Home With You

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Home With You Page 22

by Everhart, Allie

  I walk up to him. "I wanted to ask about the job?"

  "Go to the website and fill out the form," he says. "They'll call you if they're interested."

  "Um, yeah, I just moved and they said it'll take awhile to get internet set up. Is there any way I could just fill out a form by hand and bring it in?"

  He sighs and reaches under the counter, then shoves a piece of paper at me. "The manager already has someone in mind. You might want to fill this out now if you want a chance."

  "Okay. Is there someplace to sit?"

  "There's a table outside around back. It's for employees but go ahead and use it."

  Taking the form, I go outside and around the building to the back. The table is a picnic table covered in sticky soda and crumbs. I wipe it off the best I can, then sit down and fill out the form. After my name is the line for my address. I hesitate, not sure I should do this but knowing leaving it blank will make them question me about it if I get an interview. I jot down Miles' address along with his phone number. We talked about this at breakfast and decided if they call him, he'll tell them I'm unavailable and will call them back.

  When I return to the store, I have to wait in line to give the guy the form.

  "Do you know when someone will get back to me?" I ask.

  "No idea," he says, shoving the form under the counter. "Kid, I got a line here. You gotta move."

  I nod, then go out the door. I'm not confident I'll get an interview. I'm not even sure the manager will get my application. That guy at the register didn't seem to like me. I wouldn't be surprised if he took the form and threw it out. If I'd applied online, that wouldn't happen. I'm going to have to ask Miles if I can use his computer.

  As I'm walking down the street, I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. "Haven't seen you lately. Where you been?"

  I turn and see an older man in a suit keeping pace with me. He looks like someone's middle-aged dad with a balding head and deep wrinkles across his forehead. I've seen him before. He works at one of the office buildings and goes to the park to have his lunch when the weather's warm. I've never talked to him but I've noticed him watching me.

  "I've been busy," I say, walking faster.

  "Busy doing what?" he asks, smiling at me.

  "I'm trying to find a job." I look away, staring straight ahead, hoping he'll get the message to go away.

  "If you need money, I might be able to help."

  I glance at him. "You know of a job?"

  "I do. And it's easy money." He winks at me, making it clear what this 'job' is he's talking about.

  "Not interested," I say, noticing the wedding ring on his hand. So he's a cheater and a pervert, and yet he has some fancy job where he probably gets paid lots of money while I can't even get a job at a gas station.

  He grabs my arm and yanks me off the street into an alley. "You want money or not?"

  "Stop!" I yell, kicking him while I try to free my arm. "Help! Someone help!"

  He glances at the street, noticing all the people going by. He lets me go and steps back. "Little bitch. You're not worth it."

  He walks back to the street. I wait a few minutes to make sure he's gone, then sneak down the alley to the other street and walk the other direction. I don't see him anywhere and this is a busy street with people on both sides of me so I should feel safe but I don't. I've never felt safe out here but it's never been this bad. Is it because Gladys is gone? Or because I've been staying with Miles? Or because I've been thinking more about Rob and what Miles said about Rob sending someone after me? I think it's the combination of all those things making me more fearful than I was before, and then I get attacked, adding to my fear.

  I should keep looking for jobs but I don't feel like it now. I'm too shook up from what happened. I just want to go back to Miles' place where I feel safe.

  Just after five, Miles gets home.

  "Raine, are you here?" he calls out.

  "Upstairs," I call back.

  He races up there, greeting me with his big warm smile. "Hey, Birthday Girl. Taking a nap?"

  I jump up from the bed and hug him. "I'm glad you're home."

  "Yeah, I can tell." He hugs me back. "You okay?"'

  "Not really. I mean, yes. I'm fine. I'm just glad you're here."

  He gently pushes me back, his hands on my shoulders. "What happened?"

  I turn and walk away from him. "I looked for jobs. Did my laundry. I hope it's okay I used your machine."

