Smut by the Sea

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Smut by the Sea Page 7

by Lucy Felthouse

  Involuntarily, I clenched my legs together. “Maybe we should wait a little bit.”

  He smirked at my reaction. “I told you I was equipped.”

  I rolled my eyes. What is it with the male obsession with the penis?

  My eyes strayed to his newly formed human legs. The whole process fascinated me. “But how did you become human? Do you just grow legs when you need them? Or when you’re on dry land?”

  “I think the time for talking is over, sweet Sylvie.” He loomed over me, gathering up both of my wrists in his hands and holding them to the partially submerged rock. Llyn parted my legs with his newly transformed limbs, so I was spread out for him, an offering fit for a pagan god - or his messenger. “And now your god will take what is rightfully his and plant his seed where it belongs. You will bear him a strong son or daughter, worthy of a legacy.”

  I closed at my eyes at his words because that was exactly what I wanted him to do. I didn’t want meaningless sex or tender lovemaking. I wanted to be fucked by him, filled to the brim with the throbbing length of his hot, greedy cock. I wanted to be mindless and uninhibited. I wanted to go with what my body wanted, not my mind. I couldn’t even form words; I just lifted my pelvis towards him, urging Llyn to enter me and to own me.

  Instead, Llyn inserted his finger and stroked me, easing his own entry. “You need me, don’t you?”

  “Yes!” It wasn’t enough. I wanted all of him.

  Llyn inserted two of his fingers and stroked me roughly.

  Helplessly, my hips danced to the rhythm he set. I felt like a puppet on a string.

  “Enough,” Llyn growled. He withdrew from me and brought his glistening fingers to his mouth, sucking the moisture from them with relish.

  He penetrated me slowly, as though eager to draw out the moment of claiming me. My inner muscles fought at first but then gave way to his girth, unable to withstand the onslaught. When at last, he was sheathed in me completely and there wasn’t a centimetre inside me that he didn’t occupy, he leaned down to my mouth once more.

  “Now you are his and you are mine.” Llyn growled just before he took my lips in a dominating kiss. He tasted of me and of salt and the sea and I couldn’t get enough. Fiercely, he thrust his cock into me, plunging himself over and over into my wet, open sex. He groaned with effort, as he had to stop to ask me one last question.

  “Do you want me, sweet Sylvie?”

  “Yes!” I gasped.

  “Then you shall have me,” Llyn said gruffly before thrusting inside twice more, before letting loose a shock of power. I felt it go through me, as though something enormous were released. He bathed my insides with his warmth and his power. And then I passed out.

  When it was over, he collapsed on top of me. His eyes were filled with a wicked sort of mirth. “I will petition Neptune and claim you as my lijah.”

  “Your what? “

  He seemed to struggle with explaining the word. “My concubine.”

  That got my attention. “Concubine? As in magic carpets, Hammer pants, and sexual slavery? Don’t get me wrong, you’re a hottie, but I don’t think so.”

  Llyn cocked his head to one side. “No, it is more tender than that. More dear. Perhaps, I used the incorrect word. My lijah, is my dear one, my lover.” His eyes were soft. “A lijah is a sacred, honoured.

  “A wife?”

  Llyn shook his head. “We do not believe in only one union. Love may be freely given to all, it is not something you can restrict and control. We share ourselves with many, but a lijah is the closest thing to what you are asking.”

  I felt unreasonable anger at the thought. What was wrong with me? He was a fish and I had a life to get back to. This was all probably some sort of sordid sex dream anyway. “So, you want to add me to your little aquatic stable of chippies? But that’s just great because I get to be the head chippie. No, I don’t think so.”

  Llyn rolled over, dragging me with him. “You look for insult where there is none. I own you and you own me. Do you not feel it, Sylvie? We do not need a formal decree to sanction this joining. We are already joined.”

  “I don’t want to be joined. I want to get the hell out of the water. I’m done with Sea World.”

  “No, you are not,” Llyn contradicted. “Do not try to fight me, I will win in the end.”

