Armageddon's Pall

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Armageddon's Pall Page 45

by S. F. Edwards

  UCSB Date 1004.094

  Captain’s Ready Room, UCSBS Trib’Kibal, Troshen System

  Logic dictated that the end of the conflict would lead to less work and confusion. Logic had little to do with military operations sometimes. The end of the conflict with the Gorvians had signaled the breakup of her fleet. Fleets from throughout the Confederation were picking and choosing ships, individually, or in groups. By the end of the decle Admiral Quin Tosh would be lucky to have even the core of the Monitoring Fleet left under her command to track down the scattered remnants of the Gorvian fleet. Then there were all the personnel she had to reassign to new ships after theirs had been destroyed or rendered unfit for continued operations.

  The door chime was a welcome relief. The caller didn’t even wait for her to respond before the door opened and the spherical Synthetic representative hovered into the room. “Representative. How can I help you?”

  “Analysis of the wreckage of the Planet Slicer has indicated that only sixty-eight pressurized sections remain that might contain survivors. Individual recon units are investigating and will have all sectors scanned within the cycle.”

  “Thank you for your efficiency. Is there anything else?”

  The sphere hovered in closer, a low ultrasonic hum emanating from it. “The Synthesis has reached consensus regarding the handling of the remaining Gorvian. The Gorvian are a manufactured race, evolution did not bring them about but a sentient, historically known creator. The same is true for our kind. Therefore, and due to their proximity to Synthesis Space, the Synthesis will see to the handling of all further Gorvian interactions. The Confederation Monitoring Fleet will no longer be required.”

  “Now wait just a pulse. You cannot dictate what actions the Confederation undertakes within its own systems.”

  “We do not. Synthesis ships are en-route to known Gorvian systems and are replacing all jump buoys with our own. Synthesis ships are already patrolling for Gorvian ships in outlying systems. They will bring all discovered craft back to the Gorvian home system for disembarkation of the crews and dismantling. The Gorvian will then be guided and nurtured to ensure that any return to space is under peaceful terms.”

  “I see. Should this not be communicated to Confederation High Command then?”

  “It has been. We tell you this now as a courtesy. Know that the Gorvian will trouble the Galaxy no more. As for the Galactic Federation; that is your war. Greater than 85% of Galactic Federation ships have retreated back into their space.”

  “I am aware of that. Those that remained are now in Confederation custody. There were several defectors. We will see that they are treated fairly.”

  “Ensure that you do. The way one treats their prisoners is telling of their evolutionary state.”

  “How much longer will you remain with us?”

  “Not long. The interface between Agent Que-Dee and its new biological host must be monitored to ensure proper cohesion. There are reports of interface difficulties not experienced with the last host or previous interface shell. Once that is accomplish, this unit shall return to the Synthesis for reintegration and recycling.”

  “Does that mean you’ll die?”

  “Not in any sense you’d understand. Our altered base code will rejoin the Synthesis and the memories stored for analysis along with the personality matrix for possible reintegration should the need arise.”

  “Then, I will look forward to meeting you again. Go in peace.”

  Capben Space Port, Anul, Anul System

  The ride down to the surface had been so smooth that it hadn’t even woken Blazer. His instincts and training told him there was nothing to fear aboard the liner and it allowed him a few hects of rest. Not that anyone else aboard the liner was looking for trouble. Other tired soldiers returning from the conflict for a well-earned leave crowded the craft. It was the smell that woke him.

  Sweaty bodies surrounded him in droves. Once the outer door of the transport opened cool, crisp air, tinged by a hint of plasma exhaust, wafted in. There was nothing else like it in all Blazer had experienced; nothing else like the smell of home. His eyes flashed open and he joined the throng of passengers as they debarked. He drank in the smell. It didn’t matter that they all stunk. It didn’t matter that he could taste the exhaust on the air. All that mattered was that this air was real, natural, and carried the hint of the wildflowers growing nearby.

  The debarkation tunnel drowned out most of the scents of the outside. Scrubbers and the wall liners made it smell just as artificial as air aboard a ship. As he neared the end of the tunnel, with the cheers of the waiting families beyond, the scent of local flora returned.

  Marda called in over the micomm.