  "You know it is." He comes around to face me. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing's wrong. Why do you keep asking me that?"

  "Because I can tell something's wrong."

  "How can you tell?"

  "Well, for one you've never been that excited to see me."

  I smile. "I've changed. From now on, I'm going to be more excited when I see you."

  "Raine, I'm not joking around here. What happened today? Did someone bother you when you were out looking for jobs?"

  I hesitate, then decide to tell him. "This guy came up next to me when I was walking on the street. He started talking to me, trying to make conversation. When I mentioned I was looking for jobs, he said he had a job for me that'd be easy money. And then he winked at me."

  "Bastard." Miles shakes his head. "Have you ever seen this guy before?"

  "Yeah. He works downtown. Wears a suit. And a wedding ring," I say with disgust. "He'd sometimes eat lunch at the park when I was going through the trash."

  "We're going there tomorrow and you're going to point him out. Then I'm going to smash his face in so he knows to never talk to you that way again."

  "Miles, you're not doing that. You'd get arrested. He's not going to try again after I turned him down."

  "You don't know that. Sometimes guys like him don't give up. Or worse, they get angry when you turn them down and get violent. He didn't hurt you, did he?"

  "He grabbed my arm." I put my hand over the bruise he made on my forearm so Miles can't see it. "Then he pulled me into the alley. I screamed and scared him away."

  Miles takes my arm and pulls my hand away. "Shit." He stares it at a moment. "He did this?"

  I don't answer.

  "You're never going out there again," Miles says, sounding angry.

  "Miles, I can't sit in your apartment all day. I have to look for a job."

  "I didn't mean during the day. I meant at night. You're not going to sleep in the alley anymore. You've been lucky up until now that you've never been bothered. But staying out there by yourself—a pretty girl with no protection, no phone—you're a target for guys like that, and all the other sick bastards just like him. And I'm not just saying that to get you to stay with me. If you want to go somewhere else, we'll find somewhere else, but it's not going to be on the streets. You're not fighting me on this, Raine."

  "I won't." I swallow. "I agree with you. I can't be out there anymore."

  He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight. "It scares me knowing he'd do that in broad daylight with people all around. Has this ever happened before?"

  "I've had guys look at me like they wanted to do something, and a few have come up to me and said stuff, but they never actually touched me."

  Miles pulls back and looks me in the eye. "You need to be more careful. Stay on busy streets. Don't talk to people you don't know. And if anything happens again, or if someone scares you, come get me. Come to my office and have the front desk call me. I'll be out there immediately."

  "I'm not going to bother you at work."

  "Raine, I'm serious. It's me or the police. If anyone comes up to you, threatens you, or even looks at you in a threatening way, you find a phone and call the police or you come to my office and get me."

  I nod, but I doubt I'll do it. I'm not going to show up at his work. They'd probably fire him.

  "Are we still going to dinner?" I ask.

  "Yes, but I want to make sure you're okay first."

  "Miles, I'm fine."

  He smiles. "Then the birthday begins n
ow. Go downstairs and check the kitchen counter."

  "Why? What's down there?"

  "Just go."

  I run downstairs and see a birthday cake on the counter. It has white frosting and the top is decorated with balloons in pink, green, and purple frosting and the words 'Happy Birthday, Raine'.

  "It has my name!" I yell, thinking he's still upstairs. But then I hear him behind me.

  "You like it?"

  "I love it!" I turn around and hug him. "I've never had a cake with my name on it. I've never even had a cake."

  "You haven't? Not even when you were a kid?"

  "My dad raised me. Dads aren't great with birthdays."

  "If I were a dad, I'd get my kid a cake."

  "I didn't have the greatest dad."

  "Lucky for you, you have a great boyfriend." He kisses me.

  "Boyfriend?" I look up at him.

  "Yeah. You didn't know that?"

  "You've never called yourself that."

  "Didn't think I needed to. I thought you knew. And you're my girlfriend, in case you didn't know." He lets me go and walks past me. "Now that we've settled that, come over to the couch."

