Earning Her Love

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Earning Her Love Page 9

by Hazel Gower

  “Hi.” She waved. “Nice to meet you all. I’m Alex’s friend Mia.” He winced as Mia introduced herself as his friend and not girlfriend. It didn’t go unnoticed by his friends either.

  Anthony grinned at her. “I’ve met you before, love.”

  Mia’s eyes brightened in recognition. “Yes, while we were grocery shopping.”

  “That’s right. I’ve had the privilege of eating your cooking too. Your homemade chicken pie was a favorite.”

  “Thank you. Next time I make it I’ll put an extra slice in for you.”

  “She’s a keeper,” Anthony gushed.

  “I know.” Moving in behind her, Alex gathered her to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. She stayed stiff in his embrace for a moment. Leaning down, he nuzzled her neck, breathing in her sweet scent before kissing the delicate skin just below her ear and whispering in her ear. “You’re mine.” It wasn’t an ‘I love you’, but it was close enough.

  * * * *

  Alex made distancing herself from him today easy. She hadn’t seen him since the first couple of guests had arrived. It wasn’t until after lunch and close to birthday cake time when he found her in Zane’s room, reading to the children, that he started making it hard to stay away from him. He introduced her to his friends, but she was the one that made it clear they were only friends. After this morning and the last couple of days, Mia was still convincing herself, but she was sure it was best. It seemed more and more clear that Alex was embarrassed by her.

  Anthony, the sweetheart, complemented her on her cooking and her confidence that had been slipping all day rose. She sent a grateful smile his way and thanked him, promising to add a slice to Alex’s lunch just for him next time. The beaming smile Anthony sent her way had a genuine smile splitting over her own face.

  At Anthony’s praise Alex came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and brought her against him. She resisted the urge to melt into his embrace and stayed firm in her resolve to keep her distance. Her resistance slipped when Alex nuzzled her neck, kissed her skin, and whispered just loud enough for the table to hear, “You’re mine.”

  Mia felt like she couldn’t breathe. Her heart seemed to beat too fast for her to help take any air in, and her stomach churned. Shivers, and not the good kind, spread over skin. She forced a smile on her face and excused herself. “I’ll be back. I’m going to help with the cake.”

  Pushing herself out of Alex’s embrace, she tried not to run. Making her way to the front of the house where it was quiet, she took gulps of air as she gazed up at the sky. How dare Alex say that to her. He’d been a grade A wanker lately. He’d made her feel things she promised she wouldn’t let anyone ever make her feel again. Alex had been a God send helping her with the accident and moving her in and everything with Zane, but as a boyfriend the last couple of weeks he sucked. Sure, he was amazing in bed, and when it was just them, or even with his family, he was great, but he hadn’t introduced her to his friends. Even when he had chances to introduce her, he hadn’t; she’d had to introduce herself. Mia deserved better. She wanted better. She may have fallen in love with Alex, the Alex she got to be with when they were alone or with his family, but the Alex around other people she didn’t like at all.

  “You’re the only woman he’s ever brought around.”

  Mia jumped and turned, startled by Catharine’s voice.

  “Oh, women have turned up without invites, but Alex has never brought one through my door.”

  “He didn’t bring me either. The first time I graced your door I came with Alex to pick up Zane.”

  Catharine shook her head. “No. He came through that door clutching you so tight. If he’d brought you just for Zane, he wouldn’t have done that and…” Catharine grabbed her hands and held them tight. “He wouldn’t have brought you or Zane into this family if he wasn’t sure. Alex has to be a hundred percent sure he wants something before he acts.” She let go of Mia’s hands and brought her in, hugging her tight. “You’re Alex’s first real relationship.” She took a step back and cupped Mia’s face. “I think he’d given up on finding a woman he wanted to settle down with. I knew the moment I saw you that you would be amazing, because if Alex chose you I knew you’d have to have passed a very thorough list.” She chuckled and stroked Mia’s cheek. “I’ve never seen Alex look at anyone the way he does you.” Her smile was so bright it was almost blinding. “His years undercover turned him hard, but you, you changed him. Thank you.”

