The Brothers of Brigadier Station

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The Brothers of Brigadier Station Page 10

by Sarah Williams

  Jodie squeezed her friend's arm. "It will always be here, waiting for you. Just like me."

  Meghan stretched her stiff neck side to side. She couldn't wait to get there and walk around, her leg muscles were tight from the long drive. Even her eyes hurt from concentrating on the road.

  Beside her, Jodie was still sleeping. She had the ability to sleep anywhere anytime which Meghan envied. Jodie had been excited and enthusiastic, despite the six-a.m. start. They had sung Bon Jovi songs and chatted animatedly all the way to Charters Towers. After a coffee and a bathroom stop, the girls had felt refreshed. Then the scenery started looking the same, and the road stretched without any obvious landmarks lulling Jodie to sleep. It would be a long couple of days so Meghan let her sleep.

  Tonight they would drive into Julia Creek and have dinner at the local pub. It was the only pub in town, and Friday was its busiest night. It hadn't taken much convincing from Harriet to get a group of friends to meet them there for a rehearsal dinner. Of course, most of those people would have to drive out to Brigadier Station the next day for the wedding, but they were all excited for a catch up and yarn and to see the most eligible bachelor in the district get hitched.

  The mid-afternoon sun shone down harshly on the dry dusty paddocks as Meghan turned down the road that led to Harriet’s house. It would always be Harriet’s house, but my home Meghan thought as she caught sight of its green roof and the large ironbark trees behind it. She wound down the window and breathed in the humid spring air. Still no rain or clouds to be seen.

  Jodie stretched and asked groggily if they were almost there.

  "Welcome to Brigadier Station."

  She sat up and looked around. "I expected a huge house, like in ‘The Thorn Birds’," Jodie said disappointedly as she eyed up the modest house.

  "The house is lovely and quaint. It's exactly what a family home should be." Meghan smiled. She loved the house and the history it held.

  She parked her old Toyota Corolla in the driveway just as Harriet came out to meet them. She hugged Jodie as though they were old friends.

  "This is Jodie, my best friend." Meghan introduced them.

  "Lovely to meet you."

  They gathered their belongings, which included three long, white dress bags. Jodie had to take the bags inside because Meghan was too short and they would have dragged in the dirt.

  "Meghan's, mine and Lachie's suit," Jodie said as she double checked they were all there.

  "You can put yours and Meghan's in Lachie's room. Oh sorry, I mean Meghan and Lachie's room." Harriet said as she pointed down the hall. "Lachie can take his to the ringers’ quarters later. He'll sleep and change there with Darcy before the ceremony."

  "So, Darcy's all moved out then?" Meghan peered into his old room. Only the furniture remained. All signs of the man who had lived there for twenty-seven years were all gone.

  "Yes, he moved all his things out earlier this week. He's even looked at a station that's for sale." Harriet explained.

  She knew it was coming, but that didn't prevent the sense of loss that rolled over her. Darcy wanted to move away. He was such a big part of Brigadier Station, it wouldn't be the same without him here.

  "Is this where I'm sleeping then?" Jodie stepped into the room.

  "Yes, it is. The bed has fresh sheets and the cupboards are empty for you." Harriet walked to the window and opened it, letting a fresh breeze blow in and carry away Darcy's familiar scent.

  After freshening up, Meghan was eager to see the horses and go for a ride. She had missed them so much.

  "Do you think Darcy would mind if I rode Jasper and Jodie rode Molly?" She asked Harriet.

  "Those horses have been pining for you." Harriet smiled. "I don’t think he’ll mind."

  Meghan nodded. She had secretly been yearning to ride the fine black horse that rode so well under Darcy's control.

  Meghan expertly saddled the horses and gave Jodie a hard helmet to wear. Jodie immediately gave Meghan a questioning look. "Seriously, you know that will totally wreck my hair style?" she argued.

  "Well, you getting brain damage if you fall off will ruin my wedding, so put it on." Meghan chided. Jodie sighed and did as Meghan asked. Meghan put on her Akubra. The one Darcy had given her. "Why do you get to wear that?" Jodie asked folding her arms and raising her eyebrow.