  I walk over there, still letting the 'boyfriend' label sink in. I know we've been acting like boyfriend/girlfriend but it surprised me hearing him say it out loud.

  "You got me presents?" I ask, sitting beside him on the couch and noticing the wrapped boxes on the coffee table. "When did you have time to do this?"

  "Can't tell. It's a secret. You want to open them now or after dinner?"


  He hands me one. "Go ahead."

  "You didn't need to do this. You've already bought me enough for ten birthdays."

  "Just open it."

  I tear off the paper and open the large box. Inside is a new pair of jeans, two long-sleeve t-shirts, and a sweater, all things I desperately need.

  "Miles, this is too much."

  "It was all on sale. I went to the mall at lunch and this girl helped me pick everything out. I used the clothes you have now for sizes. I hope it all fits. You want to go try it on?"

  "I will later." I reach over and hug him. "Thank you."

  "Open this next." He hands me a small box. "It's not really a gift but go ahead."

  I open the box and find a small pink canister. "Pepper spray?"

  "For when you're out walking. I want you to take it with you whenever you go somewhere. Here's a better gift." He gives me an envelope.

  It's a birthday card and when I open it, a small card falls out.

  Miles picks it up and hands it to me. "It's a debit card. I loaded fifty bucks on there. You can use it to buy lunch or whatever you need when you're here during the day."

  "Miles, I can't accept this. You're giving me too much."

  "It's your birthday. You have to take what people give you. No backsies, remember?"

  I laugh.

  "Last one." He hands me another small box.

  "More pepper spray?"

  "No, but if you want another one, I'll get you one."

  "One is plenty." I open the box. "Miles, it's beautiful."

  "It's nothing fancy. It's more symbolic than pretty but I thought it might be a good reminder to keep moving forward."

  "It's great, Miles. Thank you. Would you put it on me?" I hand him the necklace. It's a silver chain with a silver arrow pointing forward. A reminder to keep moving forward and not look back. I've made so many mistakes and have so many regrets that it's easy to focus on those instead of focusing on what's ahead. But Miles is right. I need to keep my focus on the future instead of the past. The future I can change. The past I can't.

  "It looks good on you," Miles says, as I straighten the chain around my neck.

  "It's perfect. I love it. And I love you."

  "See? You CAN say it more than once."

  I smile. "I'm practicing."



  It was a great birthday night, even though it wasn't actually Raine's birthday. For dinner, we left downtown and went to a Mexican place that people at work always talk about. I told the waiter it was Raine's birthday and he brought out a fried ice cream sundae, then put a sombrero on her head and sang Happy Birthday. She pretended to be embarrassed but I could tell she loved it.

  When we got home, she thanked me for the millionth time, then kissed me. It wasn't a short thank-you kiss, but a sexy I-want-you kiss that turned into sex before we could even make it upstairs.

  We fell asleep on the couch, and an hour later I was about to carry her upstairs but got distracted by her naked body draped over me. I woke her up with kisses in places that made her want me so bad we did it again, right there on the couch. We were hot and sweaty so we took a shower. Together. And that was time number three. I've never done it three times in one night but she gets me so turned on I could've done it three more times. Well, maybe not three but I definitely could've done it once more.

  Now I'm at work, and my lack of sleep is making it hard to stay awake. I almost dozed off during a morning conference call. At noon I leave the office to get lunch and some fresh air, hoping it'll wake me up.

  As I'm walking down the street, I notice I'm limping. Sex accident. I hurt my knee when I was pumping into Raine in the shower. Our bodies were slick and so was the shower floor and when I thrust into her, my foot slipped and my knee hit the wall. It didn't hurt much at the time, but it swelled up overnight and now it hurts to walk.

  "Looks painful," I hear a guy say as I wait outside the deli. The line is out the door but I've been here enough times to know the line moves fast.

