In Her Blood

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In Her Blood Page 10

by Janice Jones

  When Ivy stepped out, he stepped in with a playful slap to her butt like guys do. He knew she hated it, which is probably why he did it.

  The comb skipped through her long dark hair. Its teeth caught the tangles at the end, but the pain didn’t even register. Neither did the long strands she pulled loose from the comb. She twisted the black band around her wet hair and bunched the wet mess on top of her head as best she could. She’d have another shower when she got home.

  Barely dry, Ivy left the bathroom to get her clothes. Too bad I didn’t bring a clean set, she thought. At the bathroom mirror, she started her makeup.

  She tried to cover the bruises his fingers left around her neck. Her next thought was of the new lie she would tell just in case. She didn’t recognize her own reflection anymore and that made her angry, then sad, then angry all over again. Time passed so quickly when you were enjoying the dangerous and forbidden. But when your eyes open and you don’t recognize your own face, it’s time to stop. Had she stuck to that logic, she wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place and she damn sure wouldn’t be in this mess with Mason Creed.

  By the time she realized she was daydreaming, he was out of the shower, dry and dressed while she continued to cover the bruises with makeup.

  Creed eased his long body on top of the counter, crossed his legs gracefully, and gave Ivy the sweetest smile. “I could help with that if you wish,” he nodded toward the purplish discoloration on her neck. “It’ll only take a couple of drops of . . .”

  “That’s okay,” she interrupted him. “I got it, thanks.”

  “Suit yourself,” he sighed. “So, same time next month? I have to be out of the country during the holidays, so maybe we could meet earlier in the month for a change?” That beautiful twinkle in his eyes just made her nauseous.

  “No,” she exhaled. “No more next month. This is the last time. We’re done.”

  He laughed that laugh she hated now. All light and airy like a girl.

  “Done,” Creed smiled. “Are you sure? I mean, you’re paid up till the end of the year. I don’t give refunds.” He laughed again and she wanted to smash his head into the mirror.

  “Call it an early Christmas gift.”

  Before she could step away from the sink, he had her by the wrist.

  Creed stood tall behind her, his gangly arm coiled around her, then he jerked her back against him. He rested his squared chin on top of her head; his image in the mirror gave her an innocent smile. The muscles of his arms pressed against her stomach made it hard to breathe, in addition to the cologne he wore at every engagement that had been her favorite right up to this moment.

  “When you’ve done what you promised,” he hissed at their reflections. “Then we’re done, understand?”

  “Creed, you’re hurting me,” Ivy pushed out a quick breath.

  “Answer me,” Creed growled as his arm tightened. “Or I’ll do more than a love bite this time! Do you understand me?”

  Ivy tried to take a deep breath, but couldn’t manage enough air for a meek reply, so she nodded quickly.

  “Good,” Creed snapped as he forced her pelvic bone into the sharp edge of the sink. “And the next time you decide to assert yourself with me, don’t.” One rough peck on the cheek and she was out of his grip. He watched as she used the sink to steady herself on shaky legs. “Besides, we have so much fun together, Ivy.” Creed turned on his sweet smile again as he led her gently from the bathroom. “How can you say we’re done?”

  Ivy continued to dress as he sat on the bed and admired his manicured nails as if she weren’t there at all.

  Just a few hours ago those same fingers tangled in her hair. She felt so much pleasure from his seduction all she could do was pant and weep and beg for more. Now she just wanted to scratch his eyes out with his own hand.

  Dressed with her purse tucked securely under her arm, she turned to him as she fought back tears. To look at him now, her flesh crawled as the memories of their years together shamed her.

  Mason Creed, just a few feet from her, was all deep brown eyes and dirty blond hair worthy of any shampoo commercial. He’d earned every dime of his fee that increased with every year that passed her by. Vampire or not, he would still have women from all over the world glad to pay any price for his services. Up to now, it seemed fair.