  "Because I have more experience than you do and besides there aren't any more helmets."

  Using a stool, Jodie awkwardly mounted Molly and sat nervously in the saddle.

  "Relax. Molly's a good girl." Meghan said as she stroked the mare's neck and kissed her affectionately. Then Meghan swiftly and expertly jumped onto Jasper's saddle.

  Jasper turned to eye Meghan curiously. She stroked his neck in return. "It's okay boy. Darcy won’t mind."

  The horses slowly walked out of the stable. Molly followed Meghan obediently and soon Jodie relaxed into the movements. Meghan spotted Lachie’s ute near the fence line so she directed the horses towards it.

  When he came into sight Meghan looked admiringly over his broad shoulders, arm muscles flexing as he worked, fixing the fence. Then he heard the horses approach and looked up.

  A storm of butterflies rose in Meghan's stomach as she recognized Darcy's profile and well-rounded jawline. He had grown a dark brown beard in her absence making him look mature and wise.

  Darcy wiped his dirty hands on his jeans and lowered his hat, as they approached

  "Hi." He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  "Hi," Jodie said flirtatiously.

  "I thought you were Lachie. Isn't this his ute?" Meghan pointed out.

  "Yep. Mine's broken down, and I haven't had a chance to look at it yet." Darcy explained. "Lachie's on the quad, I think he's checking the drains."

  "Exciting day tomorrow?" Jodie said breaking the tension that was building between the two. "It'll be nice to see all you cowboys in suits."

  "Can't say we have much use for suits out here." He turned his face up to the sun, and Meghan noticed a bruise near his eye that had been shaded by his hat.

  "What happened to you?"

  "Oh, it’s nothing. I just got distracted." Darcy brushed off her concern. "I’m surprised Jasper let you ride him." He stroked his horse's long head.

  "He didn't protest at all," Jodie said walking Molly closer to Darcy.

  "Better get back to the fence." Darcy looked up at Meghan and their gaze held for a moment before he looked away.

  "Enjoy your ride," he called to Jodie as he turned his attention back to the fence.

  Jodie turned her horse, and Meghan pulled Jasper alongside.

  She couldn’t help glancing back over her shoulder but Darcy was hard at work, his hat sheltering his face from her view.

  "You ready for a canter?" Meghan kicked Jasper gently and off they sped. Molly followed eagerly with Jodie holding on for dear life.

  The main street was deserted except for the dusty trucks with bull bars on the front and dozing dogs in the back.

  Inside the pub was packed full of family friends chatting, drinking and catching up on the local gossip. A local band was playing country music. Jodie was comfortable in any crowd and even though she didn't have much in common with the locals, she still made herself the life of the party. Meghan followed Lachie around and met his friends from school. They were nice enough but held the same reckless, mischievousness about them that Lachie had. Spotting Maddie and Dylan, she waved and joined them. These were her type of people. Honest and trustworthy.

  "How are you? Excited?" Maddie asked after a hug.

  "Well, to be honest, I’m nervous," Meghan replied

  Maddie grinned. "I guess it happens to everybody. I was a nervous wreck before my wedding. But then I saw Dylan as I walked up the isle and all the nerves fell away. I was marrying my best friend and the man I loved more than anything. That was all the confidence I needed." They gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes.

  Meghan smiled and sipped her wine as her heart sk
ipped a beat. Was Lachie really her best friend? Would she feel the same kind of relief?

  She found her gaze drifting to Darcy. He sat on a stool not far from Lachie. He was talking to Frank, the hardware store owner. Darcy looked very handsome tonight with a clean white shirt tucked into his jeans. He caught her staring and his jaw tightened before he turned away.

  Soon people gathered, meals were ordered, and more drinks were consumed. Lachie was never without a beer in his hand and she noticed his words starting to slur after dessert.

  With a long drive ahead, people started leaving. Everyone was excited about the wedding the next day and wished them happiness.

  Harriet and Jodie waited in the car while Meghan said goodnight to her fiancé. He tasted like beer and the smoky aura made her cough.

