Lovers in the Woods

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Lovers in the Woods Page 20

by Ann Raina

  Sajitar turned his head to look into the small, restless eyes of the hair dresser.

  “That implies that I go along with that, doesn’t it?”

  “I hope so.” The smile was forced.

  “I hope for you that she pays you grand.” He turned back. “As long as you don’t cut it too short or shave me bald, I’ll go along.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sajitar sighed and looked to the guards, who patiently waited with folded hands in front of the bars.

  “You can leave. I won’t kill him just for cutting my hair.”

  “And the beard,” Terendolo added.

  “And the beard. I will sit here and let the man do his work.” When the guards glanced at each other, he went on, “Look, I’m bound to the chair and I won’t run away with it. I’m fine, really. He’ll take his time. Go out for a drink of Beldrog or whatever Sananda offers.”

  Upon another exchange without words, the guards left through the corridor, heading for the main wing. Sajitar could not believe his luck. For the first time since he had been imprisoned, he felt a surge of hope. He turned to look into Terendolo’s eyes. The hair dresser smiled a restless smile, comb and scissors in his hands.

  “Listen, Terendolo, you must tell the judge that I wanted to come, but could not. Tell him about Sananda Wang. He put up the trial against her.” And when the hair dresser stared at the floor, he added, “Hey, are you listening? I’m a witness in the trial against Mrs Wang. And it is your duty to inform the police and the court about what’s going on. You have the opportunity. You can walk free once you’re done here. I can’t.”

  Terendolo gently turned back Sajitar’s head so he could go on cutting.

  “This is a great misunderstanding, Sajitar. I was called to cut your hair and shave you, nothing else. I am in no position to trade messages. If I did, guess how long I would live? Ah, no, I can’t do what you bid me.”

  “No, it’s not what you can do, but what you must do. Sananda keeps me here because she knows I would testify against her. She is a criminal, a terrorist!”

  Terendolo bent to whisper in his ear,

  “And she pays grand and lets me live. And that’s all I want.”

  Sajitar let out air and closed his eyes. His hands cramped around the armrests while his heart hammered against his ribs. Does Sananda have everybody under her heel?

  “Please, Terendolo, you don’t have to risk your life for that. Just slip a message to the police HQ. If the trial takes place without witnesses, she’ll go on like she has for years.”

  “I am but too small a man to do anything about it.” Terendolo shook his head as he gently pulled Sajitar’s head back to lather his face for shaving. “I love my work. I love my life. When I got to Belthraine, I had nothing but a few pairs of scissors, comb and brush and the idea of opening a shop. It took me many standard years to establish my work. The women first thought that on this remote planet there was no need for a very good hair cut. I had to walk from house to house to convince them. Now look at me. I am—”

  “You are the hair dresser for the most influential person in Belson Park, yes,” Sajitar agreed, “but you earn your money from a criminal.”

  “Ah, that is your point of view. What I don’t see, I can’t accuse.”

  This time, Sajitar’s laugh was short and bitter.

  “You don’t see that I am a prisoner instead of a guest? Did they not lift the blindfold when you got here? Then I really fear for my skin.”

  “I saw other men bound in places I don’t want to mention and they looked very happy. I think if I started untying them they would protest.” He shaved Sajitar’s face with verve, forcing him to hold still. He shrugged once and a smile blossomed on his round face. “This place is like none I have seen before. Old rules don’t apply. Ah, if you would all call for help I might be tempted, but right now you might just be playing with me. The game is not mine.” Terendolo wiped the shaving knife clean and used another towel to dry Sajitar’s face after he was satisfied with his work. “If you want my advice, it would be best for you to play along with her and be content. It is not common that Sananda chooses a new man.”

  “So you do know her better than you said.”

  Terendolo sighed and stood beside the chair. His demeanor changed and his glance became compassionate.

  “You are very special to her, Sajitar. Don’t waste the chance to win her over once more. I don’t know what you did to her in the first place, but she wants to have you back and truly not behind bars.”

