Wild for You

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Wild for You Page 20

by Kendall Ryan

  We’d been living together in my condo, which was great, but I still wanted more space, and a backyard where Hunter could eventually play. We arranged for a private showing with our real estate agent, and Ana fell in love with the place before we’d even made it through the foyer.

  Six bedrooms, five baths, a huge chef’s kitchen. A formal dining room that we’ll probably never use. A home gym, a playroom with all kinds of little built-in nooks and cubbies for toys. And best of all is the privacy aspect.

  It’s in a gated neighborhood where every lot is at least an acre. Ours has three acres with a private pond in the back. When Hunter is older, I imagine having it stocked with fish and teaching her how to cast and reel. Maybe we’ll even get one of those little paddleboats—or a stand-up paddleboard.

  Travertine tile covers an expansive pool deck. A hot tub rests under a pergola, complete with a chandelier suspended over it. It’s beautiful at night with the soft twinkling lights reflecting off the water.

  The place is way over the top. But since I basically went years hardly spending any of my salary, I was able to pay cash for the entire estate. I love knowing that one day, when I’m done playing hockey, even if I retire for good, my family will always be taken care of. And when Ana’s dad comes to visit, we’ll have plenty of room.

  “Seriously, this place is ridiculous, dude.” Teddy approaches next, stopping beside us to help himself to a beer too.

  “I’m glad you guys could come,” I say, changing the subject. I’ve never been good at accepting a compliment, and there’s no reason to start now.

  “How many bedrooms does this place have?” Owen asks, unwilling to drop it.

  “Six,” I say, feeling a little sheepish.

  “Better get to work filling those up, Cap,” he says with a chuckle.

  The idea of Ana pregnant again sends a warm rush through me. As I picture her belly swollen with another baby, and her lush breasts . . . my mouth lifts in a smile. “Yeah, we’re working on it. We’re waiting for Hunter to turn one before we start trying.”

  “That’s coming up, right?”

  I nod. “Next month.”

  We finished our season last month, and while we didn’t set any records, we performed well and held our own in our division. Our coaching staff was happy. And, well, there’s always next year.

  When Ana had the idea of hosting a combo housewarming party and start-of-the-summer barbecue, I was hesitant at first. But now, seeing everyone here, smiling and playing yard games, I’m glad I agreed.

  I used to grumble about the fact I was the loner on the team, recalling all the people who came out for Owen and Becca’s baby shower. Seeing that only made me feel more alone and lonelier than if I hadn’t been surrounded by a roomful of people at all. Looking around now, though? I’m struck by a deep sense of belonging.

  I never imagined I’d be here—hosting a big family-friendly gathering with my wife and baby, and my teammates and their significant others nearby. Kids splashing in the pool. Grill loaded up with enough burgers and chicken to feed an army. Coolers filled with ice-cold beer and organic juice boxes. I smile at the thought of it all. It means even more to me because I truly didn’t know if I’d ever get here.

  The only person looking out of place is Jordie. He arrived alone, thirty minutes late, and I couldn’t help but get the feeling that something was bothering him. He’s sitting at the edge of the pool with a beer in his hand, staring off into the distance. I recall him drinking too much at our wedding reception, complaining about his love life and the fact that he’s perpetually single.

  Deciding that I’ll be sure to talk to him later, I cross the lawn to where Ana is standing with Hunter on her hip, talking with a couple of the other hockey wives.

  “Hey.” She smiles when she sees me.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” I touch my lips to her neck, unable to resist the temptation to steal a quick kiss.

  “Will you take her?” Ana groans. “My arm feels like it’s going to fall off.”

  “We can’t have that. Come here, baby girl.” I hold out my hands toward Hunter and she babbles something, clapping her hands and grinning her gummy smile at me.

  She’s been teething lately, and all she wants is to be held. Usually, it’s Ana she wants, but sometimes—like right now—I’m lucky enough to be the one she wants.

  I hoist her up in one arm, and she settles her little face onto my shoulder. This gets a collective coo of sighs from the women nearby.

  “Grant with a baby . . . I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that sight,” Elise says, meeting my eyes with a soft look.

  “He’s all mine, ladies.” Ana’s mouth lifts in a smile, watching as I bounce Hunter in my arms.

