Windswept Shores

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Windswept Shores Page 18

by Janice Seagraves

  Susie held up the catalog and waved it before Lorna’s eyes. “He might be interested in what one of these babies can do for him.” She pointed at the cock rings, some shaped with stimulating points and ridges. “Apparently they make him stay harder for longer.”

  “I think I’ll worry about getting a man first, rather than keeping him hard,” Lorna said, but she laughed along with her friends.

  Kate finished her wine. “Okay, it’s late, and I have school tomorrow.”

  That made Lorna laugh again. “It concerns me that you can fondle fake penises by night and teach elementary school by day. I suspect you’re corrupting our children from the inside.”

  “Someone’s got to,” Kate shot back. She shrugged her jacket on and smoothed down her dark hair. Then she patted the catalog. “I’m going to place my order tomorrow night. You have until then to order one of these bad boys. And I mean it – I want to see something in the email you send me, or…”

  “Or I won’t make any cookies for our film night next month,” Susie put in. “I play hardball.”

  Lorna had to admit, she couldn’t do with her friend’s legendary cookies. She threw up her hands, palm out, in surrender. “All right. I’ll pick something.” She ushered her friends out and started clearing up the wine flutes. She loaded everything into the sink, filled it with soapy water, and then changed into her PJs.

  Sleep eluded her for an hour. Finally, she flipped on her bedside lamp. Soft light bathed her ocean-blue sheets and she reached for the catalog she’d discarded by the foot of her bed, flipping to the pages showing the range of available vibrators.

  As she read the specs for each one, running her fingers over the silky pages, a pleasant thrum started low in her body. Just because she had never thought of herself as sexually adventurous, didn’t mean she didn’t miss men. Or the feel of a man inside, the delicious length and girth of him, the tickle of his chest hair against her nipples.

  Almost unconsciously, her hand drifted down her body, re-learning the weight of her breasts, the press of her nipples into her palm, the brush of her cotton pajama top over her skin.

  Her gaze traced the mammoth vibrator, eating up the ridges along its shaft, and the softly shaped head. Unbidden, a faraway memory of giving an old boyfriend a blowjob slid into her mind, and she licked her lips, remembering the salty-sweet taste of his skin, the rub of his flesh, hard as steel under velvet casing.

  That memory brought on others. Memories of wrapping her legs around a man’s hips, him whispering against her throat, sucking her nipples. The rush of moisture between her legs dampened the thin fabric of her panties and she lay back, sliding her hand past the loose waist of her PJ pants.

  The first, tentative touch of her finger on her clit made her hips arch into the touch. Finding herself already wet, she let the images of the tantalizingly large vibrator, combined with her memories of sex and the men she’d slept with, run through her mind like a personal adult film. She stroked herself over and over, her fingers lightly circling over the silky-soft petals of her sex, until an orgasm rolled over her, flushing her skin, hardening her nipples, bathing her skin in a light sheen of sweat.

  After, she thought, I’ve definitely got to place an order for a vibrator.

  ~* * *~

  “Has it arrived yet?” Susie asked as soon as Lorna opened the door. She thrust a plate of double chocolate-chip cookies into Lorna’s hands.

  “Yes, it has.” Lorna couldn’t help but smile. It had only been a week since the night of the party, but already her life seemed to have turned into the sort of serial everyone wanted installments of.

  “And have you used it yet?” Kate, following close behind, wanted to know.

  “No, I haven’t.” Lorna crossed to the wall-mounted cupboards in her kitchen-cum-diner and took out wine flutes. “I sort of want to wait until my roommate goes out.”

  “Lame,” Susie announced. “He’s a med student. He’s always out. Plus, he’s out now.”

  “Yes, but he just left. I was hardly going to start experimenting when I had less than a half hour before you guys turned up.”

  It was half-true. The other part was that Lorna had opened the box, been shocked at the sheer size and shape of the thing, and had chickened out a little. Pleasuring herself with her hands was one thing – using this giant of a fake penis was another entirely.

  She did feel a little lame, though.