  "You'll be okay?"

  "Yeah. Darcy will take care of me. Like always." They looked over as Darcy approached, sober and subdued.

  "I'll see you both tomorrow then." Her hands shook as she turned and walked to the car. She glanced back before climbing in. Both men stood together watching the car full of women.

  "Love you," she mouthed. As they drove away, she realised she had been looking at Darcy when she said it.

  The ceiling fan whirled around at top speed sucking up the hot, humid air and pushing a slightly cooler breeze down on Meghan. Scantily clad in a pink cotton singlet and pink checked boxer shorts, the sheets were thrown off, she was still sweating and uncomfortable. It was more than just the heat and humidity, though. The evening’s events kept playing over in Meghan's head.

  Finally, giving up on sleep, she got out of bed and padded quietly to the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of cold water. It's just nerves, she told herself. Once she saw Lachie, everything would be fine.

  Needing some fresh air, she pushed open the door and walked into the garden. Everything looked so beautiful and the smell of the roses was hypnotic. Harriet had been hard at work wanting to make everything perfect.

  The smooth bristles of a dog brushed her leg and she looked down to see Joey staring back up at her. The dog was wide-eyed, and her tongue flopped to one side.

  "Hello, mate. Can't you sleep either?" Meghan crouched down and stroked her, finding comfort in the dog's presence. Tears stung her eyes.

  "Joey?" Darcy's timbre voice interrupted the otherwise peaceful night. Meghan looked over to find him walking up the path from the stables.

  Joey’s attention flicked briefly to his master before returning to Meghan.

  Meghan took in Darcy’s appearance as he walked closer. He was wearing nothing but his old jeans. Her breath caught as her gaze lingered over his bare-chest and flat stomach.

  "Can't sleep?" he asked.

  "Too hot." With the back of her hand, she wiped at the droplets of sweat on her forehead.

  "Yep, that's the clouds," he pointed up at the dark night sky, "traps the heat in."

  "Clouds mean rain," Meghan said hopefully looking at the sky.

  "It would be a shame for it to rain on your wedding, though."

  Meghan could see the affection in his eyes and had to fight every instinct in her body not to touch him. She searched for something to say. "Is Lachie alright?"

  "Yeah, he's sleeping it off. He'll be fine by morning."

  Meghan shifted uncomfortably. "I noticed he likes to drink. A lot."

  His jaw tensed. "The problem is that when he starts he doesn't know when to stop. Just like Dad."

  Meghan nodded. Lachie’s dependence on alcohol had become increasingly obvious.

  "You're free to do what you want, but make sure you marry the right man. For who he is, not for what you want him to be." He reached out and brushed a stray hair from her face.

  She closed her eyes at his touch, her body yearning for more. But, when she opened her eyes again, Darcy and the dog were gone, and she was left wondering if it had all been a dream.

  Chapter 12

  Soft music played through Jodie’s iPod as she styled Meghan's hair, teasing and pinning it in a chic up-do. Meghan studied her reflection in the mirror. The dark circles from a sleepless night were now concealed with foundation, her eyes were lined and shaded. Her lips were perfectly lined and painted in a rose-pink tone.

  Meghan imagined herself as a mannequin being painted and dressed. As though she were seeing the scene but was not part of it. Jodie kept up an excited commentary of the night before about the people she had met and who she hoped to meet again. Meghan agreed and smiled where appropriate, but only vaguely listened.

  "Meghan, I said I love your bracelet!" Jodie said jolting her back to reality.

  She looked up at Jodie's reflection in the mirror as she nodded towards Meghan's right hand. On her wrist hung a delicate, gold, charm bracelet.

  Meghan fingered it gently. "My dad gave it to my Mum when I was born."

  "What are the charms?"

  "There are only two. A heart and a horse. I don't know why she never added more." Meghan gazed at the two charms that sat side by side. The heart was curved and solid gold while the horse was intricately crafted. Looking at it reminded her of Darcy and their shared love of horses.

