Michaels: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 5)

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Michaels: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 5) Page 9

by M. Merin

  Smiling, I arch my ass up and try to squeeze his flaccid cock between my cheeks.

  His arms slide around me and pull me up against him, “Shower, Tabby,” Mike murmurs into my ear.

  My groan of denial makes him chuckle and before I know it, I’m in his arms again. He sits me on the toilet as he adjusts the water.

  “Old house, but there’ll be just enough room in here for us,” he smiles down on me. “I’ll soap up your back for you.”

  “It’s the least you could do…hey!” I cry out when he flicks my nipple.

  “Going to take real good care of you, Princess, no need to get smart,” he laughs, helping me to move into the shower with him.

  “My legs feel like jelly.”

  “I think you bruised my equipment,” he looks sadly down at his suddenly shy dick.

  “Kegels.” I giggle, more so when I see the confused look on his face. “I encourage my patients to do them—you know to strengthen pelvic muscles? That’s kind of my area of expertise.”

  He laughs when he finally understands. “Shit. You may not be outdoorsy but fuck, do you know how to flex those muscles of yours!”

  We use the shower as getting to know you time and I’m as fascinated by the lines of his tattoos as I am the outline of his eight pack and biceps. He’s an addicting mixture of hard and soft that I can’t imagine getting enough of.

  My extra weight seems to entice him as much as his firm body draws me in, but if our earlier date was any hint, I imagine I’ll be spending more time in the outdoors than I have before.

  Chapter 14


  I wake to the smell of coffee and while I’m still sore - inside and out, from our late night activities I don’t have to move. Mike brings the coffee to me. Unfortunately, he’s already dressed.

  “Gotta head in, Princess,” he smiles at me. “Tanya should be on her way and I’ll get word to you later.”

  “Mmmkay,” I groan over my first sip of coffee. “When is your next day off? I can check my days…”

  “It’s this weekend, but I’m going to Boise on Friday night,” he states. “I can adjusts my shifts pretty easily around here, just let me know your hours so we’ll have time together.” After a kiss that fogs my mind, he takes off and its minutes later that I register how uneasy he looked.

  Rolling over, I gingerly make my way to the bathroom. I may do Kegels multiple times during the day but it’s been a while since I’ve had the stretching exercises that the Sheriff put me through! Plus, he was working with larger equipment than I’m accustomed to, I think as a big grin spreads across my face.

  As I’m heading to find out if I have any food at my place, there’s a knock at my door. After yesterday, I stop in the kitchen long enough to grab a knife and move to look out the window before I open my door.

  “Yes?” I ask the middle-aged man standing before me.

  “Dr. Forsythe, I am Rogers and in the employ of Mrs. Eileen Riley,” he pauses and his eyes flick to where I’m holding the knife behind my thigh. “I mean you no harm. Mrs. Riley simply requests your presence for brunch this morning. Good day.”

  He places an envelope into my hand, bows his head, and heads back off my porch to a sedan.

  I’d like to think that’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to me lately, but who am I kidding?

  The note is in old school cursive, that future generations will never be able to replicate. It gives me ninety minutes to show up at that beautiful house I saw when Charlie drove me through town my first day. I laugh to myself when I see there’s no way to turn down the invite.

  Well, if nothing else, Mom taught me how to dress for these types of get-togethers.

  Mrs. Riley

  Since seeing the Sheriff’s reaction to my mention of our new doctor, I’ve been curious about her and wondering how to meet her. Flint’s call this morning provided the opportunity.

  Dr. Forsythe arrives promptly as requested and, knowing she is Jake’s sister, her attributes surprise me a bit. She’s a little shorter than Riley but has her bearing, with Charlie’s chest plus some additional curves. Otherwise, she and her brother share similar complexions and hair color.

  “I admired your home on my first day in town,” she pleasantly starts. “Although, I’m a little surprised to find myself here today.”

  “I am so pleased to welcome you to town. You have an important position to fill as your predecessor enjoys his retirement,” I respond. “Flint informed me of the situation from yesterday. Unfortunately, he withheld some details.”

