Ten Night Stand

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Ten Night Stand Page 14

by Mickey Miller



  “Truth or dare,” Axel says, looking at Krista.

  We’ve been going around the circle for one round. The way we are sitting, Amelia asks Axel, Axel asks Krista, Krista asks me, and then I complete the circle by asking Amelia.

  We’ve kept it pretty tame so far: What’s your favorite color?

  What’s your favorite restaurant?

  “Truth,” Krista says, and snuggles into me a little. Axel nods thoughtfully and taps his head, considering what to ask her.

  I lean back against the edge of the earth in our natural hot tub, and run my hand in circles on Krista’s stomach. She squirms just a little, then turns to me and runs her hand down my abs. She loves touching those things, and it makes every damn workout I’ve ever done in my life worth it. For my part, I’m enjoying the feel of her soft body against me probably more than I should.

  But I love having her close to me. My cock aches, and my mind drifts to all the things we’ll be able to do once these ten dates are up. I think we’ll start the celebration off by fucking for ten hours straight. Maybe ten days straight. No, she can’t get ten days off work.

  Jesus, have I lost my mind?

  “What are you thinking about?” Krista cooes, angling her eyes up toward me, and I wonder for a brief moment if she’s got the ability to read my mind.

  I shrug and shake my head. “Nothing. Why?”

  The corners of her mouth curve upward in an ever-so-slight smile. “Oh I don’t know. You just look like you’ve got something on your mind.”

  We break eye contact, and she drops her hand onto my thigh, and accidentally grazes my cock under the water.

  Or is it an accident?

  I stifle a moan, and my dick reacts by pumping itself full of a little more blood with each heartbeat. It’s uncontrollable.

  My thirst for this woman is uncontrollable.

  Why the fuck did I agree to ten dates with no sex?

  I want to pick her up right now, throw her into a fireman carry, and haul her off tino the woods and make love until the sun goes down. Shit, we’d spend all night there.

  “Oh really? Nothing?” Krista baits, whispering the words softly, inches from my ear.

  No, her hand placement definitely wasn’t an accident.

  I shoot her a mean look, and pull her chin into mine. Her lips quiver, an open invitation for a kiss, but I don’t kiss her. Instead, I turn her chin away from me and bring her ear to my mouth.

  “You’re gonna get it so hard when these ten dates are up. You really have no clue.”

  I pull back with a smirk, and in spite of the high temperature of the water, I swear, she’s shivering.

  With Amelia on his arm, Axel is taking his time, leaning his head back and letting the warm breeze roll past his face while he thinks up his question. They’re making out a little bit too. Ever since I’ve known him, he’s always taken this game seriously. While it’s just a game to some people, for others it’s much more than that. It’s a way to get to the bottom of people’s souls.

  I wouldn’t make out in front of most of my friends, and would get pissed if they were pulling that in front of me. But with Axel, it’s no big deal. We’ve got secrets we’ll take to the grave together.

  Finally, he leans in, locking eyes with Krista.

  “What’s your biggest regret?”

  “Oh! Wow. Deep,” Amelia nods.

  “I agree. Good question as always.”

  “Thanks,” Axel nods.

  Since Krista’s leaning into me, I can feel her muscles tighten up at the question. I don’t know if it’s consciously or not, but she squeezes my thigh hard. My cock twitches. Fuck, do I ever have some tension building up.

  Krista clears her throat and rubs her eye. “I think, uh, hmmm. Let me think about that for a second.”

  “It’s okay,” Axel says. “Circle of trust here. What happens in Boca del Toro stays in Boca del Toro.”

  Krista’s expression becomes pained, and she squeezes the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. She takes a deep breath and looks out into the distance.

  “Honestly? I think my entire relationship with Nick. It was a huge waste of time and I can’t believe I got roped into it. I thought I could fix him, and that was a total mistake. So, I greatly regret that.”

  “Shit,” Axel nods. “That’s fucking rough. How did you get started with him?”

