Ghosts of Rosewood Asylum

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Ghosts of Rosewood Asylum Page 18

by Stephen Prosapio

  “You okay, boss? Angel asked.

  Zach hung up with Wendy and needed a moment to collect his thoughts. It felt as if all the blood had drained from his head. He surveyed the Rosewood grounds. There were no shadows, but the gray sky and cool temperature led to a feeling of gloom. It appeared the sun wouldn’t be breaking through the overcast. Dusk would come early. Even in this light, he could hardly see beyond the first row of trees at the far end of the property. Once the sun set and the sky darkened, it would provide the perfect cover for him to induce an episode and call on his visions. It was the least likely spot on Rosewood’s property where he could be interrupted or discovered. As though on cue, the scent of Sailor Black invaded his nostrils.

  Now you’re onto something, godson.

  “Boss?” Angel’s voice contained concern.

  “I’m okay,” Zach said. “Listen. That ‘side project,’ as you call it, with Rebecca…it’s just taken on much more importance. I’m going to need you to be very watchful of her and the entire situation.”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing to worry about. Just be mindful and pull the plug over there if things get out of hand.” The more Zach talked about it, the more he wished he could send more people to Joey and Ginny Foster’s with them, but a request like that might cause her to cancel the investigation entirely. “And Angel, before you leave?”


  “Pull some of the hallway cameras and put them in and around room 317. Also, let’s get a couple more cameras and recording equipment in the basement.”

  “Sure. Hey…” Angel lifted an index finger. “What about if I put some of those ‘Whistling EMF-EVPs around?”

  Angel had developed a revolutionary gadget that was comprised of a combination of ghost-hunting devices typically used independent of each other. They’d tested it with decent results on their season-ending episode. The “Whistling EMF-EVP” operated exactly as named. It entailed using a standard EMF meter which was connected to a device that emitted a variable-pitched siren, or whistle, depending on how quickly and how high the EMF meter spiked. The simple genius of Angel’s idea was to then connect an EVP to the device set to VOX mode. This would start and stop it when there was a noise. Thus, the recording device only turned on at the sound of the siren and when paranormal activity was most likely to be occurring. Additionally, the noise could alert the team of the EMF spike even if they were in another room.

  “Good call!” Zach said. “How many did you make?”

  “I’ve got three standard ones and four that I’ve modified slightly.”

  “Modified how?”

  “Basically, one of the things I’ve played with since we last used them, was to insert a tiny vocal chip to activate in conjunction with the siren mechanism, so that when—”

  “In English, please,” Zach said.

  Angel smirked and wagged his head from side to side. “Okay, okay. The modified ones both whistle and emit random questions. You know how you can squeeze certain dolls or stuffed animals and they ‘say’ something?”


  “These lil babies I made are rigged to ask questions like: ‘Who are you?’ ‘What do you want?’ ‘Who goes there?’ stuff like that.”

  “That’s awesome. So not only will we know where the EMF activity is, and record any EVP activity in the area, but the device will ask questions we’d ask if we were in the area!”

  Angel shrugged, grinned and seemed to be attempting to squelch a blush.

  Zach continued. “Okay, put a couple of them in the basement—one on the staircase going down there. Put one in the hallway outside of room 111 and put one in room 317.”

  “What’s with room 317 all of a sudden?”

  “Don’t worry about it, mi hijo.” Zach slapped him in the arm. “But move quick. Rebecca’s giving an important presentation before you two leave.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Soul Snatchers,” Rebecca began, “are a rare and rather insidious paranormal breed.”

  Unlike Wendy, Rebecca had never mastered the art of public presentation without reading from a script. She continually looked from the camera to the notes she clutched with both hands and back to the camera. XPI and Demon Hunters intermingled on the Rosewood front lawn. As Zach gazed out at their faces, he couldn’t help but equate it to a police lineup. He smiled at Matthew and quickly looked away, fearful that his suspicion might be betrayed in his eyes.

  “A Soul Snatcher is purported to be an entity of power and extreme evil.” Rebecca appeared to have lost her place in her notes and froze.

