The Deviant Curse (The Braykith Series Book 1)

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The Deviant Curse (The Braykith Series Book 1) Page 15

by Jennifer R. Kenny

  “I can ride a regular horse just fine.” Evangeline offered after a moment hesitation. Just seeing the Braykith animals up close, she knew that there was bound to be a new way of learning when it came to taming these beasts. She hoped the difference would be minimal and include no more than learning not to fear the fall from such a height.

  “There is no side saddle riding I am afraid.” Kyleigh apologised but Evangeline was not to bothered by that. It seemed obvious that the only way to handle such an animal would be to control it as a man would.

  “Glais will teach you.” Quintus offered, and it clearly was not a question.

  Glais seemed to think it was something he could deny, though, and he promptly did. “I am busy with the investigation. A threat against Evangeline was made and it is more than a random attack or a fight of convenience.”

  The way Glais dismissed this opportunity for them made Evangeline’s heart sink. There was no emotion in his voice and there seemed to be little change in her demeanour as he looked at his father and ignored everyone else at the table. It broke her heart to witness Glais being like this. She took her hand back and he barely noticed it. Seemed like it was too early for Evangeline to make the right choice.

  Her determination did not falter and if Glais was already locking her out after one small incident, she was only more persistent to bring him around to seeing her in a way she wished to be seen. Evangeline just needed to try harder and not allow him even small allowances, but rather bring Glais to understand that his choice to live without her was the wrong one. It would not be an easy mentality to turn around.

  “Glais.” His name coming from his father’s lips was a warning, one heard by all and even Glais responded to it. Subtle, but still there as he shifted in his seat but did not give in to his father’s wants. He could not understand the kind of conflict Glais felt he was battling right now. The men stared at each other but the silence didn’t stay for long.

  “I can show her.” Baxter’s offer was the last thing that Evangeline wanted to hear. While it seemed that he spent a lot of time at the stables, his attention to Evangeline made her uncomfortable. There was nothing wrong with Baxter, and for someone else she was sure that he could make an excellent husband. As stylish as his father and his brother, Baxter managed to make an impressive statement all on his own but he had turned her against him quickly since they met.

  Glais didn’t seem to care. “Fine.” Evangeline was shocked but she tried to hide it this time.

  “Tomorrow then?” Baxter offered and Evangeline was surprised at how well she seemed to act normal. Nodding she agreed with his offer. Baxter was already reading into her simple interaction far too much. He was confident that he could win her over, and once Evangeline agreed to be his wife, then it would be definitive proof of who the better son was. He imagined that by offering to teach her the proper way to ride would be some real time where he could be alone with her and woo the woman away from his brother and into his bed.

  “I might go and visit her today, if no one will object?” Evangeline asked the table, looking for their advice on how best to approach the staff of the stables.

  It was Baxter who answered her. “The boys down at the stables are quite flexible with visitation.” Adeline giggled at Baxter, but she was the only one who acknowledged his teasing.

  “Does she have a name?” Evangeline would not be giving Baxter more fuel for his imagined fire. She had a feeling that merely agreeing to go to the stables tomorrow was stroking his ego far more than she imagined it would.

  “Tempest,” Quintus answered her, rising from his seat as he did. “Since you seem concerned with furthering your investigation Glais I think it would be best we get started.” A sharp chill clipped his voice, and Glais seemed to think better of speaking back just before he opened his mouth.

  They left in an odd silence and Evangeline counted slowly to ten before she made her own excuses to leave the breakfast table.


  Although the sting and bright colour of her skin were indeed gone with many thanks to Wick and her paste, Evangeline was not quick to forget about the sunburn. She would need to take extra care of her exposed skin, and since the dress she wore showed even more of it, she felt extra cautious. With no plans of being caught out in the yards, that day Evangeline resumed exploring the castle.

  She did not get very far, though. Turning right and away from her own rooms, Evangeline checked the first few doors to find nothing of much importance. On her third door, Evangeline was in the library. Dozens and dozens of books lined the walls with titles that she had never seen before. Evangeline had always enjoyed the library at her own home in Crimah, but this was an estate in comparison to the small dedicated room at the manor.

  She had already spent hours just looking around and enjoying the space before she found a book that caught her interest enough to bother taking it from the shelf. There were very few works of fiction here. Most of the space dedicated to the Kings manuscripts, religious texts and maps. She wondered if she was even allowed to be in this room but since the doors had not been locked and Quintus had pointed out several times that she was family. She had to assume that her permission was granted.

  Like any good library, there were luxurious and comfortable chairs located just for sitting and reading. Losing her shoes and curling up on her own she devoured the pages, reading the detailed adventures of a wild man and the lovely lady who calmed his heart. She did not want to see the parallels between this work of fiction and her own life. Glais was not a wild man. If anything, he was not wild enough. Calculating and cold, a deep voice that chilled her to the core and warmed her spirit at the same time.