  “As happy as I am to stand here and be objectified like a piece of man candy . . .” I grin at Ana. “Think she’s going to make it to lunch, or should I lay her down now?”

  Ana reaches over and rubs circles on Hunter’s back. “I think she’ll make it.”

  “Burgers are done. Chicken’s almost there too.”

  At this, Hunter lifts her head from my shoulder and makes the sign we taught her for eat.

  Ana chuckles. “I guess that answers that.”

  I head back to the grill, and after checking on the chicken, I announce that the food’s ready. After I fix a plate for Ana and then one for our daughter, I deliver them to where Ana’s sitting in a lawn chair with Hunter on her knee.

  “My hero.” Ana smiles up at me. “This looks amazing.”

  “My pleasure.” I lean down to take Hunter from her once again so she can eat. “I’ll feed her,” I say when Ana meets my eyes.

  “You sure?”

  “Of course. Eat your lunch while it’s hot.”

  Her expression softens, and she shakes her head. “What I ever did to deserve you, I’ll never know.”

  I chuckle. “I think it’s the other way around, babe.” Then I lean close and lower my voice. “The guys were asking when we’re going to start working on filling up some of those bedrooms.”

  Her eyes flash with heat. “We might be able to work on that . . .”

  “Tonight,” I growl.

  Ana’s kissable mouth relaxes, and her eyes crinkle with amusement. “Your daddy is a very naughty boy, Hunter,” she says before taking a big bite of her burger.

  “Hey, I’m behaving.” I hold up one hand in mock surrender. “I could have made some remark about wishing it was my meat you were biting into . . .”

  “Biting?” She chuckles.

  “Good point. Wrong word. Maybe . . . wishing it was my meat you had in your mouth.”

  She laughs again. “Go get yourself some food. I think the lack of calories is making you delirious.”

  I chuckle and head off to follow my marching orders. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past six months of being married, it’s that the phrase happy wife, happy life is spot-on accurate. And my main mission in life now is to keep Ana happy. A mission I’m more than good with.

  It used to be that all I had was hockey. Now my life is so full of love, and family, and friendships. Ever since I met Ana, not a single day has gone by that I haven’t been grateful for her in my life, grateful for the man she’s turned me into.

  Just as I’m loading my plate with food, Jordie wonders over, looking more serious than I’ve ever seen him.

  “Hey, man, can we talk?” he asks, his voice low.

  I nod. “Of course. Lead the way.”

  • • •

  There is one last Hot Jocks novel coming your way. Don’t miss Jordie’s book with Taking His Shot.

  Have You Met All the Hot Jocks Yet?

  Hot Jocks Series Reading Order

  Playing for Keeps – Justin and Elise

  All the Way – Becca and Owen

  Trying to Score – Teddy and Sara

  Crossing the Line – Asher and Bailey

  The Bedroom Experiment – Morgan and Isla – a spin-off novelette

  Down and
Dirty – Landon and Aubree

  Wild for You – Grant and Ana

  Taking His Shot – Jordie and Harper

  She says she doesn’t date players.

  She swears up and down that she’ll never handle my stick.

  We’ll see about that, sweetheart.

  When I win the pleasure of Harper’s company at a charity auction, I get exactly one date—one shot to win over the gorgeous and feisty brunette.

  Game on. I play hard, and I love a challenge.

  But just when I think I’ve finally carved out my shot . . . two huge secrets implode around us, threatening everything we’ve built.

  What to expect: A determined hockey player, a hard-to-win-over heroine. Exposed secrets, steamy good times, and a male-only romance book club. Yes!

  Note: This is the final book in the Hot Jocks series, but each book is about a new couple and can be read as a complete standalone.

  Get your copy here.


  A humongous thank-you to all the lovely readers who have diligently followed this series. I have honestly never had more fun writing about a group of characters, and I so appreciate your enthusiasm.

  I would like to give a big hug and a sincere thank-you to all of the fabulous book bloggers who continue to share about my books on their social platforms, leave reviews, and post gorgeous Instagram images. Thank you so much!

  To my entire team, a massive bear hug. Especially Alyssa Garcia, Rachel Brookes, and Pam Berehulke . . . thank you so much for all your work in helping to bring my books to life. I’m grateful for each and every one of you.

  Last, but not least, thank you to my amazing family for your unending support.




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