Scent of a Vampire

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Scent of a Vampire Page 3

by Jude Stephens

  Not quite trusting my voice I just nodded to him because for some strange reason I did trust him. We rode the rest of the way in silence. I tried to make sense of everything that happened and couldn't. Janel and I are just two average women, pushing thirty, living life the best we could. My mind raced with all of the details from tonight and one thought kept coming into my head. And it scared the hell out of me. I wasn't one prone to dramatics but without a doubt, my life had somehow become altered tonight and would never be the same.

  By the time we arrived back at the Platza, Janel had come awake with a groggy, "What happened?"

  "I'm not really sure," I replied. "But we're apparently going to get an explanation soon." I turned my head towards Roberto to give him a look that said we damn well better be getting an explanation. He just stared back at me with those dark disturbing eyes.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked her, concerned because I've never seen Janel rattled like this. 33

  Scent of a Vampire

  by Jude Stephens

  "Sort of like I've been sleeping a long time and can't clear my head of the cobwebs."

  "Well, when we get back to the hotel you can shower first and lie down for a bit." I replied.

  "There is no reason you both can't shower" Roberto said slightly amused. "The penthouse suite has four full bathrooms in it."

  "Penthouse??" Janel started to look like she was feeling better.

  "I think it's for the best that you ladies stay with me for a while, considering what happened tonight."

  "Stay with you? What do you mean stay with you? Are you staying in the penthouse suite too?"

  Roberto fixed me with a look that said this girl is one banana short of the whole bunch.

  "Of course I am in the penthouse suite. I live there." I wasn't sure I was comfortable with that. I mean I know it's a penthouse and has to be big enough not to intrude on each other but it Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens

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  made me uncomfortable to stay with a strange man.

  You can't trust some gorgeous man you met a few hours ago. At least I couldn't, it looked like Janel was all right with everything as she started asking Roberto all kinds of questions about his penthouse and what it's like living in a casino. I tried to hide a smile as I caught Roberto's eye as he answered every question with what appeared to be great patience. But I could see a slight tic start in his jaw.

  Chapter 5

  "Holy Michelangelo," I muttered as we crossed a huge marble foyer walking into the penthouse suite at the Platza del la Viva.

  The foyer alone looked like it belonged in a museum. Large paintings and sculptures dotted the vast area. They looked to be very good replicas of Raphael and Donattello. The rest of the suite was laid out with the central room being a huge living room with a fireplace on either end. A grouping of sofas was placed in the middle area.

  "Please come this way," Roberto said. He led us down an arched hallway that had the most beautiful frescos on either side of the different provinces of Italy. Tuscany, had vineyards and sunflowers. Sardinia showed its towering mountains and the shores of the sunny Mediterranean.

  "These are very beautiful." I said as we moved forward.

  "Thank you, as you can see I love my homeland. I miss the smell of the sea and the soil and the way you can still feel the warmth of the sun on the tiles in the evening." Looking over at him, I began to look at him differently. Listening to him talk about his homeland made me think there might be some softness in there somewhere.

  "Why are you living here then?" I had to ask. The hardness came back into his eyes as he said,

  "We will talk after the two of you refresh yourselves. I had your luggage moved up here so you should be quite comfortable. I will have Antonio here order you some dinner."

  Amazingly, for the first time I noticed the large muscular man standing slightly behind Roberto.

  He would have been quite handsome except for the scar that ran down the left side of his face.

  It started at his left temple and ran down to his jaw. It gave him a sort of thuggish look. But he stepped forward and gave a crooked grin and said, "What will you ladies like this evening? I can have the kitchen whip up anything you like."

  Janel spoke up before I had a chance to say anything. Imagine that, I thought, a bit annoyed.

  "Why don't we leave it in your capable hands Antonio? I'm sure you know what's best on the menu. You look like you work out a lot. Do you?"

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  Oh brother, Janel just couldn't help herself around any man. I don't think she was even aware she was flirting but it was obvious to Antonio as he said, "Mmmm, just leave it to me Miss. My hands are plenty capable." With an arched eyebrow Roberto said, "Well if that is settled, let me show you to your rooms."

  "Janel, your room will be right here," he said opening a beautiful ornate door.

  Wow! The room was a hundred times nicer than the one we were previously in. The room was resplendent in gold and whites. Even the ceiling was in gold with an elaborate chandelier illuminating the room in warm hues. Janel looked at me and giggled, "Oh this will do, I suppose." Then she went over to Roberto and threw her arms around him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  "Thank you Roberto, this is lovely."

  "Your welcome, Bella." he said, not hiding his amusement.

  "Olivia, if you will follow me I will show you to your room." Roberto said while turning to go in the opposite direction.

  "I don't need my own room, Janel and I can share. I don't want to put you out."

  "Nonsense. This suite is large enough to accommodate us all quite comfortably," he said.

  We crossed back through the living area and entered another hallway.

  Robert stopped before another ornate door and opened it. If I thought Janel's room was worthy of a princess then mine was worthy of a Queen.

