Owned by the Alpha

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Owned by the Alpha Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Stay calm, Hailey. She’d never felt so alone, and she’d thought she hit rock bottom in the parking lot of the resort. This was so much worse. Her feet were wet, her body chilled to the core, and she couldn’t even count the number of cuts and scratches she had from wandering blindly through the thick underbrush. George was probably fucking his new plaything while Hailey was about to die a grizzly death. She would have screamed for help again, but knew it would only attract unwanted attention.

  More animals moved in, the eerie sounds coming from all around her. Hailey’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as she tried to remember every nature show she’d ever watched. The growling and barking echoed in all directions. It was complete chaos, a horror show she wanted no part of. She fell to her knees every few steps, exhausted and nearly hopeless. Hailey almost laughed aloud as she imagined what a great meal she’d make compared to one of George’s stick-thin girlfriends. She was only a breath away from losing it.

  “Don’t be afraid.” The male voice was deep and surreal. Was she hearing God in her last minutes? When very real hands hoisted her easily to her feet, she gasped, reality rushing back to her clouded mind.

  “Who’s there?”

  He didn’t answer her question, but took one of her hands and pressed it against a large tree to balance her. “Stay here. Don’t move until I come back.”

  Who was she to argue? At this point, the stranger was her only hope.


  Darius had crossed too many lines to fathom. Luckily, the sun had set, so the human couldn’t see he was naked and oddly aroused. The animals closing in on her weren’t shifters. They were just wild coyotes and it wouldn’t take much for him to scare them off once he shifted back into his alpha wolf. He was more concerned with the fact his own pack was coming to investigate. They’d all wonder why he was protecting the human female. He didn’t know how he’d explain what was happening. Darius wasn’t so sure himself.

  The little bastards lunged at him. Even in his human skin, he had his wolven night vision. He smirked as he began to shift, looking forward to dealing with the pests. His bones elongated, his teeth and claws sharpening. Within seconds, he was larger than any natural wolf. He was the alpha of these woods, and the hungry coyotes surrounding his woman quickly realized the fact. They backed off after scenting his dominant wolf. If he wanted to, he could take on the seven of them without breaking a sweat. With his packmates now minutes away, it would be a bloodbath. But Darius had no desire for carnage tonight. He only wanted to keep the human safe. He chased them clear of the area, putting the fear of the devil in them.

  Once the evening hush settling back in, Darius shifted. He needed to know everything he could about this human besides the fact she made his cock harder than oak.

  “What’s your name, little one?” he asked.

  She hadn’t moved. The scent of fear tainted the air. “Hailey.”

  “What are you doing way out here? Don’t you know the forest is a dangerous place at night? You could have been killed.”

  “I thought it was a good idea before the sun set,” she said. “But now you’re here.”

  “Yes. I am.” Where was his usual distain for humans? There wasn’t anywhere in the world he’d rather be than by her side.

  “Were those wolves?”

  “If they were wolves, you wouldn’t have heard them coming. They were coyotes.”

  “Still sounds bad. Are they gone?”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

  His pack surrounded them. He could see Thorn’s wolf in the near distance. “Let’s get you back to your car.”

  He didn’t want to be disturbed. Darius pressed a hand to the small of her back and led her through the forest. She reached for him when she couldn’t keep her balance, but he reluctantly kept his distance. Darius had never been more confused, and as alpha, he prided himself on always knowing his next move. He wasn’t even sure what he’d do once they got to her car. His wolf demanded he keep her, and although he agreed, part of him felt he was betraying his heritage by not keeping tradition.

  “What were you doing out here anyway?” she asked, her breath labored as she plodded along.

  “I live nearby.”

  “In the forest?”


  Her fear had completely subsided, and it pleased him that his presence made her feel safe. There was nothing he couldn’t protect her from. They’d almost reached her car. The longer he walked with her, the more her scent permeated every facet of his being. He was becoming addicted.