  “Tonight,” she announced. “Tonight, I’ll use it.”

  “Text me after,” Kate commanded.

  Lorna laughed out loud. She had no idea what she’d do without her friends.

  They watched a couple of thrillers. Halfway through the second film, Susie’s delicious cookies had been demolished, and the bottle of wine sat on the counter, holding only the sad, last few drops in its glassy depths.

  The friends chatted throughout, but Lorna couldn’t forget her promise to Susie and Kate, and when she closed the door behind them, after a tangle of arms, legs and slightly-drunken cheek kisses, she blew out a breath.

  Time to try out my new toy.

  Again, she tried to make it an experience for herself: candles, soft lighting. She locked her bedroom door, and then undressed slowly, enjoying the slide of fabric against her skin, the soft whisper of her clothes as they met the floor. Then she stroked her hands over her skin, squeezing her breasts, caressing her clit with feather-light touches.

  When her body hummed with need, she gathered her new toy, plus a shiny blue bottle of sweet-scented lube, in her hands.

  She’d expected the rubber-material vibrator to feel awkward in her hands – maybe too heavy, too rough. But to her surprise, she felt her damp sex clench when she ran her fingers over the vibrator’s smooth head.

  Despite what she’d thought, she ached to feel it inside her.

  She slid the batteries in, clipped them in place, and then, hesitantly, laughing a bit at herself, she flicked the switch, to the lowest vibration setting. It wasn’t half as weird, or scary, as she’d feared.

  In fact, the vibration made a new flood of moisture coat her already slick sex, her clit all but moaning to be touched.

  She squirted the silky-feel lube into her palm, rubbing it over the vibrator. Against her palm, the raised veins and skin-like texture in the vibe’s rubber casing almost felt like a man. Lorna swallowed. She felt wet enough that she might not even need the lube – but hey, in for a penny…

  Finally, her breathing shallow, her hands trembling with want, Lorna lay back against the pillows and poised the tip of the vibe at her entrance. For minutes that seemed to stretch into hours, she stroked it over herself, circling her clit, until she could bear it no more. The tension in her lower body stretched as tight as a bowstring, she slid the vibe inside her, inch by inch. The slippery walls of her sex gripped the vibe’s rubbery surface, and she sighed in pleasure. After a few moments of easing it in and out of her, Lorna started to move the toy faster, creating a rhythm akin to sex. With her free hand, she stroked small ovals over her clit. In moments, the delicious flutter of an orgasm stormed her lower body. Excited, arching her hips, Lorna turned the vibe up to the next setting, sending the huge, fake penis inside her shivering and jerking.

  Lorna’s climax hit her fully, and she turned her face into her pillow, smothering her cry of ecstasy.

  Later, floating on a cloud of afterglow, she thought: Step 1: Experiment with sex toys, is complete. Now for Step 2: Find a man to share these experiences with.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t want to meet someone. Her friendly nature meant she smiled at strangers, struck up conversations on the subway, and always helped out someone in need when she could. But that didn’t often lead to meeting the man of her dreams. And her job as a computer game translator didn’t lend itself to dating, either.

  Still, she smiled as she started to drift off to sleep. She’d taken the first step to a better sex life, and if a man came into the picture, she’d be ready.

  If you enjoyed this stor
y, then you may like Beyond a Planned Fantasy by Suzannah Safi. The first chapter is here for your convenience. Enjoy!

  Windswept Shores

  Chapter One

  Carol paced the marina searching among the bobbing mass of yachts for the Dragon Boat. Her escort’s terse instructions had directed her to the third yacht on the left. Squinting against the sunlight, she spotted the familiar snow-white yacht, and her heart sped with anxiety. A white flag decorated with a red and black dragon fluttered above the mast—the recognized symbol of the famous Twin Dragons club.

  Carol breathed deeply, inh ali ng the salty air that rallied into her nostrils. Her heart rate picked up as she walked with heavy steps toward the boat.

  As if an unseen force weighted down her forward progress, its clarion call a warning of what was to come.

