Scandalous Desire [Desire, Oklahoma - The Founding Fathers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Scandalous Desire [Desire, Oklahoma - The Founding Fathers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 19

by Lana Dare

  “Sleep? Wyatt, I can’t sleep like this.”

  Wyatt finished and pressed a hand at her belly until she lay flat on her back.

  “Sleep. My cock is hard enough to go through a board. I thought we could just play with you a little, but I should have known that as soon as we touched you, things would get out of hand.”

  Without even being able to see him well, she could tell he spoke through clenched teeth. It made her feel a little better, but not much.

  Fire licked at her from all sides, consuming her with need and a hunger so strong she couldn’t bear it. She wanted to taste Wyatt again, wanted—needed their hands on her. She needed relief and she needed it badly.

  “I hate you. I hate both of you. You know what you do to me, and then you just leave me this way.”

  Hayes finished fixing his clothing and curled up behind her. “When we get home, we’re not stopping until we’re all too worn out to move. I swear, woman, I don’t know how the hell I’m even going to be able to get out of bed and leave you in the morning.”

  Trembling with need, Savannah balled up her fists and hit both of them in the belly.

  Before either one of them could do more than curse, she kicked both of them for a good measure, wishing she still wore her boots.

  “To hell with that. You can’t do what you did to me and leave me like this. If this is what you’re going to do to me, I’m never letting you touch me again. You’re mean and I wish I’d never married either one of you!”

  Shoving the blanket aside, she started to get up, hoping a brisk walk would help her get rid of all this restless energy, but Wyatt tumbled her back.

  Leaning over her, he held her wrists to the ground, his low whisper filled with tension.

  “Damn it, Savannah.” Bending his head, he blew out a breath. “I know. You’re too inexperienced for this, but I don’t want the others to hear you come. I’ll make a deal with you. If you promise to be as quiet as you can and do what I say, I’ll make you come and then at least one of us can get some sleep.”

  Hayes groaned and rolled to his side next to her. “Hell. My cock’s pounding already. All right.” He gripped Savannah’s chin. “Just this time. In the future, if you do anything that puts your life at risk, I swear I’m going to tie you to the bed naked and torture the hell out of you.”

  The image of being tied to a bed and letting Hayes have his way with her caused her pussy to clench and more of her juices to flow from her. Her clit pulsed and seemed to swell even more. Not knowing what he would do if he knew what his threat did to her, she nodded furiously and swallowed heavily before answering.

  “I can’t take it. Please make me come. I can’t stand it anymore. I’ll do whatever you say.”

  Wyatt brushed his lips along her ear. “That’s an interesting prospect. I like having you obey me. Maybe we should do this to you more often.”

  “I’ll kill you in your sleep.”

  Wyatt released her hands and ran a finger between her breasts.

  “I’ll bet those nipples need attention. Do you want us to touch them?”

  “God, yes.” She fisted her hands at her sides, holding her breath in anticipation.

  Wyatt’s voice got deeper and cooled just a little.

  “Then lift up that shirt and ask us nicely.”

  Savannah stilled. “I don’t understand.” Why didn’t they just pull her shirt up and touch her the way they usually did?

  Hayes ran a finger down her cheek and to her neck. “It means that if you want to be touched, you’re going to have to ask for it. I like this, Wyatt. She’s going to have to work for what she wants.”

  She knew that mischievous tone and wondered what lay in store for her. It seemed that they had something in mind, another of their wicked games.

  Shaking with need, she would do anything they asked as long as they would give her the relief she craved. Trusting her husbands beyond anything, she reached for the hem of her shirt.

  “If I do what you want, you’ll make me come? You won’t just tease me and leave me like this?”

  Wyatt laid a hot hand on her belly.

  “I promise, I’ll make you come. You’re in charge. You tell us what to do, and we’ll do it. But you have to ask nicely.”

  Frowning in the darkness, Savannah rubbed her thighs together, knowing it would do no good at all, but unable to stop.

