Cruel Masters

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Cruel Masters Page 2

by Stone, Piper

He let off a barbaric sound, as if one of victory then leaned over. “You know what happens to extremely disobedient women in my world?”

  “Na… No. No, sir.”

  “They get fucked in the ass.”

  Wha… What?

  I couldn’t respond, not a single word or even a strangled sound before he slid his slickened shaft up and down the crack of my ass then pushed the tip into my dark hole. I’d never been fucked in the ass. Not once. The thought was revolting, inducing a shiver of panic. I clawed his desk, scraping wood under my fingernails as he drove the tip past the tight ring of muscle, claiming my asshole like he’d claimed my pussy.

  “Fuck, yes. Even tighter. Are you a virgin, Kendra?” He chuckled darkly as he continued ravaging me, growling like the beast he truly was.

  The pain was blinding, my insides churning, and I was unable to stop the tears from slipping past my lashes. Everything about this was disgusting, including the sound of skin slapping against skin. How could he do this to me? There was additional clapping, although I could swear that I heard at least a few employees whimpering out of fear. They should fear this man and what he was capable of doing.

  I did everything I could to keep any sound from giving him the satisfaction that he was getting to me. While the initial discomfort had been biting, even worse was the way my body began to relax, to accept the atrocity.

  As if I was enjoying this.

  And when the pain morphed into another round of bliss, I was forced to accept the final humiliation.

  He’d managed to get my body to surrender to him.

  The bastard.

  I had no idea how long he continued fucking me. Then his bellows became ragged, his actions more powerful.

  Seconds later, I felt the rush of his hot cum spewing inside my asshole.

  The horror of what he’d done to me would linger for a long time.

  And I made a promise to myself that I would bury him as well as his two partners.

  No one fucked with me. No one.

  Sebastian patted me on the bottom. “You can go about your business now, ladies and gentlemen. Let this be a lesson to you that you must remain obedient at all times. I hope I’ve made myself clear.”

  “Yes, sir,” the group said in a collective voice.

  I took several short breaths, hating myself for crying. The man didn’t deserve to see how much the incident had bothered me.

  He guided me to my feet. “You did very well, Kendra. You are quite the formidable woman.”

  Formidable? The man had to be kidding me. I might turn into a raving lunatic, hunting him down when he least expected it.

  “Fuck you,” I half whispered and as soon as I tried to yank my skirt back into position, he exhaled in an exaggerated manner, yanking both my hands away.

  “Well, sadly, I can see that you haven’t learned your lesson,” he said, sighing. “I think another lesson will help.” He grabbed both my wrists into one hand.

  “Let go of me.” My God, he was stronger than I would have imagined.

  “I can’t do that just yet.” He dragged me around his desk, reaching his hand into one of his drawers.

  I opened my mouth to scream when he pulled a butt plug from inside his desk. However, nothing but strangled noise pushed up from my throat.

  “I know exactly what you need. Now, come with me.”

  There was no getting out of his hold, the large man dragging me toward his open door.

  “Whoa. No. Let me go. If you don’t…” What the hell was I going to threaten him with?

  He seemed amused as he glanced in my direction before pulling me into his secretary’s office, only it was crowded with people.

  “What do you think you’re going to do?” he asked, the damn smile remaining on his face. “You have no power over me, but you already knew that.” He shoved me into a corner directly in Ms. Parker’s office. “I need you to reach behind you and open those lovely ass cheeks of yours.”

  “No. I’m not going to do it.”

  “Then I’m going to have to lock you in a cage until you learn to obey. After that, the police will handle your disobedience.”

  A cage? Was he kidding me? He’d managed to garner full control over me.

  But he would pay. Oh, yes, he would face my wrath.

  Shaking, I did as I was told, pulling open my ass cheeks and exposing my puckered hole for the world to see. My God, his cum was dripping down my bottom.

  “As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Sheffield didn’t understand or appreciate the benefit of her punishment. What a shame.”

