Ambushed: Book 6 (Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance)

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Ambushed: Book 6 (Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance) Page 5

by Katrina Cope

  Eir squeals in delight and claps her hands. “Good on you, Hildr!”

  I turn to watch my back and notice the dark elf is closing in on me again. At the same time, Eir is calling out to Hildr and has drummed up the attention of the dark elves, and two of them corner her. Several distressed Valkyrie cries ring throughout the air, and shivers run up my spine.

  Ignoring them, I turn to block the blow of the approaching dark elf, and a big gush of wind surfaces behind me. I spin in time to see a dark elf behind me being dragged up into the sky by an invisible force. I gasp in relief. Elan has grabbed him and flung him to the side.

  I about-face just in time to see the dark elf on the ground next to me using this distraction to strike another blow. I dodge in the nick of time, not having enough notice to raise my sword to fight back. The dark elf swings at me again. I maneuver, so he misses me, striking my sword in his direction and letting out a groan of frustration as it misses him.

  As I spin, I spot Eir being attacked by two dark elves. I recognize the sensation of the drawing of magic, and I look for the culprit. At the same time, I have to remind myself to swing at this dark elf who is still pursuing me. I swing my sword, he evades it easily, and another frustrated groan escapes my mouth. Why can’t he just fall already?

  The magic builds, and I follow its pull, filled with dread since the sensation is coming from an area near Eir. She just manages to avoid the blows from the two dark elves. I study them, but they are still attacking her, and there is no indication of them pulling from a magic force. But I can’t shake the feeling stemming from that direction. Eir swings her sword, blocking the blow of one of the dark elves’ strikes. She dances to the side as the second elf strikes. He narrowly misses her, yet his movement has opened space, and another dark elf is on the other side of him, his hand weaving magic just like the last—circling and spinning as though he is building the magic. He draws his hand back, and I throw my palm out, sending out the magic as fast as I can, blocking his blow from Eir as he flings it at her. My barrier spreads right as his magic reaches not far from Eir’s face, and the bright light explodes inches in front of Eir's eyes. I breathe a sigh of relief, and my shoulders cave from the ease of pressure. I catch sight of Eir’s face as she realizes what has happened and relief washes over her.

  A flash of blue falls from the sky, and I dart sideways as the blue streak knocks the magic-wielding dark elf to the side. It then changes direction abruptly and bowls over the two dark elves attacking Eir. Their swords are knocked out of their hands and land on the ground with a clang. At the same time, the blue streak knocks away all immediate threats from Eir.

  Something clangs behind me, and I spin around in time to see another dark elf flop to the ground, the sword in his hand held high as though he’s ready to attack. He collapses face-first onto the hard ground with a spear sticking out of his back. The void behind him fills with the exhausted face of Mistress Sigrun. Her skin is wan, and it is clear that it has taken all her strength to raise her arms above her head and thrust her spear into the dark elf’s back. I'm not sure what to think. It is too hard to process that my mean-hearted mistress actually protected me from a blow. That is one move I never expected to see from the academy mistress, the hater of wingless Valkyries. Her face turns paler as she drops to her knees.

  “Don't think too much of it, wingless.” Her backside drops to her heels. “It was purely an act of survival. You have the magic. You are the only one who can protect us from these magic-wielding creeps.” She holds her hand over her chest as she huffs, trying to catch her breath. “That is the only reason.” Her shoulders sag.

  Suddenly, I realize what I must do. I charge for the center of the line of fighting Valkyries.

  “Valkyries, fall in line!” I call, flinging my sword to the ground.

  Several clanks of swords surround me before Rota calls out, “Why should we fall in next to you?”

  “Just do it,” I hiss through my teeth. “I know you can’t stand me, but now is not the time for this.”

  Mistress Sigrun’s soft voice calls from behind, “Just do it, Valkyries.”

  They cast several disbelieving looks over their shoulders at the deflated mistress sitting on her heels before they slowly fall in line.

  Once they are lined up, I focus on the current of magic deep within me, pulling it from every corner of my body. Raising my hands, I set my mind on the path of destruction and let the magic pour out of me from the very depths of my soul, picturing my intentions. I can feel the barrier rising between the Valkyries and the dark elves. I raise it higher to combat any strike of magic or a blow of a sword or any other weapon. The frustration is evident on the dark elves’ faces as they continually bang their weapons against my barrier, unable to penetrate its protection. Amusement dances under my skin as I watch individual elves being picked up and flung sideways and away from our area by the invisible force of Elan. The elves are joined by Tanda and Drogon, with Hildr calling war cries from Drogon's back.

  A dark elf aims his magic toward Hildr, and I cry, “Look out, Hildr!”

  Drogon dodges sideways, and the blast of magic skims past her head as he flips in the opposite direction, Hildr struggling to hang on and slipping sideways on his back. I seriously have to get to work and get them to make at least some straps if not a saddle. She manages to grasp one of the many horns protruding from his head and straightens her sitting position when Drogon corrects his path.

  A blue streak flies in, aiming straight at the elf who threw the magic, and I watch, fascinated, as it collides with the elf, sending him catapulting into the air before landing solidly on the ground. The elf's face is frozen in an expression of disbelief.