  A sudden pain stabbed at Meghan's heart, and she clutched at her chest.

  "Are you okay?" Jodie asked, worry in her voice.

  "Could you get me some water?" she gasped.

  "Of course." Jodie put down the comb and hurried out of the room.

  The feeling eased and, alone for the first time that morning, Meghan stood and wrapped her dressing gown firmly around herself before walking to the window. Pulling back the curtains, she looked out over the sunburnt paddocks. The dark clouds in the sky threw shadows over the fields; the promise of rain could be smelt in the humid air that threatened to choke Meghan. She turned and looked at her delicate ivory dress hanging on the curtain rod. Her fingertips lightly stroked against the smooth satin. Her gold bracelet contrasted against the pale fabric.

  Her thoughts turned to her mother. She wished she was there. Helping her get ready and giving her advice.

  "I wish you were here, Mum," she whispered and closed her eyes to the threatening tears. "I don't know what to do!" she admitted and fell to her knees, submitting to her emotions and letting tears stream down her cheeks while she gasped between her sobs. "I’m so confused, Mum. Please help me."

  Jodie came in with a glass of water but quickly put it on the table when she saw her friend on the floor crying. She sat beside her and cradled Meghan against her chest.

  "Are you alright? What can I do?"

  Meghan tried to gain control of her tears when, suddenly, the fog of confusion lifted and only one thought was absolutely clear.

  Don't do it. Don’t marry him.

  As if Mum had come to whisper into her ear. A sudden calmness came over her, and the tears slowed.

  "I can't marry Lachie," she whispered, and then repeated it louder and with absolute conviction. "I can't marry Lachie."

  "What? Why can’t you? You’re just nervous. It will pass." Jodie watched in shock as Meghan climbed to her feet and started shuffling through drawers looking for clothes to wear.

  "No, it’s not nerves. I can't marry him." She dressed quickly in jeans and a T-shirt. In a trance-like state she collected her belongings and threw them in her suitcase.

  Jodie grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her gently until her eyes lifted to look at Jodie. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  "Yes, I’m sure," Meghan declared with no reservations. "Please, get me out of here?"

  Jodie nodded, released her and helped gather their belongings.

  Bags packed, Meghan picked up her mobile and dialled Lachie, ready to apologize. She didn't want to see him even though she knew she should tell him in person. She just wanted to leave. Now.

  The call went straight to message bank.

  "I'm so sorry, Lachie… goodbye." Was all she could say before hanging up.

  In their hurry to leave, Meghan bumped into Harriet in the hall.r />
  "Meghan, what’s wrong? What are you doing?" Harriet eyed up the luggage.

  "I'm so, so sorry." Fresh tears, smudged with makeup slid from Meghan's eyes. "I know it's the worst thing I could do, but I can't marry Lachie. I called him to explain, but his phone is off."

  Harriet pulled the young, emotional girl to her and hugged her reassuringly. "It's okay, sweetheart. You do what you have to do. I'll take care of everything here."

  Meghan pulled back and frowned at Harriet. "How can you be so understanding? You put so much effort into this wedding, and I'm leaving him, at the altar." Meghan stifled a sob with her hand.

  "Better you know now rather than later." Harriet held Meghan's hands in hers and looked deeply into her eyes. There was understanding there. Like Harriet knew exactly how she felt.

  "Thank you," Meghan cried before hurrying to the car, Jodie close behind. She only allowed herself the briefest moment to take in the white plastic chairs and tables set up beside the rose bushes. Banjo raced over excitedly. She scooped him up and climbed into the passenger’s seat.

  "Everything will be okay," Jodie said as she started the car and drove away from the house.

  Meghan watched out the dirty window as Brigadier Station slowly disappeared. A figure she thought might be Darcy stood outside the ringers' quarters. She didn't bother to ask Jodie to stop. There was nothing to say that would change anything now.

  Droplets of water started to fall against the windows. Lightly at first, then faster and harder until the heavens opened up and rain thundered down on the hard, thirsty ground.

  "Crap day for a wedding anyway." Jodie turned on the windscreen wipers.


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