  “I can’t. You know what I need. Why can’t you just do it?”

  Thankful for the darkness that hid her burning face, she stroked Wyatt’s chest.


  Wyatt took her hand in his and rolled to his back.

  “I guess you’re not aroused enough to need relief. Go to sleep.”

  Gritting her teeth, Savannah reached for the hem of her shirt again. “I swear I’m going to kill you as soon as I get the chance.”

  Hayes chuckled. “For someone who would never threaten sheriffs, you’re doing it quite a bit. The way you shoot, though, it’ll never happen.”

  “I can shoot.” Raising her shirt to her neck, she shivered as the cool air blew over her nipples. “There. It’s up.”

  Wyatt rolled back. “And? What do you want us to do? You have to tell us, Savannah. We’ll do whatever you want.”

  Taking a shuddering breath, Savannah closed her eyes. “Touch me.”

  Immediately, two hot, firm hands heated her skin, one low on her belly and the other a little higher.

  “Not there, damn you!”

  Hayes circled her belly button. “Be specific, Savannah.” The underlying demand in his low tone told her he meant it.

  Taking a deep breath, Savannah squeezed her eyes closed.

  “Touch my breasts.”

  She’d never spoken like that in her life, but with Wyatt and Hayes as her husbands, she imagined she’d be doing a lot of things she’d never done before.

  Wyatt clicked his tongue.

  “I said you had to ask nicely.”

  “I hate you.”

  “I don’t think so. Liars don’t get what they want.”

  Savannah had always wondered why Maggie would even consider tying herself to two such domineering men, but Savannah understood now.

  Their strength made her feel safe and very womanly, and she trusted that whenever she was with them, they would take care of her. It was an irresistible feeling, one she’d never thought to experience in her life.

  Instead of their strength and presence overpowering her, it made her stronger, as if their strength was at her disposal whenever she needed it.

  Drawing on it now, she shifted restlessly as the muscles in her stomach quivered.

  “Please touch my breasts.” It came out in a breathless whisper, one that had both men stiffening.

  Wyatt cursed under his breath and covered her breast, his hand hot on her cool skin.

  Hayes leaned close and brushed her lips with his. “You sound so good saying things like that. Very good. Anytime you want us to touch you, darlin’, just talk like that.”

  To her frustration, although both men ran their fingers over her breasts, cupping them and teasing the tender underside, neither touched her nipples. No matter how much she writhed and arched into their caress, they avoided touching her nipples. She shivered beneath their touch, biting back a moan at the delicious torment.

  “I hate you.”

  Bending close, Wyatt kissed her forehead. “Whatever you want, Savannah.”

  She would die if she didn’t get some kind of relief soon.

  “Touch my nipples, too. Touch me down there.”

  She pointed toward her slit, fisting her hands in their shirts when they each stroked a nipple.

  “Slide your pants down.”

  Obeying Wyatt’s demand, she fumbled clumsily beneath the covers to get her pants to her knees.

  “I did it. Please, touch me the way you do to make me come.”

  Hayes bent his head, taking a nipple into his mouth. At the same time he covered her mouth with his hand, muff
ling her automatic cry.

  Lifting his head, he cupped her breast again and brushed his lips against hers.

  “What do you want? If you want a finger in your pussy, you have to say it. If you want attention to your clit, you have to say that.”

  Grabbing his head, she pulled him down and took his mouth as hungrily as he took hers. She froze when he stilled, wondering if she’d done something wrong, only to fall back with a moan when he took over, kissing her until she was breathless and weak. Their hands and the rough blankets on her bare skin only inflamed her further.

  Lifting his head, Hayes nipped her bottom lip.

  “Say it.”

  Long past caring about anything but relief, Savannah gulped in air and had to swallow before speaking. Tears stung her eyes as something inside her snapped.

  “Please. In my pussy and touch my cl–clit. I love when you touch me everywhere. You make me feel so good. Oh, God, I love you both so much.”

  Hayes sucked in breath.

  “That’s it. When she says things like that she can have whatever she wants.”

