Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance

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Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance Page 13

by Wilder, L

  I grinned at the thought. “Okay, I’ll take the time to think it over,” I said. I wasn’t happy about the time apart, but I saw his point. There was a lot to figure out.

  “If you decide you want this to work, I’ll do everything I can to make a good life for you, Taylor. I want this more than you know. No regrets… either way,” he said with worry in his eyes.

  “Okay, Noah,” I said. I kissed his chest and neck as I pulled myself up and straddled his hips. My hands wandered across his body, letting him know that I wanted him again. If he was leaving me today, I wanted to give him something to remember on his way back home.

  Chapter 27


  Leaving Taylor behind was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it didn’t make it suck any less. I wanted her to be sure that she was ready to start a new life with me. I knew she liked her job, and I hoped that she could keep it. She worked from home a lot, so I planned to make her an office if she came back to me. I’d fix that house any way she wanted it. She could even bring all those damn throw pillows from her place. I’d do anything I could to make her happy here.

  I decided to take a ride out to my place by the lake. I wanted to find out who owned that property. I’d always wanted to build a house out there for as long as I could remember, and this may be the right time to do it.

  I spent the day looking into the property before I headed back to the house. I wanted to straighten up in case Taylor showed up. I wasn’t exactly sure how long she planned to think about things, but I was hoping she would come back soon.

  After three days of waiting for Taylor to show up, I began to have my doubts that she was going to. Maybe she’d decided that it just wasn’t worth it. I wasn’t surprised. I’d known it all along. It’d just taken her longer to figure it out.

  I spent most of the day in the garage working on one of the classic cars that needed to be sanded down before it was painted the next day. It was in pretty bad shape, so it took the entire day to get it ready. I taped everything off, so I would be ready to paint it first thing in the morning. Bishop wanted it done by Friday, which didn’t give me long to wrap things up.

  When I made it back to the house, there was a strange truck in the driveway, and the front door of my house was wide open. I jumped off my bike and rushed inside to see what the hell was going on. When I walked through the front door, I saw Taylor’s dad standing in my living room carrying a large box.

  He sat the box down on the table and said, “Glad you’re finally here. I could use some help moving the rest of these boxes.” He walked past me and headed back outside to his truck.

  “Taylor?” I called out.

  “I’m back here!” she shouted from the bedroom.

  I walked down the hallway and found her removing the sheets from my bed. She gave me a bright smile and said, “I’m done thinking.” She dropped the sheets and ran over to me. She jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She smashed her lips against mine, and I felt her lips curl into a smile.

  “You’re sure about this?” I asked.

  “I’m positive! You’re stuck with me, Noah Hudson. I would’ve been here sooner, but I had to get some things worked out with my job and the apartment before I could leave.”

  “So, we’re really doing this?”

  “Just try and get out of it now and see what happens to you!” she said, giving me a mean look but ruining it by laughing. I couldn’t believe she was finally there. I kissed her again before I threw her on the bed. I landed between her legs and continued kissing her.

  She pulled away and said, “Hold up! My dad’s out there!”

  “Shit! I forgot. I’ll go help him finish getting your stuff, but you wait here. I want you just like this when I get back.” I kissed her one last time before I headed out to help her dad. There weren’t many boxes left, so it didn’t take us long.

  “You take good care of my girl,” he told me. “I know she loves you. Poor kid has been in love with you for years. I’m trusting you not to break her heart.”

  “I’m going to do my best to make her happy, sir. I love her more than you know.”

  “That’s what I want to hear. You call me if you need anything. You’re gonna have your hands full with her. Good luck!” he said laughing.

  Taylor raised her eyebrow and huffed, “Dad… quit trying to scare off my man!” Then she stepped up to him, gave him a sweet smile, and hugged him tight. “Love you, Daddy.”

  He pulled out of the driveway with a big smile on his face.

  I sighed, looking over at Taylor, “I told you to stay in the bedroom.”

  “Noah, I had to come say goodbye to my dad!” she said, placing her hand on her hip.

  “I gave you an order, babe, and now… I’m going to have to punish you for not doing what I said.”

  “Punish me? Noah Hudson, you…!” She broke off as I bent down and lifted her up over my shoulder. She screamed and laughed at the same time, and it made me feel lighter than I’d felt in years.

  I carted her back to the… no, our bedroom, feeling like everything was finally perfect in my life. I should have known better.

  Chapter 28


  You know all those romance novels and movies where the couple falls in love, and their happily ever after begins immediately? Well, that’s a load of crap! Starting a new life with someone is harder than you think. Especially when you’re living with a total alpha male who has lived on his own for the past 10 years. I think I may kill him in his sleep!

  Things were great for about a day. He seemed thrilled that I was there, and the sex was amazing! If we could just have sex 24 hours a day, we wouldn’t have a problem. We’re awesome in that department, and I have absolutely no complaints there.