  “I’m not used to any of this. I live in the city.”

  “You’re far from home,” he said.

  “I was at the new resort for my engagement dinner. But I guess I was dumped, jilted, whatever you want to call it.” She sighed. “It was probably a blessing in disguise.”

  He bristled, not liking the sound of another man in the picture. “Then he’s a fool. And you deserve much better.”

  She chuckled. “Sure. When you see me in the light of day, you might not feel the same.”

  How could any man choose to walk away from her? Human men were fickle and weak. All he could think about was claiming her, sinking his fangs into her tender skin as a warning to other males to stay away. Darius had fucked enough human women, but not a single one had this effect on him.

  Hailey was different, special, his.

  He’d be a fool to ignore the mating call, and that was exactly what it was. How was he supposed to convince her that she was his mate? It would be so simple with a she-wolf, instinct taking the place of courting. Hailey might be his biggest challenge yet.

  He stopped, tilting her chin up to make his point clear. “I promise, I like everything I see. I’ve never wanted another woman more.”

  She gasped, her lips parting. The scent of her desire wasn’t lost on him. “You don’t even know me. I don’t know you…”

  “Then we need to change that.” He ran the backs of his fingers along the side of her face. Gods, she was beautiful. Her eyes were a vivid shade of blue, a contrast to her dark hair. A spattering of freckles across her nose and minimal make-up gave her an air of innocence.

  “That’s easier said than done,” she said.

  “Are you worried you won’t be attracted to me?”

  “No… I’m just scared to trust again. Everyone I’ve ever cared about has let me down. I’m not sure I’m up for more disappointment.”

  “Then I’ll have to show you,” he said.

  “Show me what?”

  “How a real man treats a woman.”


  Holy shit. Hailey’s body was lighting up like a Christmas tree. Was she that desperate for love that she’d fall for the sweet words of a complete stranger? One she couldn’t even see? But his voice … it was so deep and gravelly, making her knees weak. For all she knew, he could be a crazy axe-murderer. Yes, she was definitely desperate. She was too emotionally damaged from the whole George ordeal to think clearly.

  And even though she was in no position to judge, he could be some toothless hillbilly. Maybe he was if he lived in the bush. She just needed to forget the whole weekend and get back to the city. Falling for a stranger’s sweet words was a very bad idea.

  “I really need to go…”

  “Your car’s just ahead,” he said. “You’ll be able to find your way from here.”

  She expected him to argue and push for a date. It was kind of disappointing when he didn’t. She still remembered the way he touched her, his skin so warm and rough, making her dream up all kinds of fantasies. But happily ever afters weren’t in the cards for Hailey. She fiddled with the keys in her pocket and got the headlights to snap on when she unlocked the doors. Her body nearly melted into the ground with relief. It was so good to have her sight back. As soon as she got her bearings, she turned to the side to get the first glimpse of her rescuer.

  He was gone.

  Hailey whirled around, a full
three-sixty, and still nothing. How could he have disappeared so quickly? It didn’t make sense. Had she insulted him? She didn’t even know his name. After her initial shock wore off, she rushed to get into the safety of her car. It was time to make the long drive home. Hailey needed to erase this day from memory, but forgetting her mystery hero might not be so easy.


  “What was that about?” asked Thorn.

  Darius stood motionless as the cones of light from Hailey’s car disappeared from view. It had taken all his resolve not to stop her from leaving. He clenched his fists at his sides as his wolf thrashed within him. Darius could scarcely control his volatile energy.


  “That car doesn’t leave Northern Summit territory,” Darius said. “I don’t care how, but that female will be staying at the resort tonight. Unharmed.”

  Normally his beta would argue or ask for clarification, but not now. All three of his packmates shifted seamlessly together, rushing off as ordered. Even though most his pack was currently off territory, he had complete faith in his men to get the job done. If only he had as much conviction in his ability to court a human. His alpha aura would have been enough for a she-wolf. Hailey was new terrain. The mating call still hummed within him, instinct demanding he claim what was rightfully his. His previously scattered emotions had been solidified. Nothing would stop him from making Hailey his.