  “Honestly,” Krista starts. “He was super nice when things got started. Like deceivingly nice. Until one day…”

  “What happened?” I ask anxiously. Personally, I’m incredibly curious where this guy turned into a bat-wielding psychopath.

  She runs a hand through her hair. “I don’t even know, to be honest. I guess I don’t remember exactly how it happened…” Her voice is suddenly shaky.

  “What the hell is in this tea, for real though?” Amelia chimes in, and we all chuckle heartily, the tension broken. It’s clear in my mind that Krista is holding something back. But maybe now’s not the time to press her.

  “I told you,” Axel winks. “It’s a secret.”

  Amelia rolls her eyes. “Okay Dazzling Damien. You’re up!”

  I throw my head back in laughter. “Never going to live that one down, am I?”

  “Nope,” Axel chimes in. “I mean what are your best friends here for, anyway? You need us to keep you humble. And remind you of your past transgressions.”

  “Truth,” I blurt out, answering the question that Krista hasn’t even asked me yet.

  Dragging her finger up and down my forearm, the water makes a little tiny splashing noise. Her lips part, then close, and she opens them again.

  “What are your dealbreakers?” she finally asks.

  “Ohh, I see. Trying to make sure you qualify,” I wink.

  “Dazzling Damien, don’t be a dick,” Krista says, rolling her eyes.

  I throw my hands up. “Honestly—I don’t really have many dealbreakers I can think of. I’m an ‘I know them when I see them’ kind of guy. You have to be smart. Sexy. Fun. Open.”

  “Check, check, and check,” Amelia says, counting off for Krista.

  “Oh. There is one thing. I don’t like lies. If I catch a girl in a lie,” I make a slashing movement with my open palm. “She’s out. I’m honest as fuck, and I need my girl to match. I’d rather us be the two most brutally honest couple ever, than to live a lie and find out some shit when I’m fifty, like ‘HOLY SHIT YOU DID THAT AND DIDN’T TELL ME?’ Then I’d lose my shit. And that’s true about the little things, too. I’m brutally honest too, and some people can’t handle it. And if they can’t—”

  “Fuck em!” Axel and I say at literally the same time.

  “Wow,” Amelia says, her tone sarcastic as it comes. “You literally can’t tell at ALL you two know each other from high school. Amazing!”

  Krista laughs a little awkwardly, nodding at my answer. Something seems off with her. I can’t tell what though.

  And then again, maybe it’s just the Central American tea causing me to have a hallucination. I shake it off and keep the game moving.

  “You’re up Amelia. Truth or dare.”

  “I’m going with dare.”

  “Hell, yes!” Axel pumps his fist. “Think of something good, Dame.”

  I grin slightly as I lean back, trying to brainstorm. Amelia and Krista are both bombshells.

  “Oh God,” Krista says, turning back to look at me. “You’ve got that look in your eye. The crazy eyes.”

  I wrap my arm around her and pull her into me, giving her a kiss.

  “Amelia,” I smirk. “I dare you to kiss Krista.”

  Her jaw drops, and I hold her gaze.

  “You’re serious,” she says.

  “I never joke in matters of truth or dare,” I affirm.

  She blows out a puff of air. “All right.”

  Swirling from her seat on the other side of the natural hot spring, she heads to the middle of the pool. Krista looks at me, and I
nod. Standing up, she meets Amelia in the waist deep water.

  Axel and I shoot each other a ‘yep, these are our girls’ look.

  Fucking hell, they look gorgeous together. The sun is lowering on the horizon, casting a golden light on their faces as they make eye contact.

  I stare at them and suddenly, I’m overcome with emotion.

  Maybe this tea *is* doing something. Because I’ve certainly never been an emotional guy. I’ve always done what men do—push those feelings down to the bottom of my stomach and ignore them when they crop up. You know, when it comes to feelings like jealousy, pain, even beauty. I’ve always been one to ignore, not confront.

  But watching these two beautiful best friends tentatively step closer to each other does something to me. Amelia’s blond hair is tied up in a bun behind her head, and Krista’s wavy brown hair just sort of falls to her shoulders.

