Owned by the Alpha

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Owned by the Alpha Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  Aubrey shook her head so hard strands of her hair whipped around her face.

  “No, you can’t do that. She was only, well, I mean it’s only natural to be wary. She doesn’t know me, and on paper, the whole thing is ludicrous. Wolves eat deer, after all.”

  She recognized her mistake the minute the words came out of her mouth, because Raphael’s eyes bled to the glowing yellow of his beast’s, and when he smiled, she gasped at the sight of his razor-sharp incisors. The mark on her nape throbbed, her pussy clenched, and she couldn’t stop her deep-throated moan in response to him.

  “Oh, this wolf has every intention to eat you, little doe.”


  He smirked, shut her open mouth with his large index finger, and traced the contours of her lips almost absentmindedly before he shook himself and stepped back.

  “Food first, though.” He walked off, adjusting himself as he went, and Aubrey downed half of her glass of wine in one go. It warmed up her insides and caused an immediate nice buzz in her system.

  She was in the process of refilling her wine glass when Raphael reappeared with two steaming bowls of vegetable stew in his large hands.

  “Go easy on that until you’ve eaten something, sweetheart. I want you conscious when we make love later, not comatose.”

  He placed her bowl in front of her and sat down opposite her with his own food.

  “Is that what we’re going to do, then, make love?” she asked. “I thought you wolves just fucked doggy style.” Lord only knew why she was goading him. It had to be the wine talking, or maybe she was just high on his presence, because she was so aroused, that the slightest friction against her clit would be enough to send her over the edge.

  With that in mind, she clenched her thighs together and buried her gasp of delight in the mouthful of stew she’d just taken. “Oh God, this is so good.”

  She mumbled around the food in her mouth as countless flavors exploded on her taste buds. So engrossed was she in eating that she completely missed the fact that Raphael had gone very quiet. Only when she pushed her empty bowl away did she notice he’d hardly eaten anything. His hungry gaze devoured her instead, and she froze as she looked into the eyes of his wolf.

  Everything south clenched in need, and he inhaled sharply.

  “If you come now, I’ll have to spank that luscious ass. Your orgasms are mine, little doe, and don’t you forget it.” He reached under the table to pry her legs apart, and he groaned as his nostrils flared. “You smell so fucking good. I want you.”

  The raw need in those growled words echoed her own feelings. “I wish you’d take me then, mate.”

  In the blink of an eye, he was on top of her, and Aubrey could only hold on for dear life as he lifted her up, chair and all, and proceeded to kiss her senseless. His sheer strength took her breath away, and burying her hands in his long hair, she kissed him back with all the pent-up sexual frustration she felt.

  His hands shifted to her ass, and the chair crashed to the floor as she brought her legs around his waist and clung.

  The heat of his solid erection branded her, even through the layers of clothing still separating her from her prize, and she moaned her need as her hips took on a life of their own.

  Her back hit the wall with a thump when Raphael crowded her against it, not once breaking his fevered kisses. Grasping her hips, he rubbed her pussy up and down his cock while he ran his lethal teeth up and down her neck.

  Shivers raced over her skin, and she didn’t even know what she was pleading for, as the delicious friction his denim fly created against her clit threatened to send her over that edge.

  “That’s my girl, come for me, like this, right now. You’re so fucking hot.”

  That growled command did it. Aubrey’s climax raced through her, made ten times more potent by Raphael sinking his teeth into her neck. She screamed as waves of bliss pulled her under. They radiated out from his bite in ever wider circles until they all came together in her clit. That little bundle of nerves contracted, and her internal muscles clenched and released with the desperate need to be filled, stretched by her mate.

  Lights flashed behind her eyes, and she was dimly aware of Raphael carrying her upstairs before she flew through the air and onto her bed. He was on top of her before she’d even stopped bouncing, and together they somehow managed to rid each other of their remaining clothes until they were both gloriously naked, with Raphael positioned between her splayed legs. So close, yet so far. One hand by her head he kept his weight off of her, while his fingers dug into her hip to stop her attempts to wriggle closer to his cock.