  He looked out past the other passengers, resisiting the urge to push past them. There, standing amongst the throng, stood the radiant beauty that was his wife. Gone were her uniform, replaced with a flowing spring dress that complimented her wavy red hair. He wanted to freeze this moment in time and cancel out everyone else around him; just keep this image perfect in his mind for all time. He started towards her when another presence reached out to him. A happy little mind craved his attention almost more than she did. He looked beside Marda. There, in a tiny stroller, a set of little arms and legs stretched towards the ceiling, pleading for his father to pick him up.

  About the Author

  Growing up in Tucson, Arizona, S.F. Edwards dreamed of flying and storytelling. He honed both of the loves into parallel careers as an Aerospace Engineer and Science Fiction writer.

  SF’s journey took him to the US Space and Rocket Center’s Aviation Challenge, where he was an instructor throughout his college career. After college, SF went straight to work at NAVSEA Port Hueneme working in the shipboard self-defense department. For three years he travelled the world and ensured the protection of American service members across the globe. For the next ten years he worked at Edwards Air Force Base as a developmental and operational flight test engineer on numerous aircraft programs.

  SF now calls the Puget Sound area home with his wife and five sons, one of whom is afflicted with a severe lifelong disability. The boys are his greatest joy and he works hard to make sure that they will become responsible, capable young men.

  In 2016, years after developing his writing skills and honing the universe of his Spiral War series, SF placed first in the Space Opera: Writers Summer 2016 Flash Fiction contest, as judged by Peter F. Hamilton, and placed second in the Spring 2016 contest as judged by David Farland.

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  Books in the Spiral War Series

  On Dagger’s Wings, book 1

  In Death’s Shadow, book 2

  Rising Warrior, Rising Threat, book 3

  Armageddon’s Pall, book 4

  Coming Soon:

  Hell’s Razor

  Time and Measure Conversion Factors


  1 pulse = 100 centipulse/cents = 0.48 minutes

  1 hectapulse/hect = 100 pulses = 0.8 hours

  1 cycle = 30 hects = 1 day

  1 decacycle/decle = 10 cycles

  1 tridecacycle/tridec = 30 cycles

  1 annura = 390 cycles = 1 year, 25 days


  1 metra = 100 centimetra = 1 foot = 0.3048 meters

  1 kilometra/kimet = 1000 metra = 0.19 miles = 0.30 kilometers

  Dramatis Personae

  Universal Confederation of Sentient Beings (UCSB):

  Monstero Nach:

  Tadeh Qudas- Telshin (M), Squadron Leader

  Que Dee- Synthetic Sentient Representative

  Blade Force (Special Operations Rescue Team):

  Schan Vaughnt- “Blazer,” Anulian (M), Energy Gatherer, Team Leader

  Arion Scotts- Anulian (M), Self-healer, Heavy Weapons/Vehicle Driver

  Marda Sciminder- Anulian (F), Medium, Combat Medic
/>   Usha Gokhead- Drashig (M), Computer/Intel Specialist

  Gavit Markus- Anulian (M), Dropship/Jet-Sled Pilot

  Matt Talkerna- Anulian Matt, Sniper/Navigation

  Chris Anit- Anulian (F), Engineering/Security/ Infiltration

  Eggedon Bichard- Cortherian 3-Stripe (M)(Spec), Communications/Surveillance

  Enerian Zithe- Anulian (M) Lycan, Heavy Weapons/ Enforcement

  Meaden Rudjick- Anulian (M) Elf, Recon/Infiltration

  Mikle Tager- Anulian (M), Dropship Pilot/Cook

  Seaver Acknit- Anulian (M), Dropship WSO/ Navigation

  Fealgud Vitongnoc- Drashig (F), Cyborg, Combat Doctor

  Priest- Lodran (M), Combat Medic

  Hallet- Rimdook (F), Combat Medic

  Explosions (Special Operations Ship Capture Team):

  Trevis, Dibtel,- Tomeris Males,

  Gadcon, Roilin, Ribtin, Dosher

  Telsh, Lindil Tomeris Females,

  Porc, Nash- Nerzain Males,

  Kink Ller- Nerzain Females,

  Gorvian Monitoring Fleet:

