Roughing (Ottawa Titans Book 1)

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Roughing (Ottawa Titans Book 1) Page 26

by Sarah Hegger

  Sam squirmed.

  “You tear over to my house and start yelling. You don’t even give me the chance to explain before you start hurling F-bombs at me.”

  Sam muttered something.

  Elizabeth cupped her ear. Even after all these years, she still got a charge out of making Sam twist. “I’m not sure I heard that.”

  “I may have overacted.” His dagger gaze dared her to make more of it at her peril.

  Foolish man! Like she wasn’t going to go there. “May have?” She deepened her voice and made ape arms. “What the fuck are you doing having lunch with fucking Peter?”

  “I do not sound like that.”

  Elizabeth pounded her chest. “Yeah, you do.”

  “Do not.” He kept his gaze on the ceiling and recited in a singsong voice. “I am sorry I charged down here and started yelling.”

  “What should you have done?”

  “Asked you first.” His gaze snapped down and a huge grin spread over his face. “I probably should have asked you before I gave the entire President’s defense a beatdown tonight.”

  “Did you give away a penalty?”

  “Nope.” He looked affronted. “I don’t do that anymore.”

  “Sam?” She sauntered closer to him, putting a swing in her step. “You’re really cute when you’re jealous.”

  “Is that so?” Sam raised a brow in challenge, done with her crap and ready to throw down. “You enjoying this, Lizzie?”

  She showed him a pinch of air between her forefinger and thumb.

  Sam lunged.

  She knew his moves, and Lizzie feigned right and went for the gap between Sam and the sofa. She flew past him with a laugh. Oh, too easy.

  Sam pivoted and snagged her around the waist.

  He took her right off her feet and pulled her tight to his front. “Got ya.”

  The fight bled right out of her. She couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be than there.

  “I can’t stay long,” Sam said close to her ear. “I have an early conditioning session.”

  Being close to him always snagged her breath. “Is everything okay.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He kissed her neck. “I really am sorry, Lizzie, for behaving like a dick. I saw the photo and lost my shit.”

  “It’s kind of flattering.” She hooked her arms around his neck. “In a Neanderthal sort of way.”

  He took the offering of her upthrust breasts in his palms. “Want to see what else I can do in an entirely Neanderthal way?”

  “So much.”

  Chapter 32

  Elizabeth woke with a grin on her face. Light streamed across her bedroom floor, later in the morning than she generally got up.

  Sam had left sometime in the night.

  She rolled over and checked the time on her phone. A notification from Sam made her laugh. Next time you won’t get off so easy.

  Damn, but she liked having him in her life. She liked the way he brought so much noise into her existence. Sam had made a stadium game of her life. Lights, music, energy, enthusiasm and emotion played out at fever pitch.

  She went in pursuit of coffee.

  Her doorbell rang as she was adding creamer.

  Jane stood there, scowling at her.

  “Jane.” Elizabeth hadn’t seen much of her since she’d stopped going around to make Saturday dinner. And she could count on one hand the number of times Jane had visited her at her apartment. “Come in.”

  It was redundant because Jane had already stomped past her.

  “Would you like…” She motioned the coffee pot. “Or you could help yourself.”

  Banging her mug on the counter, Jane yanked open the fridge. She held out the creamer with a look of disgust. “Is this all you have?”

  “Yup.” Elizabeth cradled her cup of magic elixir and prayed it would give her enough strength to survive the encounter. “The reason that’s what I have is because that’s what I like.”

  Jane gaped at her and added the creamer to her coffee. Clearly in the mood to lower her dizzying standards.

  She’d love to know what brought Jane there this morning, but she probably wouldn’t have to wait that long.

  “So what?” Jane snarled. “Are you like fucking Sam now?”

  No way she was answering that. “Is that what you came by to find out?”

  “I thought you hated him.” Jane slouched through to her sitting area. “This place is small.”

  And getting smaller by the minute.