  Taking her mouth with his, he let his other hand trail down her body to sink a finger into her.

  “Get out of the way. I want her clit.” Wyatt slid his hand over her belly, parting her folds and moving a finger over her clit. “I love you, too, wife.”

  The feel of his hot mouth drawing her nipple inside and the strokes to her pussy and clit sent her hurtling toward the edge.

  She wanted to come so badly, but now that it slammed into her, she fought it, not wanting this incredible feeling to ever end.

  Hayes changed the angle of his thrust, stroking the inner walls of her pussy and pressing against a spot inside her that made fighting it impossible.

  The pleasure exploded from her clit, sizzling arrows of heat and delight that shot everywhere, consuming her body in ecstasy. Stiffening, she held on to Hayes, her body bowing and the muscles in her thighs closing and tightening on their hands.

  It took every ounce of willpower she possessed not to scream.

  As the strokes on her clit and in her pussy slowed, she began to tremble in earnest, and she felt the tight grip of her orgasm loosening its hold on her. Wyatt released her nipple from his mouth, pausing to run his tongue over it before lifting his head.

  “Hell, woman, you turn me inside out. Come here. Let’s get you dressed again so I can hold you.”

  Hayes broke off their kiss seconds later, a kiss she couldn’t even remember participating in while she came.

  “You held her last night. It’s my turn to hold her.”

  Minutes later, drowsy and sated, she lay snuggled against Hayes with Wyatt at her back, and smiled. She never would have thought that two such magnificent men would not only marry her, but argue about who got to hold her.

  Rubbing the two silver bands on her finger with her thumb, she sighed, blinking back tears when both men caressed her.

  Hayes bent to kiss her hair.

  “What is it, honey?”

  Savannah patted his chest.

  “Nothing. It just surprises me sometimes to realize that you really do love me. Despite the fact that you’re both hardheaded and arrogant, I’m glad I married you.”

  Wyatt chuckled from behind her and kissed her shoulder.

  “Of course we love you and you love us. You said it, and we’re not letting you take it back.”

  Smiling, she let her eyes drift closed. “I said that in the heat of passion.”

  “One day we’ll make you scream it out loud to everyone. Go to sleep, honey. You’re going to need it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  As soon as they got back to the ranch, it quickly became apparent that they wouldn’t be getting time alone with Savannah anytime soon.

  Eb met them before they even got to the stables, his expression anything but friendly. “Did you get married?”

  Hayes nodded and glanced at his wife. “We did. That’s not what you came out here for, though. What’s wrong?” He dismounted and went to help Savannah, but Wyatt had already reached her.

  The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, and Phoenix was already speaking in low tones to his two brothers, his expression grim.

  Eb shot a look at Savannah. “Go see Maggie.”

  Hayes barely managed to bite back his anger. Lifting a brow, he met Eb’s gaze squarely. “Wyatt and I are standing right here. She’s our responsibility now, remember?”

  Eb smiled in Savannah’s direction, his smile not meeting his eyes. “Sorry. Habit. Congratulations.” He glanced back and forth between him and Wyatt. “We’ve got some trouble.”

  Wyatt touched his lips to Savannah’s hair, his eyes cold. “Go see Maggie. Stay at the house. We’ll come get you after we deal with this.”

  When Savannah frowned and opened her mouth, Hayes shot her a sharp glance, pleased that she snapped her mouth closed and nodded, obeying him immediately.

  Pride in her swelled his chest, and he watched her go, knowing that if anything ever happened to her, he would never recover. Once she went up the back steps and into the house, he nodded toward Eb.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Last night, there was a fire.”

  Hayes glanced at Wyatt, his heart racing. He knew damned well what a fire could do out here and whipped his head around, instinctively looking for any sign of one.

  “It’s out. Luckily, Phoenix and some of the other men smelled it and saw the light from it before it got out of hand. It looked like whoever lit it had no experience with campfires. Phoenix and the others must have scared them off because they left some of their belongings behind. Including this.”