  She raises an eyebrow in question but I wave my hand in the direction of the breakfast room.

  “You surely understand I can’t say much,” she resumes our conversation after I’ve poured our coffee and she has selected a croissant.

  “Of course, confidentiality and all. But might I ask if the woman was in her twenties, thin, and blond?” Her jaw drops, giving me the answer I was expecting. “He’s steadfast in his ‘type’.”

  “Has something like this happened before?” Tabitha demands.

  “If my guess as to the father is correct, that he allowed a pregnancy to get this far? No. As far as I’ve found, he only has one living child. However, I believe two of his previous mistresses had the abortions he paid for.” I answer as calmly as I can, hoping that my own silence in this matter will one day be forgiven.

  “There’s a very real possibility of foul play, Mrs. Riley. If you know anything, any blood or DNA comparisons would mean a great deal,” Dr. Forsythe pleads with me.

  I knew this day was coming, had planned for it even, but to have to face it and what it will mean for my dear granddaughter is now more daunting than I imagined.

  “Rogers,” I call out. As always, he is immediately present with the item I need. Taking it from his outstretched hand, I say a little prayer to myself before I pass the envelope that contains a few precious strands of hair over to the doctor. “Have Michaels come to me if there’s a fifty percent match. I’ll make a statement at that time.”

  As she proceeds me back out to the hallway, I find myself pleased with the Sheriff’s choice of partner. I can see the intelligence in her eyes, in addition to her determination to do the right thing.

  “May I call you Tabitha?” I call out.

  “I’m sorry, to leave like this,” she stops herself. “Yesterday was tough. Of course, you may. I’m sorry. I just want to get this into evidence.”

  “You’ve met my granddaughter, I believe?” The doctor nods in reply. “My mother didn’t survive childbirth. I know she and Gunner say they’re waiting, but if you could keep that in mind when it’s her time?”

  My plea stops Tabitha’s path to the door. She comes back to me, reaching for both my hands. “I did everything I could for that woman and child yesterday. I do everything I can for each patient I treat. I’m sure you know I’ve met Riley. She’s very loyal to my sister-in-law, but regardless of that, when it’s her time, I will do everything in my power to deliver her child and protect her life.”

  I lean down to kiss her cheek. With a nod, Tabitha turns and leaves my home.

  Rogers secures the door and lifts an elbow out to escort me to my room. My own doctor will be here soon. For my treatment.


  The whole morning I’m on edge. Just waiting to hear Tanya’s status and dealing with the normal shit around town. I almost miss Tabby’s call.

  “We need to talk,” she immediately says. “When can you get away?”

  “I need an hour, how about we meet at Ray’s later?”

  She agrees and cuts the call off. I walk out to the main room and see Jessa working instead of her aunt. “Grab your phone and follow me,” I whisper to her on my way to the coffee machine. It takes her a moment but when she joins me I tell her Jake’s number and the message to send. I need to know there’ll be eyes on my woman until I can get to her. Turning away, I see Bill Maddock and Rod Addison, entering the building for our meeting.

“Bring them back to the conference room. Any calls come in for me, you write them down and hand them directly to me. Enter and exit without saying anything.” I direct Jessa before moving towards the conference room. The next half hour is spent hearing about how I mismanaged a crime scene on the interstate and fumbled time sensitive results.

  As usual, I just sit there and play dumb. I cite regulation after regulation. All my words are using the bureaucracy of my job to protect my ass. Finally, they leave and after a status update with the mayor, I’m able to get to the diner for a late lunch.

  Tabitha looks paler than usual as she sits in the back booth. I nod at Margie and she follows behind me with coffee.

  I immediately slide into the same side that Tabby’s sitting in. Putting my arm around her relaxes her shoulders as it brings a sigh from Margie. Ray’s finest will always be a sucker for a love match.

  As my mouth meets Tabby’s, she slides something into my jean pocket. “This is from Mrs. Riley. Get a DNA test done.” She whispers against my lips before I start kissing her more aggressively.