  His soft lips brought images of sin and self-loathing that made her head ache. And his rock hard body that she couldn’t wait to undress now made her want another shower as she allowed the lust to peek its head out over the sight of him.

  Ivy tried to make her words strong, but she pleaded in a southern drawl instead.

  “I can’t do it! I thought I could, but I can’t, sorry.”

  “Sorry,” Creed mocked her as he stood up again. “Give me one good reason why I should just let you back out of our little agreement?”

  “Because maybe it’s not true,” Ivy snapped through gritted teeth. “Maybe it’s just a rumor. A way to get him out in the open, then put him back in that cage, this time forever.”

  Creed sighed as he circled around behind her as if he would pounce any second.

  Ivy held her breath. His low growl made its way into her ears, spilled over her skin and sent chills everywhere. “Just do what you’re told for a change,” Creed hummed in her ear. “You made him a promise Ivy. I intend to make sure you keep it.”

  “All she’ll say is she was hurt on that last mission,” she replied. “She won’t go into any detail. We had the best hackers in the country trying to find anything on her during that time. Nothing exists anywhere in the world.”

  “You’re pathetic,” Creed growled into the nape of her neck. She fully expected to feel his teeth cut through her skin, but he nuzzled her ear instead which sent a shudder through her body. “Best hackers my ass! You’re useless! Remind me what I need you for again?”

  “I’m the closest thing she has to family,” Ivy sniffed. “She listens to me. She trusts me more than anyone else in the world. If she knows the identity of this Dagger person, I can get her to tell me.”

  “You better. And don’t forget that other thing.”

  Ivy cocked her head as she met his steely gaze once he was in her face again. Suddenly tears streamed down her cheeks. She swore she could hear the drops hit the fine carpet under her feet.

  A sick yellow hue had replaced his brown pupils. His perfect features distorted by his true nature. His long white fangs gleamed in the pale hotel room light as his tongue move slowly over them.

  “You’re fucking insane,” Ivy barked. “I might be able to search the house, but how am I supposed to get a blood sample from someone who incinerates her trash for God’s sake?”

  His movement was too fast for her to track him. He was behind her again, her ponytail in his fist, lips on her ear leaving it damp from his breath.

  “That’s your problem. But if you don’t, the alternative will be much worse. I’ll make you bleed. And I promise it won’t be quick or painless. Get it, then we’re done. Refuse, and I’ll drop your corpse on her doorstep!”

  Creed’s push sent her into the door a few feet away.

  Ivy screamed when her finger jammed on impact.

  “I hate you,” she whimpered as she scrambled away from Creed. “She should have killed you when she had the chance!”

  “Yes, she should have,” Creed bragged. “But I’ll give you one guess about who she will kill without a second thought.”

  “Not if I tell her what you’ve been doing over the last year,” Ivy whined as she held her hand to her chest. “I’ll tell her everything. She’ll burn Vegas to ground to get to you. All of you.”

  “Is that what you tell yourself when you’re spying on her and lying through your teeth about who you really work for? Do you really think she’ll grant you forgiveness just because you throw my name out to save your own ass?” />
  A roar of a laugh shook the floor. When her tears began to stream down her face again, Creed laughed harder. He followed Ivy around the room until she was pressed against the far wall. Creed seemed to delight in the way she cringed. She knew he loved the smell of fear and he had told her once or twice that hers was like fine wine.

  She watched as he knelt down and put a finger to her tear stained lips.

  “She won’t care,” Creed whispered. “You’ve betrayed her, Ivy. And once you’ve lost her trust, she’s done. Alex never looks back and never forgives. You’ll need us when that happens. We might be able to keep her from killing you.”

  “Go to hell,” Ivy huffed. “I’m inside, which is more than you were able to do the whole time you had her under your control. Why do you think they chose me over you Creed? Because I can deliver what you couldn’t.”

