The Horror Squad 2

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The Horror Squad 2 Page 5

by TJ Weeks

  “Sounds good, brother. Hey maybe later we can sit down and share some lyrics together.” He suggested.

  I turned back to him. “Oh bro, I haven’t done any lyrics in years. I’ll read some of yours though.”

  I walked out and made my way back to the tower. Gizmo was standing next to the tower with a level held up on one of the side beams that we had cemented in the night before.

  “Something wrong?” I asked as I walked up. He pulled the level away. “No, just checking it. I know my ass ain’t climbing forty feet in the air on something that ain’t perfectly straight and solid.”

  I started laughing. “Well, you want to go up and see how sturdy it is?”

  “Fuck no, you have at it.” He stated. I laughed more and started climbing up the tower’s ladder that was braced against 2X6’s that were in a “X” pattern all the way up to help secure its stability. Almost short of breath, I reached the top, where I found Howard and Donald.

  “How’s it going guys?” I asked.

  Howard was hammering over his head and then turned to me. “It’s going.” I shifted my legs side to side to check its stability and never felt it budge. “Well, it’s looking good. Maybe we can put up a pulley system so we can send up food and water to whoever is on guard instead of risking people falling from climbing up and down. Maybe even hoist up the most comfortable chair we can find and do twelve hour shifts.”

  I looked out at the trench that was about three quarters of the way complete and could see Steven walking towards the tower holding the last gas can. “Donald, you still good to go?”

  “I’m always ready to go.” He responded. “Good, help Howard out for about another thirty minutes and then meet me at the base of the tower.” I told him.

  “What about me?” Howard asked. “Stay here and finish up what you can of the tower and then come as well.” I stated before finding my way down the ladder.

  I barely stepped off the ladder before Steven approached me. “I know, we’re out of gas. I’m putting together a team as we speak to make a run.”

  “Great, so where are we going?” Steven asked. “You’re going back to your bed because your hand looks even worse, but we’re going out.” I ordered.

  “But I always go out with you.” He tried to clarify.

  “You’re correct, but not this time.” I told him before turning to Gizmo.

  “I’ll grab a bag.” Gizmo stated before I could say anything and started to walk off. “Good and while you’re at it, tell everyone you come across to meet in the cafeteria.” I informed him.

  “10-4 little buddy.” He called back without even turning around.

  Steven stormed off, not being happy with my decision. “Hey Donald! Go to the cafeteria when you’re done.” I called up to him before walking off.


  NIGHT WASstarting to blanket us as

  everyone finally made it into cafeteria. I stood on top of one of the tables to help my voice reach everyone.

  “I need to put together a team. We nee d fuel, more backup generators and food. I know I normally just pick my team and go, but some of my typical team is injured, tired or even worse…dead. So I need to build a new one for now.” I announced.

  Bo stood up. “I’ll volunteer.”

  Lisa and Karen stood up. “We volunteer too.” “Okay, you all meet me out front and Jason Neilson meet me out front as well.” I

  announced further before climbing off the table.

  I started finding my way through the crowd to get back out of the door when Jason bumped into me.

  “Hey man, I’m not sure I’m the right guy to go out on missions.” He stated.

  “Relax, I just want you in the tower while we’re away.” I tried to ease his mind. “I can do that, but I’d be better if you’d just let me work in the plant. That was my old job before all of this.” He responded.

  I stopped dead in my tracks. “Wait, you operated a nuclear power plant and you’re just now telling me this?”

  “I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.” He responded.

  “Okay, well follow me outside and let’s solve this.” I demanded. I shoved the doors open and walked outside to join the rest of the crew. “Lisa, I want you to take boy wonder here and show him everything that you found in the plant. That’s what he did at his old job.”

  “What…and you didn’t say anything?” She replied. “He didn’t want to step on any toes. Either way, just take him there and show him

  whatever you can.” I intervened.

  “Come on!” She demanded of him.

  I turned to my family. “Shianne, I want you up in the tower to keep watch.”

  “I don’t think she’s ready for this.” Kris stated. “She made it from Colorado to us and she thinks she’s ready to go out on missions, so she’s big enough to take watch.” I answered.

  “But what if something happens while you’re away like it did with Tina?” She questioned. “ Easily solved. No one is to come up in the tower with you. If someone starts climbing, you can holler down at them for a warning and your next action is to shoot them. Also, it’s not going to be while I’m away, it’ll be while we’re away.” I replied.

  “Okay, so who all is going?” Karen asked. “It’ll be me, Bo, Donald, Howard, Gizmo, you, Kris, Tina and Lisa. Now many of you are new to missions and more importantly you’re new to missions with me. So I need everyone to stay on their toes and watch each other’s back.” I responded.

  “Why so many?” Tina chimed in. “Because we’re going to have to do some wide spreads to find the gas and the bigger the group the bigger the spread, but if you don’t want to go I can snatch someone else up.” I answered.

  “No, I want to go, I was just asking.” She responded.