  It was as if I had stepped into the past and was in the Rome of olden days. The room or should I say rooms were huge. White columns flanked the entranceways. The enormous bed was set up on a dais and draped in blue and gold. There was a pretty sitting room with a white marble fireplace.

  "This is bigger than my whole apartment." I said stunned.

  "I hope this suite will meet your needs while you are my guest," he said quietly.

  When I spun around to answer him, I almost tripped and fell on him. He was right behind me and I was at eye level with his massive chest.

  "Umm, sorry." I murmured.

  He grabbed my arms when I had spun around and he did not release them.

  "You do not understand everything as of yet. But know this Olivia; you will forever be in my protection from this day forth. You are of the earth and thus so, I am charged with your care."

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  "In your care? Under your protection? Are you with the mob? Is that what everything tonight was about? That explosion tonight, was that a rival family hit? I knew you guys were too good to be true. Just when you think you might meet a decent guy...."

  "Enough Olivia! I am not, nor have I ever been in the mob," he said with frustration.

  "All will be explained to you before this night is over. Now go and shower, I will be waiting for you. If you need anything use the intercom by your bed, Antonio will answer."

  "Ummmm I don't mean to be rude. Thank you, this room is lovely."

  "Your friend gave me a kiss, since this room is grander I think..." Before he finished his sentence he pulled me into his arms and began to lower his head.

  I tried to protest. I swear I did, but he was looking at me with an intensity that could have burned up the sun. Unlike Alex, he did not start slow and soft. Roberto went for hot and hard.

  Of their own accord, my lips parted and his tongue swept in. He tasted like chilled wine, so sweet and seductive. His hands roamed down the length of my back to cup my rear. I couldn't help the low
moan that escaped my lips. Roberto swore under his breath and lifted me up. In order to not fall I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  "Ohhhhh God," I moaned when I could feel his erection rubbing my throbbing core through the thin cotton of my panties. I couldn't seem to help myself as I began to wiggle to feel more friction against my core, all the while returning his hot kisses.

  I felt hot and cold at the same time with shivers running from the base of my skull, down my spine, to my legs and all the way to the tips of my toes. Roberto moved to the foot of the bed and suddenly we were falling back onto the bed with me straddling him.

  His normally light blue eyes were dark and smoldering. He pulled me down for another soul searing kiss and something inside me erupted. I grabbed for his belt buckle and opened it. Like a mad woman possessed I undid the snap and zipper of his pants. He wore nothing underneath, though this barely registered in my lust filled mind. I just reached for the hardness and with a triumphant cry freed his engorged cock.

  "Mio Dio!" Roberto shouted as I began to glide back and forth on his cock. The friction against my soaking wet panties was driving me wild.

  "Woman, stop now if you don't want me buried to the hilt inside you in the next five seconds.

  Because in ten seconds I won't give you a choice," he rasped.

  "Can't stop!" I cried. I was on fire. If I didn't get him inside me I felt as if I would die. "Cmon baby light my fire," raged in my mind.

  "Olivia? Can I borrow some shampoo?" I heard through my lust filled mind.

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  Quickly, Roberto was on his feet and with a look of regret, put himself back together and with an apologetic smile was gone through a door I had not seen before.

  I stood there for a minute, my body shaking, racked with embarrassment, guilt, lust and puzzlement when I heard Janel ask again for the shampoo.

  I walked slowly over to the door and opened it.

  "What took you so..." Janel stopped talking when she looked at my face.

  "Oh sweetie, are you okay? You look like your best friend just died and of course that can't be true as I'm standing right here." she quipped.

  "I'm alright. I think all of the excitement from everything tonight just hit me I guess."

  "Awww. I'm sorry sweetie, of course this was supposed to be a relaxing weekend for you and this is not your idea of relaxing is it?" Janel said as she gave me a hug. I knew Janel so well I knew she was having a marvelous time here. All of this excitement was nothing more than a grand adventure for her. She worked hard everyday at the hospital too. I couldn't spoil her fun.

  But it was hard to resist the urge to get the hell out of dodge right now.

  "I'm okay. I just need a shower and something to eat. I'll be fine." I lied to her.

  "You are the best friend ever. All of this is so much fun. Did you get a load of Roberto tonight?

  What a hunk. He looks so yummy. I think if he played his cards right he could get lucky tonight."

  She laughed.

  I felt sick to my stomach.

  After she left I got into the shower and let the warm water run down my traitorous body, I was beside myself with worry. How could I do the things I did to Roberto? I have to admit all he did was kiss me. I was the one who undid his pants and Ohhhh God, touched him. In all my life I had never acted this way. When I was married, I would often initiate such a thing with Brian, but we had known each other a long time. Roberto was a stranger to me. I know I promised Janel everything was okay. But how can I possibly stay here and face Roberto again? And crap, Alex!

  He said he was coming back. I forgot about him. How could I forget about a handsome, sexy man I kissed the daylights out of not even an hour ago?