  I shoved at his chest and tried to stand up, but Llyn held me fast. “I did not give you permission to go.”

  “I don’t need your permission! I don’t need anything from you!”

  Llyn’s expression was dangerous. “You need me.” My legs were still open and he slipped a finger into my sex. “Right here for now, but soon I will be in your heart and your mind. You were mine the minute you stepped into the water. Accept me.”

  It was the last thing I remembered before he claimed me once more.

  I awoke hours later, just as dawn came rushing in. I was lying on the edge of the sea. Behind me, I could see bits of my carefully drawn circle left behind by the tide. There were still two deep holes where the honey and milk had been placed; only both substances had been swallowed up by the sea. The waves came rushing in, splashing over my legs and up to my waist. Surely, it hadn’t all been a dream. Just as the waves rushed back, I looked down at my body, startled to see a triton, the symbol of Neptune, on my sex emblazoned in a silvery blue substance that I just knew wouldn’t wipe off.

  Llyn had literally left his mark on me. Not only on me, but also inside of me. We were bound together. I felt it. I would come here, come to him very soon.

  I had communed with mighty Neptune and with Llyn. I belonged to the sea now. There was no going back.

  Una’s Retreat

  By Tabitha Rayne

  Raising herself up on her elbows, Una shielded her eyes against the sun glancing off the crystal sea. There he was again. She held her breath and took in every sinew of his tantalisingly familiar body.

  For the past five mornings at precisely this time, while she’d been cultivating her tan, he had sauntered past like a racehorse in its prime.

  He looked over and smiled, nodding in acknowledgement of her presence just as he had every other morning. This time though, Una felt brazen enough to return the gesture and was surprised at the heat that rushed through her bikini clad body, just by smiling hello. Each tiny hair on her skin lifted in turn and flowed across her body in a Mexican wave of sensation. Feigning disinterest as he dove into the water, she turned her head but kept her eyes fixed on to his athletic frame. When he was fully submerged she tried to recline in a sophisticated pose back on the hot sand and sink into relaxation.

  A retreat. She’d fled the city, the unfulfilling job, the constant social pressure, the stress, the ex and come to a place that she thought was guaranteed to be far away and remote enough to finally let go and even find herself - whatever that meant. Una had been feeling so crowded recently, never a space in her life to call her own. So when this morning stranger had passed her way, she’d been disappointed at first - thinking him an intrusion to her comforting isolation. But when his sleek body had slipped through the water, barely disturbing the rhythm of the softly slapping waves, her senses had pricked and Una had watched in admiration as he swam off around the bay in lazy gliding strokes.

  If she’d been a swimmer, Una might have followed him but the thought of land giving way to nothing but an abyss of liquid made her shudder. She’d always been much happier with her feet on dry land.

  On the first day, when she was sure he wasn’t coming back, Una had lay back in the blazing sun and opened her thighs, letting her dampening bikini bottoms heat further with the striking rays. The gentle lapping at her toes of the rising tide had woken her and she’d stayed still until the watery fingers crept up her thighs to her own wet place, carefully as a lover coaxing her desire. Aroused by this unexpected attention, she’d checked there was nobody around and slipped her hand down into her bikini bottoms. She had been astonished at how quickly she’d come on her own fingers and had assumed the he
at of the sun and the vague dream she’d been having about the stranger had quite a lot to do with it. It quickly became part of her daily routine and Una was about to lie back again and wait for the tide to rise but something inside made her sit up. Maybe it was her response to his ‘good morning’, or the fact that she’d barely talked to another soul for five days, but something had awakened within Una.

  I’ll follow him, she thought and stood up, moving as languid as a dream and walked slowly, trance-like over the burning sand to the water’s edge. She stood with the sea lapping at her toes, tickling them, urging her deeper. The outward flow pulled grains of sand away from under her feet, tricking her into thinking she was moving and making her dizzy. Smiling, she shook the giddiness from her head and stared out over the ocean.