  The hem of her short white dress swirled around her thighs, urging her to continue forward. The morning’s soft breeze fondled her hair.

  She simply had to do this. Or did she?

  Being in the hands of a handsome escort could prove to be dangerous territory. She had no idea how her husband-to-be would react if he found out. She reached up to touch the thin gold chain around her neck, her fingers tightening on the simple diamond engagement ring threaded on the necklace. The thought of her sacrifice to save her father from prison drilled in her brain a painful reminder of the necessity of this single act.

  Her feet carried her to the yacht’s stairs. Slowly, one step at a time, she climbed. Shaky fingers curled around the cold banister, and her sweaty palm left behind a wet mark on the rail. On the yacht deck, Carol paused and removed her sunglasses. The dark window of the cabin reflected her desperate, wide-eyed expression as she scanned the polished wooden deck.

  “Hello,” she called in a shaky voice wavering with doubt. Carol stepped toward the center of the yacht. Her fingers caressed the fabric of a blue-striped chair prominently positioned. Two glasses and a decanter filled with yellow liquid rested in an ice bucket. She licked her lips in anticipation of a cool drink that would wet her dry throat.

  “Bonjour, Carol,” a deep throaty voice with a French accent startled her from behind.

  She swirled around; her scarlet hair flew into her eyes, blocking her view like a heavy curtain. Her escort’s French accent was easy to recognize.

  “Hi,” she replied weakly. Her fingers struggled to push her hair away from her face in spite of the breeze tugging it back in place. Her tangled red locks obscured the stranger’s features.

  His footsteps moved closer, and he stopped an inch from her body. Carol heard his soft breathing, felt the heat radiating from his body. Thick fingers trailed the strands of hair away from her face slowly, and the trace of his warm touch sent small tingles up her spine. Her breath hitched as her view cleared. Her gaze elevated upward and locked with his wolfish hazel eyes guarded with thick black lashes.

  “I’m your escort,” he whispered. His long hair hung freely around his shoulders, dark as a clear night.

  Drums of heaven pounded in her heart; her gaze meandered over his full sensuous lips as he drawled in his sultry accent. Fantasies of what he would do to her body rushed through her imagination like a river flood on a rainy day. She shivered as her gaze trailed along his half-naked body covered in nothing but white cotton trousers. His sculptured chest tempted her to explore. His six-foot-tall body stood in front of her in a relaxed posture, bare footed as if he had no worries in life.

  “Your code name is Carol, right?”

  “Yes,” she lied. Everyone who played these games used code names for secrecy. Something that she was coming to regret being unaware of, but still, there was nothing that said she had to tell him anything beyond what the fantasy was. Shame rose with heated waves to her cheeks as she thought of her fantasy man.

  “You look uncomfortable, cherie,” he said frowning. “Something wrong? Change of mind perhaps?”

  “No! I’m fine.” She flashed him a bright smile, hoping he wouldn’t notice the too-quick response or the slight tremble of her voice. With his attention sliding over her body, she shuddered, suddenly feeling vulnerable and exposed.

  The truth struck her. She was going with a stranger to the middle of the sea and placing herself under his mercy. Carol touched her bag reflexively; she had her cell and a can of pepper spray for protection, if she needed to use them. Carol had undergone many adventures in her lifetime: scuba diving with the sharks, mountain climbing, and bungee jumping, yet this one was no different in its element of danger. Well, maybe slightly different. Usually she didn’t have a living god as a companion.

  “Come in, please.” He gestured for her to follow, but didn’t touch her again. He kept his distance, which surprised her that he didn’t pursue with his sexual appetite leading the advance.

  Carol glanced behind her toward the stairs with her last thoughts of quitting. This was her only chance. She could risk it for couple of days. The weekend stretched out before her. Her family had left Los Angeles to settle some accounts with the lawyers and wouldn’t be back for a few days. Today was her chance to disappear without explanation.

  Her legs backed a step toward the stairs.