  Oh God. Mia’s stomach dropped, and she groaned. “No. Don’t thank me. You’re wrong.” She stumbled back away from Alex’s mother. “Alex doesn’t want me. Today is the first time he’s introduce me to his friends, and even then I did the introduction. We’ve seen his coworkers out, and the same thing happened. That isn’t the action of the man you described.” Mia took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. “I will be forever grateful for all he and you have done. I’m happy to be his friend and have him adopt Zane, but the last couple of weeks have made it clear that Alex and I are just meant to be friends and nothing more.” Mia gathered Catharine’s hands in her own and squeezed them.

  Mia hoped she’d convinced Catharine. She didn’t want any more heartbreak in her life, and one thing was for sure after listening to Catharine, Mia knew Alex was going to break her heart, and if he did, she’d never be able to put it back together this time. Mia could handle, and had handle, a lot of things in life, like being disowned by her parents, the people who should have loved her unconditionally. Being dumped by her baby daddy, kicked out of her school, and learning to do everything on her own. But she would be torn apart if Alex broke her, because she wouldn’t just lose him, she’d lose his family, and Zane would lose everything he deserved.

  Catharine let go of Mia’s hands, wrapped her arm around her, and guided her toward the house. “Oh honey, I love you no matter what. Let everything settle and my boy get used to having someone to love, and I promise you he’ll stop acting like an idiot.” She held Mia tight and wouldn’t let her retreat as she walked back into the house. “Come on. Let’s go do the cake and give that son of mine his own son.”

  * * * *

  He’d fucked up again.

  His father yelling for everyone to gather at the table had him shaking his head out of his sulking. “Gather around. I want to wish my son a happy birthday. I’m proud of all my children, but Alex is my oldest and the work he’s done with the police and how he treats our family is remarkable. I’m blessed to have him as my son. Happy birthday, Alex. I love you. Everyone raise your glass and help me wish Alex a happy birthday.”

  Everyone raised their glasses. “Happy birthday.”

  His mother spoke up next. “Thank you all for coming. We have all been busy the last couple of weeks getting this party ready, but we have also been helping get a gift ready for you, my amazing son. Come here, Zane.”

  Zane came through the crowd beaming. Both his dimples showed. He was the most adorable child ever. He held a thin present in his hand. Zane handed it to him.

  “Mummy asked me something a long time ago nows.” Everyone laughed around him. “She said that’s yous wants to be my daddy. She askeded if I wanted that.” He nodded his head like crazy. “I so do.” He looked down at the present in Alex’s hands. “Open it.” He helped Alex rip the paper off the present, and Alex saw a clear folder with a document inside.

  Alex opened the folder and lifted out the papers and read them. It was the papers all drawn up and ready to adopt Zane. All he had to do was sign and Zane was his. Alex searched for Mia and found her next to his parents, clutching his mother. She smiled at him.

  Alex looked back at Zane. His heart thudded, and butterflies fluttered in his stomach. “I love you, little buddy. Are you sure you want me as your daddy?”

  Zane threw himself at him and clung on. “I loves you sooo much. Yes. I wants yous to be mys daddy. I wants to be a Douglassss.”

  A pen appeared to his right, and he took it. He placed the papers on th
e table and signed the documents. Once everything was signed he held the papers up in one hand and grabbed his son with the other. “I’d like you all to meet my son Zane Douglas. The best birthday present ever.” Alex looked to Mia. “Thank you.”

  Alex’s mother, sister, Mia, and even his dad and brothers were teary-eyed. Everyone cheered. Zane clutched onto him tight, and he felt like the richest, most luckiest man in the world.

  “Can I call you daddy now?”

  Alex wasn’t even embarrassed when tears slid down his cheek and his voice came out in a horse whisper. “Yes. I am your dad. Daddy, Pa, or Father. Whatever you want to call me, buddy.”

  Zane nodded. “I loves yous, Daddy. Happy birthday.”