  Her fear of the glassy depths which usually clutched at her lungs had disappeared, and as she broke the surface she felt only peace. Slowly moving in deeper, the water rose, filling and quenching her, holding and wrapping her in its embrace. Knees, thighs, inner thighs, pussy lips, bottom, cold water rushed in catching her breath. Hips, waist, tummy, ribs, chest. She held her arms high over her head, clasping her hair, even though she knew it would eventually get wet. Her breasts lifted and bobbed as she continued, treading on soft sand under her feet. Nipples, armpits, throat, shoulders, neck, jaw. Feathery touches teased the tiny hairs behind her ears then the water filled them, swooshing and whooshing as she tipped her head back waiting until the very last moment to take a huge breath.

  Closing her eyes, she sank under the surface and blinked them open again to see shafts of sun slicing through the great body of water and striking the golden bed. Fish darted in and out of the beams like living stars and Una was overcome with the wonder of it all. For the first time ever in her life she felt no fear and let the water take her weight, cradling and rocking her gently. Her hair floated and wrapped around in the currents that she made and she felt like an ethereal mermaid. She let her limbs go loose and began a slow hypnotic dance with the fish. It occurred to her that she’d never let go like this - just given over to anything, relinquished control. For a while she let herself just live in this abandonment of power and relished the weightlessness of it all. Colourful little fish swam up close to her and she felt her heart swell at this touching display of curiosity. Reaching out to one of them she smiled as it took fright only to return with renewed bravery just seconds later. Time meant nothing in this underwater world and for the first time, she felt herself truly relax.

  Finally taking time to consider her situation, Una realised that she had never felt so free. She tried to wrap herself around this precious feeling and hold it close to her heart, and yet something began to nag at her. The slow dawning then sudden awareness of how lonely and small she was in this vast living ocean. Indeed, how small and lonely she was in her life. She was about to give up and return to the surface but as soon as the thought entered her mind, there he was; her daily Adonis swimming towards her, determined and shark like. Una’s flesh trembled and every pore reached out to meet him. His eyes fixed hers and she smiled opening her arms wide to catch his embrace. Expecting a gentle wrapping of bodies, she was shocked when his chest slammed into hers. His strength was incredible and he commanded her like a possession, gripping and owning her. Una’s breath was knocked from her and bubbles of light began to dance in her peripheral vision. It was like the moment in films of old where the kiss came and the heroine’s foot lifted. Una smiled at her own clichéd fantasy and closed her eyes to receive his lips.

  Everything went dark and silent and all she could feel was this point - this place where they met and shared themselves. At last he kissed her. It was exquisite. Powerful, manly, masterful. Everything she’d dreamed it would be. Again she felt her conscious self slip away until there was only here and now, this kiss…

  “Open your eyes,” the voice from far away seemed closer now. Una was faintly irritated and glared through closed lids in the general direction of where it was coming from. The sound was breaking the spell of the kiss. She lifted her face once more to suckle and lavish in his moist mouth. But he had broken free. “Open your eyes.” It was right by her now and angry. Una was scared, she wanted the kiss back but all she was getting was fury.

  Her cheek stung and the sound of a slap ricocheted through her mind. Her shoulders were being shaken and pummelled and Una opened her eyes to see the man looking pale and stricken.

  “Oh thank God,” he said, his face contorted with emotion and slumped onto her. Una started coughing and spluttering uncontrollably and tried to lift him off. He pulled himself up and rolled her onto her side. “I thought you were gone. You’ve given me a real fright. I don’t know whether to hit you or kiss you.”

  But as Una regained her composure, it was clear to her which one he really wanted to do as his expression softened and he smoothed the hair from her brow.

  “What happened..?” Una inwardly rolled her eyes, another cliché. She’d always promised herself that if she ever found herself in a situation where that line might be called for, she’d use something far more interesting. She tried again, “I mean, where are we?” She groaned. “I mean… kiss me like that again.”