  Our problems started when I unpacked my stuff. To be honest, I had A LOT of stuff. I know I should’ve put some of it in storage, but I didn’t have time. I was just ready to get moved and back to Renegade. I guess I should’ve taken the time. Apparently, he isn’t used to having so much stuff around. He never really says anything about it, though. He just huffs and grunts whenever he walks by one of my boxes, or if he happens to notice something new of mine I’ve put out. I can’t tell if he hates my stuff or just doesn’t like having someone else moving his things around.

  I’ve also figured out that he’s not exactly a fan of takeout. The first night I was there, he went out and bought all these groceries so he could fix dinner. It was sweet at first, but he’s done it every night since. He didn’t even ask me if I wanted him to cook. It’s like he’s Mr. Susie Homemaker. I know I should appreciate it, but it’s driving me nuts. He’s actually a wonderful cook, and that somehow seems to make me feel even worse! I know I sound mental, but I should be the one cooking for him.

  I’m also having a major issue with the freaking toilet seat. Why in the hell can’t he put the stupid thing down? I’ve fallen in that damn bowl of ice cold water at least 10 times already, and I’m about to lose my mind.

  The toothbrushing thing is even worse. He brushes his teeth for like 20 minutes every morning and night. I mean I know it’s important to have good dental hygiene and all, but this is ridiculous! It doesn’t take 20 minutes to brush your freaking teeth. He takes longer in the bathroom than I do! And he makes all these funky noises while he’s in there. At first I was curious about what was going on behind the door, but after a few days it started really freaking me out. I decided I just didn’t want to know what was going on in there.

  And don’t get me started on the sock thing. It has taken me over the edge. If I find one more pair of socks lying on the floor, I’m going to shove them down his throat. I’ve been trying to straighten up this house and make things nice when he comes home, but he doesn’t even seem to notice. When he gets home, he just pulls those damn socks off wherever he’s sitting and tosses them in the floor. I never imagined that I could actually hate a pair of soc

  Even though I spend a lot of time plotting his demise, I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He completes me in more ways that I ever realized. With one kiss, he can wipe all of my frustrations away. His touch makes me weak in the knees. I love him more than I ever thought possible. He means everything to me, crazy quirks and all.



  I’m trying. I really am, but there’s only so much a man can take. Every time I walk into that house I feel like I’m walking around on eggshells. I’m not sure what I’ve done to get her panties in a twist, but I’ve had all of this shit I can stand. I know I’m not the easiest person to live with. Hell, I even warned her about it, but she’s no saint either.

  Why does a woman need all that shit to fix her hair? She has at least 6 bottles of crap crammed into the corner of the shower just for her damn hair. Every stinking time I take a shower, one of those damn bottles falls and lands on my foot. I don’t care how tough you are, that shit hurts!

  And she’s always giving me these weird looks every time I come out of the bathroom. It’s like I’ve committed some cardinal sin while I’m in there brushing my teeth. And she’s got some kind of obsession with the toilet seat. Up, down, up, down. I’ve about decided to just leave the damn thing down. If I get the seat wet, she’ll just have to deal with it. She’ll figure out soon enough why guys like to lift the seat. If that doesn’t work, I’m just gonna take the damn thing off.

  I’ve really been trying to make her feel at home and make things easy for her. I even went out and bought a shitload of groceries, so I could fix her dinner a couple of nights last week. She didn’t even seem to like it. She just ate with her eyebrow all perched up looking pissed at me. How the hell do you get pissed when someone fixes you dinner? I just don’t get it.

  Not to mention, the woman has more crap than should be humanly possible. Don’t get me wrong, I really do like most of the stuff she’s put around the house, but there’s just SO much of it. Every corner in that house has been filled with boxes of her stuff. I turn around, and she’s rearranged the furniture or put more crap out to decorate. After seeing how much stuff she has, I realized that I needed to add at least a few rooms to the new house I’m planning.

  We have one thing going for us, though. We have incredible, mind-blowing sex. If I could just keep her tied to the bed, it’d be a dream come true. Not to mention the fact that I’m totally crazy over her. Faults and all. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I think it’s time she knew just how crazy about her I really am.

  Chapter 29


  It’s freezing outside, but Renegade was adamant that he had to take me for a ride today. He has something special planned, and he said it just couldn’t wait. I asked if we could take my car, but he refused. So, here we are. All bundled up and headed off to the wild blue yonder. I have no idea where he’s taking me. I’ve tried to be patient and not ask him where we’re going, but it’s killing me. I hate waiting.

  It doesn’t take long for things to start looking familiar to me, though. I stay quiet because I’m fairly certain that he’s taking me to his favorite place out by the lake. Why did he have to show me this today? My nose is ice cold, and I’m sure I look like Rudolf. He seems so excited, I just settle in and wait for him to reveal his big surprise.

  When we make the last turn, I notice several large piles of two-by-fours and a cement truck close to his favorite spot. My heart drops. I know he’s going to be devastated that someone is building something here. He pulls up to the large cement foundation and kills the engine on the bike. He gets off and reaches for my hand.

  “What do you think?” he asks with a childlike grin.

  “I think it’s awful. I’m so sorry that someone has done this. I know you wanted to build your house out here one day. I hate they beat you to it.”