  Chapter Three

  She never wanted to set foot in this lobby again. Just being back at the resort brought back the menagerie of negative feelings that had nearly destroyed her earlier.

  “Can I help you?” asked the man at the front desk.

  “I had a room reserved for the weekend under Hailey Robinson.”

  The cops at the road block insisted her only option for the night was the resort. So, she was back where she started, the last place she wanted to be. She already began mentally calculating how much the room charge was going to set her back this month. Hailey was going to have to live off Ramen Noodles for a few weeks.

  After unpacking her small bag and preparing for bed, she turned off all the lights and wrapped a blanket over her shoulders. She slid open the patio door and stepped out onto the shadowed balcony. There was a sharp chill in the air, only the vague outline of the forest in the distance. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she leaned against the wall. A few stars still shone through despite the unnatural lighting created by the resort. She wanted to make a wish, but she knew it wouldn’t come true. How many times had she asked for a family, a good job, a perfect body, or a man to love her? She’d given up on her dream for love, but still believed it was better than settling for George.

  Hailey had a deep-seated need to belong, and a craving for a love so unconditional it probably didn’t exist. She could blame her insecurities on her dysfunctional life as a foster kid, but she was a grown woman now and could only fault herself.

  What she couldn’t get off her mind was her mystery man. Just his voice had made her swoon. He sounded so confident in his ability to be everything she could ever want in a man. And she desperately wanted to believe him. Only he was gone, like everyone else who’d walked out of her life.

  A wolf bayed in the distance, then another. It gave her the chills. She was safe on the fourth floor, but decided to get inside for the night.


  “Are you going to tell me what the fuck’s going on?” asked Thorn.

  His beta and packmates did as he’d ordered, getting Hailey safely to the resort for the night. Now he had time to breathe, time to think.

  “She was lost in the forest. I was just making sure she got home all right.”

  Thorn scoffed. “Don’t try to bullshit a bullshitter, Darius.”

  He exhaled, knowing he couldn’t hide the truth forever, especially since he’d never shown kindness to a human before. “Fine. I want her,” he admitted.

  “Then why didn’t you take her?”

  “She’s a human.”

  “We’ve both fucked humans before. What’s the difference now?” asked Thorn.

  Darius stood up and paced around the campfire they’d started earlier. The sparks and embers danced up towards the blackened sky. “I don’t want to fuck her. I want to keep her.” At this point, he wasn’t interested in twisting the facts. Darius was alpha and his word was law. “She’s my mate.”

  Thorn bolted to his feet, and Jacob and Brass couldn’t hide the shock on their faces. “Your mate? That’s impossible!”

  “How do you know?” asked Brass.

  He shrugged. “I can’t explain it. I don’t need to explain it. My problem is figuring out how to convince that girl she belongs here. With me.”

  “With a werewolf,” Thorn corrected.

  “Yeah, a werewolf. You’re not helping.” Darius had no one to advise him because he’d never heard of a shifter and human mating. And he knew Hailey wasn’t just any human, but a fucking virgin. His wolf sensed it almost immediately.

  “You want us to bring her to you?” asked Jacob.

  Darius shook his head. “I have to do things right. Kidnapping her definitely won’t earn me any points.”

  “This can’t go well. Humans and shifters don’t mix, Darius,” said Brass. “You’re the one who taught us to stay away from them.”

  “It’s fucking unnatural,” said Thorn.

  Darius cracked his neck to each side, his skin flushing hot. “This isn’t a debate. That female is mine, and I fully plan on claiming her.”

  “Well, this should be entertaining,” said Thorn, settling back on the downed log.

  “It will, because you’ll all be helping me. Get ready to play human.”

