Smut by the Sea

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Smut by the Sea Page 13

by Lucy Felthouse

  Some days I really believe that Celia was a Selkie come to share my bed. Those days are the days when my imagination aches with possibilities I can’t quite bring to fruition, either because I don’t yet possess the skill or because I haven’t yet delved deep enough in my own subconscious. On the days that I do believe, I’m more comfortable in my own skin, and I’m less convinced that the world is as mundane as I usually think it is. On those days I’m more convinced that there’s magic, that there’s love that transcends and that there’s a part of ourselves waiting to shed our skin, waiting to explore what’s just beyond that which enfolds us. Those days are frighteningly vibrant and full and leave me breathless with an ache I have no name for. Those days I think of Celia, and each time I see a harbour seal, I wonder if this one will shed its skin for me, and maybe just for a little while take me outside my own skin as well.


  By Lucy Felthouse

  The thrum of anticipation had been rushing through my body ever since we’d set off that morning. By the time we passed the sign welcoming us to Hunstanton and made our way into the long stay car park, I was almost delirious with excitement. The worst part was, I had to hide it from my friends. As far as Sophia and Chloe were concerned, we’d just come for a nice, fun, girly day out at the seaside. They had no idea about my ulterior motive. And I didn’t intend to tell them. Until afterwards, maybe. I didn’t want to risk them ruining my master plan, or trying to talk me out of it.

  So far, it seemed like everything was on our side. The traffic had been light, we’d got a parking space with no trouble, and the sun was shining. It was a perfect day, and I had every intention of putting a cherry on top of all that perfection. A very sexy cherry.

  Sophia parked the car, then hopped out to go and get a parking ticket. Chloe and I got out too, stretching our limbs after being cooped up in the car for a couple of hours.

  “So,” I said, tilting my head back to catch the rays of the sun on my face, “what’s the plan then?”

  “I dunno,” Chloe replied. “I’ve never been here before, you have. What do you suggest?”

  “Well, there’s the beach, obviously. There are amusement arcades, mini-golf, the Sealife Centre, a few shops, the old village…”

  I deliberately didn’t mention the funfair. That was my destination, and I wanted to go alone.

  Sophia rejoined us and put the ticket in the windscreen of the car. “Got everything, girls?”

  Chloe and I nodded, and she checked for valuables before locking the doors. “So, do we know what we’re doing yet? I guess we’ll be led by you, Abigail, since you’ve been here before. Did you say you’d visited with your parents, or something?”

  I moved away from the car and started to walk down towards the seafront, though purposely leading the girls in the opposite direction to the funfair. They followed without question.

  I nodded. “Yeah. We used to come here all the time for family holidays when I was younger, but now we mostly come on day trips. We last came a month or so ago. I was just telling Chloe what there is to do. There’s the beach, amusement arcades, mini-golf, the Sealife Centre, a few shops, the old village…”

  “Ooh,” Sophia said, doing a little jump, “I love mini-golf! Do you fancy a game of that before it gets too hot, then we’ll go from there?”

  Chloe nodded her agreement, and I said, “I’ll take you there, ladies, but I can’t play.”

  “Why the hell not?” Sophia asked. “It doesn’t matter if you’re crap. I’m crap at it too, it’s just a laugh.”

  “No, it’s got nothing to do with being crap, Soph. I have a bad back and swinging a club around and doing all that bending is just going to make it worse.”

  It was a blatant lie of course. There wasn’t a thing wrong with my back, and I was actually a little gutted not to be having a go on the best mini-golf course I’d ever played on, but missing out was a necessary evil if I was to go through with my devious plan. If it came off, then the result would be a great deal more fun than a round of mini-golf, anyway.

  “Oh,” Sophia said, narrowing her eyes at me, “you never mentioned you had a bad back.”

  She was a shrewd one, was Soph. But I’d come too far to fuck up the plan now, so I said, as convincingly as possible, “Of course I didn’t. I didn’t want to put a downer on our trip. I’ve been taking strong painkillers to keep the pain down to a dull ache, but I don’t want to make it flare up again, that’s all.”