  His claws ran out as she continued to struggle, and she gasped at the pain, which only served to make her more determined to have him inside of her.

  “Stop it, little doe. Just let me look at you.”

  His deep voice had dropped a further octave and held that steel of command which simply meant she had to obey him. With his eyes glowing softly in the dim light of her bedroom, and his long hair hanging down, enveloping them both in a cocoon of intimacy, she could do nothing else but stare up at her mate.

  Oh my God, he really is my mate.

  Raphael’s stern features softened as though he could read her mind, and who knew, maybe he could. After all, she read his emotions loud and clear. The waves of possessiveness should have been a turn-off, yet with Raphael looking at her as though she was the most precious thing to him, they were anything but.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are, mate?” he asked, dipped his head, and then inhaled deeply next to her ear. His beard tickled, and Aubrey giggled. His growl shook the bed, and in the next instant, he flexed his hips and thrust into her waiting body in one long, measured move. Despite how wet she was for him, his move hurt as her body struggled to accept his size. Already his cock swelled, thickened in the knot which would keep him locked to her as they rode out this, their first proper joining.

  “Fuck, you feel so good. Relax for me, breathe, and let me in. That’s my very good girl.

  Raphael shifted so that he could grasp her breasts. He buried his head between them, breathed in, and then licked a path of fire over her skin with his raspy tongue until he could suck her nipple into his mouth. Aubrey groaned under the onslaught of his mouth and fingers, and she lifted her hips. That move meant he slipped further into her body until she was so utterly filled by him she didn’t know where he ended and she began. Gasping for breath, pinned in place by his considerable bulk, she couldn’t move, could barely breathe, truth be told. Not that it mattered, not when every fiber of her being was on fire for this man, as he grew even bigger inside her.

  A high keening sound filled the air, and it took a moment to register it was coming from her, and then, Raphael raised his head and slowly ran his clawed fingers down her body until he could grasp handfuls of her ass.

  He groaned deep in his throat, and lifting her ass up, he shifted to his knees. It made him gain even deeper penetration, his balls hit her ass, and Aubrey gasped and tried to shut her eyes against the sensation overload she was subjected to.

  Open your eyes, sweetheart. I want you to see how my cock stretches you. You’re mine now, little doe, and I shan’t ever let you go.

  His voice in her head carried the deep growl of his wolf, and if she’d needed any more proof that they were meant to be, this was it.

  I can hear you. I can hear your wolf.

  Aubrey opened her eyes and gasped anew when she looked into the eyes of his animal. Right now, here in this moment, it all fell into place. There was no room for doubt, only this overwhelming feeling of belonging, of having found her safe haven, the one place in all this earth she was meant to be.

  Raphael’s lopsided grin in response to her as he pulled almost all the way out of her, made her fall in love with him all over again, and she blurted out the feelings of her heart.

  “I love you.”

  Raphael threw his head back and howled while sliding back inside her pussy. That move se
nt every one of her nerve endings alight with the need for this man, her destiny, her mate.

  Of course you can hear him, you’re ours. I love you, little doe.

  Aubrey clenched around his cock, and it seemed to be the signal Raphael had needed because he allowed his wolf to take over. Aubrey stopped thinking and simply felt as Raphael thrust in and out of her like a madman. The bed bashed against the wall, and Aubrey met her mate thrust for glorious thrust as the pressure built between them to unbearable levels with Raphael shouting his possession of her with every push into her.

  “You. Are. Mine.”

  “Yes, yes, I am. Oh God, I’m going to…”

  Aubrey screamed as her orgasm hit, and Raphael pulled out of her. He flipped her over and then surged back into her pussy while sinking his teeth into her shoulder.

