Fools Like Us (Fools Like Us #1)

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Fools Like Us (Fools Like Us #1) Page 3

by Cookie Moretti

  My shirt slid down my shoulder and fell to the floor. Cedric circled me and licked my neck before turning me around. I leaned forward, resting my elbows against the sink as I felt him tug my pants down. I shivered again. When he had tugged my pants, he had pulled my brief down with it. Now I was bare to his gaze.

  I felt myself turning red. Damn. I shouldn't be embarrassed! We've already done it just three days ago but this...this was different. Now we weren't in dim lighting but in my bright kitchen. My kitchen! I'll never be able to look at this room the same way again.

  I gasped when I felt Cedric's tongue trail down from my back to my butt. "Don't," I choked, reaching my hand back to push his head away. "'s dirty."

  "No," he said, ignoring my hand. "You'll never be dirty, Kaito." To prove it to me, he licked my right butt cheek then my left before parting them.

  "No!" I said sharply and spun around. I bumped my back against the sink and looked down at him. "No. Don't."

  He stared back up at me. "Fine." Cedric easily shifted his attention from my butt to my throbbing erection which I had just practically shoved in his face. It hadn't been intentional but of course Cedric took it as an invitation.

  He grabbed my shaft and flicked his tongue against the tip. I gasped, the electric sensation of pleasure shooting through me. Before I could stop him he took me into his mouth, the hot and moist insides of his mouth enveloping me.

  "Don't," I choked out, trying to push his head away but it was futile. Cedric resisted and took me deeper into his mouth. He batted my hands away and grasped onto them to prevent me from making another attempt to push him away.

  "Ced," I panted as the younger man below me withdrew only to take me in his mouth again. "Ced..."

  Cedric looked up at me from beneath thick lashes, ice blue eyes hot yet twinkled with amusement. He rolled his tongue around the tip and I gave out a small cry, mortified that I was actually going to let this happen yet helpless to prevent it.

  It was already far too late. So for now I'll surrender to him.

  "Cedric," I whispered. "Ced..."

  Cedric took me out his mouth and stood to full height before settling his lips against mine. The kiss surprised me. I expected to be ravaged yet the kiss was slow...tender, as if he was trying to soothe my skittishness, pushing my unease away. My heart fluttered against my chest, stomach burning as my eyes stung with unshed tears.

  This boy, whenever he touched me it was as if I was a priceless treasure. Has John ever touched me like this? No...never. And that put a hollow ache in my heart because maybe John never truly saw me as 'precious' or 'priceless.' If that had been the case then he would have never left me.

  "You're thinking of him again," Cedric said softly. "You always cry when you think of him."

  "I'm not crying," I denied. But I felt like it but not because of John, but because Cedric himself made me feel important. Made me feel wanted. And that's what I've always craved be wanted. Needed.

  This young boy’s infatuation with me will one day end, because he's still just a child. And like a child he'll play with his new shiny toy and get tired of it after awhile. But until that day...until that day comes...I'll be selfish and keep him. Not as John's replacement, no, not that man's replacement.

  I wrapped my arms around Cedric's neck and pressed my forehead against his. "Let's take this to my room," I told him.

  "Okay." Before I knew what he intended to do, he already picked me up bridal style and held onto me as if I was weightless. I clung to him and closed my eyes.

  Yes, til he got tired of me, I'll keep this young boy. I was probably setting myself up for another heartbreak but it wasn't as if I wasn't used to it. At least now I was prepared to lose him.

  Chapter 4

  "I'm craving for you and just like a fool, there's no way I can stop stop stop my desire.." -V Factory


  For the remainder of the week Cedric never failed to show up at my doorstep.

  I was reluctant but we both agreed that if he should ever get to my apartment before me for any reason that he could use the spare key I had given him. I didn't bother telling him that the key I gave him was the exact same key I had given John. I had made my ex-lover return the key to me after he asked me to be his Best Man just a few days after he told me he was getting married.