  Sajitar hung his head. The ground beneath him could have crumbled and he would not have noticed.

  “She sent you to test me.”

  “She regrets that you left without giving her the chance to make up. She does not even know why you ran away.” Terendolo wiped his hands and, after folding the towel, collected and cleaned the comb and scissors before he put them back into the kit again. Sajitar watched him with growing misery. “To her, nothing has changed. If you want your place back you will get it. Ah, I would not try and pretend if I were you. She is much too clever to be fooled. Either you take your place or you—Well, I think you understand the consequences much better than a hair dresser.” He presented a mirror and Sajitar was astonished to look like a civilized person. The hair was short in an acceptable way and the beard completely gone. “Are you satisfied?”

  “Did I have much of a choice?”

  “Ah, no. Still, I am a hair dresser, and I like my work complimented.”

  “Sananda will praise you, I’m sure.”

  Terendolo put away the mirror and took his tool kit.

  “I apologize for not being in the position to open the cuffs. I am sure the guards will return in time.” He bowed to Sajitar and left.

  Sajitar woke from a restless sleep and, sitting up, wiped his eyes. In his dream he had been up in a tree once more and a flying Horlyn had gently stroked his hair with a fur-covered claw. While the sun shone in his eyes it had tweeted to soothe him, telling him without words that everything would be fine and that he would live long and in peace if he only stayed around and did not attempt to escape.

  He pulled the loin cloth that a guard had brought around his waist, tied it with a knot and got up. The sun shone in his cell. Through the window he watched four women currying their B-horses. They were dressed for a ride, chatted happily and had no eyes for the man behind bars. Beyond them on the paddock, Tessla stood grazing. He could not help but rattle the bars. The wood was hard as stone under his hands and did not budge. Not that he had expected it to. His prison was solid, built to last and serve the owner.

  He pressed his forehead against the warm wood and enjoyed the sun through closed lids, thinking of his former travels through Emerald Green and how he had impressed the young folk he had worked with at the spaceport. He had always been happiest while staying outdoors. He knew it would not take him long to go crazy being forced to live in this small room. Sighing, he settled on the broad window sill and watched the women carry saddles and bridles. One B-horse shied away and the woman landed on her butt. The others laughed themselves silly, but helped her up. Together, they bridled the fidgeting B-horse until it relaxed again. The joyous chatter went on as they collected their bags to upload them behind the saddles.

  “You could be out there, too, my beloved Sajitar. I always loved to watch you ride.”

  He turned around. Sananda Wang had noiselessly opened the bars and come in. As usual she wore high heels, this time paired with long, loose pants and a dark red blouse that was tight enough to show her well-formed breasts. Strands of black hair dangled at her cheeks while the rest was artfully arranged on her head. Her pouting made Sajitar’s heart jump. In spite of all he knew about her, she still excited him and he was tempted to run to her. His legs had a life of their own, but he willed himself to remain at the window, hands cramped on his thighs, one foot nervously tapping the ground.

  “You look truly miserable, Saji. Come with me and let me show you how much
better your life could be if you wanted it.”

  “What’s the prize, Sananda?” His voice was strained as he fought for control. “What do you want from me in return if you let me out of this cage?”

  “Aren’t you a tad harsh to the woman who found out what you wanted most?”

  The soft seduction crawled into his ears and wound him around like a flower’s scent caused insects to fly to the pistil. He swallowed dryly. If there had been a hole he would have vanished on the spot, no matter the depth of his fall. He knew well how she worked with words and touches. She got closer, unwavering, and self-confident. There was no fear in her stance. Her eyes told him of love and passion. Her rosy cheeks and painted lips were an invitation hard to ignore. He wanted to break eye contact and could not. His heart was about to jump out of his ribcage and he pressed his nails hard into his flesh to not pull Sananda into a tight embrace. What does she do to me? She was the strong predator who was used to cornering her prey and letting it think about its fate before being swallowed. No one withstood her power and prowess. If she wanted someone, she could not be deflected from her decision. Who am I to say no?