  “So are we leaving out at first light?” Howard questioned. “No, we’re going to leave just as fast as you can pack a bag. We’re going to have to travel for gas, so we need to put as much road behind us as possible, so we can be on the search for gas by first light.” I answered.

  Everyone split off and collected bags without argument, except me and Bo since he had just got there and didn’t have a bag, I let my wife collect me a bag while Bo and I walked around and checked the vehicles fuel situation out to see what we could manage. I found Gizmo’s old hunter green Tahoe that still had a full tank and Steven’s white F-150 that had close to a full tank as well.

  “We going to take two vehicles bro?” Bo questioned. I squatted down to get a good look at the tires. “Yeah, that way we can haul more back with us and can split up if we have to.”

  I reached in and turned the key over to the truck. “Follow me to the storage shed.” I walked over to the Tahoe and fired it up as well and drove down to the storage and waited on the tailgate of the truck for Karen to arrive so we didn’t mess up her inventory sheets.

  “Hey bro, do you care to read something while we wait?” Bo asked.

  I looked over to him pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. “Sure man.”

  I unfolded the paper and read. “I destroy homes, tear families apart, take your children, and that's just the start. I'm more costly than diamonds, more costly than gold, the sorrow I bring is a sight to behold, and if you need me, remember I'm easily found. I live all around you, in schools and in town. I live with the rich, I live with the poor, I live down the street, and maybe next door. My power is awesome; try me you'll see, but if you do, you may never break free. Just try me once and I might let you go, but try me twice, and I'll own your soul. When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie. You do what you have to just to get high. The crimes you'll commit, for my narcotic charms will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms. You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad When you see their tears, you should feel sad. But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised, I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways. I take kids from parents, and parents from kids, I turn people from God, and separate from friends. I'll take everything
from you, your looks and your pride, I'll be with you always, right by your side. You'll give up everything your family, your home, your friends, your money, then you'll be alone. I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give. When I'm finished with you you'll be lucky to live. If you try me be warned this is no game. If given the chance, I'll drive you insane. I'll ravish your body; I'll control your mind. I'll own you completely; your soul will be mine. The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed, the voices you'll hear from inside your head, the sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see; I want you to know, these are all gifts from me, But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart, that you are mine, and we shall not part. You'll regret that you tried me, they always do, but you came to me, not I to you. You knew this would happen. Many times you were told, but you challenged my power, and chose to be bold. You could have said no, and just walked away, If you could live that day over, now what would you say? I'll be your master; you will be my slave, I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave. Now that you have met me, what will you do? Will you try me or not? It’s all up to you. I can bring you more misery than words can tell. Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell. ~by Bo Dinkins.”

  “Damn brother, that’s some deep shit.” I stated after taking my mind back to my stupid years.

  I folded the poem back up and handed it to him. “I know you have some up your s leeve, let me hear it.” Bo stated while tucking his poem back into his pocket.

  “I scream as I feel the chains bite on my life, Another victim fallen under the knife, Picking at everything I ever try, Nothing I could say as you threw it all away, Short leash I’ve been left with, A bleeding heart, Nothing I could describe, It never feels like it’s going to be over, As you take me layer by layer, Steady drips as these chains tear away.

  If I gave the chance would you have anything to say, Or just tear me apart just for knowing, Always looking over my shoulder, Cause it’s never enough, It’s never enough.

  You can sign off on this sleepless night, Tossing and turning a constant rattle of the chain, As you never looked back, Speechless, Nothing to say, Does it ever seem like I’ve taken enough beatings, The doormat under your feet, As you threw it all away, It’s never enough, So come one and let’s throw it all away.

  Now I can live my life sober, No more looking over my shoulder, Released of the chains, As we threw it all away.” I spoke as I noticed I had gained an audience.

  “Where did you hear that?” Lisa asked. “From my heart and soul, my past and my present.” I answered.

  “A side of our leader we never knew about.” She went on to say.

  “I did. I’ve known he was deep from the first time we met.” Kris stated. “Okay guys, you all can get all gushy later. I want the guys in the Tahoe and you ladies in the truck. Pack a box of MRE’s in each vehicle and y’all take whatever weapons and ammo you need. We need to load all of the gas cans we can. They have to all be refilled.” I announced.

  “What about you?” Karen questioned.

  “I have my knife and my machete and that’s all I need.” I replied before climbing back into the driver’s seat of the Tahoe.

  Tina ran up to the Tahoe and knocked on the window while everyone else was getting in. “What direction are we headed?”

  I rolled the window down. “We’re going south this time.”

  “Why south?” She questioned. “Because we usually go west, so we already know what’s not there.” I answered before rolling my window back up and pulling off to drive back to the gate.

  Gizmo got out and opened the gate and I pulled far enough forward to allow both vehicles to clear. Gizmo closed the gate and caught a slight jog back to the Tahoe and then we pulled off and started heading south.


  STEVEN LAID down in his bed and

  started thinking about being left behind. It royally pissed him off just at the mere thought of not being there in case something happened.