  I had accepted to be his Best Man because he just had to point out that everyone has known me as his best friend for ten years. It would have been suspicious if I didn't attend the wedding. But that was the last favor I'll ever do for John. He deserved nothing more from me.

  As for Cedric, I didn't mind his presence in my home anymore. Yes, at first I worried but I got used to the idea of him coming and going. I've gotten used to him doing his homework on my coffee table in the living room or kitchen, gotten used to him occupying the seat on the couch next to me. It was as if he's always been there, like air.

  And I found his sex drive amusing. It didn't matter where we were; the bedroom, kitchen, living room...he was always ready to make love to me. I didn't mind it though. In fact, I enjoy his attention and even enjoyed teaching him the pleasures of the human body. Cedric had become an all too willing pupil and though I found his childish side vexing at times, I also couldn't help secretly adore his clinginess.

  "Ah to be young," I chuckled to myself, glancing at the clock hanging in my kitchen. It was already Saturday and Cedric had told me he was going to be a little late but he's never been this late before. It was already six p.m and he had to be home by at least ten.

  I turned my attention back to the chicken legs I've been marinating and frowned. I wonder...what has Cedric been telling his parents? I get worried when he drives home late but he always insists to stay longer. Up til now I've never let him spend the night. I thought it was too soon for that. Too intimate.

  "As if you haven't already slept with the boy, Kai," I told myself with another amused chuckle. I guess it was really far too late to worry about 'intimacy'. But still, it wasn't as if Cedric has asked to spend the night, so why was it bugging me now?

  The phone started ringing, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly washed my hands and answered the phone in the living room before it could go to voicemail. "Hello?"


  I smiled, relieved to hear Cedric's voice. "Ced, where are you? It's getting late."

  "Sorry," he said, "but I got caught up in something."

  "Oh? Where are you now?"


  A female voice cut him off from the background. "Cedric, hurry up! We're going to miss the movie!"

  I froze.

  "Alright," Cedric answered the girl dryly, "I get it. Just hold on. Hello?"

  I swallowed. "I'm here."

  "Sorry about this but I don't think I can make it to your place today."

  My hand tightened on the phone. "I see."

  "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "All right."

  "Cedric!" A female voice, a different one this time called out to him impatiently. Cedric disconnected his call before I could ask what time to expect him tomorrow. I stared at the phone before hanging it back up on the cradle.

  "It's not unusual for him to have female friends," I told myself out loud. Of course he'd have friends. He must be popular with the ladies. How could he not be? I crossed my arms and continued to stare at the phone, wondering just to whom those two female voices belonged to. Friends? Girlfriends?

  I shook my head. "Get a hold of yourself, Kai. You're letting this get to you for no reason." I turned around and returned to what I was doing in the kitchen. I finished marinating the chicken legs but in the end decided to foil them and cook them tomorrow. Cedric liked Teriyaki chicken. He told me so.

  "I'll cook it for him tomorrow," I said out loud as I placed the foiled chicken legs in a large zip-lock bag and placed them in the fridge. "The boy eats like a dinosaur."

  Teenagers, especially teenage boys, seemed to eat like their stomachs were endless voids. Cedri
c certainly had a healthy appetite and still had an athletic figure. He must play sports or something.

  "Or just have fast metabolism," I mused. I shook my head. Look at me, talking to myself! And Cedric's been the center of it the entire time. The boys been on my mind more than he should be lately. It wouldn't be good if I become infatuated with him. I've already decided that when our affair ends that it'll end smoothly. No tears, no regrets...

  "Who am I fooling?" I muttered, wiping the kitchen counter clean. "I'm already half infatuated with him." It's like I've suddenly become a housewife to a teenage boy. It's laughable, a man my age thinking about someone younger constantly like this.

  I rinsed out the rag and hung it on the faucet before turning around. I looked around my neat kitchen and wondered why it suddenly looked so lonely. Everything was so quiet...

  "Maybe I should get a dog." I toyed with the idea and shook my head. No, I had no time to take care of a pet, but did my home always look this lonely?

