Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Frankie

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Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Frankie Page 15

by Ariana Hawkes

  Brock stepped forward .

  “Are you cold?” he asked the kids. They all nodded. “Let me feel your hands,” he said to Sophia, and she held them out. “They’re like ice. Do you feel faint? Sleepy? Confused?” she shook her head. “And the rest of you?” He felt all of their hands. “You’ll be lucky if you don’t have hypothermia. First, I think we’ll need to build the fire up to help you raise your core temperature, and then we’ll get you down the mountain .”

  Madison looked at the stove. There were only a few small pieces of timber burning, giving out very little heat .

  “We just found the wood lying around here,” Sophia said .

  “I can see that,” Madison said grimly .

  “I’ll get some more. Hold on a moment.” Brock stepped outside and was pleased to see that Grayson and Riley had found a load of wood and piled it up by the door .

  “Thank you,” he said, his heart warming with gratitude for his uncle and cousin. They were the best relatives a bear could hope to have. The two of them were lying down under the overhanging eaves of the cabin, waiting to see what would happen next. “The kids are all fine. We just need to warm them up a little before we take them down the mountain.” They both nodded calmly .

  He went back inside the cabin with an armful of tree branches .

  “The guys just gathered them for me,” he explained in response to Madison’s questioning expression. “And they’re dry enough. They must have been protected from the worst of the wet .”

  “Great!” Madison said, flashing him a beautiful smile, and he felt his heart heating again, but in a completely different way .

  Brock broke up the wood with his hands and pushed it inside the stove. Then he found a metal cauldron and filled it with wood as well, working at it patiently until a flame caught. He put it in the doorway of the cabin and left the door open a little .

  “It may get smoky in here, so if it’s bothering you, let me know.” The kids nodded vigorously. They all looked like terrified children, far younger than their years .

  Within ten minutes, the cabin was warm. Madison stood by the door, doing her best to waft the smoke out. It wasn’t ideal, but it was the best they could do. He kept glancing at her, impressed by her practicality and strength of spirit. Her jaw was set tight, as he imagined his own was. They were both bursting to yell at the kids, but he could tell that Madison recognized as well as he did that they needed to keep their spirits up, as that was an important part of avoiding hypothermia .

  Half an hour later, Brock asked each of the kids how they were feeling .

  “About 20 percent warmer,” Sophia said, and the others said the same. “Ok, that should be enough. It’s not a long journey back .”

  “But we can’t walk down there. There’s a blizzard!” Marshall exclaimed .

  “Oh, I hadn’t noticed,” Brock said drily. “Shame you didn’t consider that possibility before you dragged everyone up here.” The boy hung his head, looking like he was trying to make himself as small as possible. Brock looked from the girls to the boys, thinking. At last, he made an executive decision. He figured that Madison might just kill the two boys if she was left alone with them, and the girls would benefit from the extra time in front of the fire .

  “Ok, boys, let’s go,” he said, clapping his hands. They got to their feet quickly. “Who’s ridden on the back of a bear before?” he said, just before he opened the door to the cabin. They shook their heads in deep confusion. “Well, it’s your lucky day. Just climb on, hold tight, and they’ll do the rest. Do you live near the town square?” They nodded. “Ok, that’s where they’ll drop you. Now, don’t be scared; they’re gentle souls.” He opened the door and led them outside. Grayson and Riley were waiting, their lips drawn back in broad bear-grins. The other boy, the one who hadn’t yet spoken, squeaked in fear. “Come on.” Brock guided him with a hand in the small of his back, while giving the bears a wink. He helped him to climb onto Grayson’s back. “Grab tight onto his fur to help you hold on. Don’t worry about hurting him – he’s a tough old bear. Yeah, that’s it.” The boy clung onto Grayson’s fur with trembling hands. “Ok, off you go,” Brock landed a playful slap on Grayson’s haunch, as if he was a donkey, and he was treated to a growl, which made the boy whimper .

  “Ok, Marshall, come here. As much as I’d like to make you walk all the way, here’s your trusty steed.” Riley snorted and pawed the ground .