  “Cocky bitch, aren’t you,” Creed said as he snapped her finger back in place and kissed her hand as she screamed. “They chose you because you’re weak and greedy. Do you think you coming to me was just a coincidence? He knows you like the back of his own hand. Everything you think and feel. He knows you crave all those nasty little things we do. You tell me it’s over, then I get that call, that desperate plea for my services. How can I refuse when you sound so wounded? How could I say no when I can smell you all wet and wanting over the phone? You can barely make it through the month without what I offer you. You need me Ivy. Admit it.”

  Ivy burned red as he laughed harder. Without the physical strength to match his, she was helpless and at his mercy. Then she smiled and she could see that it struck him as an odd thing for her to do.

  “You say that like you’re doing this out of the goodness of your heart,” she sneered. “You do it because you’re paid to. And you like the perks that keep that heart of yours beating. You should bear that in mind before she finds out what you’ve been doing and rips it from your chest!”

  He jerked her to her feet and dropped Ivy at the front door.

  “When did you get a spine?” He picked up her purse then clamped his hand around her neck with a slight squeeze. “Killing you would be way too easy,” he spit out. “Just do it Ivy and don’t take too long. I hate waiting. Do what you’re told and I’ll let you live out the rest of your pathetically short life!”

  Ivy rushed toward the elevator before Creed changed his mind and killed her right there. Once inside, she took slow deep breaths to calm her heart as it pounded in her chest. Her hands shook as the elevator moved toward the bottom floor. Ivy closed her eyes tight, the vibration of the machine soothed her all the way down.

  When the doors finally opened, she followed the shiny tiles to the exit. The valet took the crumpled ticket and the windy evening pushed away what was left of her fear.

  In that moment, Ivy realized she had the upper hand. Even if she couldn’t get the blood sample, Alex had to have something in her house about that last mission. Something, anything that made reference to the operative known only as ‘The Dagger’.

  Screw Creed. He was the one that was afraid, afraid of Alex. Afraid that Ivy was the one in control of her and what she could do to Creed. The valet smiled bright when Ivy slapped that hundred dollar bill in his hand. For the first time since this all started, Ivy did have some level of power. And she would use it to eliminate her enemies, starting with the one person with absolute power over all of them.


  “How long are you going to stare at that,” she purred. “Are you expecting it to come to life?” Her lips touched the back of his neck and he shuddered slightly. “Welcome back from the sticks darling. It’s time to put that away and focus on me.”

  One pale hand slid inside his shirt leaving an icy path from his chest to his abs as she hummed some tune in his ear. Jason’s muscles tightened as her nails rode over his skin playfully, at first. He felt the sensitive skin just above his right nipple separate when she drew blood with a quick scratch. Nikki was in his lap before he even registered the pain. Her slick tongue licked at the blood as it appeared then she covered the wound, including his hardened nipple, with her mouth and began to feed.

  Jason dropped the electronic tablet to the carpeted floor then tangled his fingers in her golden hair. As his body temperature dropped, hers rose as she drank his blood slowly. The pressure of a growing hard on began to build as she drank and teased him. He barely noticed she had unzipped him until her now warm hand wrapped around his erection. With every stroke, she sucked harder at his chest and he almost came. When her mouth stopped its agonizing pull, he felt her hand slow its pace too. He opened his eyes to see hers blood red, like her lips covered in his blood.

  There was a thin layer of sweat on her brow. Her pink tongue made a quick trip around her lips to clear away his blood then she kissed him softly on the cheek. How sweet she looked to him perched on his lap like the perfect pet. The smell of her wetness and his blood mixed inside his lungs when he took a deep breath to clear his head.

  “Be ready when I return. This won’t take long,” Jason said as she tucked him back inside and zip him up again.

  She shook her long blonde hair as she eased from his lap down to her knees in front of him. “Should I shower?”

  “No, not without me.”