  “Mind if I join you?” I hear and tear myself away from my woman’s soft lips. Rod Addison is sliding into the seat across from us. “Don’t mean to interrupt. Just thought we could work on any misconceptions you might have?”

  “Have that warrant yet?” Tabby looks at him.

  “Aw, now, I’m not with the State Police. Just helping out the Governor’s office a bit.” He tries on my country boy routine for size. Tabby does not look impressed.

  “I can’t imagine you’re much good at your job,” she immediately snaps back and I enjoy the shocked look on his face. “I mean, if you were, why would he send you here and not keep you close?”

  “Well, now, Ms. Forsythe, I’m looking into corruption and criminal enterprises that are given free reign in this part of the State.” He smiles at her as Margie delivers our food. Margie being Margie decides to ignore him altogether.

  “Once again, it’s Dr. Forsythe, Mr. Addison,” Tabby nearly growls at him.

  “I can imagine how you’ve been placed in a difficult position,” he smiles condescendingly at her. “What with the family you come from and then the life your brother has chosen to lead. His criminal activities, predilection to share women…why, Ms. Forsythe, I can certainly understand your frustration…”

  “Did he just call me Ms. Forsythe again?” my little spitfire turns to me.

  “I’m afraid so,” I answer solemnly.

  “Do you have a Taser handy?” she asks. The asshole across from me steals a fry as she’s trying to push me out of the booth. “Mace? Anything useful?” Tabby continues, looking more and more frustrated at each shake of my head.

  “My apologies, Ms., I mean…” Addison’s lame ass mea culpa falls on deaf ears. Since I won’t provide her with a weapon, she locks her eyes on the condiment tray and is soon reaching for the mustard container. Flipping the top, Tabby points it at Addison and squeezes for all she’s worth.

  The first glob of mustard hits his face seconds before the rest lands across his shirt. He and I are both silent and I’m just grateful he stopped talking.

  Ray’s is completely silent around us as I reach out for the mustard bottle and hand Addison my napkin. “There’s a dry cleaners about five blocks down. Send me the bill.”

  Addison gets up and walks out, not saying another word.

  “Has anyone every told you how sexy that temper of yours is?” I smile down at her, unable to stop the grin that tugging at either side of my mouth.

  “I spent nearly ten years of my life…” she starts to growl, her eyes still narrowed in anger.

  “I’ll get you a water gun, like all the other eight-year olds have.” It’s impossible not to laugh at the immaturity of her response and her cheeks start to turn red. She finally smiles along with me.

  “He’s so condescending,” she whispers.

  “Well, you showed him,” I drawl out. “Come on, let me get you back home.” Pulling her out of the booth, the other patrons start applauding as we walk to the door. Tabby more or less runs to her truck.

  “Oh my God! Who the hell is going to want me as their doctor now?” she wails.

  “Everyone,” I push her up against her truck and kiss her soundly. “No one likes the Maddocks so you actually made a few friends today. I gotta get back to work, can I come by tonight?”

  “I’m having dinner with Charlie, actually. Just at that Italian place on Main, maybe you can come by later?” she looks up at me hopefully.

  “Like a booty call?”

  “Something like that,” Tabby throws me a big wink as she changes gear and pulls out of the lot.

  Chapter 15


  Walking into the restaurant with Charlie that night, I’m equal parts nervous and excited. With her being pregnant, she offers to drive so I start off with a martini.

  “Oh, I’ve never had one of those!” she sighs and I remember how young she it. “I’ll add it to my list for after baby.”

  “Speaking of which, I know it’s early but I’d like to throw your baby shower for you. If that’s alright?” I ask, tentatively.

  “Riley was talking about throwing one, but maybe you could co-host it?” she smiles back. “Nothing crazy, it can just be at the clubhouse.”

  “How about at my house?” Internally cringing at the thought of a shower in a biker clubhouse.

  “I’m staying out of it – even down to the registration,” Charlie shrugs. “Really, I’ll just have her call you. Jake and Connal are obsessed with ratings for car seats, cribs, even diapers! I drew the line at having a warmer for the baby wipes. Seriously, how freaking ridiculous is that?”