  “Take your time,” Sara called out.

  In contrast to her demeanor with Wendy, Sara either remained silent or gently encouraged Rebecca during her speeches. Later, all Sara’s skills as an editing genius would be needed to splice Rebecca’s presentation into a TV-ready monologue. Zach wondered if either Sara or Rebecca could be the other person tampering with evidence. Sara had acted strangely on this case, but he rejected any thoughts of her sabotaging their results. As for Rebecca, he couldn’t imagine either a motive or an opportunity for betrayal.

  Rebecca coughed. Standing next to her, Zach sensed her trembling. He put his hand on her back and gave it a quick rub. She flashed him a weak smile.

  “Soul Snatchers often start as misguided people who’ve lived ugly and dysfunctional lives. Individuals whose existence is characterized as egotistical and self-serving. After death, they remain attached to our realm and use their powers to sway the will of living people in order to gain their souls. It seems that a Soul Snatcher’s skill in manipulating others is where his true power lies. They supposedly persuade the innocent and or sick to do their bidding with promised lies.”

  To his left, Bryce and Rico stood side by side. Both appeared to be focused intently on Rebecca’s presentation and were overlooking her herky-jerky style. Had one of them made promises to Matthew to manipulate him to do their bidding? Certainly if Bryce had been in the know about the investigation for a week, he would have had ample opportunity to try and taint the results. And his motive? Who knew what motivated him? He seemed the type that would put on a pay-per-view Ultimate Fighting bout against his mother if it would promise big ratings.

  Rebecca’s speech continued. “Any willing or manipulated victim can offer their souls to a Soul Snatcher and he will collect them. As a Soul Snatcher collects, or snatches souls, he gains in power. As he gains in power, he can use his powers to do many things, such as manifest himself in the world of the living or infiltrate people’s subconscious.”

  Not far from Rico’s hip, as was now usual, Turk appeared more interested in the incoming messages on his cell phone than in Rebecca’s presentation. At least he’d turned it to silent mode. Zach wondered about Turk’s “buddy buddy” relationship with Rico. If Zach wasn’t pretty sure that Matthew was involved, he might suspect Turk and Rico being in cahoots. But would Turk team up with Matthew? Or was Rico’s budding friendship with Turk merely a cover for his established alliance with Matthew?

  Next to them, Pierre puffed on his pipe as though he didn’t have a care in the world. This was a guy who was claiming to have been drugged less than twenty-four hours ago? The words that had played in Zach’s head when he’d run into Pierre at Rosewood came back to him. One may smile and smile and be a villain. But did Pierre have the wherewithal to plan out a distractive argument with Matthew and feign being drugged? And if so, why? What benefit would two tech guys get from creating more dramatic results?

  “A Soul Snatcher’s purpose is to collect the souls of the dead and gain in power and force as he does so.” Rebecca stood awkwardly in front of the camera. “Often that increase of power can be felt in the living world more acutely. Although Soul Snatchers are sometimes confused with biblical demons or the Devil, there appears to be no firm connection. Soul Snatchers, however, model themselves after the Devil and apparently lust after power.”

  Shelly and Patrizia stood next to each othe
r. He knew Shelly, and the odds were long that she’d tamper with evidence. And moreover, why? She’d never shown any discontentment with being exactly what she was—a quality investigator. Patrizia was more of an enigma. Zach didn’t know her well, but she seemed trustworthy. Besides, anyone with a massive tattoo of San Michele Arcangelo on her arm got the benefit of the doubt in Zach’s book—unless evidence pointed toward her.

  “Most Soul Snatchers model themselves after the Devil’s lust power.” Rebecca paraphrased herself looking at her notes. “In death, their dreams of power and glory still unfulfilled, they set themselves on collecting souls.” She shuffled her papers and looked up apparently finished.

  Shelly raised her hand. “How can we tell if we’re dealing with a Soul Snatcher here?” The team knew that Rebecca did better answering questions than making a presentation.