  My eyes landed on the wooden polished table in the center of the kitchen. Cedric's gotten into the habit of doing his homework there whenever I was in the kitchen cooking. Or sometimes he would even just sit there, content on watching me move around while preparing dinner.

  I walked out the kitchen and paused in the living room when my eyes landed on the glass coffee table in the middle on the room surrounded by vanilla colored loveseat and couch. Cedric liked doing his work there too whenever I decided to sit down to watch the news on my 42' inch flat screen t.v mounted against the wall. He'd sit right next to my legs on the beige carpet and do his work on the coffee table. Sometimes when he finishes early we'd even watched a few movies together...

  Funny, I couldn't picture John ever watching movies with me. He'd always be stuck in his studio painting a new creation. I don't think we ever spent time in any of these rooms together longer than ten minutes since I moved in a year ago aside for the bedroom.

  And speaking of the bedroom. I walked in my bedroom and stopped in front of the door. I had more memories in this room with Cedric than I had with John. John had never been the cuddling type and now that I think about it, neither have I but Cedric...Cedric would cling to me after we made love. No matter if I was facing him or not, he'd always manage to wrap his arms around me and pull me close.

  I gazed at the black and white neatly made bed and smiled wanly at the fond memories. I tried to fight it but the memories tickled at my heart and gave me an emotion that I didn't dare name. Just a week here and Ced has already made his mark in my home. His presence was everywhere even though he wasn't even here now.

  I turned to leave the room but stopped when I spotted Cedric's tan wool scarf on my polished black dresser with a dominating mirror attached to it. I took a step towards the dresser and grabbed the long scarf. That Cedric...he must have forgotten it here yesterday.

  I wrapped the scarf around my neck and inhaled the scent clinging to it. It was Cedric's scent. Faint but strongly male. Christmas was just around the corner, maybe I could get him a cologne or something. I walked out the room, thinking of the different scents I could buy him while keeping the wool scarf pressed against my nose.

  It wasn't until I was back in the living room that I realized what I was doing. I shook my head and unwrapped the scarf from my neck and frowned at it. Look at me, daydreaming about Cedric. Pathetic. It wasn't like he was thinking about me. He was out enjoying himself with friends. Girl friends...

  I tossed the scarf on the love seat and crossed my arms. How infuriating! That boy had my mind completely on him. I'm completely acting like a lovestruck fool. How vexing!

  “I'll take a shower," I said with a nod. "Take my mind off that boy."

  Big mistake. As soon as I got naked and gotten under the warm spray of the shower head I remembered exactly what Cedric and I had done last this bathroom...right in this shower... Somehow he had talked me into taking a shower with him and in the end we ended up doing it here too.

  My god! I groaned and tapped my head against the shower wall. Was there no room in this apartment we hadn't done it in!?

  I grabbed the bar of soap and began lathering my arm, trying hard to NOT remember just what Cedric and I had been doing here last night, but really, it was a pointless attempt because my head was already filled with scenes from last night.

  Cedric behind me, lathering his hands with soap before using those same soapy hands to caress my back with. I shivered at the memory. And if I remembered correctly, he also used those hands to grab me from behind, pressing my wet soapy back against his naked chest.

  I swallowed, remembering the feel of those hands on me. They way they glided over my skin...the way they seemed to be everywhere on my body at the same time. I placed the soap back on the dish and raised my face up, welcoming the warm spray of the water of my face. I kept my eyes close, rubbing my neck with my soapy hands before one of them suddenly got lower.

  My right hand slid down my neck to my chest, ever so slowly sliding down my flat belly. I turned my face away from the spray of the water but kept my eyes closed, biting my bottom lip as my right hand hovered just inches above my thickening erection.

  I felt wicked...very naughty doing this, touching myself while replaying the acts Cedric did to me last night. It was so easy to picture him here with easy to feel his touch on my skin. My hand went lower and touched my erection, causing ripples of chills to go throughout my body.

  I licked my already moist lips and began to slowly stroke myself. As the shower pounded against my body I could feel my heart pounding against my chest at the same time. It pounded with excitement...

  "Ced," I moaned as I pleasured myself. "Cedric..."