  She turned her gaze to his direction; he stood there, hands in pockets looking strong and virile like a lord of the jungle. His eyes narrowed, his lips drawing a thin line as if he read her hesitation. He stretched a hand and beckoned her, encouraging her to follow.

  Adren ali ne drummed through every cell in her body, but she ambled forward toward him. He guided her to the cushioned blue-striped chair and took her bag from her shoulder.

  “I’ll send it to our room, Oui?”

  Holy crap! “We are sharing a room?” She swallowed hard.

  “Yes,” he said matter-of-factly. “Is there a problem?”

  “No, not at all.” She pasted a grin on her face.

  He drew closer and placed his fingertip on her lips. “I promise,” he said, “you’ll feel comfortable, and I’ll help you enjoy your fantasy. This is why you are here, right, cherie?”

  She quivered. The proximity of his body to hers rushed thoughts through her imagination of his hands sliding on her skin. Hell, he would be sliding along her skin, his lips touching the core of her soul. If only a genie would grant her wishes and make him hers, forever. But wishful thoughts and delusions evaporated like morning mist. She was here to make a point. Nothing more.

  She nodded.

  “Would you like to sit and relax?” he asked and offered her a glass of lemonade.

  She gulped the cold drink in one swallow. Her gaze spotted a soft smile arch on the corner of his lips, an acknowledgment of her nervousness in his eyes. Carol didn’t know this man. He could be a mass murderer, but that was the beauty of taking risks—not knowing when one should stop. What set her at ease was the reputation of the Twin Dragon Club and the positive feedback from several ladies.

  “Noel!” he called, using sign language along with his voice to beckon assistance, and a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties rushed toward them from the cabin. Blond short hair cropped his boyish features, his frail body evident through his baggy jeans and white untucked shirt. He nodded to her while maintaining his bowed head, his eyes never meeting hers, and then he smiled to her escort.

  “Please take the mademoiselle’s luggage to our room and start the engine.” He signed as he spoke.

  Noel left with her luggage rolling behind him to the cabin.

  “And your name?” She turned her attention to her escort.


  Lord of the Jungle. So suitable. “As in Leo the Lion?”

  He gave a deep throaty chuckle that tingled with soft waves like the butterflies in her stomach, making her excited and nervous at the same time.

  “Something like that, Carol.” The way he said her name with his melodious voice made her sigh. She loved how he twirled the letter R on his tongue. Certainly, the man was gorgeous, well worth the amount of money she spent on him.
br />   He drew the chair for her to sit, his attention fixed on her with the same smile on his face that had magically imprinted itself in her eyes. She sat, and he drew his chair closer to her and eased onto it.

  “We have different fantasies for our clients,” he drawled. “Tell me what you envision and I’ll make sure it’s fulfilled.”

  Holy cow, she didn’t know what to ask. A man and a couple of nights of spicy sex were as far as she had planned. She should’ve thought about it more seriously, since this was her only chance at a fantasy in her lifetime before she was married off to the old man to whom she was pledged. Carol gently chewed her lower lip. “Why don’t you tell me what you have in mind for the best fantasy a woman could have? Indulge me with your creativity.” She settled for that.

  “Well, do you like vanilla sex, D&S, or light submission?”

  “What?” her voice squeaked as she gaped at him. Awareness and understanding filled his gaze.

  He chuckled. “It’s your first time doing this, isn’t it? Don’t worry; you don’t have to be shy about it. I’m at your service. You order and I’ll obey.”

  Hot flashes blushed over her twenty-two-year-old skin; her heart sang in her chest. She'd died and gone to heaven. Carol didn’t answer, just stared hoping against hopes that he would take her right then and there. But he only smiled at her.

  The yacht moved smoothly, rising with tender waves, and her heart sank in her stomach. The game was on, and she hoped he wouldn’t disappoint her. Leo reclined back in his chair and closed his eyes, allowing the sun to kiss his beautiful, tanned face. Peacefulness and a handsome man were everything she yearned for at that moment. The rocking of the yacht lulled her into a relaxed mood; the day had only started and ahead of her was the unknown, which made her eager to explore and discover.


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