  That sharp pain morphed into bliss so intense, Aubrey couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but absorb the incredible feeling of being owned body and soul by this man, as he stiffened above her. Raphael roared his release, heat bathed her insides, and she came again as his cock expanded to impossible dimensions, and he knotted in place. Her vision dimmed and the world narrowed as she became one with man and wolf, her deer wrapping itself around his wolf, as he stood over her to protect her always.

  By the time she could breathe with any degree of normalcy, Raphael had rolled them so that they were on their sides, still joined together in the most intimate of embraces. His rough tongue licked his mark, and he nuzzled in when he noticed she was with him again.

  “Hey, mate.”

  Propping himself up on one elbow, he looked down on her and the tenderness in his gaze proved her complete undoing. Tears sprang into her eyes, and try as she might, she couldn’t stop them from falling. His wolf’s whine echoed in her head while the man pulled her closer and kissed the tears off her face.

  I’m okay, it’s all right, really.

  Then why are you crying, my love?

  I don’t know. I’m just so happy I guess.

  Raphael’s sharp exhale ghosted across her face, and she could feel his relief as he relaxed around her and kissed her nose. His knot slowly lessened and, their bodies thus released, he rolled over, taking her with him so that she half rested on his chest. Closing her eyes, she nestled in, loving the way his chest hair made the comfiest cushion ever. Aubrey let her hands explore the dips and valleys of his abdomen. She frowned when her questing digits encountered the raised scar tissue just above his hip. His wolf whined, and the man took a deep breath in.

  “What happened?” she asked, even as horrific images of Raphael in wolf form, fighting for his life, flooded her mind.

  Oh my God, you fought. For me?

  She tried to push away, but Raphael rolled them again until he was back on top of her. Raising her arms above her head, he pinned them down, and Aubrey mewled in need when she felt his cock harden anew. It nudged her mound, and Raphael’s grin grew sinful as he looked down on her.

  “Again? So soon?”

  In answer, he simply lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and seated himself in her pussy in one slow measured thrust that made her internal muscles quiver around him.

  “Yes, I want you, and I’ve waited a long time.”

  Whatever protest she might have had was stopped by his kiss, and Aubrey simply gave up and made love with him. There was no other way to describe it really, as they brought each other to release time and time again. By the time she finally fell into exhausted sleep, the first rays of sunshine were turning the sky orange.


  Raphael woke up to the smell of coffee. He smiled and promptly frowned when he reached across the bed to find it empty. His wolf growled his annoyance and immediately scanned their surroundings for his mate. She wasn’t far. He could sense her presence in his mind. Gentle humming filled it, and Raphael threw the covers off and stretched. The sharp pain that action usually evoked in his side didn’t materialize this morning. The scars were still there and always would be, but they didn’t hurt anymore. Sex with his mate had healed the last of his injuries.

  My mate.

  His grin deepened as he padded across to the bathroom, used the facilities, and then made his way downstairs.

  Aubrey was standing at the kitchen sink, hands clasped around a mug of coffee, staring across at the forest and seemingly miles away. A deep-throated moan escaped her when he came up behind her, pulled her flush against him, and rubbed his morning wood, made ten times more prominent by the sight of her wearing nothing but his t-shirt, into her ass cheeks. He had to bend his knees to do so because she was a good head shorter than him in her bare feet. The fact that she immediately grew wet for him, the sweet musk of her arousal hitting his nostrils, did not help his stiffy one bit.

  To distract himself from visions of bending her over right here and now and taking her from behind, he nuzzled into her neck, and then snatched the coffee cup from her.

  “Oi, you, that’s mine. Get your own, wolf.”

  Laughter tinged her voice, and sure enough, when he pushed away from her, shrugged, and downed the coffee in one go, she mock-glared at him.

  Her gaze traveled up and down his body, snared on his erection, which made her bite her lips and groan and then settled on his side. Her eyes widened, and reaching out, she ran the tips of her fingers over the scars.

  “They look better,” she said.