  He kept me standing in the position for a full minute, allowing ten, twelve people to gawk at me. All I could do was pant, biting back a moan and keeping my eyes closed.

  “I think the ass plug will be a sufficient reminder of your behavior as well as the fact you now belong to me. The added benefit is keeping my seed buried inside of you all day long.” He chuckled, the sound creating a moment of hatred as he pressed the plug into my hole, twisting until my muscles accepted.

  Damn him. Damn my life.

  “That’s beautiful. I think thirty minutes will be enough, but then we’ll see. I certainly have several other more extreme methods of punishment available to use if necessary.”

  The sound of his polished thousand-dollar shoes walking away was perhaps the most horrifying sound of the day.

  * * *

  “Ms. Sheffield?”

  I pressed my hand over my lips, blinking several times, biting back a moan as I realized how deeply I’d been caught up in my fantasy. What the hell?”

  Why in God’s name had I envisioned Sebastian Randolph punishing and fucking me? That was absurd, revolting as hell.

  My stomach churned, the butterflies turning into alligators. Every inch of my body was shivering uncontrollably.

  “Ms. Sheffield?”

  I jerked my head in the direction of the sound, trying to focus on the sight of the smiling woman sitting in front of me. “I’m sorry?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Randolph is almost finished with his appointment. It’ll be just a few minutes. He’s very punctual.”

  The sight of Ms. Parker’s soft features and kind smile left a bad taste in my mouth.

  “Um. Thank you.” Punctual, huh? Add that to the list of his… traits. Most of them were just as horrible as the ugliness that had formed in my mind. My pulse remained heightened, my blood pressure high enough I was lightheaded.

  I was going into the room using my altered name and I would perform my task. I’d done my homework, had gathered every scrap of information I’d been able to find on Sebastian Randolph, Chase Cutler, and Dax Monroe, three men whose power and wealth had created an empire. There were a solid half dozen accusations that they were nothing but criminals, using their company to disguise their connections with some of the most dangerous crime syndicates from Chicago to New York. While they’d never been arrested, that didn’t mean they weren’t guilty as hell.

  Today Kendra Sheffield the investigative reporter no longer existed. Today I was Caroline Sheffield, part owner of a bakery in financial crisis and I was begging for their help. I could pull it off with ease. A smile finally crossed my face, my arousal shunned.

  I didn’t give a shit the three men were attractive, chiseled gods. They were horrible people. That’s all that mattered.

  Yet my entire body was fully aroused from the thought, even if I’d come here to begin the process of destroying him as well as the two men who owned the company with him.

  Others had tried to bring them down and they’d all failed.

  But nothing was going to stop me from enjoying the moment when they were tossed behind bars.

  Extreme Incorporated was going to go down in flames where they would burn in hell for the rest of eternity.

  Chapter 2



  There are those who said tragedy was able to forge a union of the heart and soul, allowing the abi
lity to heal while accepting the wretched occurrence. For me, the tragedy I’d suffered had done nothing but turn my heart into stone.

  My mind and soul had been eviscerated, leaving me nothing but a shell of a man.

  Albeit one who could embrace his dark hunger.

  So much for the experts…

  My thoughts were redirected to the pompous man standing in the middle of my office.


  I’d been in business long enough to know when I’d been fed a line of utter crap. I glared at the man in front of me, sweat beading on both sides of his temple, and all I could do was smile. Not out of amusement. Not out of sense of absurdity.

  Out of dismissal.

  The asshole continued to drone on, providing bogus numbers in an attempt to sway me, playing a game in order to dig up some kind of dirt. He must have thought I was a pushover or worse.

  A fool.

  Sadly, he’d soon learn just how wrong he’d been.

  I’d been called cruel a number of times in my life. Maybe so, but often, it was necessary in order to get through to someone who refused to accept my control.

  I casually walked around my desk, easing onto the wooden edge, attempting to control my heightened level of contempt. “Mr. Devon—”

  “Please call me Martin.”

