Krishnamurti, Jiddu
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
Kuhn, Thomas
Einhorn’s correspondence with
paradigm concept of
Lao Tzu
Lawrence, Ernest O.
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Theory Division of
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Leachman, Cloris
Leary, Timothy
Lee, T. D.
Leonard, George
LeShan, Lawrence
Library of Alexandria
polarization of
speed of
Lilly, John
Lilly, Toni
linear polarization
Lisi, Garrett
Livermore Philosophy Group (Tuesday Night Club)
Lloyd, Seth
Lloyd-Shor-Devetak theorem
entanglement and
Lloyd’s translation of
“Locality and reality” (Stapp)
Lodge, Oliver
Lysenko, Trofim
MacDermid, Charles
Maddux, Holly
Majax, Gérard
Making of a Counter Culture, The (Roszak)
Mandelstam, Stanley
Mandl, Franz
Manhattan Project
Margenau, Henry
Marks, David
Martin Marietta
Maryland, University of
consciousness and
mind and
Mattuck, Richard
“maya,” concept of
May Lectures
McLuhan, Marshall
McNamara, Robert
Mead, Margaret
Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist, The: Toward a General Theory of the Paranormal (LeShan)
Meese, Edwin
Merry Pranksters
metaphase typewriter
military-industrial complex
Military Intelligence Division
matter and
mind control
Mindwalk (film)
Mishlove, Jeffrey
missile gap
Mitchell, Edgar
Mother Jones,
Murphy, Michael
career of
Musès, Charles
Mussolini, Benito
Capra’s interest in
Schrödinger’s interest in
in The Tao of Physics,
My World Line (Gamow)
Nambu, Yoichiro
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Ames Research Center of
National Cancer Institute
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
National Nutritional Foods Association
National Review,
National Science Foundation
National Security Agency (NSA)
Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance (Born)
Naval Ocean Systems Command
Naval Surface Weapons Center
Navy, U.S.
Nevada, University of (Reno)
New Age movement
New Age Right
New Hampshire Sunday News,
New Left
New Scientist,
Newsletter of the Parapsychology Foundation,
Newton, Isaac
New York Academy of Sciences
New York Daily News,
New Yorker,
New York Review of Books,
New York Times,
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Prize
no-cloning theorem
BB84 protocol and
Dieks and
Ghirardi and
quantum encryption and
Wootters and Zurek and
Aspect’s demonstration of
Clauser’s demonstration of
entanglement and
Rauscher’s space-time model and
relativity and
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Beach Magazine,
no-signaling theorem
“Notes from the far-out physics underground,”
Notional Science Foundation
“Novel configurations in quantum field theory,”
nuclear fission
nuclear fusion
Nuovo Cimento,
Oberlin College
occult revival
Office of Economic Opportunity
Ohio State University
Olympia Academy
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey)
“On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox” (Bell)
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
O’Regan, Brendan
Orion, Project
Padma Marketing Corporation
Pagels, Heinz
as term
see also psi phenomena Parapsychology Association
Parapsychology Research Group
Parliament, British
participatory universe
particle cosmology
Pascal, Blaise
Pauli, Wolfgang
Jung’s work with
Peierls, Rudolf
Pennsylvania, University of
Pennsylvania Bell
“perceptual channel for information transfer over kilometer distances, A” (Puthoff and Targ)
Peres, Asher
Perimeter Institute
periodic table of elements
perpetual motion machines
Petit, Charles
Philadelphia Daily News,
Philadelphia Magazine,
in delayed-choice experiment
quantum spin and
Physical Review,
Physical Review Letters,
calculating skill in
Cold War and
education in
Fundamental Fysiks Group’s influence on
new worldview of
philosophy question and
popular book market and
red scare and
role of experiment in
Sputnik and
teaching of
women in
World War II and
“Physics and consciousness” (workshop)
Physics/Consciousness Research Group (PCRG)
