luc, this is Cerys and Lexi.’

  Luc nods at me and smiles before turning to Lexi. ‘Lexi. As in, Alexis?’

  Lexi nods.

  ‘Alexis,’ he says again, feeling out the name. ‘I like it.’

  Lexi smiles shyly and lowers her head, saying nothing. I’ve never seen her like this. She’s usually the ballsy, confident one. I want to stay and watch, but Jake takes my hand and pulls me away gently.

  He leads us over to a dark corner, away from the others, and guides me so I’m facing him with my back to the wall. He puts one arm above me so as to shield us from everyone else. His other hand comes to rest on the outside of my thigh as he lowers his lips to my ear.

  ‘Never seen you in a dress before,’ he says in a dark tone. ‘You should wear them more often.’ His hand slides under the dress and inches towards my back. ‘Are you wearing the stuff I left at yours?’

  ‘All of it at once?’ I say, trying to distract myself from the effect he has on me.

  He ignores the joke and his fingers find the lacy edge of my panties. ‘I can’t wait to have you naked in my bed again later.’ His lips brush against my earlobe, sending heat through my body. ‘I bet,’ he whispers between kisses, ‘you’re already wet for me.’


  Jake’s hand starts to move to the front of my crotch.

  Oh God, he’s going to know.

  ‘So this is Cerys?’ A voice interrupts Jake and he pulls back. A guy with a mess of loose, dark, curly hair stands behind him with a grin that’s both cheeky and smug plastered across his face. My face is still flushed and I feel more than a little exposed. ‘Harry,’ he says to me, reaching out a hand.

  ‘Uh, Cerys,’ I say, taking it cautiously and looking up at Jake.

  ‘Jesus, Harry. What the fuck?’ Jake sounds less than pleased.

  ‘Just wanted to introduce myself.’ He seems to be enjoying this. ‘We’ve heard so much about you, Cerys.’

  ‘You have?’ Jake talks about me? There are flutters in my stomach as I fight to keep the smile off my face.

  ‘Harry, seriously—’

  ‘Ever since you and this loser started dating—’


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