  “You don’t want me, Sana, you just want to win.”

  Her eyebrows, two perfect black lines, twitched as she smiled at him. Her fingers gently touched his shoulder. He shivered and it was not at all unpleasant. He waited with bated breath for her next move.

  “I do want you, Saji,” she cooed. “It is up to you to throw away all the bitter things you made up about me. Just let go and love me again.”

  Her whisper was close to his ear. He closed his eyes, trembling and waiting, fearing her touch and craving it. Her hand slipped under the loin cloth.

  “Hmm, so smooth, so wonderful to touch.” The last word was like a feather caressing his mind.

  Sajitar panted and summoned all the strength he had to put his hand over hers, keeping her from further advances. He could hardly speak.

  “Sana, please, stop it.”

  “You don’t want me to stop, because if I do I might not start again. Do you want me to leave?”

  “No! Yes.” He flinched when her nails dug gently but noticeably in his flesh. He looked at her with all the decisiveness he could muster. “Sananda, we cannot go back. I know who you are. I know what you do.”

  “And it does not concern you. I offer you a life without pain, without the pity of your former existence. I offer you myself. With everything I have.” She put his hand on her bosom and sighed. “You can live here and have me whenever you want.”

  Sajitar looked at his hand that slowly found its way into her blouse. The first two buttons gave and he touched her breast, felt her heart beat and gently touched the hard nipple. Her skin was warm and smooth and he wanted more, right now. Sananda smiled at him like only lovers do and Sajitar lost the strength to resist her. The blouse buttons were open in a second. Both his hands were out to explore her bosom and he bent to kiss her neck and shoulder. He inhaled her perfume and closed his eyes, willing to give in to the trance she offered.

  Sananda chuckled deep in her throat before she gently pushed him back and closed the buttons without looking.

  “I know, Sajitar. I feel the same.”


  She kissed his nose and stepped back to pull a thin black net out of her pocket. In its center swung a yellow stone the size of a marble.

  Sajitar lowered his chin to wipe his face with one hand.


  Sananda swung the carefully knotted net on her index finger right before his eyes, like a pendulum.

  “Choices, Sajitar, shall not be easy. I see how much you are excited to get back into my pants and I will welcome you there. Yet, first you have to prove your devotion. It was you who ran away. I was here all of the time, craving to see you again. You cannot imagine how I suffered, how I yearned for you to lie beside me.”

  “Why can’t you just take me the way I am?”

  “Why would we pass on a game we both love?”

  “You love this game, Sananda. I just…”

  There was a sparkle in her eyes.

  “Go on.”

  Sajitar knew he was cornered, pushed there by his own argument. He shook his head. His body craved to be caressed and taken and so his mind threw in the towel and resigned.

  “I’ll play along.” He could hardly think clearly anymore. Knowing he had lost, he snatched the net from her finger and pulled it over his head. The yellow stone fit in his mouth and he grimaced at the taste. “The same as before?”

  Sananda smiled instead of an answer and fastened the loose ends behind his head.

  “Don’t take it off until I tell you. I will send the other items with one of my guards.” She ran her fingers along his shoulders and down his spine, letting them vanish under the loin cloth. Strong fingers kneaded his buttocks, promising more and intimate moves.

  Sajitar felt his knees buckle. It was an overkill of lust assaulting his mind and lower regions of his body. He turned at the same moment the caressing hands were gone, Sananda made clear just with a look that she would not leniently endure another minute of his hands-on admiration.

  “When I come back, you will wear what I send you or I will turn around and leave.” She softened the order with a chaste kiss on his cheek and strutted out of the room to close the bars behind her.

  Sajitar stood rooted and a tiny voice asked why the fuck had he not bolted for the door and escaped.