  Tomorrow would be pivotal in his courting of Hailey. He was excited that fate gave him a mate, but also cautious. She seemed too good to be true—beautiful, sexy, sweet, and innocent to men. Darius wanted to promise her the world. And an alpha always kept his word.


  Before Hailey opened her eyes, she’d almost believed the George fiasco was a nightmare. And her forest hero was a dream. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was and what had transpired the day before, and then reality came crashing down. You sure know how to pick ’em, Hailey.

  Although not giving George sex could have been one of the factors to push him away, she was glad she hadn’t given a cheater like him her virginity. She might have been thirty-two, but her innocence wasn’t a hindrance as most would suspect. It was her only possession of value. She’d had too many chances to lose it, and sometimes had to fight to keep it, even as a child, but she had. It was hers, and it gave her a small sense of control in an otherwise powerless life.

  She reached for the invoice under the door, but it was actually an invitation. Hailey had to read it twice because it said she was invited to a ball. She laughed out loud as she imagined a pumpkin coach and fairy godmother.

  “A ball? Really?” she said. “Yeah, I think I’ll pass.” She tossed the invitation on the bed before preparing for the day. It was time to get back to reality and put the past behind her.

  As she made her way down the stairs to check-out, she heard familiar voices in the lobby. She stopped to listen before opening the final door in the hallway. It was Karl and … George. You’ve got to be kidding me!

  There was no way she could face him, not now or ever. Hailey decided George couldn’t stay in the lobby indefinitely, and she had another few hours until she had to turn her key-cards in, so she escaped out the back door to waste some time exploring the well-manicured grounds.

  Why had George bothered to show up? Had he tired of his new fling already? Had he made another mistake and wanted to beg for her forgiveness again? She had none left to give.

  The sky was a brilliant blue, the air sweet and crisp. A delicate layer of dew still carpeted the grass, darkening the edges of her running shoes. She didn’t care. Hailey wanted to savor the sights, to enjoy this brief escape. As she cut across the lawns, she admired the lavish
flower gardens—purples, reds, and pinks. Back home in the city, the only beauty she could have found were the hanging flower baskets along the downtown strip.

  Forget George, forget everything, she reminded herself. She inhaled some of that fresh country air and kept walking toward the woods. It was morning, so that foreboding element was no longer present. Instead, the wall of massive oaks represented a hideaway, a refuge she desperately needed for a short while.

  She found an old tree stump a few yards into the forest and sat down, closing her eyes as she tried to absorb the multitude of sounds from insects and birds, to the squirrels scampering in the branches above. She was so content that she couldn’t help but smile. When she opened her eyes again, there was a large gray wolf standing directly in front of her. She hadn’t even heard a leaf being disturbed. Hailey froze, unsure what she should do. The wolf stared intently, its upper lip quivering. It looked intense, its ears back and hackle forming. Should she play dead? What would it feel like to be eaten alive?

  She swallowed hard.

  Hailey was in shock, not daring to move a muscle. They were at a stalemate when a massive wolf leaped out from behind her. The new beast knocked the other away with its sheer size and strength. They rolled briefly, the ground shuddering, until standing off, head to head. A fresh rush of adrenaline coursed through her body, making her light-headed. This wolf was much larger, pitch black, and looked ready to kill. It challenged the gray wolf with two-inch long fangs and enough bravado to make a Grizzly submit.

  She held her breath, hoping for a miracle, and scolding herself for entering a forest again. When the gray wolf slowly backed away in defeat, she knew she was the next victim.


  “Don’t get that close to her again,” Darius warned. He took a few breaths to calm his beast. His territorial nature was off the fucking charts. Catching Brass up close and personal with his woman made him see red.

  “I was just looking out for her, like you wanted,” said Brass, as he lowered his head in submission and slowly retreated.

  Darius knew his wolf would only get worse until he marked Hailey as his mate. “Keep your distance.”


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