  And they both are absolutely stunning. Maybe it’s the combination of the women and the natural beauty of Boca del Toro, where we’re all alone in the middle of nowhere.

  But my chest wells up with adrenaline as Amelia puts a hand on Krista’s arm and they make eye contact, smiling like are we really going to do this?

  Axel’s jaw is wide open, practically at his knees. He’s as awestruck as I am.

  “Holy hell,” I mutter under my breath.

  “This is so ridiculous,” Amelia giggles. She lifts Krista’s hand to her mouth and kisses it. “Okay done!” she says, and they both look to me for approval.

  I arch an eyebrow and my slight smirk disappears from my face.

  “Are you serious?”

  “You said ‘kiss her.’ you didn’t say where.” She smiles.

  “Amelia,” I growl, my smile returning. “Honor the game.”

  “Honor the game?”

  “Yes. The game of truth or dare. You know what I meant. What’s the matter anyway? Scared to kiss her on the lips? Scared you might like it?” I wink.

  Krista shoots me a dirty look. I just smile and admire their silhouettes.

  “Damn, you two are hot when you’re a little fired up,” Axel adds.

  “Fine. You want to see this?”

  Amelia puts one dainty hand on Krista’s hip, and they both take a half step closer to each other.

  They are beautiful. This is the sexiest thing I’ve seen in my life.

  But then, an unexpected feeling crops up inside me: jealously.

  My muscles tighten and I clench my teeth as Amelia wraps her arms around Krista and plants a firm one on her her lips.

  My eyes bulge out of my head as I watch the two of them make out for a full five seconds. Ten Seconds? Or maybe it’s just a fleeting moment. Watching, them, my heart hammers harder than it should. And I can’t be mad. I’m the one who requested this moment.

  I lean back and clap. “Good show. Wow.”

  They pull away from each other, and their eyes are wide, too. It’s like they didn’t see that coming.

  “Holy shit!” Axel yells. “Now that was fucking hot!”

  Amelia rolls her eyes at Ax.

  “Come here,” I growl at Krista, and she splashes through the water to make her way back to me.

  I pull her into me, seated on the makeshift wooden bench under the water. She stradles me and I kiss the shit out of her.

  She arches her neck up and I trail down her neck with my tongue until I reach her breasts, pausing before I touch her nipples.

  “You’re mine, Krista,” I assert. “Don’t you forget it.”

  “Yeah? Would you like me no matter how fucked up I am?”

  I lower my eyes. I notice she’s get a big birthmark on her right shoulder. I don’t say anything, but I run my hands over it.

  “I like you because you’re fucked up. You’re not perfect. You’ll do crazy shit like make out with your best friend for no fucking reason. You’re a goddamn misfit. Like me.” My voice comes out especially gruff for some reason.

  “I know,” she purrs. “What would you say if I told you you still don’t know the half of it?”

  “I’d say let’s go for a walk,” I growl.

  I glance over at Amelia and Axel, and they’re doing similar things. I decide maybe it’s time to put the game on hold for a minute.

  “Be right back,” I say. “We’re going for a quick walk in the forest.”



  As we cross into the thick forest from the clearing with the hot springs, I feel like I’m being weighed down from the inside. My stomach churns, and it’s like I have a brick in my gut.

  Damien holds my hand, saying nothing.

  I steal a glance at his tattooed back. His posture is upright and his gaze is forward. One of the muscles in his back twitches, and I’m reminded of just how damn sexy this man is. My mind flashes to the first night we were together, when I dug my fingernails into his back while he filled me, fucking me senseless.

  Nails in his back were how I begged for mercy. Even though I liked it. I loved the way he took control once the switch flipped and we were on. I wanted that to happen again. I wanted it to be just like the first night, too. No backstory between the two of us. No history to worry about, and no secrets to keep. We were just two lost souls who collided for a night of carnal pleasure.

  It was supposed to be just one night. That’s all I ever wanted.

  As we walk farther into the forest, just the top half of the sun is visible on the horizon. Damien squeezes my hand and I flash a fleeting, fake smile at him.