  He paused for a moment, looking as if he was going to answer her first two questions first but then with the same strength and purpose he’d had underwater, he scooped his arms under her back and lifted her to him. His lips were salty and wet as he kissed her deep and hard. Una took control of her dangling arms and wrapped them around his shoulders, hauling herself up to meet him properly. She straddled his kneeling thighs and was delighted to feel his arousal pressing against her soaked bikini bottoms. Heat gathered between them and a low moan escaped his throat. Una couldn’t believe the desire that was overtaking her. She was usually so reserved in the bedroom, more used to making love slowly with coy controlled seduction. This though, this was complete feral abandon. Una just wanted to be ravished, fucked and swallowed whole by this mighty Adonis. Their bodies wound around each other’s and Una undulated her pelvis, grinding it into his straining cock. Her pussy had turned to liquid heat and she wished he would just pull her bikini to the side and fuck her right here and now. She was kissing him hard and fast, devouring his lips and tongue, relishing the taste of this new lover. Her chest felt open like she was breathing something lighter than air and she clung desperately to him as if she would simply float off without him to keep her tethered to the earth.

  He stopped kissing her and Una let her head fall back, arching her breasts up to him. He didn’t take the cue to thumb her peaking nipples through clinging bikini, he simply reached under her buttocks and lifted her up easily and carried her off over the sand.

  The sea grass whipped and scratched at her ankles with unexpected ferocity as they went off up towards the labyrinth of narrow pathways leading to the cliffs and trees. She was touched when he actually noticed and hoisted her higher in his arms, gently murmuring how she should take care to protect her pretty pale skin. If Una had been standing, she would have swooned. A part of herself was irritated by the damsel in distress routine, but she quickly made the decision to relish in this new found helplessness - and felt strangely empowered. It was a paradox but Una banished her analytical mind and opened up her sensual one. It seemed to take a long dreamy time rocking in the rhythm of his gait and Una felt comforted and sleepy. Just as she was slipping into a gentle dose, he stopped.

  His beach hut was light and airy with clean, crisp sheets and stunning views over the bay. He lowered her gently and stood at the bottom of the bed staring right into her with his achingly blue eyes. Una wanted to fall into them and swim around in him, feeling him and loving him from the inside out. She squeezed her thighs together as another gush of arousal escaped her lips and trickled down over her perineum. He noticed and took his gaze to her pussy, urging her to open her legs. In that split second, Una changed, there was no room to be shy in the here and now - no need to be ashamed of this need. She slowly spread her thighs as w
ide as she could, amazed at how open and turned on it made her to display her want like this. She wanted more. She wanted to show him how plump and wet he’d made her and she reached down, gripping the crotch of her bikini bottoms and pulled them to the side. He stared. Then, still staring, he began to peel away the fabric of his own trunks, ready to show himself to her.

  Una held her breath as the tip of his cock peeked over the top of the shorts. Shining with a pearly bead of liquid already, Una’s mouth watered at the sight. Her pussy was twitching, pulsing for something to wrap around and she slid her fingertips inside, splaying her lips open and sliding her juices up to her clit as he eased the shorts down past his hips, bringing his full length and girth into view. Una’s breasts swelled and her skin flushed with desire. She couldn’t wait anymore and sprang up onto all fours in front of him and tugged the trunks down to the ground. Pausing, she took a moment to admire his beautiful cock and luscious balls, tight and high, ready to explode. She buried her head in his crotch, inhaling his scent until she felt dizzy with his pheromones. He held her hair and guided her on to the tip of his cock and she liked the way his fingers twitched and tugged when she took the first taste. Sea salt and musk. She fell on to him, sucking and teasing him, taking him deep into her needy mouth. He made that throaty groan again and it turned Una on so much.. His cock began to surge and stutter and he pulled her off it, pushing her back onto the bed, parting her thighs with his. Una thought she would split as he kept shuffling her legs further and further apart. It was amazing. Her pussy was wide open and wetter than it had ever been and she lifted her pelvis, trying to catch the tip of his dick with her desperate lips.


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