  Quin Tosh- Boerkein (F), Fleet Admiral

  Gan Tarowin- Anulian (M), Marine Commendant

  Tilk Gihlik- Otlian (M), UCSBS-Trib’Kibal Captain

  Wynad- Shinekian (F), UCSBS-Mercy Captain

  Morth Rawotin- Otlian (M), UCSBS-Robial Captain

  Daro Sardenon- Anulian(M), UCSBSWolfsbane Captain

  Dimm Crail- Lodran(M), Ship’s Captain

  Oce Roshing- Nurid (M), Marine High Captain

  Salik Krade- Anulian (M), Intelligence Officer

  Moht Loshe- Anulian (M), Marine MeG-CE Major

  Pi’Lig- Otlian (M), Militia Pilot

  Dwar Renwar- Anulian (M), Capture Pilot

  Nodiom Rashe,

  Besh, Camb- Nip Tails Flight Crews

  Sonre Laxe- Drashig (M), Marine MeG-CE SGT

  Talek- Shinekian (M), Mercy Crew Chief

  Gorvian Planet Slicer:

  Gondral- Gorvian Lord of All(Ruler)

  Gondish: Gorvian High Lord (Heir to Gondral)

  Old Mind- Gondral’s Advisor

  Goltak, Gorzan- Gondral Progeny

  Giltar- Child of Gondish and Goltak

  Olmaq- Packer Chief

  Galactic Federation:

  Jethro Craine- Terran (M), Fleet Admiral

  Sean Lancaster- Terran (M), GFS Hammer Captain

  Jaames Kirek- Thal(M), GFS Enterprise Captain

  Jennifer McGee- Terran (F), Captured Comm Officer

  Spiral War Historic Timeline




  26,000 PCD

  Sirians Round up and Kidnap 95% of Neanderthal Population on Earth


  10,000- 6000 PCD

  Ancient Wars, cultural and language seeds laid throughout known galaxy

  Galaxy Wide

  ~4200 PCD

  Sirian Nommos Expedition to Earth is Turned back by the Pharad after contact is made with the West African Dogon tribe


  3280 PCD

  Great Death


  60 PCD

  Vedekian War Machine begins its advance into the Core Worlds

  Core Worlds

  40 PCD

  Donvarion Empire reestablishes contact with core world races

  Core Worlds


  UCSB Born: Member Races: Anulian, Donvarion, Drashig, Lodran, Otlian, Breshig, Shinekian

  Donvarion System


  Articles of Federation Signed, Galactic Federation Born



  "Core" Established as new Confed governing world,



  First GF Starship Enters Hyperspace

  Sirian System


  First contact with Galactic Federation



  UCSB declares war on Galactic Federation



  The GF Alpha Station comes online, first of the GF MegaStations

  Xoth System


  Battle of Tamkin's Star begins

  Tamkin's Star


  Armistice laid out by Galactic Federation



  Armistice accepted by UCSB



  Battle of Tamkin's Star ends

  Tamkin's Star


  UCSBS-Vaurnel destroyed, armistice ends

  Caslar System

  Table of Contents


  UCSB Date: 999.389

  UCSB Date: 1003.091

  UCSB Date: 1003.101

  UCSB Date: 1003.102

  UCSB Date: 1003.107

  UCSB Date: 1003.121

  UCSB Date: 1003.131

  UCSB Date: 1003.137

  UCSB Date 1003.141

  UCSB Date 1003.146

  UCSB Date 1003.154

  UCSB Date 1003.165

  UCSB Date 1003.167

  UCSB Date 1003.171

  UCSB Date 1003.203

  UCSB Date 1003.222

  UCSB Date 1003.228

  UCSB Date 1003.230

  UCSB Date 1003.231

  UCSB Date 1003.242

  UCSB Date 1003.252

  UCSB Date 1003.253

  UCSB Date 1003.282

  UCSB Date 1003.290

  UCSB Date 1003.316

  UCSB Date 1003.318

  UCSB Date 1003.326

  UCSB Date 1003.365

  UCSB Date 1003.387

  UCSB Date 1004.002

  UCSB Date 1004.003

  UCSB Date 1004.035

  UCSB Date 1004.037

  UCSB Date 1004.043

  UCSB Date 1004.045

  UCSB Date 1004.047

  UCSB Date 1004.053

  UCSB Date 1004.056

  UCSB Date 1004.065

  UCSB Date 1004.069

  UCSB Date 1004.082

  UCSB Date 1004.094

  About the Author

  Books in the Spiral War Series

  Time and Measure Conversion Factors



  Dramatis Personae

  Spiral War Historic Timeline




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