  “You gonna tell me what’s happening with Sam?” Jane turned to her and shook her phone. “Or are you going to make me read it on social media like everyone else?”

  She had a point, not much of a point, but after last night, Elizabeth was feeling magnanimous. “Sam and I are seeing each other.”

  “Is it serious?”

  “I’m not sure.” She very much suspected that for her, she might have crossed into serious a way back. “We’re taking it one step at a time.”

  Jane sneered. “That is so like you.”

  “Is that all you came by for?” Elizabeth went to the door. She wanted to see if Carol had sent that email about the job.

  “Dad said you walked out,” Jane said.

  “I did.” Jane had never shown any interest in her work situation. “I haven’t been happy for a long time, and I decided to do something about it.”

  “Yeah, well, he’s been a total bastard ever since you left.” Jane scowled at her. “He won’t even listen to me.”

  Welcome to the last twenty-eight years of my life. “I’m sorry about that, but if Dad is angry, it’s on him.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Jane gaped at her. “You walked out on him. Walked out on your own family.”

  Jane definitely wanted something. She had the familial loyalty of a lizard.

  Elizabeth waited.

  “You have to fix what you did.” Jane hadn’t even lasted to a mental ten count. “Because of you, he’s been in a pissy mood. He’s ruining my life.”

  Here it came.

  “He’s trying to lock me in that fucking house until I die.” She paced Elizabeth’s living room slopping coffee everywhere.

  Thank God for hardwoods. “Where do you want to go?”

  “It’s not only me.” Jane looked thunderstruck that Elizabeth should even ask. “There are about five of us who want to go on a road trip.” Her expression turned mulish. “We are going on a road trip.”

  “Where to?”

  “Vegas.” Jane tossed it out there like she was going around the corner.

  Elizabeth went with reason first. “Jane, you don’t even have your license. How are you going to go on a road trip?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Jane sneered. “Bugs and Allie have theirs. They can share the driving, and even though the rest of us don’t have our licenses, we can all drive.”

  “Bugs and Allie have only recently gotten their full licenses.” Elizabeth wondered if she was hearing it right. “I’m not even sure they are allowed to carry that many passengers.”

  “In Canada.” Jane rolled her eyes. “But Vegas is in the States. They get their licenses there like at fifteen.”

  Elizabeth had never thought she would see the day when she and her father agreed, and particularly agreed about parenting Jane.

  “I’m sorry, Janey, but I’m not going to talk to dad for you,” she said.

  Jane stamped her foot. “You have to. You turned him into an asshole, and you have to fix that.”

  “I didn’t do that.” Dad had been an asshole long before her resignation, and even before that if memory served. “Also, he doesn’t listen to me, so it would do no good if I did speak to him.” She held up a hand to stop Jane from speaking. “And, more importantly, even if none of that was true, I think this is a crazy idea. You’re talking about five girls, all of them inexperienced drivers, driving thousands of kilometers.”

  Jane stilled and glowered at her. She stalked for the door, slamming the cup on the counter o
n the way. “Fuck you, Elizabeth. Fuck both of you.”

  “Well,” she said to the slammed door. “That was heartwarming.”

  Even knowing it would do no good, she called her father.

  The call went to voicemail, and she left a message. “Hi Dad, it’s Elizabeth. Jane was here and she wanted me to talk to you about this road trip to Vegas.” Elizabeth really hadn’t liked that look in Jane’s eyes. “I told her I agree with you, but you might want to keep an eye on her. Jane doesn’t take well to being told no.”

  * * * *

  As she read the job description Carol had sent her, excitement fluttered in Elizabeth’s belly.

  She still hadn’t spoken to Sam about this new opportunity, but she would. With playoffs looming and the Titans fighting tooth and nail for the wild card spot, their conversations tended to be short and late at night when Sam was tired.

  Plus Sam was riding high on the wave of the best hockey he’d played in his entire career. Even Marc Gracie had grudgingly conceded as much. Sam was racking up individual points for every game with goals and assists.