  Her soft giggle used to excite him. Her pouty mouth and pointed little nose gave her an angelic appearance. But he knew under all that was the devil; the devil he’d grown to love in an odd sort of way. You couldn’t really call what he felt for her desire. It was more like a simple need for physical contact. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he had been physically attracted to her. She was beautiful. But he was human when he first met her and the power she had over him, over all men, was undeniable. Once she was like him, the struggle for domination began. Nikki liked being in control and so did Jason. She liked being chased too. Before he was turned, he pursued her with a passion. Little did he know just how dangerous getting what he wanted could be. He pecked her on the forehead and pulled her to her feet as he stood.

  “Don’t forget the notes I prepared for you,” she sighed as he buttoned his shirt again. “He may ask some of those questions. You should at least sound like you know what you’re talking about.”

  Jason smiled at her. “What would I do without you?”

  “Let’s hope you never have to find out,” Nikki replied. “Now go, or you’ll be late.”

  As he made his way to his private office, he thought about what a lethal pair he and Nikki were once upon a time. Adam’s enemies fell quickly back then. No one could kill like Nikki, though. Her signature, deadly flowers. With a passion for plants and a green thumb like no one else, Nikki used the world’s most deadly flowers as weapons on many occasions. Who would turn down beautiful flowers from a beautiful woman? No one.

  When he reached downstairs, it was quiet. He’d gotten used to the silence around him. Comfortable and comforting, Jason built this sanctuary as a gift to himself. One hundred and fifteen years ago he was born to dirt poor immigrants just arriving in America. When he was old enough, he began working the docks for absolutely nothing. He swore no matter what, he’d make it in this land of opportunity and show them all. Even if all of the people he knew then were dead, it still felt good to prove he wasn’t just some immigrant with no future.

  Jason surrounded himself with the best of everything because he could. Nothing was out of his reach. And if it were, he’d figure out a way to get it. That’s how he ended last year owning half the infamous Las Vegas Strip. And once this conference thing was in his rearview and he’d secured his seat in the chamber, he’d get the other half too.

  For him, this assignment wouldn’t take much effort. He was dealing with humans after all. Jason was sure he could convince Alex Stone to join the team again. The assignment was only a week and then back home in time for Thanksgiving. Who would turn down a chance to work for Jason Stavros? Not even Alex c
ould afford to turn him down. And she did seem enticed by his offer.

  Chapter 13

  One week later, all the media services, print and digital, in the country buzzed with the news. Jason Stavros and Bite, Inc., i.e. Alexa Stone, were in talks to join forces early next year. Jason and Alex would be in Vegas to discuss a joint venture. The gossip rags, however, speculated about a personal relationship between them. That was even bigger news than a merger.

  She shook her head and tossed the newspaper in the trash.

  “Okay,” Ivy hummed. “Tell me, again, how you don’t know Jason Stavros.”

  Alex shook her head again as the team filed in to continue yesterday’s meeting she missed.

  They looked scared. They looked angry. They looked confused.

  Alex stood slowly and smiled. “I am not selling this company. Nobody is losing their job.” They looked at each and back at her. “Trust me.”

  When Ivy laughed, everyone else did too, even Alex.

  “So what’s up then,” Dan chirped from the far end of the table.

  “I’m just kicking around some ideas for the Fall line, that’s all,” Alex answered. The low whispers of excitement rolled around the room. Even Ivy looked more excited.

  “Nice move,” she sang. “But Jason Stavros is not our target market, is he?”

  “Maybe not, but he has access to the Tracker team and they are,” Alex agreed. “They’ll be perfect for the new men’s line, right? Young, handsome, and cool. Every Steven Seagal wannabe wants in that outfit, right? And they’re hot right now. Just what we need.”

  Everyone agreed.

  “I want to see mock ups and print ad samples by the end of the week. Locations for three shoots, someplace warm, please.” She sighed, they laughed.

  “Why y’all still sittin’ here?” Ivy scolded with a grin. “Get to work.”

  The room emptied out quickly as she and Ivy faced each other.


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