  I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with me. Janel's great adventure or not, "I gotta get out of this town if it's the last thing I ever do." I sang. I made up my mind, come first thing tomorrow I would rent a car and head back to New York. I don't know what's wrong with me but something surely was. I'm going to ask one of the doctors at the hospital to order me an MRI. Surely I must have a brain tumor or something that would explain my actions.

  And my God, the feelings that overcame me. I had orgasms before and have always felt sex was good, damn good, but when Roberto and I were going at it, I could swear there was something else at work. I felt something moving through my body. Coursing through my veins like a drug, Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens

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  no it was more like an electrical current that made every touch feel hotter and hotter. I dressed in jeans and a long sleeve tshirt and left the bedroom filled with trepidation. I didn't want to face any of them. I was behaving totally out of character. I made a mental note to add a neurological evaluation to those orders at the hospital.

  Chapter 6

  When I entered the living area everyone was already there. I couldn't look at Roberto and Alex as they stood up. I did look at Janel, who was decked out in her clubbing finery of a bright red halter-top and tight leather black pants while I was dressed to go to the mall.

  "Ahhhh there you are babe. I was getting worried about you. I was ready to start storming this museum to find you." Alex said as he bent to kiss my cheek.

  I finally dared to look over at Roberto, but he was ignoring me and lavishing all his attention on Janel. Maybe it was all a hallucination I began to hope. Stranger things have happened to people under duress, yeah, that's it, hallucinations. That fits in well with my brain tumor theory.

  Antonio walked in to announce dinner was being served in the dining area. We followed him into a room I hadn't noticed before. We walked through an arched doorway and were in a lovely dining room with a table that could seat twelve easily. I declined the wine offered because I wanted to keep a clear head for our discussion.

  Dinner was delicious but I had little appetite as Janel, Roberto, and Alex made small talk about the hotels they owned, the hospital where we worked and of all things, the freaking weather. I sat there wanting to scream with frustration. I needed to know what was going on. Not that it was unusually warm for early May.

  "Shall we go into the living area for some cognac? I think Olivia is growing impatient for information." Roberto said.

  "Thank God." I muttered as I pushed back from the table. When everyone was seated with the drink of their choice Roberto jumped right in. "What do you know about evolution?" he asked.

  "Ummm. Charles Darwin. Something about apes. I guess I don't know too much." I admitted.

  "The theory of evolution states that over time, as new species began to evolve, the more dominant species were in greatest control of the Earth's population. The more dominant a species, the more likely it would be able to reproduce and continue its climb up the evolutionary ladder. Characteristics from those dominant species would be the ones to carry on to future generations."

  "I do recall that now, but I don't understand why you are telling me this. What does this have to do with the explosion at Alex's hotel today?" I said.

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  Alex came over to sit by me and took hold of my hand.

  "Just listen to what he has to say babe. It will begin to make sense in a bit."

  I wasn't so sure, but I turned to Roberto and said, "Go on please."

  Roberto continued. "Well, it's a lot more involved than that but I will skip the details and get to the interesting parts. As you can imagine, the evolutionary process has created many diverse species, some of which scientists are still discovering today. Not to mention genetics are still at work and there are several species that are on the brink of becoming something totally new.

  Scientists are right now watching the electric fish for an evolutionary split that will evolve into something brand new. There are species out there none of us know about. We can only imagine the possibilities."

  "Okay." I said frustrated. "I
understand what you're saying but I still don't know what point you're trying to make." With no small amount of annoyance, Roberto said, "Alex and I are of a unique species."

  Janel laughed. "I knew it the moment I saw you. Two handsome, hot guys gotta be some new species of super men or something."

  Roberto gave her a contemptuous stare, which made her snap her mouth shut.

  Getting nervous I stood, "Look you guys, we appreciate your hospitality and all but I think we've had enough of an adventure and it would probably be best if we left now." Alex jumped up and said, "You can't leave." Now I was really getting uneasy. What did we walk into here? I started imagining all kinds of Hannibal Lector things going on and felt a full panic mode coming on.

  "Everyone will sit back down. NOW!" Roberto commanded. Janel looked at me and through an unspoken understanding we both sat back down but I knew she was thinking the same thing that I was. Escape. Roberto continued, "Do you know anything about bats?"

  "Bats? Bloodsucking, rabies carrying rodents?" I asked. Both Alex and Roberto looked at me like I had rabies.

  "I can see you will need a bit of an education then." Roberto said.

  "Bats have been around for fifty million years. There are bats on every continent except Antarctica. Imagine if you will, the path bats may have taken. There are many different species of bats. There are well over a thousand different bat species in the world today. We know for certain with modern technology bats have indeed evolved over time. At one point in history, a bat shared a lot of the same traits as primates. It is not out of this world to realize at one point in time the genetics of bat and man could have intermingled. Perhaps with a scratch or bite from a bat." I got a really bad feeling. "What are you trying to saying Roberto? That you and Alex are some sort of genetic mutation of man and bat?"

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  I glanced anxiously at Janel to see what she was thinking and saw her face had become a blank mask. Uh oh. I know that look. It was the look she got when she couldn't deal with something.


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