  And she couldn’t be happier for him.

  In life before Sam, she would have called Chris, but the silence between them persisted. Of course, Chris had Maddy now, so she probably barely noticed Elizabeth wasn’t there anymore.

  The job Carol outlined couldn’t have been more perfect for her, and she wanted to bounce it off someone. It wasn’t like she doubted whether the fit was good; it was that she wanted that affirmation.

  Mom and Danica had moved on to Prague and were extolling the virtues of the city in long Instagram stories. Thus far, Mom had said nothing about Sam. Their silence on the subject shrieked between them.

  There was no way Danica wouldn’t have shared the news with Mom about Elizabeth and Sam, but Mom might be giving discretion a try.

  Well, she was doing this solo. Elizabeth dialed Carol’s number.

  “Elizabeth.” Carol’s gritty voice came down the line. “I hope you’re calling to let me know you’re interested.”

  “I am.” Like a key in a lock she knew it was what she should be doing. “I assumed you’d like me to come in for an interview?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Carol laughed. “The job is yours. When can you start?”

  That thing flying past Elizabeth’s head was the rocket going into the future. “When do you need me?”

  “After lunch work for you?”

  Elizabeth laughed, although she wasn’t entirely sure Carol was kidding. “Monday?”

  “See you Monday,” Carol said. “And look, I’ll do some arm twisting on the board and see if I can get you a bit more money.”

  Elizabeth hadn’t discussed salary. What Carol offered would mean she could keep her lifestyle without too much trouble. More than that though, this job meant another thing in her life that felt right.

  Chapter 33

  Elizabeth called Sam and left him a voicemail that she had news. Now she had a double reason to celebrate, and she wasn’t going to sit there and feel sorry for herself. She ordered pizza from her favorite place and went back to the kitchen.

  When the pizza arrived, Elizabeth settled down in front of her favorite chick flick with a glass of wine.

  The movie had reached the grand gesture stage when Sam called.

  “Hey.” Hearing his voice made her feel better.

  “Open up for me, I’m downstairs,” he said.

  He didn’t need to ask her twice.

  As soon as she opened the door, Sam grabbed her and planted a big kiss on her. “I came as soon as I found out.”

  “Sam.” He made her go all gooey inside. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “Me too. I have the best news.” He swung her around. “And the only person I wanted to tell was you.”

  “You have news?” She struggled to catch up with herself. If he had news, then he wasn’t here for her news after all. “What is it?”

  Sam kissed her again before putting her back on her feet and striding into her condo. “Can I smell pizza?”

  “Um…yes. On the table. What news?” Elizabeth trailed him.

  Folding a piece of pizza in half, Sam took half of it in one bite and groaned as he chewed and swallowed. “I am so fucking hungry. The Storm made us work for it tonight. After, coach called me into his office, and then I came straight here.”

  “What news?” Elizabeth fetched him a beer, opened it and handed it to him.

  “You’re the best.” He side hugged her and reached for another slice.

  Elizabeth sat on the couch arm, sipped her wine and waited for him to swallow. He was so excited about his news, whatever it was. Did that make her a bitch for feeling disappointed he wasn’t there because of her news?

  “Lizzie,” Sam said, his eyes sparkling. “They are renewing my contract!”

  “What!” That was incredible news. “They’re renewing you?”

  “Yup.” Sam grinned. “And my agent says she thinks she can push them a bit on salary.”

  It was great news and Elizabeth threw her arms around him. After all he’d been through with the suspension and having to fight his way back on the team, his news couldn’t be better.

  She grabbed his face and made him look at her. “You did it, Sam. You fought your way back to where you want to be.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you, Lizzie.” He slid his arms around her waist and tugged her to him. He kissed her soft, sweet and deep.

  When he broke away, Elizabeth’s libido had woken up and she pressed herself to him. “How about we relocate this celebration to the bedroom?”