  “Is he going to kill me?” Marshall screamed, his voice breaking .

  “Not unless you make him mad,” Brock replied with a smirk. “Climb on, like this.” He helped him on. “You’re good to go.” He watched as the bears trotted off with the terrified boys on their backs. He’d decided that telling the kids as little as possible about shifters was the way to go. And maybe they’d be so disoriented that they’d think they had hallucinated the whole thing .

  Back inside the cabin, Madison was chatting to the two girls, and they seemed more relaxed .

  “I’m never speaking to Marshall ever again,” he heard Sophia say .

  “Me neither! He made us feel like we were being immature from not coming up here with him and Jaiden,” her friend Marina said. Brock sat down next to them .

  “If you put yourself in a position where you’re relying on someone else for your safety, you need to make sure that person is worthy of your trust,” he said. Madison threw him a glance, her expression full of gratitude. She looked so beautiful in the firelight – strong and glowing, with big soft eyes .

  “And we missed the parade,” Sophia said .

  “He said it was for losers,” Marina added .

  “But the parade is something very special. I don’t know of another town in the state – or in the whole of America – that has something like that. It’s really important to keep these old traditions alive,” Madison said .

  “The world is getting full of corporations, the same chain stores are filling all of our towns, and everything is starting to look the same. When you find something that’s different, you have to protect and enjoy it,” Brock said, and he couldn’t resist glancing at Madison. Was she thinking the same thing as him? Or was he just imagining an ember of desire in her eyes ?

  A t last there was a scrabbling sound at the door. Brock went out .

  “All ok?” he asked the two bears. They made a grunting sound that meant yes. “Ok, we’ll be out in a moment.” He brought the cauldron outside and extinguished the flames with a handful of snow, and he examined the stove, before deciding that it was safe to leave it to burn itself out .

  “Ok, girls, we’re good to go,” he said. “This is going to come as a bit of a shock to you, but your rides down the mountain are in the form of two large bears. They’re very gentle and stable, so please don’t be scared. Just sit tight, and you’ll be home before you know it.” The girls both nodded, full of trust for the person who’d just saved their lives. He helped them onto Riley and Grayson’s backs and he showed them where to hang on, before tucking their hoods tightly around their faces .

  “I’ll see you girls at home,” Madison called as the bears trotted off down the mountain again. “I think I owe those guys a few beers for their efforts,” she said to Brock. He laughed .

  “Don’t worry about it. The fact that we were able to help is enough for us .”

  They walked back inside the cabin together. It was now toasty warm. He had a wild urge to kiss Madison, to strip her and himself and mate on the floor for hours, in the light of the fire. Their eyes met and they held each other’s gaze for a long moment .

  “Oh, sorry, I should go outside while you shift,” she said with a nervous laugh, breaking through the silence .

  “Uh, I guess so.” She stepped outside, moving slowly – unwillingly? he wondered. He took his clothes off and put them back in the backpack, then he shifted quickly .

  Outside, he handed the backpack to her, using his teeth, and she put it on, before climbing onto his back, more confidently than before .<
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  She lay down flat and clung on tight, enabling him to move quickly. The snow was heavy, making visibility poor, and the vicious wind stung his sensitive nose. The journey only took 20 minutes or so, but it couldn’t be over fast enough. He was eager to get back and make sure that everyone was ok .


  “T hank God – we made it!” Madison exclaimed as Brock brought her off the mountain and into the town. Now he was glad that it was still snowing heavily and there was no-one outside to see them. Still, he clung to the shadows, in case people happened to be looking out of their windows .

  He brought her up to Karen’s garage door, and she slipped off his back and pulled the handle. The door slid up and they ran inside, closing it firmly behind them. The connecting door to the kitchen was open, and at the sound of their arrival Karen poked her head through .

  “Nice of you to stop by,” she said, then ran over to Madison and enveloped her in a hug. “Thank you so much.” Her voice cracked as she burst into tears, and she clung onto Madison for a long time. Then she stepped back. “And thank you so much,” she said to Brock a little awkwardly, as if unsure how to address a bear .