  After taking a deep breath in an impossible attempt to curtail my anger, I started again. “Mr. Devon, while I understand that your business is important to you, I don’t appreciate you attempting to fuck with me.” The last three words were said more forcefully than I’d intended, but my patience was nil.

  I refused to tolerate stupidity. There was no need. He was the kind of man I could crush like a bug, no matter his ‘powerful’ connections. The three owners of Extreme were far more dangerous.

  Even deadly.

  “If you don’t think I’ve checked with your accountant with regard to your company’s financials, including the secretive foreign bank account, then you woefully underestimate me. Your need is actually based on the excessive gambling habit that has eaten into your profits. Perhaps you made some promise to gain destructive information on Extreme in exchange for relief of a portion of your debt. That’s never going to happen.”

  I allowed the realization to sink in before continuing.

  “Now, I suggest you learn that perpetuating lies isn’t the best way to begin a relationship.” I took a deep breath after making the statement.

  Martin Devon appeared shocked at my audacity, his face turning a bright red, spit sputtering from his pursed lips. I couldn’t give a shit. “But. But. But.”

  “No buts, Mr. Devon. You entered the offices of Extreme Incorporated under false pretenses. That is unacceptable.” I yanked the folder he’d provided, moving to a standing position and towering over him. “Now, I have just a few more thoughts for you. Leave town before your loan shark grows weary of your inability to pay what is owed. The second is much more important. Get the fuck out of my office.”

  There was a full three seconds of continued surprise. Then rage appeared on his aging face as he snatched the file from my hand. “You will pay for this, Mr. Randolph. You think you own this town but you’re sorely mistaken. All your underhanded activities will come to light. Soon you’ll learn not to fuck with a man like me. Now, I’ll give you a piece of advice. Go to hell, Sebastian. That’s where you belong.”

  Hell, I’d been called the devil in disguise more than once.

  Among other nasty phrases.

  I hadn’t been threatened in almost three days. Damn. I was obviously losing my touch. As president and CEO of Extreme, Inc., I’d grown accustomed to vile threats and accusations tossed my way. My business partners had as well. After all, we were ruthless, our business practices often bordering on unscrupulous. I hadn’t been able to facilitate multimillion-dollar deals without being an uncaring son of a bitch.

  Criminal activities? I heard all the ugly rumors over the last few years, the attempts made by various reporters as well as at least two members of law enforcement to prove we were nothing but a front for the mafia. What bullshit. However, the fact we remained in the news on a regular basis had tarnished our reputation.

  I waited until he’d slammed the door before losing the pleasant expression. It was only nine in the morning and I was ready to bite the head off a bat. While Mr. Devon was indeed connected with several nasty individuals, the lowlife bastards were little more than thugs scraping the streets for crumbs.

  At least that’s what I’d been told.

  After standing, I moved toward the floor-to-ceiling window in my office, the picturesque view of Chicago a fabulous backdrop, although I rarely found the time to enjoy. When I heard the buzzing of my intercom, I huffed. There were still three additional appointments today. Three business owners who believed that the company I owned with two other men should provide a low interest loan to keep their businesses afloat. Once a year, we shifted from acquiring failing corporations then tearing them apart to providing a single loan as well as business advice and support to a deserving entity.

  It was perhaps our only method of delving into providing some level of charity to offset our earnings.

  And maybe ease our consciences. After all, we were considered cruel masters. I had to admit I adored the term and it was well earned.

  Chase, Dax, and I were considered ruthless in our business methods, uncaring as well as men who lacked a conscience. Perhaps we were all three, but our methods of doing business had kept us afloat when so many other corporations succumbed to the economy as well as bad decisions. We were strict with the loan candidates, requiring substantial information as well as full disclosure. Anything less and they were booted from the system. There had been a few times we’d succumbed to more unprincipled methods in order to find the right candidate, something Dax had refused to participate in any longer. I’d enjoyed being the sadist, fueling the darkness dwelling within.