  As I’d been speaking, Sophia’s expression changed from suspicious to sympathetic. Thank God, she’d bought it!

  “I thought you were quiet in the car. Must have been those funny pills, eh?”

  She gave me a gentle pat on the arm, and I gave her what I hoped looked like a brave-little-soldier smile. We were almost at the road which would take us down onto the section of sea front closest to the mini-golf course.

  I had been quiet in the car, but the reason for that was nothing to do with pills. It was because I’d been daydreaming about my plan and repeating “are we there yet?” in my head, over and over. Now we were, and I was almost home free.

  The three of us made our way onto the promenade, and I took a left turn towards our destination. A minute or so later we were there. The girls looked suitably impressed as they peered over the high wall. The theme was pirates and Aztecs - not sure how they went together, but who said mini-golf has to make sense? Granted, the course needed a lick of paint and some TLC, but it was still a damn good game and there were loads of people playing. I grinned. Even if the place was deserted - which I’d seen, in the winter months - a round on each of the two sections would probably take about an hour. But with the amount of people playing, slowing things down, I figured I had a couple of hours, at least. I had to resist the temptation to rub my hands together.

  I turned to the girls, beaming. “So,” I said brightly, “are you off, then? The booth where you pay is through that gap in the wall.”

  I pointed to it, and the girls nodded. “What will you do while we’re gone, Abi? Will you be all right on your own?” Chloe looked concerned.

  “I’ll be fine!” I waved a hand dismissively. “I’ll have a mooch up to one of the amusement arcades and play on the 2p machines, or maybe a spot of bingo.”

  Chloe frowned. “Well, if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” I gave them both a little push towards the entrance. “Now go. And have fun. Tell you what, I’ll treat the winner to fish and chips!”

  I waited until they’d paid, got their clubs and golf balls and headed towards the first hole before I made my move. Taking one final check to make sure they were starting to play, I dashed off in the direction of the funfair.

  My game was afoot. I power walked all the way.

  As I passed through the gap in the sea wall, I slowed down. I didn’t want to arouse unwanted attention for my speediness. I just prayed that the person who I did want to notice me was around to give it to me. And the attention. Ha, ha.

  Passing the tattoo parlour, a bunch of fast food stalls and some shoot-’em-ups, I rounded the corner to the dodgems. And there - thank fuck - he was. The Blond God. I’d spotted him for the first time the previous month when I’d been in Hunstanton with my parents and instantly fancied the pants off him. It was unlikely that I was the only one, though. He was gorgeous. Over six feet tall, with cropped blond hair, and a jaw so chiselled I wanted to lick it. He was also seriously well-built. When I’d first seen him he’d been wearing jeans slung low on his hips and a skin-tight t-shirt which had caused me to have utterly inappropriate bodily reactions, considering I was there with my family.

  He’d been working on the dodgems, hopping between the cars, telling people off if they got too rough, and helping others out if they got stuck. I’d been thankful for a bunch of unruly kids crashing into one another on purpose, because it meant we had an excuse to stand and watch the spectacle. When in actual fact, I was just watching him. The way his muscular body flexed beneath his t-shirt,
how his perfect ass filled out his jeans as he bent to help yet another rider who’d managed to wedge themselves into a tight corner. Had I been alone, I could have easily stood there and watched him all day. Sadly, a nudge from my dad and the offer of a bag of candy floss had me reluctantly moving off after my parents. But not before I took one last glance at the Blond God and saw him looking right back at me. He gave me a salacious wink and a broad grin crossed his handsome face. I’d glanced quickly in front to see if my mum and dad were looking - they weren’t. So I’d turned back to him, grinned and blown him a kiss before walking away.

  It was then, as heat and longing pounded through my body, that I made a vow to myself. I would have him. I’d come back, find out his real name, then scream it repeatedly as we fucked. And hopefully he’d return the favour.