  “One sign is suicide. A Soul Snatcher first drives the victim to despair, then encourages him or her to end his life. After death, the Soul Snatcher will convince the lost soul that he has no choice but to join the Soul Snatcher’s world, and the Soul Snatcher’s power grows. The more souls it collects, the greater its influence in our world—from what my research suggests.”

  “Could the Soul Snatcher be this famous female ghost of Rosewood?” Ray asked.

  And finally there was Ray, Zach thought. Not a chance of him tainting evidence and then calling Zach’s attention to it, right? Not his best friend. Never having been in the position of trying to root out a traitor, from Zach’s vantage point, even the obviously innocent bore the outlines of potential guilt.

  “It could be. You never know.” Her formal presentation over, Rebecca became visibly less nervous.

  “Are there any other telltale signs?” Shelly asked.

  Rebecca took a deep breath. “Typically good spirits remain to oppose Soul Snatchers and protect people from evil. That is kind of why I’m concerned about our releasing the spirit of the doctor last night, he may have been providing balance.”

  “Balance?” Bryce said. “Dude, there have been all kinds of haunts here. What kind of balance is that?”

  “Well, no one has ever been killed or injured on the property,” Rebecca said. “At least since it closed down.”

  “True dat.” He adjusted his belt buckle so that BryceCam panned to Rebecca.

  Really? Zach thought. Could this clown be responsible for a conspiracy to taint evidence? Zach knew that as he continued to be distracted by these ruminations, time was running out on the opportunity to solve Rosewood’s haunting.

  “How many suicides can a Soul Snatcher be responsible for?” Zach asked.

  Rebecca scoured her notes. “Well, I mean, there’s no…set number,” she said. “The highest reported case apparently involved a Soul Snatcher which was exorcised from a castle in Germany in 1987. Throughout the centuries, over thirty suicides were attributed to the entity.”

  “Earlier today, Wendy told me that there were thirty seven suicides here at Rosewood between 1899 and 1903.”

  Rebecca’s eyes widened. “Thirty seven in four years? That’s an unbelievable rate. Soul Snatchers are often discovered after four or five. Ones who have claimed ten lives are extremely powerful.”

  “So, if this thing claimed the majority of those suicides,” Shelly interjected, “it’s pretty safe to say that we’re dealing with the most powerful Soul Snatcher ever.”

  “I could stay,” Ray said. “Really.”

  He was nearly fully dressed for his bouncer job. In the low ceiling of their tent, he sat on his rolled up sleeping bag and put on socks.

  “Nah, we’ll be alright,” Zach said. “Besides, you put in, what? Four, five hours of video review today?”

  “Screw you. I’ve been at it since 5 AM.”

  Zach looked at his watch. It was going on 3 PM. “Okay, so a couple more than five hours.”

  Ray saluted with his middle finger and left it extended. He smiled but only for a second. “You sure you’re going to be okay?”


  “I didn’t mean the plural ‘you,’ or the ‘royal’ you.”

  “I know what you meant and I appreciate it.”

  “You better.” Adorned in a white tuxedo shirt and black dress slacks, Ray looked pretty spiffy. Not that many patrons of Wine, Women & Thong would be noticing him unless they decided to harass one of the dancers. “So why the long face, buddy?”

  Zach grunted. “I’m pretty sure that Matthew’s one of the guys tampering evidence.”

  Ray paused midway through tying his shoe. “Yeah, I could see that.”

  “One of our team?” Zach whispered.

  Ray leaned forward and spoke in hushed tones. “Yes, but show business is cutthroat. You held him back from being an investigator. Maybe he thought this would somehow benefit his career.”

  “I can’t believe you’re being so matter-of-fact about this.”

  “He tried to manufacture drama on a TV show. It’s not like he killed someone.”

  Ray always had the ability to put things in perspective.

  “No, he’s not a murderer, but how much of this other evidence we’re uncovering is planted or tainted?”

  “Don’t get me wrong…” Fully attired, Ray shoved the rest of his stuff in his gym bag. “If I were you, I’d be pissed. You want me to kick his ass?”

  “No,” Zach said and then added, “Not until I find out who he’s working with.”