  He placed a piece of paper, partially burned, into Wyatt’s outstretched hand.

  Hayes got a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach. “What is it?”

  Eb smiled. “Part of a letter from the sheriff of Kansas City, telling a certain Reverend Perry that he’s no longer welcome there. Evidently, after Savannah left, a lot of people came forward and complained about him to the sheriff and told him he would be out of a job if he let the reverend come back. They didn’t like the way he treated Savannah.”

  Wyatt cursed. “Why the hell didn’t they say something before?”

  Eb sighed. “Savannah told them not to. My dad’s been about the only one to talk, and the sheriff doesn’t like him. It seems the sheriff’s got a thing for Esmeralda and doesn’t like that she’s too crazy about Dad to see anyone else.”

  Phoenix came forward. “It looks like there were seven riders. We were just about to go look for any sign of them when we saw you coming.”

  Hayes looked toward the house. “Keep Savannah here. We’ll go out and see if we can find them.”

  Eb nodded. “What the hell are they doing here anyway?”

  “We had some trouble with them in town. Savannah knew that one of her uncle’s friends was an outlaw. Turns out he’s the one who took off with Savannah’s mother. Paid the uncle to keep Savannah out of the way. With Savannah’s mother gone, he gets no money and needs Savannah to keep his church solvent. Now that he’s been run out of Kansas City, he’s going to have to set up somewhere else. He needs Savannah.”

  Eb scrubbed a hand over his face. “What happened to the outlaw?”

  Hayes waved a hand, anxious to get the matter of Savannah’s uncle taken care of once and for all. “One of the others will tell you. We’re getting fresh horses and heading out.”

  “How the hell did they beat you here?”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Savannah was worn out and frantic, and so we let her sleep in. Then, we got married, remember? We stayed at the hotel. They must have thought we left and started out.”

  Hayes heard Blade start to explain what had happened, but didn’t hear the rest. Intent on making sure Savannah’s uncle was gone, he started out, with Phoenix leading the way. Hart and Gideon Sanderson joined them without a word, wearing their usual somber expressions.

  Riding out, Hayes list
ened as Wyatt explained to Phoenix, Hart, and Gideon what had happened in town, speaking in the short, clipped tone Hayes knew so well.

  His own anger boiled hot, but with a threat to Savannah, it became something much more. Possessiveness and the need to protect what meant the most to him added a layer of unease that he’d never before experienced when doing his job.

  This time it was personal.

  Savannah was his wife.

  Hayes kept his gaze moving, scanning the outcroppings of rocks, looking for any sign of movement.

  Riding in silence now, they listened for any sign of life, but heard nothing. After several more minutes of riding, Phoenix stopped and raised a hand, pointing to a clearing about fifty yards from where they’d stopped. The brush around it had been burned, and dirt had been scattered everywhere.

  Leaning toward them, the Indian kept his voice low.

  “That’s where they had the fire. Luckily we got to it before it was too bad. Between the water we had in our canteens and the dirt we threw on it, we were able to get it out. A few more minutes, and who knows what would have happened?”

  Hayes gritted his teeth.

  “It appears this man’s a menace in more ways than one. He’s got sand, though, coming out here after what happened in Tulsa. He’s got more riders with him, which means he recruited more in town. And he’s desperate. He must need Savannah badly.”

  Wyatt slid from his horse, checking the ground.

  “People like her, and she’s the only reason he gets any donations to his church. Without her, he doesn’t have a way to make a living. Yeah, he’s desperate.”

  Hayes knelt and touched a finger to one of the tracks left behind. “And stupid, if he thinks he’s going to be able to get through us to get to her.”

  Hart Sanderson, who knelt several yards away, dusted off his hands and came to his feet.

  “Headed toward the ranch.”

  “Hell.” Hayes and the others leapt onto their horses, not doubting the other man at all.

  Hart hardly ever spoke, but when he did, he didn’t waste words and people listened.

  With his heart in his throat, Hayes raced with the others back the way they’d come.


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