  “God, I’d like that.” Sam ground his hips against her. Then he grimaced. “But I’ve got to go. I need to get to the airport because we’re flying down to Florida.”

  “Shouldn’t you be there already?”

  “I’m good.” He kissed her again. “I had enough time to come and tell my girl my news, kiss her and tell her I can’t wait to see her again.”

  “I’ll miss you too.” Elizabeth unwrapped her arms from him. “Now get out there and earn that ridiculous salary they pay you.”

  “I’ll be back day after tomorrow, and then I have two days off.” He leered at her. “And we will be spending those celebrating.”

  Elizabeth opened her door and waved him through. “Get outta here.”

  “Bye, Lizzie.” He hugged her tight. “I love you, you know.”

  Then he was gone, trotting down the stairs and climbing into his car while she stood nailed to the spot by three words.

  Sam loved her. He’d said so. And that was probably a very good thing, because she loved him right back.

  * * * *

  Sam called about midmorning the next day.

  “Lizzie.” He sounded pissed. “What’s your big news and why didn’t you tell me last night?”

  Elizabeth poured hot water over her waiting tea bag. “You didn’t have long.” Her news had faded into the background. “And your contract being renewed was bigger news.”

  “Bullshit.” From his side of the call came the echoey sounds of skates on ice and men shouting.

  “Are you supposed to be practicing?”

  “Tell me your news,” Sam said. “Dawson likes you, so he also wants to know your news.”

  A man yelled something.

  Sam chuckled. “Guy wants to know as well, and Coach says you better tell us all or nobody will get any ice time this morning.”

  “I got a new job.” She felt shy telling him now. Her new job felt anticlimactic.

  Sam whooped and then yelled, “Lizzie got a new job.”

  Hollers and whistles came over the phone at her. Sam came back on the line. “What new job?”

  “At Mountain Vista,” she said. “Carol heard that I’d left Dad’s company and offered me the job. It’s part fundraising and part organizing events and entertainment for the residents.”

  “You’ll be perfect at that.” Sam’s voice warmed. “You already do it
now, and you love it.”

  “I do.” Sam understood her. He got what mattered to her without her having to tell him. “I start Monday.”

  “That’s great, Lizzie, really great news.” He cleared his throat. “But next time you have something to tell me and I’m hogging all the attention, tell me to shut the fuck up and listen.”

  “Sure, Sam.” Like she would ever do that.

  “Listen, I got to go. Coach is glaring at me.” He took a deep breath. “Haven’t you got something to say to me?”

  “What? Like goodbye?”

  “Yes goodbye, smart ass, but also the thing that starts with I and ends with love you too.” Sam went balls to the wall on everything.



  She couldn’t keep him in suspense and laughed. “I definitely love you too, Sam.”

  * * * *

  Elizabeth’s next call was to Chris. Life was too short for their wounded silence. Elizabeth wanted to share her news with her best friend, and that’s exactly what she was going to do.

  “Elizabeth.” Maddy answered Chris’s phone sounding breathless. “I’m so glad you called. Chris is in the shower, but please wait.”

  Elizabeth had a better idea. “Is she working today?”


  “Do you two have plans?”

  Maddy’s tone lifted. “None that we can’t change for someone if they asked.”

  “Good.” She grabbed her keys and purse. “I’m coming over.”

  With a squeal, Maddy hung up.

  Nerves kicked in for real as she parked outside Chris’s small two-bedroom house. Typical of Chris, the snow was all cleared from the drive and the wraparound porch surrounding the square redbrick house.

  Maddy answered her knock. “Come in.” She took Elizabeth’s coat. “She’ll kill me for telling you this, but she’s nervous.”

  That made Elizabeth feel better.

  Grabbing her own coat, Maddy jerked her head to the inside of the house. “Go on. She’s in the kitchen, fussing with cookies on a plate.”

  “You’re not staying?”

  “No.” Maddy slid her arms into her bright pink Canada Goose coat. “I think it’s best if I make myself scarce for a bit.”


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