  Glais confused her, Evangeline not able to understand just how could he be this way with such examples in his life surrounding him. Apparently his father did not hold back, and Baxter and Adeline were further proof that the combined parenting skills of the King and Queen were not detrimental to the child. Even Adeline the youngest had better manners than Glais, and yet it seemed that everyone made special allowances for him. Should he maintain this attitude once he is King, Evangeline feared the backlash from the people. People only followed a man worth following. Glais would give them no positive attributes to believe in. However, it had come to pass, this was Glais. The black sheep and upcoming King of Braykith. Evangeline desperately wanted to find a way to love him, to ensure both their futures were prosperous.

  The door to the library opened and Evangeline was surprised to see Glais standing there. As if her thoughts somehow summoned him to her, he had appeared without invitation or warning. Unlike her hopes, it seemed that his attitude had not changed in even the slightest because Glais did not smile at her or even greet her as he closed the door and approached. If anything, he looked broodier than ever. She had to guess that Quintus had spoken to Glais at length about his attitude. She hoped so because it was not her place to say it.

  Evangeline set her book aside and sat up, sliding her shoes back on because even with Glais it was not proper for her to be in any state of undress. “I have told no one if that is what you are afraid of,” Evangeline said as Glais took the chair opposite her.

  “Tell them what?” Glais asked, and while his voice stayed dangerously neutral there was a slight toying edge. He was daring her to call him out. Evangeline looked at him. Being greeted by his cold attitude, she quickly realised that he would not be talking about the stables, the girl who had found him, or the state that Evangeline had put herself in. She nodded understanding and reached for her book.

  “I came to talk to you about the attack on your carriage.” Glais told her but his tone was bored and Evangeline was finding it tough to look at him because he was proving to be impossible. Remembering her promise to herself to make this relationship successful she engaged with him and hoped he would do the same in return. Their whole lives could not be only a farce. She hoped with time they could be genuine with each other. Until then they would create a false peace.

  “What did you discover?” Evangeline tried to sound encouraging as if she wasn’t mad at him or attempting to remind herself that he had been with that terrible excuse of a woman only hours ago.

  “It appears that we have someone working from within Braykith or Crimah, someone who is not loyal to the Alliance and is working for the enemy. I do not believe you were ever told the great length we went to just to ensure that your leaving was secret.” Glais shrugged as if the details did not matter but they did matter to Evangeline because this was all news to her.

  “Why would it be so dire to conceal that?” She asked. She assumed that her marriage to Glais was quite publically known. “I remember the weeks leading up to that day and there was no grand secret. I have been raised to be your wife Glais, and people within the manor prepared me for that duty.” To his credit, Glais didn’t laugh at her confusion but instead only answered her.

  “Our marriage is well known yes but the precise day and time of your departure was not. It would have been obviously plain to anyone paying attention that the dates and times we were letting loose were not accurate. But it would have been harder for them to know the truth with enough time to organise an attack against you.”

  Evangeline had barely heard him. She was too miserable at how he fleetingly said our wedding as if it was barely a thing worth considering. Whatever explanation he had, it paled in comparison to those two words. She struggled to even realise he had paused waiting for her to speak. She could only nod and so Glais went on.

  “You have been told of the takeover that happened when we were children?” He asked and Evangeline nodded again. “Zorelian was quite simply foolish in challenging your father and his authority. They should have realised that putting a man into a desperate corner would force him to attack. Violently if it was to ensure a future for his family. I was only very young myself when his letter arrived asking for the alliance between our families but I have since been given the liberty to knowing much more of the details.

  “No one can call your father an innocent man Evangeline.” Her eyebrows were drawn together at the accusation but Glais ignored her reaction because it would not change his mind. “To be fair, your father did a very dangerous thing to take on The Kingdom of Zorelian. While the way he went about it did save many of his own people and used our borrowed resources well, it was not kind on those who lived in Zorelian. His province was not great and Braykith had not shown themselves to be trustworthy. It was a risky bet that paid off. I am sure that you were never made aware of the truth that most of his tactics were not honourable.”

  Glais put his hands up in surrender because Evangeline looking like a coiled snake that was ready to strike. “I hold nothing against him and our aligned destiny stands still intact. You would not be here if there were any doubts but you cannot blindly forgive a man who burns crops to the ground, destroying the earth of Accila and another man’s livelihood. I understand it was a message.” He lowered his hands as Evangeline relaxed just a little.

  “The people of Zorelian are far less willing to accept his rulership over their lands, that hate stemming from the acts of war he ordered against them. To take his daughter would be a great prize for the rebels. No ransom would be too high a price, I am sure.” Evangeline was not sure how she was meant to feel about this news, and having Glais stare at her was only adding to her discomfort.

  “I was aware that there was a rebellion but it never sounded quite that serious,” She admitted. Had her father deliberately shielded her from the ugly reality? She remembered so little of those times but the stories she heard made her father sound like a saviour of the people. The light Glais painted him under now tainted those memories, or, at least, made her question them. What else had been hidden from her? Only yesterday she had been chiding Adeline for being so naïve where it seemed now that Evangeline was hardly rehearsed in understanding her own history. She couldn’t begin to know, and she suspected she never would.

  “Well they wouldn’t want to scare you but let me assure you now Evangeline that there is a close rebellion and that men are looking to hurt both of our families. Our union is not wanted by them and you need to stay within the castle estate unless you are guarded. I don’t want to see you wandering away to see the markets just yet but I am sure the desire will arise eventually.”