  Alex didn’t remember much after that. Owen took the paperwork and told Alex he’d send it off on Monday and make a rush on having everything back so they could change the birth certificate and other documents. Zane didn’t leave his side. Alex knew right now surrounded by his friends, family, and loved ones, he was the luckiest, richest man in the world. Needing the woman he’d fallen for, he grabbed Mia and kissed her. She seemed startled at first and then sank into the kiss. It was Zane, who was still in his other arm, that had him easing away.

  “Oh, gross. They’re kissing again. They’re always kissing,” Zane mumbled.

  Everyone around them laughed

  Chapter 7

  When Alex had kissed her in front of everyone at his birthday party, Mia’s promise to distance herself and resist Alex vanished. She couldn’t do it and didn’t want to. She knew they would have to talk, but that could wait for another day. After the party Alex changed back to the guy she’d originally met. The man he was when they were alone.

  It had been a week since the party, and Mia was hesitant to talk to him, she was scared that if she brought up her fears, the talk could backfire on her. She knew they’d have to talk soon though, because she got her cast off next week and wouldn’t need to stay at Alex’s anymore. Strange, she didn’t call it his house or usually think of it as his, she thought of it as home, and that terrified her.

  Today was a rare day. Since the party, there had been an influx of Alex’s friends coming to visit. Mia couldn’t get rid of them, some seemed to live at the house now. She had never cooked so much food in her life. It was game day, which meant all the Douglases went to Chad’s rugby match this afternoon. Zane had stayed at Alex’s parents’ house last night, so she and Alex were alone for the first time in weeks.

  It was the perfect time to have the talk they needed. Mia hesitated though. It was so nice snuggling in bed. She drew lazy circles on his chest and breathed in his masculine scent. He played with her hair, twirling and twisting it around his fingers, the slight pull every now and then was nice.

  “Move in with me.” The rubble of his voice sent warmth through her. “Get rid of your apartment. Live with me.”

  Easing up, she hugged her legs to her chest and stared down at him. “That’s a huge step, Alex. Are you ready for that?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”

  Here was her chance. She had to say what she needed to. “I know I live with you now, but it will be different once I don’t have my apartment to fall back on. I haven’t had much of a choice the last couple of weeks. This week you’ve been awesome, and you’ve always been amazing when we’re alone, but before this week you were kind of an arse to me when it came to certain things like acknowledging me to your friends and coworkers. It made me wonder if you’re ashamed of me. If I’m really telling the truth, you still haven’t introduced me to your friends as your girlfriend. I introduced myself to your friends, and I didn’t even introduce myself as your anything.” Mia was on a roll now. Letting go of her legs, she knelt and backed up on the bed. “I like you, Alex.” She loved him, but she wasn’t going to tell him that, especially now. “But I don’t like how you make me feel sometimes.” She sighed and got off the bed. “If you can’t tell your own friends, who have practically moved themselves in here the last week, that we’re together, then I’m leaving next week when I get my cast off, and I think we should just be friends, no benefits.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Alex.

  Alex sat up, looking dazed at her rant. “What on earth, Mia? What the hell was all that?”

  Taking a calming breath in, she slowly let it out, telling herself not to cry. “Just what it was. We needed to have this talk, and I’ve been putting it off. Plus, we’ve had an endless amount of guests. It’s nice to know your friends love my food at least. Am I not good enough to be known as your girlfriend? Am I too young? Too stupid? Not pretty enough? They probably think I’m not just your baby muma, but your chef too.” The stupid tears fell, and Mia couldn’t stop them. “I didn’t want this. You chased me.”

  She frantically wiped the tears and backed away as Alex got off the bed and stalked toward her. Her back hit the wall, and she debated if she could crawl to the exit to get away. Alex boxed her in, his hands settling on either side of her face.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, and she choked on a sob. “I know what I’m about to say is no excuse, but I’m sorry.”

  She felt her stomach sink. This was it. This was where he would shatter her heart into a million pieces.