funding of
incorporation of
Koopman and
publication distributed by
Sarfatti and
seminars of
Physics Letters,
Physics Physique Fizika,
Physics Survey Committee
Physics Today,
Physics World,
Physikalische Berichte,
Planck’s constant
Plato’s Academy
“Plato’s Anticipation of Quantum Logic” (Sarfatti)
Plutonium, Ludwig
Podolsky, Boris
see also EPR thought experiment
Polyakov, Alexander
Popper, Karl
Portable Jung, The,
Post Conviction Relief Act (Einhorn law)
Presidential Commission on World Hunger
Pribram, Karl
ton University
Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Project Orion
Prometheus Project, The: Mankind’s Search for Long-Range Goals (Feinberg)
protons, quantum spin and
psi phenomena
Bell’s view of research in
CIA and
consciousness and
debunkers of
remote-viewing tests and
see also parapsychology
PSI: Physical Sciences Institute
psychedelic drugs
Psychoenergetic Systems,
Public Health Department, California
public-key encryptions
Puharich, Andrija
Puthoff, Harold
critics of
funding and
remote-viewing phenomenon and
QM (quantum-mechanical) logic
Quantum and Statistical Aspects of Light,
Quantum Club
Quantum Communications Network
quantum computing
quantum cryptography
quantum encryption
algorithms and
BB84 protocol and
Bell’s theorem and
computers and
first proposal of
no-cloning theorem and
private sector and
quantum money and
quantum gravity
quantum information sciences
“quantum mechanical view of reality, The” (workshop)
quantum mechanics
Cold War and
core community of
double-slit experiment and, see double-slit experiment
emergence of
hidden variables and, see hidden variables
linearity of
measurement problem and
popular book market and
Quantum Mechanics (Schiff)
“Quantum Paradigm” (Weissmann)
Quantum Physics and Beyond,
“Quantum physics and the transformation of consciousness,”
quantum potential (force field)
Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics (Herbert)
quantum teleportation
Quantum Theory and Measurement (Wheeler and Zurek)
“Quantum theory and quack theory” (Wheeler)
Quebedeau, Norman
Queen’s College (Belfast)
“QUICK” scheme
radioactive decay
Ram Dass (Richard Alpert)
Ramsay, William
Randi, James “The Amazing,”
Rapisarda, Vittorio
Rauscher, Elizabeth
career of
Consciousness Theory Group and
first scientific article of
at Fundamental Fysiks Group reunion
space-time model of
Rayleigh, Lord
Reagan, Ronald
Reagan administration
Reality Foundation Prize
Rebbi, Claudio
Redstone Arsenal
Reflexive Universe, The: Evolution of Consciousness (Young)
relativity, theory of
remote-viewing phenomenon
CIA and
critics of
Rauscher’s space-time model of
research on
Reno, Janet
Reviews of Modern Physics,
Reykjavík conference of 1977
Rivest, Ronald
Roots of Consciousness, The: Psychic Liberation Through History, Science, and Experience (Mishlove)
Rosen, Nathan
see also EPR thought experiment
Ross, Diana
Roszak, Theodore
Royal Society
RSA algorithm
Rubin, Jerry
Rutherford, Ernest
Sagan, Carl
Salam, Abdus
San Diego Magazine,
San Diego State University
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Chronicle,
San Francisco Examiner,
Sarfatti, Jack
career of
cartoon of
Chickering and
on consciousness and matter
Erhard and
Erhard’s break with
at Esalen
as est training consultant
faster-than-light communications and
at Fundamental Fysiks Group reunion
Geller tests and
i2 Associates created by
PCRG and
political conservatism of
psi debunkers and
psi phenomena interest of
SRI and
superluminal telegraphy and
think tank of
wealthy patrons of
Weisskopf’s correspondence with
Wolf and
Zukav’s Dancing Wu Li Masters and
Scheider, Roy
Schiff, Leonard
Schmidt, Helmut
Schrödinger, Erwin
on consciousness
double-slit experiment and
mysticism interest of
Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment
counterculture and
demarcation problem of
Eastern tradition and
Science and Society,
Science News,
Scientific American,
How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival Page 50