  He continues to smile at me and says, “No one beat me to it, Taylor. This is ours. I wanted this to be your Christmas present, but I decided it couldn’t wait.”

  “Ours? Are you serious? This is amazing, Noah! I can’t believe you did all this without telling me. I love it!” I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed. The man never ceased to amaze me. He was truly making our dreams come true one step at a time.

  He leaned into me and said, “I’ll do whatever you need to make you happy. You just have to let me know what it is.”

  I looked up at him and smiled. “Can you please stop throwing your socks on the floor?” I asked.

  “What? I don’t do that,” he said sounding offended.

  “Uhhh, yeah, you do. It kinda drives me batty, and in case you didn’t know, I can cook. I’m not very good at it, but I can. You just have to let me try.”

  “I can do that. Anything else on your mind?” he asked without hesitation.

  “You’re amazing in bed,” I said, still smiling.

  “You’re not so bad yourself. Why don’t we go home, and I’ll show you just how amazing I can be.”

  “Before we go, I want you to show me around our new amazing home. I’d love to see what you have planned. Then, you can show me just how amazing you can be in bed.”

  “Alright, but we’ll have to be careful. They weren’t really expecting us to be here today, and the cement is still wet.”

  He took me by the hand and showed me all his plans for the house. He was so excited, and I knew he was looking forward to moving out there. He even showed me the blueprints, and they were building me a giant bathroom. He said he wanted me to have plenty of room for all of my shampoo. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but I loved the plans for the bathroom and the large walk-in closet. It was going to be amazing! The kitchen was also huge. There was no way around it; I had to learn to cook.

  He beamed as he walked me around the site. I loved how close we were to the water. He had plans to put in a small dock and ramp for a boat. I couldn’t wait. It was going to be hard to wait until spring to move in, but I knew it’d be worth it. He made everything worth it.

  Chapter 30


  Now that things with Taylor have finally settled down, we’ve decided to spend a night at the clubhouse. Thanksgiving is next week, and the guys are having a party before some of the brothers have to head out of town to see their families. Taylor and I plan to go back to spend the day with her parents, so this would be a time for us all to hang out with everyone before we left.

  Taylor was wearing her blue jeans with the new biker boots she bought last week. She was putting on the final touches of her makeup when I walked up behind her.

  “I have something that I thought you might like to wear to the party tonight,” I told her.

  “What? You don’t like what I’m wearing?” she asked with a frown.

  “I always like what you wear, babe. I just thought you might want to wear this with your new boots,” I said as I handed her the leather jacket.

  She gave me a questioning look before she took the jacket from my hands. She rubbed her fingers across the new black leather before she opened it up to see the back. A wide smile spread across her face when she saw the embroidery.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I think it’s time for everyone to know that you’re officially mine. I love you, Taylor, and I want everyone to know it.”

  She reached out and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I could feel the moisture of her tears on my cheek, so I held her closer and whispered, “You’re mine.”

  “Always,” she rasped.

  She pulled away from our embrace and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She slowly pulled the leather jacket on and turned her back towards me, so I could see it. She looked over her shoulder at me as I read “Property of Renegade” spread across her back. I couldn’t believe I finally had the girl I’d always wanted, and she was now officially my old lady.

  “Fuck. Baby, seeing you with that on…. Damn, I want to pu
sh you up against this wall and take you, so that when I’m showing you around tonight, you’ll smell like me, too.”

  Taylor turned to face me, and her gorgeous face flushed with color. I could see the need in her eyes. When she’s excited, they darken. I loved that fucking look on her. She reached down and unbuttoned her pants while she kicked off her boots. She stood before me in nothing but her shirt and jacket and smiled. “What’s keeping you from it, Noah?”

  That was the only encouragement I needed. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to me. Her legs locked around me and her hands dove into my hair, as I slammed my lips against hers. I pushed her against the wall to brace her and quickly undid my pants. “We’re going to be late,” I moaned as I quickly slid into her, thanking God that my girl was always wet and ready for me.

  Taylor whimpered as I plunged into her body and bit my neck. My girl was a wildcat in bed. “Fuck me, Noah,” she whispered in my ear. Yeah, we were going to be really late.

  By the time we got there, we were over an hour late, and I didn’t give a damn. I had Taylor’s mark on my neck, and my woman looked well satisfied. I couldn’t help but feel pride every time she gave me that shy grin on the way over here.

  The music was loud, and we could hear their laughter before we even walked through the door. Bobby and Courtney were at the bar having a drink. Taylor went straight to Courtney to show off her new jacket. Courtney gave her a hug and acted excited for her, but I could tell she was a little jealous about it. I wasn’t sure why Bobby hadn’t claimed her yet. I knew he was crazy about her. He needed to make his move before he lost her altogether.

  We settled in for the night and had a few beers with the brothers. It was nice to have some time with them before the holidays… especially now that I had Taylor there with me. They were my family, and it meant a lot to me to be able to share that time with them. They all congratulated me about Taylor. They all knew that I’d loved her for longer than even I admitted. It was clear that I was finally happy, and they joined in that with me. Even Goliath came over to say a few words.


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