  He knew something was up with me. And I didn’t know how to tell him what I needed to confess. Once I crossed this line, he might hate me. He said it himself: the one dealbreaker he has is a partner who lies. Who keeps things from him. He’s a fucked-up guy and he doesn’t ask for much, just honesty. But even now, I don’t know if I’ve got the guts to tell him everything.

  “Well, that escalated quickly,” Damien finally says with a slightly upturned grin, breaking the silence.

  We stop walking as we come to a grove with really thick trees and a small clearing. The canopy of trees makes it hard to see the sky above.

  It’s hot, and I’ve only got my denim shorts and swimsuit top on. Damien doesn’t even have a shirt. I feel like I’m about to be much more exposed. I turn my body so I’m in front of Damien, and raise my eyes to meet his.

  Damien’s brow is furrowed, and my heart hammers hard as he examines me with squinted eyes. For a moment I see him as a stranger, and think that if I didn’t know he was on my side, I’d be damn scared of him. He’s downright intimidating. But I still have to tell him what’s on my mind.

  “Damien,” I croak, looking him in the eye. “I need to tell you something.”

  “I know.”

  “Y-You do?”

  “Yes. You’re all clammed up. You look like you’re about to explode.”

  “Promise you won’t get mad?” I beg.

  He lets out a frustrated exhale. “I can’t promise anything. I promise I won’t judge you. But get mad? If it’s something that makes me angry, that’s just an instinctual reaction.”

  “Okay,” I say lightly, exhaling softly. Here goes nothing.

  “My biggest regret was a lie. Yeah, I regret my relationship with Nick. But there’s more to it than that.”

  He tightens his jaw. I sense him tensing up. “Go on,” he says, his voice gruff. His eyes narrow, not leaving mine.

  “Nick had me make a porno,” I manage to croak.

  I feel Damien shudder as his hands slips out of mine. He blinks a few times, running his hands through his hair. “You what?”

  I swallow, taking a big breath. “I made a porno...with Nick. And someone else.”

  His eyes are so wide they look ready to jump out of his head. He opens his mouth like he’s about to speak, but in the end he says nothing. Closing his eyes, he pinches the bridge of his nose.

  “You had... a threesome.”

  I gulp and nod, searching his face for a sign of what he’s th

  My adrenaline spikes as I wonder what’s going through my head. Weirdly, though, I feel better already. No matter what he says now, I’ve said my truth. If he turns and walks away and judges me like he said he wouldn’t—our love wasn’t meant to be. But if he stays—

  “Okay,” Damien growls in a low voice. He puts a hand out onto my shoulder and takes a deep breath. “Tell me everything. Don’t spare me any details.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes,” Damien nods.

  “All right.” I breath out. “When I first moved to Chicago from Detroit, Nick was my boyfriend. And I thought we would be together forever, you know? I was like nineteen. We were young and in love, and I couldn’t see my future with anyone else but him. I had blinders on.”

  “Go on.”

  “Well, like I said we were young and trying to make ends meet. Nick had some bad habits that needed money. He liked to spend time at the casino, and he did a few drugs that I’d rather not name. So one night we got this crazy idea to broadcast ourselves on one of those video sites where people pay to watch you. So we did. And we made a lot of money that night.”

  Damien rubs his face as he attempts to process this news. It’s so surreal to be in the middle of all of this beauty and be confessing this.

  Suddenly, I realize Damien is the only one who knows this, outside of me and the people involved.

  “So where does the threesome come in?”

  “Well, we made so much money with our first video that we decided to try a second one. Except this time Nick surprised me. He brought a girl in.”

  Damien’s jaw drops. “And…?”

  “And...that’s when I discovered I like girls too,” I say, my breath hitching.

  “Ho-ly fuck,” Damien exclaims. “Holy fuck.” His grip on my shoulder tightens, and he’s massaging me nervously. It feels good, but still, I can’t tell what’s going on in his head. I want so badly to know what he’s thinking.

  Closing my eyes, I grab hold of his forearm and massage it. “So there’s a video out there,” I say in a hushed voice. “Where a girl is going down on me and Nick is recording…”


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