  So here I was. Several dozen miles from home with a plan in mind to seduce a guy whose name I didn’t even know. And now, I decided as one lot of customers exited the ride and another group clambered on, was the perfect time to execute it.

  I scooted up to the back of the queue and fished around in my bag for my purse, smiling as my fingers brushed against the brand new box of condoms. I’d gone and bought them the day before, determined that should my hare-brained plan actually work, that it wouldn’t be thwarted at the critical moment by a lack of protection. I may have been practically blinded by lust for the Blond God, but I wasn’t stupid!

  Finally, I got to the front of the queue and handed my money over to the object of my desire, who did a double take - he clearly knew he’d seen me before - then thanked me and dropped my money into the money belt around his waist. I was the last person in the line, so he followed me to the last remaining bumper car and helped me into it, then looped the seatbelt around my upper body.

  “Thanks,” I said, resisting the temptation to flutter my eyelashes at him. Instead, I gave him a huge smile and pulled my arms more tightly into my sides, squeezing my ample tits together and hopefully giving him a spectacular view right down my carefully chosen low cut top. I watched as his gaze momentarily flicked to my cleavage, then back to my face. He gave a wolfish grin.

  “Enjoy the ride, won’t you?”

  With that, he hopped off my car and went to flip the switch to get things started. I watched him walk away. My eyes drank in the sight of his delectable ass - this time clad in combat trousers - and his impressive shoulders and arms, which were shown off to perfection in a black tank top.

  Oh, don’t worry. I will.

  I was quickly snapped from my perving when the rest of the cars began moving, and some of them in my direction. I instinctively pressed the accelerator pedal, steering out of immediate danger. Then I remembered my plan. I’m very adept at driving bumper cars - I’m usually the one being told off for being too rough, in fact - but my ploy for getting Blond God’s attention was to be really crap so he’d have to come and help me out.

  A few minutes later, my ingenious idea was well and truly in action. I was wedged into a corner and some little kid was repeatedly ramming his front bumper into my vehicle’s left hand side. I kept quiet and did my best to look all helpless, when I knew that all I had to do was reverse and I’d be out of trouble, and ready to retaliate.

  My damsel in distress act clearly worked, though, as the object of my affections - or perhaps lustiness would have been a more apt description - jogged over and hopped onto the side of my car.

  “You all right?” he said, looking concerned.

  I gave what I hoped was a wan smile, and said, “I’m okay. I’m just stuck, and this little shit won’t let me out. He should pick on someone his own size.”

  He laughed. “Okay. I’ll get you out of this. Watch.”

  And with that, he twisted the wheel and manoeuvred us so speedily out of the kid’s way that he ended up crashing into the barrier. I laughed - perhaps a little too loudly, then shrugged.

  “Well, it serves him right.” Then, remembering I had to keep him hanging around a little longer, I continued, “Thanks. Can you show me how to do that?”

  “Sure.” There was so little room, but he still squeezed into the car beside me and began to show me the tricks of the trade, while I acted dumb. Soon we were whizzing around the track, crashing into other cars left, right and centre. I giggled until I was breathless - all the while hugely aware of the fact that the right hand side of his body was pressed against my left.

  The game became more frantic, and he was twisting and turning the wheel like crazy. I’d put my left arm behind his back out of the way, so his movements meant his elbow brushed against my breast on more than one occasion. I bit my lip to suppress a moan, and not just because he was touching me. It was just him, in general. The way he looked, the way he moved, the way he smelled… God, he smelled good. I leaned a little closer to him and breathed in deeply, pulling in more of his delicious scent. It seemed like a mixture of shower gel, sweat and oil. And it was making me even more horny.

  Soon, he turned to me with a regretful smile. “This turn is almost over. I’d better go and stop things before the crowd get too irate.”

  He nodded in the direction of the people waiting for the next go round, and I smiled. “Okay, I think I can manage for a few seconds. Thanks…”

  “Finlay,” he filled in, allowing me to take the wheel from him. “And you’re welcome. You should have another go, get some more practice in, now I’ve shown you how it’s done. But you’ll have to get back in the queue. If I let you stay on now, there’ll be hell to pay.”