  “The best sex a wolf ever had will do that to the man,” he said, and linking his fingers with hers, he lifted them up to kiss her knuckles. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Aubrey cocked her head to one side and narrowed her eyes.

  “Really, the best sex ever?” Her tone of voice told of her doubts, and his wolf snarled at her. His little doe stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Yes, really, you’re my mate and wolves mate for life.”

  Her face fell and Raphael silently cursed the doubts he still sensed from her. To put his point across, he put her hand back on his scars, cupped her nape with his free hand, and pulled her closer so that he could rest his forehead on hers. Their scents mingled, their respective animals reaching out to each other at the same time until they became one.

  These scars will always serve as a reminder of the day you came into my life. I killed for you then, and I will do so in future if I have to.

  Aubrey pushed against his chest as though to pull away, but he was having none of that.

  “No, no regrets, my sweet. The southern wolves had it coming. Killing their Alpha has put me in charge. It will take time, but I have every intention of getting them to clean up their act. There were many who came forward after the fight to pledge their allegiance to me and my mate.”

  Aubrey’s surprised inhale gave him access, and he claimed her mouth in a passionate kiss which served to tell her all he couldn’t put into words.

  By the time he broke the kiss to take a much-needed gulp of air, Aubrey’s doubts had lessened in his mind.

  “Can we really make this work?” she asked.

  Raphael sighed and pulled her in close. The instinctive way in which she snuggled into his embrace as he rested his chin on the top of her head meant his love for her expanded and grew until he thought he might burst.

  “We can and we will. Anything else is not an option, little doe.”


  Raphael raised his nose into the air and howled at the full moon. The heavy ball of pale light hung low in the night sky, so close that one could almost touch it.

  Around him, the answering howls of his pack came from all corners of the forest. The Hunt was on. Adrenaline surged through him as he ran through the trees in search of the one scent that meant the world to him. She was clever, his mate. Knowing that she could never outrun him, especially not now, she’d chosen to hide. He zigzagged here and there, hot on her trail. Her time was close and no one in the pack would have thought any less of her had she sat this hunt out, but not so his mate.

  From the very first hunt she had join
ed, her beautiful deer form had become a familiar figure at the pack hunt. Sticking close to his side at first, and then, as her confidence grew sprinting side by side with the she-wolves and the cubs.

  A true leader and guide to the younger females as they came to her with their troubles, always a hug for the little ones, and not too proud to listen to the advice of the older and wiser females of the group, she had proven her place by his side time and time again. The little cottage she had refused to leave because she was still very much the local and much-loved teacher, had become a second pack house.

  Recent additions had made it bigger, better able to accommodate the meetings they held and their growing numbers.

  The plaintive mewl brought him up short as he crested the hill. Followed by the cutest attempt of a growl, it came from the secluded meadow where they’d made love many times this summer. Of course, she would go there for this most precious of occasions. Belly to the ground, so as not to startle them, Raphael inched forward. The view that greeted him took his breath away. His little doe curled up on her side, licking the fawn while the wolf cub blindly nudged his mother’s belly to find the milk he sought.

  Aubrey looked up from her task and smiled at him.

  Meet your son and daughter, Raphael.



  Lily Harlem

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Chloe Burton reached for her bottle of beer and glanced around the crowded bar. At seven thousand feet above sea level, it wasn’t a usual drinking hole. It wasn’t only the thin air that gave the game away, it was also the dirt floor, the scruffily dressed clientele and the snow which skittered in whenever the rickety door was opened.

  But the beer was cold—like everything else—and the all-male faces friendly, so she wasn’t complaining.

  All except one face. She knew him only as Aaron and he was one of the few white men who lived in the remote Nepalese village of Nagasti. She’d spoken to him several times over the last few days as she’d waited for her colleague, Jim, to recover, and each time his gaze had been so intense she’d felt like he was drinking her in, memorizing her features … imagining her naked and spread before him.


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