  The guard had delivered the chosen items, unceremoniously, through the bars so that they fell on the sandy ground. Sajitar stared at the assembly, caught in the haze of anxiety and excitement. Both feelings were dreadful for they meant that he would neither enjoy nor condemn what lay before him. Sananda expected him to obey and that presumed his submission. He had sworn to never be so helpless again and now that he was back in her clutches, he had done just that—surrendered. He felt ashamed and hated himself for being so easy to deflect from his decision. She is just a woman! Still, he was unable to sit and wait for Sananda to be disappointed. He flexed his hands, praying for endurance and knowing he would not get it.

  Torn in two, he rose slowly, pondering what to do. The guard was long gone and he was alone with his indecisiveness. He separated the items, all of them well-worn and smooth to the touch. He knew every inch of feathery material, of leather and hard wood. To put them in place meant to give up, to live and act at Sananda’s bidding. That prospect was pure temptation. At the same time it was dreadful, for he could not call halt and say that he wanted it to be over. As before, he surrendered and faced the consequences of his weakness.

  The rush of excitement traveled down to his groin while his hands examined the items piece by artfully crafted piece. There was a lot of handiwork in them, careful thought about their use. All of the items were made for longtime wearing.

  He did not know how much time Sananda would give him to make up his mind. Sighing, he first chose the soft rings to go around his ankles. They clicked shut and would only open with a key Sananda kept in her room. Sajitar closed his eyes and saw the room before him—lush carpets in soft red, broad chairs and couches, draperies and a bed so big four men could sleep side by side. He also remembered the ropes and other ties Sananda hid there which she used only on her most special men.

  Am I to become a special man again?

  Soft steps approached and he looked up to see Rayenne. She wore a lose shirt over a long, almost translucent skirt and sandals with tiny flowers on top. Hands in the shirt pockets, she stood and looked at him full of pity.

  “Hi, Sajitar.”

  Without hesitation, he was up and reached through the bars to catch her. His face contorted with sudden fury as he stretched and was unable to grab her throat.

  “You! You miserable bitch! How dare you come here?” He coughed when the stone in his mouth hampered his speech. “Traitor! I trusted you and you threw me in the gutter!”

  Rayenne stepped back to evade his groping hands. She hung her head
, exhaling and not the least bit offended, a fact that aggravated Sajitar even more.

  “Saji, please, let me explain.”

  “Explain?” he sputtered. “Because of you I’m back where I started. Because of you I have to do as Sananda bids. Because of you I lost control over my life. Again!”

  “Sajitar, I understand your anger. It is just—” She searched for words while he pressed his hands around the bars as if it were her throat. “She had me sacked long before I met you. I had no choice if I did not want to lose—”. She cleared her throat. “I just wanted to advise you not to anger her. Her mood’s changing more often than the men in her bed and the results can be…hard to bear.”

  “Am I deaf, or are you truly telling me to play along? Been there, done that.” He banged his hand against a bar. “Next piece of advice, please. I can’t wait to hear more of your female wisdom!”

  “I had no choice. Believe me.”

  “An old argument, but nicely performed.” He let go of the bars, unable to watch her gnaw her lower lip. It was a gesture that he loved and now hated. Restlessly he took up a short walk from wall to wall. “Did you rehearse it for long? In front of your mirror? Oh, no, let me rephrase this. It’s Sananda’s mirror, right? I’m sure she lets you live in one of her big suites, now that you are buddies.”

  Sajitar read sorrow in her eyes, but he also saw anger growing. That was fine with him. He wanted her angry and miserable. She should not be able to go on with her life smiling.

  When she spoke, her voice was controlled.

  “If you hadn’t been so eager to get into her bed, you wouldn’t have made that mistake in the first place. She did not force you to be with her.”

  “Right.” He nodded emphatically. “No need to. She’s clever, sexy, and has a beautiful body—all of the things I admire on a woman, as you might have noticed. However, the bindings and the brand were put on a bit thick in the end. You can correct me, but I got the impression that quitting from my side was not on her list.” And when she did not come back with a witty reply, he added, “Go and kill Wang if you want to do something good today. If you don’t do that, go to hell and stay there. You’ve earned it!”


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