  “Prolly Rico, or Bryce…or Shelly.”

  “Shelly?” He’d said it way too loudly. If someone were lurking around the tent, they may have heard him. “Let’s talk on your way out.”

  Ray grabbed his gym bag; Zach nabbed his friend’s sleeping bag. They exited the tent and headed down Rosewood’s driveway.

  “So why would you suspect Shelly?”

  “It would seem more logical if both parties were from the same team. Of any XPI, she’d be…I mean, Angel is too loyal, I don’t see the Turk having a motive. Rebecca or Wendy? Nah.”

  “I guess I agree with you on that,” Zach said.

  “I mean, I initially suspected Bryce or Rico and Pierre. I suppose it could be Matthew and one of the Demon Hunters.” He shrugged. “It would just be way harder to coordinate.”

  “They knew about the investigation about a week before us.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I just found out.”

  “Well, that would give them the opportunity to try and set something up. Maybe Bryce wanted to ensure drama for the ratings? Maybe Rico has an axe to grind that we don’t know about? It’s not like those guys are the most ethical anyway. Don’t forget about that frozen-beer-can cold spot.”

  “Trust me, I haven’t.”

  They’d reached the front gate. The security guard, this one an elderly gentleman, pried himself from the car to open the lock for them. A few people stood outside. One of them, a tall middle-aged man, whistled and waved at Zach who sheepishly returned the wave. It appeared Ray would be able to leave without a media swarm descending on him.

  “Hey,” Ray said. “I made copies of those video stoppages. I’m taking one copy with me and I left a DVD in with your clothes…just in case, ya’ know?”

  “Thanks.” Zach handed him his sleeping bag.

  Now that both of Ray’s hands were full and he couldn’t defend himself, Zach whisked his index finger into the oil on his forehead and, before Ray knew what was happening, wiped it on his friend’s brow.

  “What’s this?”

  “Holy anointing oil from Monsignor Macginty. It’ll keep you safe.”

  “You saw him? How’s that old coot doing?”

  “Good. Good. He doesn’t exactly approve of your night job.”

  “That guy,” Ray said, shaking his head. “Once you tell him something, he never lets you live it down.”

  Zach’s own experience with the priest differed, but he said nothing.

  “Anyways,” Ray said. “You know where I’ll be if you need me. The
club is only twenty minutes away. I can be here right quick.”

  “I know. Thanks pal-o-mine. Either way, I’ll call you later and fill you in on the evening’s activities.”

  “Okay. My shift ends at three,” Ray said. “I should be back here before three-thirty.”

  Holy oil or not, Zach couldn’t suppress the inexplicable feeling that Ray wouldn’t be completing his shift.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  As Zach meandered back up the Rosewood driveway, Rebecca and Angel were headed out in her gray Toyota. Angel was behind the wheel and stopped alongside him.

  “You two look low key.”

  “We’ve got the equipment in the trunk and are going to drive around for a while to make sure no one sees us going over to the Foster’s,” Angel said.

  “Good call. Hey, Rebecca, I want to know what’s going on over there. Call me as soon as she tells you what happened last night.”

  “Will do,” she called from the passenger seat.

  Zach turned back to Angel. “You set up those whistling EMF-EVPs where I asked?”

  “Absolutely, boss.” Angel smiled. “Oh, I had one extra and put it on the main staircase in the lobby.”

  “Why there?”

  Angel chuckled. “I want to be sure the guys at the control center are warned if there is a ghost nearby,” he said with mock concern.

  “You hope there’s an EMF spike on those stairs at some point, and it scares the bejesus out of them…”

  Feigning innocence, Angel shrugged.

  “I guess,” Zach said, “rank doth have its privilege.”

  With waves and nervous smiles, they recommenced their journey down the driveway. Zach proceeded in the opposite direction.

  He needed to talk to Sara and didn’t have to search long for her. She was leaning up against the XPI van, apparently waiting for him.

  “I haven’t seen much of you today,” she said. “Everything okay?”

  “Not really. We need to talk.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s no one around?” Zach craned his neck and checked both sides of the van.


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