  Something switches, and a strange look washes over each elf’s face before they slowly back away. I’m not sure what to think. Are they planning something, perhaps a different kind of attack? Are they leaving?

  A loud trumpet blast sounds behind us, and I allow myself to peek over my shoulder. I see a large flock of white wings as Valkyries fly over the hillside with weapons in hand. The senior Valkyries have finally come. Word must've gotten out somehow. It seems ironic that they arrive now, as the fight is starting to favor our side. The Valkyries fly down and land beside us, closing in on the dark elves.

  Meanwhile, the dark elves continue to dissipate after being shaken and thrown to the side, blood pouring from their torsos. Despite the arrival of the senior Valkyries, the dragons continue their attack. A bloody battle erupts until the last dark elf has been removed from Asgard, either slain or escaped.

  Chapter Ten

  “Mistress Sigrun! Since when do you fight with dragons and wingless Valkyries?” A Valkyrie lands in front of our mistress. She crosses her arms while glaring down at her.

  Mistress Sigrun’s mouth drops open, her face filled with shock as she stares up at the confronting Valkyrie. She crisply says, “I do not work with wingless Valkyries or dragons. This has turned out completely different from the plan.”

  The Valkyrie folds her wings and taps her foot. “What do you mean? I would like you to elaborate.”

  Mistress Sigrun rises to her feet, one leg at a time, her mouth groaning her body's protest. “This was meant to be a routine practice battle against the red dragon. It all started as usual, and I thought I would teach these three wingless Valkyries a lesson. For quite some time, they have insisted they are just as good as the winged Valkyries, and I thought I would prove them wrong and put them in their rightful place.”

  “And how did you expect to execute this?” The Valkyrie lifts her nose.

  “By making them fight against the dragon. You see, these three have become friends with three of these dragons. The plan was wrecked when the wingless refused to fight against the dragon, and the dragons came and crashed our little battle against the red dragon. Instead, they decided to protect it and fight on the dragon’s side.” The mistress straightens her shoulders and glares my way. “We had this under control until the dark elves ca
me, and it was then that magic was involved and dragons dived in and protected the Valkyries. They wanted to protect their wingless counterparts first, and the wingless were determined to butt their noses in our battle, even though we would have easily defeated the dark elves without their help.”

  I roll my eyes. Here we go again. The mistress is taking all the credit. I lose interest as the mistress ignores my disbelief and continues. My gaze wanders up to the hill from where the senior Valkyries came, where a few of them remain. A black figure in the middle of them captures my attention. I squint at the figure. It’s Loki. I can’t believe it. What is the god of mischief and the being behind the zmey doing with the Valkyries? I must confront him and find out about the dragon-egg stealing.

  The mistress’s voice drones in the background as I charge up the hill.

  “I never thought I would see any of this, but life has turned crazy lately. This particular Valkyrie and her friends challenge everything we have been led to believe about the wingless Valkyries.” She points a finger in my direction.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” The senior Valkyrie's voice is harsh. “Hey, wingless!” I spin around to find the winged Valkyrie staring at me, her eyes glaring. “What is the meaning of you calling the dragons friends?”

  I raise my chin. “I will not fight against the dragons. If you make them friends instead of enemies, they could be great allies in the war and will battle against anything trying to harm Asgard. Even though dragons do not like the winged Valkyries, they stood up for Asgard and, in this case, helped us win the battle. So much so that we were already starting to take control of the battle before you arrived… as much as we appreciate your help.” I throw that in at the last second. It was nice not having to finish the battle completely, and I guess it was an attempt to butter her up slightly.

  The winged Valkyrie does not answer me. Instead, she turns to face the mistress, her face a beacon of displeasure. “And what of this magic you talk about?”

  Again Mistress Sigrun points her finger at me. “It is her. She is the one who wields it. She is cursed, I tell you. She has brought nothing but misery to our academy over the last few years. And this misery has escalated since she has wielded magic.”

  My mouth drops open. “Are you serious? We just saved you and your Valkyries. We stopped them from attacking you. Blocking them and their advantage of having the power of magic. If it weren’t for me, you would all have been struck down in moments and most likely slaughtered before the senior Valkyries came over the hill.”

  Mistress Sigrun glares at me. “It is bad enough that you have managed to earn your way into entering Midgard. But now you are expecting to be treated as a warrior in Asgard. You are a persistent nuisance in Midgard, and now you're a nuisance in Asgard. Now leave my sight before I demand the senior Valkyries arrest you and lock you up in Odin's castle.”

  I gaze at Mistress Sigrun in disbelief. I can't believe her. I have done so much for Asgard and now for the Valkyries. Yet I'm still told that I am useless and a pain.

  Someone grabs my arm from behind, and I turn to see Eir’s sympathetic face staring at me. She pulls on my arm again. “Come on, Kara. Let’s go.”

  A loud thud sounds not far from us, and Hildr climbs down off Drogon’s back, furiously glaring at Mistress Sigrun. She calls to the mistress. “You should be dead! She should have left you at the mercy of all those dark elves. If it weren’t for Kara and our help, you, along with most of your Valkyries, would be injured or dead right now.” She grunts and shakes her fist at her then stomps toward me. “Come on. Let's go.”