  “Eventually.” She agreed. “Do you know who is telling the rebels our plans.”

  “Now that is a mystery worth looking into. And I shall, of course, ensure that the person is brought to justice before the court. Not before they tell me in depth the details surrounding the rebels. They are organised which means they have a leader.” Glais was excited for the chase, intrigued by the challenge but Evangeline could not get excited about it herself.

  “I’m sorry I saw you at the barn.” Evangeline made the apology before she could stop herself and one look at his face told her that he also wished that she had not said anything. He rose to leave, finalising the discussion before she could start it. Evangeline’s eyes dropped to her knees and she listened to Glais as he left the room with determined strides. He didn’t bother looking back and when he slammed the door closed behind him, Evangeline gave an involuntary shout of alarm.


  Her daily routine had not differed much since the morning of her arrival. Evangeline would dress and then quickly make an appearance at breakfast where she would make small talk with the family before escorting herself out of there. Try as she might, it seemed every attempt to get to know Glais was a misguided effort so she left quickly. Glais and his entirely devoid of emotion attitude towards her had not changed. For his silence, it would seem she had been doing something wrong and not the other way around.

  The maids and other help still watched her suspiciously even though Evangeline had done nothing to gain any such reputation. She had thought that the novelty of her presence would have worn off by now and yet the proof was right in front of her as the stares and whispered marked her lingering presence better than any perfume. None had bothered to be more discreet in the gossip as Evangeline walked by. She would not be scared out of her own home like she had been forced to do before and so she did her best to ignore those staged whispers that haunted her footsteps.

  To make matters worse, Evangeline constantly felt overdressed once she was outside the small eating room where the family met for breakfast and dinner. Only when she was with them did she relax even a little about her state of dress. Outside that small room, though, it was very obvious that Quintus wanted everyone to know just how wealthy the royal family was. It confused Evangeline but like so much in Braykith she did not ask any questions about it. Evangeline was not delusional to believe that she could change the mind of a king. She could barely hold any sway over his sons.

  Neither of his sons had made an effort to change their attitudes around her. After an ordinary conversation with Glais where he barely managed to look her in the eye before his expression became glazed over with boredom, she wished the personalities of Glais and Baxter could be reversed. Since Quintus had suggested it, she had been dreading coming to the stables to attend her lessons from Baxter, but she could not do this without him. She had tried. The first lesson Evangeline had arrived early but after several attempts, she still couldn’t quite manage to stay on the horse.

  So now Evangeline waited for Baxter, spotting him jogging away from the castle in the wholly constructed clothing which must have been gifts from the God Iloh himself. That was the only explanation for the perfectly made garments that was bestowed upon the royal household. She was yet to find proof of a human hand ever touching the fabric beyond collecting it from the wardrobes to present to their wearer.

  “You look radiant.” Baxter greeted her and kissed her cheek although his lips landed dangerously close to her mouth. She never kissed him back and he must have known it was inappropriate and yet Baxter seemed impulsive and deviant in his choices. Evangeline was at a loss on how to stop him and so she did her best no
t to encourage him. So far she was failing.

  “It is the sunburn,” She assured him although her skin had faded quickly, and was as young and supple as before the incident. The mixture that Wick had put on her was wonderful and Evangeline had been sure to write home about it.

  “Whatever has placed that glow into your skin it really does work marvels for you.” Baxter continued the compliments, and while they sounded silly and far more excessive then she deserved, Evangeline wished that it was a compliment coming from Glais. Any kind of affection from him would be wanted at this stage, and yet he continued to treat her like a nuisance.

  She couldn’t help but wonder how different her life would be if it were Glais who looked at her like Baxter did. If it was Glais who complimented her mistake of sleeping in the sun as if it was a valuable asset to have in a lady, would she reject him? If Glais was teaching her to ride, Evangeline might actually find the time enjoyable rather than to be dreaded. Not the real Glais, who barely spoke two words to her, but rather the imagined Glais and Baxter hybrid she had concocted. Moving on from the depressing thoughts, Evangeline gestured to their waiting horses which had been dressed and ready for their ride. “Where are we going today?” she asked. Evangeline was always sure to direct topics in a way where it could not be misread as more than what it was. She was only here because Quintus had made it so, and she did not want to fail the third male in the castle. Evangeline certainly did feel as if she had failed Glais and Baxter, although it was in competing ways.

  Before they mounted the horses Baxter presented Evangeline with soft moleskin gloves, of course, made to fit just as her clothes had been. She rose an eyebrow at the gift but he offered no explanation. There was none to offer because the use of the gloves was obvious. With no real choice, she accepted the gift and Evangeline put them on to cover her delicate hands. Baxter had told her that riding without them would let her get a better feel for the horse but after their first failed lesson, it was clear her hands were too delicate for the harsh leather straps. Baxter smiled, and with a curt nod, he pointed through the doors towards the paddock. “You can hardly stay on Tempest at a light canter. I’m not being responsible for the Princess breaking her neck trying to manoeuvre through the woods.”


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