  I turn and see the guy I met the night I took Raine to the Italian restaurant. The homeless guy who sings.

  "I hurt my knee," I tell him. "What's your name, again?"

  "Levi," he says with a smile. "Like the jeans."

  "Got it." I face forward, hoping he leaves. I don't like this guy. He was being an ass to Raine that night, and from what she said, he's always like that.

  "Old sports injury?" he asks, pointing to my knee.

  "No. I just bumped it."

  He leans in closer, lowering his voice. "If you need something for the pain, I can help you out."

  I immediately think of Raine's story about how Jacob came up to her and commented on her walking funny because of her back.

  Keeping my eyes forward, I say, "What have you got?"

  "Come to my office and I'll show you." He keeps his voice low as he moves up with me in the line.

  "Your office? You mean the street?"

  "I'll take you around back. It's more private there. And because you friends with my girl, Raine, I'll give you a deal. First one is free."

  My tired brain suddenly wakes up, on high alert after hearing those words. First one is free. It's the same thing Jacob told Raine when he was trying to get her hooked. He targeted her. He commented on her injury, just like Levi did. Is this a technique all these guys use or is it something Rob taught his sellers?

  It's too similar for me to just ignore.

  "What about the second?" I ask. "How much?"

  "Tell you what." He glances around as he talks. "Since I like you, and I like your girl, Raine, I'll give you a deal. First three are free. If you still need some after that, we'll talk prices."

  First three are free. Just like Jacob told Raine. Is it just a coincidence?

  "Let's go." I get out of line and follow Levi down the street, then across to the street where he normally hangs out. We pass by the corner he usually sits at and walk around the side of the building to the back. It's a deserted lot with tall buildings surrounding it and I'm starting to feel like this was a bad idea. I get my phone out in case I need to call the cops, keeping it in my hand as Levi reaches down behind the dumpster.

  He comes over to me holding out his hand, which is clenched. His lips curl up in a smile as he opens his hand. On his palm is a small white pill.

  "Take this and your pain is gone," he says.

  "I'm not sur
e I want it. How do I know it's safe? Shit you get on the street could be laced with most anything."

  "You don't gotta worry about that with these." He picks the pill up and holds it in front of me. "This is pure medicine right here. No fillers. Just like you get at the doctor."

  "Where'd you get it?"

  "Now that I can't tell you." He sets the pill back on his palm.

  "I need to know where it's from. Otherwise how would I know if it's legit?"

  "You know me, man. You know I'm legit. I'm friends with your girl, Raine. How she doing, anyway? Haven't seen her around much lately."

  "She's good." I nod at the pill in his hand. "I need more info before I take that. No offense, but I really don't know you. I met you one time. And Raine wouldn't exactly call you a friend."

  He shrugs. "Her loss. So you want it or not? Because I got plenty of other customers who would snatch this up. And they'd pay for the shit."

  "See? That right there. That's why I'm not sure I can trust you."

  "What you talking about?"

  "That bullshit about other people having to pay. My dad was in sales," I lie. "I know the techniques. Give people a free sample and hope they come back for more. You're not giving me a deal. You offer everyone the first one free, and the second, and probably the third. Am I right?"

  "Yeah? So? Ain't nothing wrong with that. Like you said, all sales people do it."

  "But you lied about it. Tried to make it sound like I was the only one getting the deal. Makes me not want to trust you."

  "I ain't got time for this shit. You want it or not?"

  "Let me see it." I take it from him and hold it up, noticing the markings on it. "It looks legit."

  "Because it is. You want it or not?"

  "Yeah, I'll take it." I slip it in my pocket. "What about the other two?"

  "You have to come back to get the next one. We don't give out all three at once."

  "Who's 'we'?"

  "We." He circles his hands in the air. "Meaning we who provide service to people like you."


  "I ain't a dealer. I'm a salesman, and a damn good one."

  "When you'd start selling this?"

  He eyes me, suspiciously. "Why you asking?"


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