  I stumbled back away from the water, my back pressing against the cool shower wall behind me. I leaned my weight against it, my strokes growing faster. I was close...

  And then I heard the doorbell buzzing.

  I instantly stopped what I was doing and groaned. Oh God, what had I been doing? Well it's obvious what but...damn. The buzzing wouldn't stop and I could swear I could also hear banging with it.

  I quickly stepped out the shower and dried myself as fast as I could before slipping on a fuzzy blue bathrobe. What's the emergency? I thought with a curse as I nearly tripped over Cedric's scarf that had somehow fallen to the carpet. Fuming, I snatched the blasted scarf up and marched to the door. My dark hair was still dripping wet all over the place!

  I unlocked the door and jerked it open. I blinked with surprise at my unexpected guest. "Cedric?"

  Cedric stood behind my door wearing dark blue jeans and a black shirt beneath a black jacket. As usual his raven hair was in disarray in a boyish way. He regarded me with a serious expression. "Hi."

  I blinked again, completely baffled. "Where is your key?"

  "Forgot it in the car."


  "What are you doing here? I thought you were at the movies with your friends."

  His eyes landed on the scarf in my hand. "I left early. I forgot my scarf."

  My eyes widened. Well...okay...

  "It's cold out here," he said, his eyes taking in my appearance. "Can I come in?"

  I found myself nodding and stepping back. Cedric entered my apartment and closed the door. He locked it with a soft click before turning back to face me. He may have said that it was cold out, but his eyes were smoldering as they landed back on me.

  The instant I dropped the scarf he was on me before it could hit the floor.

  I don't know where the urgency came from and I certainly hadn't expected him to show up but now we were suddenly jerking his clothes off, throwing them carelessly aside in a frantic. I gasped when my back hit the door, Cedric kissing me savagely. I returned his fierce kissing with my own, wrapping my arms around his neck as he grasped my waist to lift me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and straddled him, raking my nails down his bare back.

  How on earth we got his pants down in this position would forever
bewilder me but there we were, panting against one another as he entered me with one thrust. I cried out from the pain that came with such intimacy but it quickly receded into pleasure. I’ve always been one to like it a little rough sometimes, something John never got.

  "It's okay," I said breathlessly when Cedric had frozen at the sound of my cry. "It's okay...keep going."

  And once again we were all over each other. It felt so...primal, the way he had me pinned against the door with my legs around his waist. I cried out with each thrust and Cedric didn't stop, knowing that my cries were of pleasure and not pain. By this time my bathrobe had already fallen open, the rope hanging loosely. It rode down until my shoulders and part of my upper arms were bare.

  I gasped and arched my head back when Cedric captured a hardened nipple and nibbled, tugging and teasing it with his tongue. This was crazy! All of it! I could feel his hard thrusts, feel myself squeeze around him and we groaned in unison at that pleasurable feelings. He was hitting all the right spots without having me to tell him where anymore.

  "Kai," I heard Cedric panting out my name somewhere in the haze of all this passion. "Kaito..."

  Somehow I found his lips through all this movement and clung onto him. I kissed him blind, wanting to melt into him. Become one with him. Anything to reach that bliss at the end of this...

  Then suddenly I was on the ground, my back sliding against the soft white carpet as Cedric hovered above me, thrusting faster and faster, my cries ringing in the room. And we weren't even in the bedroom or living room! We were in the hallway of all places, just a couple of feet away from the front door.

  I ran my hands down Cedric's back, loving the feel of his flexing muscles beneath my palm. His skin felt hot and moist as he moved in a rhythm above me, taking himself deeper and deeper into me until my nails were digging in his back, hard enough to draw blood. When he reached between us and started stroking me, I lost all reason and coherent thoughts.

  When we came, we came together. It was like an unspoken promise. My back buckled from the carpet, a cry stuck in my throat but not quite able to voice it out as an intense wave of pleasure road me. And Cedric, he didn't pull out. He kept thrusting in me even as a mind blowing orgasm racked through our body, his seed spilling in me, mine spilling into his hand and on my stomach.


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