  “This is bullshit!” He stated out loud. His anger made him groggy and he fell asleep.

  *** Steven opened his eyes and started looking around while feeling the pressure under his feet from standing and then looked down to see he was wearing a black tux with a black bowtie, black slacks, dress shoes and a white button up under shirt. He had a red rose pinned to the left of his chest that was popping in and out from his heart racing from a bit of anxiety. His mother approached him from the right side.

  “Hey honey, you ready for your big day?” She questioned as she straightened his bowtie. “I-II guess.” He muttered while still looking around. “Oh honey, don’t be nervous. I am so proud of you and this is your day. I only wish your father was alive to be here.” She followed up with.

  Music started coming from behind two closed doors that stood directly in front of him. “It’s time.” His mother proclaimed in excitement. She took his arm and started walking him forward. The two doors opened from the other side as they approached them closer and they walked through and onto the aisle. Both sides of the aisle were covered in benches that were filled with his and his wife’s families. There was a preacher standing directly in front of him in the direction they were walking.

  “I’m getting married?” He questioned. “Of course you are, baby.” His mom stated while never missing a step. His mom released him once they reached the front and took a seat in the front row on the inside aisle.

  The music paused for a moment and then started back up and the two doors opened once again. He could see his wife in a beautiful white wedding dress walking into the room with a white wedding veil drooped over her face and holding a bouquet of flowers. It was almost like watching a beautiful dance the way she walked toward him with the flow of the music.

  The preacher started in on the wedding service, but Steven had gone deaf and lost to everything in the room as he starred into the sparkling eyes of his wife through her veil.

  Laughter broke the silence he had fell into and he started looking around.

  “Do you take Mandy to be your wife?” The preacher repeated.

  “I definitely do.” He answered.

  “Do you take Steven to be your husband?” The preacher asked Mandy.

  “I do.” She answered.

  “You may now kiss the bride.” The preacher ended the service. Steven stepped forward and Mandy lowered her head as he grabbed the veil to lift it over her head to kiss her. He pulled it back and jumped back once the veil was lifted, she was a rotter; her lower jaw was dangling. He looked around the room to see both families were rotters too and had become a hoard walking his way.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you want to kiss me?” Mandy gargled from her hanging jaw. The rotters crowded Steven until he fell to the ground and started devouring his flesh. His wife started scrapping her top jaw across his neck.

  “Forever and ever, babe.” She gargled some more.

  Steven started screaming while choking on his own blood.


  Steven jumped up drenched in sweat once again. I headed south and was able to see the eyes of some of the rotters lingering on the side of the road as my headlights scanned across them. I was thankful that they were not in the road so I didn’t have to chance screwing up any of the vehicles by running them over. Kris kept a safe distance off of my ass, since she knew my joking attitude well and knew that I would slam on brakes just to keep her on her toes.

  The nearest place that might have anything left that we would need when it came to generators and such, was going to be the Lowe’s store that was about a hundred and thirty five miles down the road, however, on the way we would pass numerous places that may be helpful on our mission.

  “I think we will hit up all of these abandoned cars on the way back and get the gas from them, I want to get this other shit done first. I am going to send the girls to Lowe’s once we find a gas station down here.” I told the guys.

  “You are sending the women to Lowe’s, are you kidding.” Donald belted out. “Bitch
our wives are tougher than you are and probably know more. Shut the fuck up stupid!” Gizmo turned around raising a backhand at him.

  “Whoa, I was just saying, shouldn’t they be on a mission for women shit or something?” He asked.

  Gizmo just shot him a look that warned him that it was time to really shut up. Donal d sat back and didn’t say another word. I came upon a small convenient store that looked to be a little ‘mom and pop’ hole in the wall. There were two gas pumps and a small porch, you had to climb three old wooden steps to go through the screen door to get inside. I pulled next to the large tank that sat off to the side of the building that the gas was kept in; which was quite a bit more convenient than the underground wells that the bigger stores had.

  “Too bad we can’t just take that with us.” Howard stated. “I agree, but there isn’t even a way to move that thing, even with all of us together. So get to filling.” I told the guys chunking empty gas cans to them.

  The girls made their way onto the porch. I laughed as I listened as the four had a whole conversation on who was going to be where and how they would enter the store in case rotters lurked around. The small flashlight sprang back and forth between them and finally landed on the door handle of the screen door and I hear, “Ready, set, go!” and the door slowly squeaked open.

  “Like they are running a fucking race or some shit. Those bitches are great!” I laughed to the guys.

  “Hey at least they got plans.” Gizmo joked. “At least they got their shit together.” Bo stated. Cans were filled with the last bit of gas that was in the container and loaded up. We decided that since we had not heard from the girls, that we would join them inside and see if anything good was to be had.

  I lit our way with the small mag lite I had taken from my stash of flash lights back home and opened the squeaky door.

  “What y’all got ladies?” I asked.

  “A dead guy, some food and batteries.” Kris rang out.

  “I found some hygiene stuff and a few meds.” Karen said.


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