  “We should probably leave him alone to shift,” Madison said, guiding her sister back into the kitchen .

  The kitchen was full of people, all drinking steaming cups of tea. Sophia and Marina were on a small sofa, wrapped in thick blankets; Elsbeth was sitting on a chair, with Abbey standing next to her, an arm around her shoulder, and Grayson and Riley were leaning against the counter, chatting to everyone. The guys were wearing dressing gowns, and Madison was reminded that everyone’s clothes were still in her backpack .

  “Auntie Madison!” Abbey yelled when she saw her, running up and wrapping her arms around her in a fierce hug .

  “Darling! I’m so glad you’re ok!” Elsbeth exclaimed, and Madison went over and kissed her .

  “How was the journey down the mountain?” Madison said, turning to Sophia and Marina .

  “It was sooo exciting!” they said at the same time. Madison laughed .

  “I would’ve thought you’d be too cold to appreciate it,” she said .

  “Nuh-uh!” Marina said, her eyes like saucers .

  “Just remember what we talked about – as a mark of gratitude for us rescuing your asses – you’re not going to tell anyone that we’ve got pet bears,” Grayson said with a wink .

  “We won’t mention it to anybody, cross my heart,” Sophia said, looking chastened .

  “And how about those boyfriends of yours ?”

  “They’re not our boyfriends,” both girls said, faces screwed up in disgust. “And we never want to talk to them again .”

  “Probably wise, if that’s their idea of showing you a good time,” Riley said, and they giggled, cheeks pinking. He was really handsome and charming, and Madison could see why Karen was drawn to him. But for her, no-one compared to Brock. The way he’d dealt with the entire situation – his calm, logical and clearheaded attitude – had made her like him even more. And there had been something incredibly intense about riding on his back, being close to him, which wasn’t diminished by the fact he’d been in his bear form. They’d also had a moment – almost a moment – up in the cabin, where she’d thought he was going to kiss her. She badly wished he had .

  Right on cue, he came through the door from the garage, looking gorgeous in a button-down plaid shirt and jeans. The top buttons were undone, revealing a wisp of dark chest hair and a hint of bulging pecs. Madison could have swooned. He was so damn sexy. He caught her eye and they exchanged a secret smile .

  “Looks like everyone got home in one piece,” he said .

  “Yup. But I think that’s enough exercise for me for the entire festive season,” Grayson said .

  “And the boys ?”

  “Yeah, I called their mothers,” Karen said. “They’re currently tucked up in bed. But I don’t think Santa will be bringing them anything this year. Both sets of mothers sounded irate, and apologized to everybody for all the trouble .”

  “Well, hopefully this has taught them an important life lesson anyway,” Elsbeth said .

  “Oh, everyone has to make mistakes when they’re young and foolish,” Grayson said, twinkling at her, and Madison swore that she saw her unflappable mother blush. What is it with these bears? They seem to be reducing all the women in this family to dizzy teenagers , she thought .

  The doorbell rang and Karen went to answer it, bringing Marina’s mom back with her .

  Marina flew into her arms and started crying .

  “Mom, I’m so sorry!” she wailed .

  “It’s ok, honey, I’m just glad you’re safe,” her mom murmured, stroking her head. “Now, who do I have to thank for saving Marina ?”

  “Brock, Grayson and Riley,” Marina said, pointing each one out .

  “There’s nothing to thank us for,” Grayson said, dipping his head .

  “That’s not true. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did. I dread to think what would have happened if you hadn’t been brave enough to go out into the snow like that.” The three guys looked embarrassed, hiding their faces in their mugs of tea, and Madison shivered, as the woman voiced the thought that had been running through her own mind .

  “Ok, let’s go and leave these kind people in peace,” Marina’s mom said .

  When they’d gone, Karen ran a hot bath for Sophia .

  “Can you gentlemen stay for dinner, or do you have someplace you need to be?” she said when she came back down. At her words, the three of them exchanged worried glances .