  I laugh along with her, even knowing that my sisters all insisted on those. She isn’t wrong though, parents are freaks over their first baby and being the youngest of seven, I can testify they lose the will the keep track after the second child.

  After telling her most of my adventures since moving to town, I pause for a moment to take a bite of my dinner and she takes the opportunity to jump in.

  “You’re killing me here!” Charlie smirks at me. “What about you and the Sheriff?”

  I take my time chewing. “I, um, he’s nice…” is all I can say.

  “Tabby! Come on! He’s every bit as built as Jake. And at some point, every available woman in town has made a pass at him,” she’s loudly whispering across the table to me. “Well, not me. I mean – Jake and Connal, hello? But, you get to town, slap him and suddenly, he’s all like – well, I don’t even know! Spill, sister!”

  “I’m not going to lie, Charlie, I’m a little shell shocked by this, well whatever it is. I mean he said he doesn’t date, or whatever – but look at him?!” I pause, worried about sounding completely over my head. “And me? I’m…”

  “You’re beautiful, Tabby. Not only are you a flipping doctor but most of all, you’re kind,” she smiles at me. “I’ll never forget the warmth you treated me with when we met. Walking into that situation, I had every right to feel insecure, but you? No way! Not in any situation. I forbid it.” Charlie raises her chin and looks down her nose at me, giving me a firm nod while suppressing a grin.

  Her giggles quickly follow mine.

  “Well, that’s it then,” I assure her. “I will never feel insecure again.”

  “Is he a good kisser?” Charlie asks next.

  “You do realize I’ll never ask you that question, right?” I tease her. “I mean, even if I specify Connal.”

  “Bitch!” she gasps out, smiling at me. “Well?”

  “I’d say we’re very compatible.”


  “Very, very.” I sigh, blushing.

  “Good! You deserve that, Tabby,” Charlie squeezes my hand. “So, will you split dessert with me?”

  Leaving the restaurant, I give Charlie a big hug before getting into her truck. She really is easy to love so it’s no mystery why Jake and Connal were drawn to her. Pulling up to m
y rental house, she sighs as she sees the Patrol SUV in my driveway and a light on inside.

  “Go get your ‘compatible’ on, Tabby,” Charlie smiles at me as I get out. “Thanks for dinner!”

  “Text me when you get home,” I wait for her nod before heading inside.

  “Did you have a good time?” Mike asks as I walk through the door.

  “I really did,” I moan as he comes up behind me, rubbing my shoulders as I’m kicking my shoes off. “God, that feels good.”

  “Yeah? Gotta butter you up.”

  “Oh?” his tone has my heart sinking.

  “Mmmh. I have to leave for Boise at dawn, meeting with a task force. I won’t be home until Monday.” His arms thread around me. “Sorry, Tabby.”

  “Dawn?” I ask, tilting my head to give his lips better access to my neck. “Better get to bed early, so you’ll be ready to go…”

  “Exactly what I was thinking!” Mike spins and lifts me, startling a squeak out of me at the suddenness of being airborne. “Thing is, I’m not all that tired just yet…”

  His long strides eat up the distance from the door to my bed. Placing one knee on it, he gently drops me the last inch.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Tabby,” he growls, yanking his shirt off as I unbutton my top. “All fucking day, with this bullshit going on, all I thought about was being buried deep inside you again.”

  While kissing, we’re both tearing at our clothes, desperate to remove any barrier from between our bodies. My jeans are barely halfway off when he reaches down and rips my lace panties off.

  “Hey!” I cry out, La Perla does not come cheap.

  “Fuck!” he cries back as he sinks his dick right into me. I was still kicking at the second leg of my jeans but freeze, never having had a man go bare in me before. “Squeeze my cock, Tabby. Fucking feels so good inside you.”

  “Mike – you didn’t, I mean, oh God! Ahhh. Oh, condom?” I have no idea what I’m saying. Loving the feel of him stretching the walls of my vagina. Shit. Must. Turn. Off. Doctor brain.


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