  I giggled. “Well I don’t want to start a riot. I think I’ll go and grab a drink or something, then maybe come back. Okay?”



  “Abigail.” The way he said my name made all the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, and the throb between my legs became even more insistent. “Well I hope to see you later then.”

  Another gorgeous smile, and he was gone. There was a collective groan from the riders as their cars came to a stop - despite the fact that my presence meant we’d probably gotten longer than we should have, anyway - and everyone began to disembark. I pulled off my seatbelt and got out of the car, giving Finlay a nod as he stood taking the fares of the next load of passengers. He winked, and my stomach flipped. Fuck, he was hot.

  I left the ride and headed to the nearest place selling refreshments. I hadn’t been kidding about the drink, all that laughing had left me seriously thirsty. And Finlay’s close proximity hadn’t helped, either. I ended up buying an ice cream, too, which gave me something to do as I figured out the next part of my plan. I’d only thought about getting him to ‘help’ me at the bumper cars so I could flirt with him, and that part had gone off without a hitch. But what would I do next?

  I glanced at my watch. I was still okay for time, at the moment. I’d left the girls around twenty minutes ago, so I had a while before they’d finish their game and start calling my phone to see where I was. But of course, the sooner I got Finlay alone, the sooner I could sample his delights.

  I put my drink in my bag for the time being and walked back over to the dodgems, munching on my 99 with its delicious chocolate flake. I’d declined strawberry or chocolate sauce on this occasion - if I was going to get a sticky mouth or fingers any time in the near future, I didn’t want it to be because of an ice cream.

  Watching the cars whizz around and crash into one another, I looked for Finlay. In the chaos I didn’t see him immediately. But I soon spotted him hanging on to a car being driven by a sullen-looking teenage boy. Finlay looked rather stern, and I wondered if he’d been telling the kid off for playing rough. It looked likely.

  When Finlay looked up and saw me standing there, his grumpiness was swiftly forgotten. He leaned down and said something to the boy, then hopped off the car and went and stood in front of the little hut which was clearly the centre of operations for the ride. He continued to supervise the goings-on, checking his watch every now and again, ready to call time on the curre
nt session. He kept sneaking glances over at me, looking increasingly uncomfortable as he watched me eating the ice cream. I smirked at his reaction, then decided to tease him by taking more and more exaggerated licks of the sweet confectionary. I had to stifle a giggle as I saw him transfer his weight from foot to foot, then surreptitiously put a hand to his crotch and rearrange himself.

  I wanted to punch the air. There was no question - he definitely liked me. But how was I going to get him alone? He was running the dodgems alone - well I’d seen no evidence of anyone else, anyway - and I didn’t have all day to wait around for him to finish his shift.

  By the time I finished my ice cream, I was actually feeling rather dejected. I’d come all this way with my filthy plot in mind, and yet I’d fallen at a pretty vital hurdle - seducing the guy. I came to the conclusion that this was make or break time. I could either walk away and call it a bad job, or make a move and see how he handled it. I decided that with the latter, even if I still ended up disappointed, at least I’d know I’d tried my best.

  So the next time I caught Finlay’s eye, I jerked my head in the direction of the beach, indicating he should follow me. He gave a barely perceptible nod, then frowned, as if in concentration. He broke eye contact and looked across at the waltzers, which were adjacent, then back at the dodgems. He held up his hand to show five minutes and raised an eyebrow in query. I nodded back, then opened my bag to have a quick drink while I was waiting. I smiled as I saw the condoms again. It looked as though they would be getting an outing, after all.

  I waited as Finlay finished the current session on the dodgems, and started another one. Then, as soon as everyone started zooming around, he dashed over to the waltzers, jogged up the slow-spinning slope to the booth in the middle. Seconds later, he emerged with a smile on his face and another guy in tow. As they dropped to the ground, they shook hands. The other guy walked over to the dodgems to take over, and Finlay came to me. I felt a thrill run through me as I realised my plan was coming together - it really was!


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