  “Are you ok? Is something wrong?” Madison asked .

  “No, nothing,” Brock said. “It’s just that we live over on the other side of the peak – not far from the Christmas tree store – and we’re thinking that it might not be so easy to get back tonight. We should check whether the Misty Hollow motel has any rooms tonight .”

  “No,” Madison said firmly. “You’re staying with us. I’ve got a spare bedroom and a nice big couch, and I think you have a spare bed as well, Karen ?”

  “I sure do!” she said. “It would be an honor to have you all stay with us.” The three bears’ eyes lit up .

  “If you’re sure it won’t be any trouble?” Grayson said .

  “It would be our pleasure,” Madison said, unable to prevent a grin from spreading across her face. She’d been dreading the moment when they’d leave, and Brock would be gone from her sight .

  “In that case, let’s have some mulled wine,” Karen said and dove into her pantry, bringing out another vat of wine. Madison laughed .

  “How much have you got in there?” she said .

  “Oh, I make a new batch every couple of days,” Karen replied with a wink. She put the wine on the stove and checked on the casserole. An incredible smell hit them as she opened the oven door, combining with the delicious spicy scent of the wine. “Just a couple of additions,” Karen said, and began chopping some more vegetables and putting some potatoes on to cook. Madison figured that Karen had realized that her casserole wasn’t big enough to feed the five of them, plus three hungry bears .

  “Did you guys want to get dressed?” she asked to distract them, so they wouldn’t notice the extra effort that was being made and feel bad about it .

  “Uh, I guess so,” Grayson said, looking down at the bathrobe as if he’d forgotten that he was wearing it. He and Riley did look very cute and relaxed hanging out in their robes, and she almost regretted that they’d be getting changed .

  “Snow’s getting worse, if anything,” she commented to Brock. He stood beside her and gazed out of the window, his closeness making all the hairs on her body stand up. She picked up his scent – a delicious earthy, spicy smell, which made her wish even more that his body was entwined with hers. Her clit gave a little jump and she pressed her thighs together guiltily .

  “It sure is. It won’t be easy driving home tomorrow,” he said .

  “What are
you guys doing for Christmas ?”

  “It’s just the three of us – my parents have moved out west and the drive over there is too much, so we already agreed that I’d spend Christmas with Uncle Grayson and Riley. Christmas has never been a big deal in our family, to be honest, so we’ll just have a big dinner and watch some movies, I guess .”

  “What do you have for Christmas dinner?” Abbey piped up, saving her. Brock rubbed the back of his head .

  “Uh, deer, rabbit. Whatever we catch. But we haven’t been out for it yet, so it’s going to be a little last minute. What about you guys ?”

  “We have a goose. It’s an old family tradition. Except I haven’t got to enjoy it for a couple of years, as I’ve ended up stuck in Chicago, working on a massively important deal,” she said in a sarcastic tone, blowing her bangs off her forehead. “Never again. I’m too big a fan of Christmas to spend it eating Chinese takeout at 10pm .”

  “Sounds like you won’t miss Chicago,” Brock said, with a smile .

  “Nope. Not one bit. I’m just glad to be back here. And I don’t intend to move away again .”

  “What made you leave ?”

  “A divorce .”

  “I’m sorry,” he said .

  “I’m not,” she said and laughed. There was a question on his lips that he was too polite to voice. “My ex-husband and I just grew apart. It was nothing dramatic. I’m just glad we had the courage to admit it to ourselves.” He nodded understandingly. Was there a flash of eagerness in his eyes? she wondered .

  “Do you guys have significant others?” she continued, trying to keep her tone casual, but cringing at the tightness in her voice .

  “Nope. Riley and I haven’t found our mates yet, and Uncle Grayson lost his mate a few years back, and he’s intent on becoming a grumpy old bear.” Madison laughed loudly to conceal the excitement jumping through her veins. He’s single! But how is that possible when he’s the most ridiculously amazing guy I’ve ever met? She pressed her lips together before she asked an embarrassing question like, “aren’t there many single lady bears in Misty Hollow ?”


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