  Elan lands in front of me, her golden scales slowly growing visible. The senior Valkyrie gasps and grabs her sword, her eyes never leaving Elan. “She’s an emperor dragon, the most dangerous kind!”

  “I know.” My voice is calm as I reach up and touch Elan’s nose. She nudges into my hand. “Thank you for your help, Elan. It's been wonderful. Please take the dragons back to where they are meant to go.”

  Elan looks at the Valkyrie and Mistress Sigrun, her eyes narrowing. She huffs and covers them in hot steam. The two Valkyries back away. Would you like me to take them and plunk them somewhere inconvenient? You know, like in the middle of the dragon wilderness? I wouldn’t mind. Really, I wouldn’t. It would almost be my pleasure. Her lips part in a vicious grin.

  I chuckle softly. “No, thank you, Elan.” I stroke her nose. “As much as that thought pleases me, I will not be nasty to them. I still hope that one day, they will see us differently. I have to live among these Valkyries.”

  Not if they are planted in the middle of the wilderness, you don’t. You know, far away from here. Her toothy grin widens.

  I chuckle then rest my forehead against her snout before pulling back. “I’ll see you later.”

  Elan huffs dramatically. If that’s what you really want. Last offer!

  “Thanks, Elan. But I need you to watch over these three dragons. Tanda is free, and you need to make sure she understands the conditions of her freedom and how it will affect the alliance.”

  Elan rolls her eyes. Okay! Always the serious one.

  She pushes into the air, and the three dragons follow her, returning to their stalls of their own free will—but not without Tanda glancing over her shoulder and giving me a strange look. It isn’t a vicious look but more of a curious glance, and I hope this is a step in the right direction for her as well. I hope this means that another dragon is on our side—despite the fact that her mother wanted to eat me.

  Remembering Loki up on the hill, I glance that way only to be disappointed. He's gone. There is no sign of him among the white feathers of the Valkyries. I expel a loud breath. I will have to try to find him another time. I wonder whether my thirst for answers will ever be quenched.

  Reluctantly, I walk with Hildr and Eir to our dormitory. I strip off my weapons and throw them on my bed. “I could use a shower.”

  “Me too,” Eir agrees, wincing as her fingers get caught in her long brown strands of hair.

  “Yeah, I feel pretty much like a dirty, muddy cesspool of blood, sweat, and dirt.” The freckles on Hildr’s nose clump together as she screws it up.

  Eir grimaces. “Hildr!”

  “What? That's how I feel. Just think of all the stuff we have been covered in.”

  I head to the shower, afterward changing into a fresh set of leathers. I don't feel like going back to class right now, but it is part of my curriculum at the academy. No matter what we face, we are to return to ordinary lessons straightaway. I throw my old leathers to the side in my laundry pile. I will have to wash them shortly, or else they will stink, especially after today's effort. I search for my shoes and strap them up, and Hildr and Eir do the same. I pull the leather straps tight and tie them, ready for another class. I rise to my feet and head to the door. “Are you guys rea—”

  I collide with a figure standing in front of me. I glance around, surprised. “Rota!” Her face looks almost as shocked as I feel.

  Hildr jumps to her feet. “What are you doing here? The nerve!” She stomps a few steps toward Rota. “You need to leave now! You’re not welcome in our room.” She plants her hands firmly on her hips.

  Resignation crosses Rota's face, and her eyes flick to the ground. “I know.” She looks at Hildr, then Eir, then back at me. Her face has a strange, puzzled look that I've never seen before. She lifts her arms, and it’s clear she holds something. I glance down, only to be overcome with shock. It's my sword. Well, I think it's my sword. Now it is polished and looks almost brand-new. Every single dent from the fight has been worked out. The end of the hilt is adorned with a set of wings. At the base of the hilt, right before the blade, is another set of metal wings. My mouth drops open. The sword is beautiful.

  “I found this on the battlefield. I know it's yours, and I know how much trouble you will get into if the senior Valkyries realize it is yours. So I picked it up and polished it. I also worked out the dents with a grinder.” An awkward silence fills
the room. “And I added a few ornaments. I hope you like it.” She runs her finger across the edge of the sword, and a small trickle of blood runs down her finger as she pulls it away. “It's really sharp now. Not as blunt as it used to be.”

  I reach out and take it from her, not sure what to say. “Thank you.”

  She smiles sympathetically. “I think you deserve it. You have done much for the winged Valkyries. Even though you have used your magic on me, I know I deserved it. I hope you take this as a peace offering.” She shoves the sword into my hands, then she exits the door without another word.

  * * *

  The End

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  * * *

  Book 7 of Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance Series ‘Warned’ released November 2019.


  I am touched by the enormous amount of support I have received from my immediate family. My husband has been a helpful first reader and at times been a wonderful motivator, with hints of ideas to help me through the blanks. The support from my three sons has also been overwhelming. They have put up with my head being in the clouds, thinking about the next plot twist or story for several years. Along with many hours spent working on my books and keeping in touch with my readers.


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