  I pressed the button, taking another deep breath. “Yes, Marjorie?”

  “Your nine o’clock has been waiting.”

  “Fine. Send him in.”

  “He’s a she, sir. Caroline Sheffield.”

  Caroline. The name was beautiful, even regal.

  Chuckling, I didn’t respond, although I was eager to meet the next candidate. Our reputation seemed to prevent the majority of female business owners from attempting to garner our favor. Well, if I was forced to admit the truth, there had been rumors about the other more extreme method we’d used in the past. It was likely we’d scared them away. But not this woman. I was already intrigued. I returned to the window, enjoying the rays of sunshine. When the door was opened, I didn’t bother turning around.

  “You have five minutes to state your case, Ms. Sheffield.”

  When I heard a snort of disgust, I was both curious as well as incensed. From the reflection alone, I could see Caroline was wearing a bright red suit, a statement.

  “It would appear I’m wasting both our time.” She immediately turned, heading for the door.

  “You’re trying to tell me that spending five minutes talking about your business isn’t worth your effort?” I asked without turning around.

  “What I’m telling you is that my presentation takes exactly seven minutes and thirty seconds. I am extremely organized in everything I do, Mr. Randolph. I’m also telling you that I don’t intend to be treated as if by coming here I’m admitting to a weakness. I am well aware of the struggles your firm had in the beginning. I thought you appreciated fledging businesses attempting to take a step forward. I guess I was wrong.”

  There were very few people who’d ever entered my office with the level of defiance Caroline had displayed. “Fascinating, Ms. Sheffield. The seven and half minutes are yours.” When I turned around, my body’s reaction was immediate. Just catching the side of her face as she tipped her head, her copper hair secured in a bun, her face shimmering in the blast of sunshine forced my cock to twitch, my balls immediately tightening.

>   When she turned all the way around, my mind shifted to a dark and dangerous place, one where the filthy thoughts regarding my increasing hunger almost consumed me. She was exquisite in every way. Long legs. A luscious mouth highlighted by the same crimson hue as her suit. A voluptuous figure that would pitch every red-blooded male into unsavory ideas.

  She gave me the kind of onceover that was usually reserved for men who had the audacity to challenge me. When she approached my desk, the scent of her perfume filtered into every cell and muscle.

  “Fine, Mr. Randolph. Seven and a half minutes and not ten seconds more. I’m not certain I could tolerate any additional time. With you.”

  Her words were caustic, the look in her eyes flashing a touch of amusement along with her defiance. And she was hoping to see me squirm. There was something about her that wasn’t quite right. My instincts were never wrong. The woman was trying to dupe us, a delicious game.

  What a shame, Ms. Sheffield. That’s not going to happen.

  The evil bastard inside of me suddenly reared its ugly head, my desire unlike anything I’d ever experienced. My cock ached, the prickles from the excessive electricity tightening my muscles.

  And I knew without a doubt that I would take her.

  Taste her.

  Ravage her.

  And one day very soon, I would possess her.

  * * *


  “KK!” The sound of Grace Cushings’ exclamation was exactly what I needed. I couldn’t help but smile as I walked toward her through the crowded restaurant.

  “Grace. God, I’ve missed you,” I said as we embraced. I hadn’t seen my best friend for almost three years, my work in New York City keeping me on my toes. Returning to Chicago was bittersweet on several levels. The nickname she used also brought back so many memories of the four years we were roomies in college.

  “I was shocked to get your call,” she said as she shook her head. “You look amazing. And I’ve missed you too, girlfriend.”

  As we both sat down at the table, the exclusive restaurant an old favorite, I finally took a deep breath. The meeting with Sebastian had been trying, his nasty demeanor expected but still disturbing. His reputation of being a bastard had been on point. He personified danger. He exuded the scent of a sexual predator, a man refusing to take no for an answer. Just thinking about him made my mouth water. A fleeting image of the ridiculous daydream flashed into my mind. Angry with myself, I pushed it aside. “I’m sorry it was last minute.”


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