  “I’ve never really been in a relationship before. I’ve never felt the need, and truthfully, you’re the first woman who made me work for you to give me a chance, and now that I think about it, you only did because you got hurt.” He turned bright red. It was so cute. “I fell in love with Zane instantly. You though...” He stroked her cheek. Mia felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. “You, I lusted over for weeks. You, I couldn’t stop thinking about until it drove me crazy. You, the more time I spent with you, I fell a little more in lust with everything I learned about you. That lust soon turned into something else I realized.” He kissed her forehead and lingered. “I am, was, having difficulty with our age difference, and with what others think. But I’ve learned that I’m an idiot and a huge arse, because I shouldn’t care what others think. The only people whose thoughts should matter are you and me. My own family doesn’t care. My mother and father love you, and my brothers and sister adore you. I’m sorry, Mia. I never meant, or wanted you to feel anything other than beautiful, smart, and appreciated in every way. Please forgive me.”

  Mia fell even more in love with Alex. How could she not forgive him? “I forgive you,” she whispered.

  He cupped her face, and his thumb glided over her bottom lip. “Promise me from now on that if anything like this happens, you won’t wait until it gets like this before you talk to me about it. Tell me what you want or what I’ve done wrong.” He winked. “I’ll do the same with you with all the things you do wrong.”

  “Hey.” Mia shoved him and maneuvered out of his cage.

  “So I’m going to shout from the rooftop that you’re my girlfriend. Are you going to move in with me?”

  She should say no. They hadn’t been together for very long and there wasn’t just Mia to think about in their relationship. She had Zane. This affected him. So why did she find herself saying, “Yes. Yes, I’ll move in with you.”

  * * * *

  Mia spent her week packing up her apartment. She gave her two weeks’ notice to the real-estate and this morning Locklen, Owen, Chad, Alex, and their father Charles, had spent their Saturday morning moving her in to Alex’s. On Monday she got her cast off and intended to spend the rest of the week cleaning the apartment.

  While the men had been hard at work moving her things in—most of her furniture was given to charity—she’d been cooking up a storm to say thank you.

  “You do know if you keep cooking like this, this house will always be full,” Stephanie, Alex’s sister, said before shoving a Tim-Tam cupcake in her mouth. She moaned and grabbed another cupcake.

  Mia liked that Stephanie, Steph, enjoyed her cooking, and Mia loved that Alex devoured everything she made. It made her feel useful.

“I don’t mind. I’m getting used to having a full house lately, and I like it.” Steph went for another cupcake. “If you eat that, you won’t want the roast chicken and lamb I’ve been cooking. It’s ready now. I’m just waiting for the guys to arrive and your mother with the kids and Lana.”

  Steph moved away from the cupcakes. “The guys are back. They’re downstairs in the ‘man cave’.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll go tell them to wash up and get their arses up here. Mum should be here any minute.”

  Mia nodded. “Thanks, Steph.”

  Stephanie disappeared and Mia got the gravy ready and the meats out to rest. She grabbed a couple of the potatoes for the kids, so they’d be cool, and put the others back in the oven and turned it up to make them crispy.

  Turning back to the stove, she smiled when she heard her son yell, “Daddy. Mummy. I’za home.”

  Zane loved having a dad, and Alex was the best. If Mia was honest, this last week she’d become a little jealous. Zane didn’t want Mia to do anything anymore. Daddy had to do it, so all week when he hadn’t been working Alex had done morning wake up, breakfast, taking to daycare if it was his day to go, and he also did bath time, followed by reading and cuddles in bed. Mia still got cuddles and kisses before bed, but now Alex, or Daddy to Zane, had to do it too.

  Zane came running into the kitchen and looked around. He came up and gave a quick hug to her then took off. “Daddy. Daddy, where ares yous?”

  Lana came waddling in, holding Olivia’s hand. She was almost eight months pregnant.

  “I’ve been replaced,” Mia moaned.

  Lana laughed. “I’d like to say it will ease with time, but…” She nodded down to Olivia and shook her head.

  “You can never be replaced.” Catharine came into the kitchen and started getting out bowls and dishes for the food to be put on. She placed them on the counter, then went over to Mia and hugged her. “This all looks wonderful and smells amazing. Thank you for doing this.”


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