This is Love (High Stakes Billionaires)

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This is Love (High Stakes Billionaires) Page 26

by C. J. Thomas

  “Does this count as a date?” she asked as she pulled away.

  I cocked my head and narrowed my eyes. “Are we in a relationship?”

  She took the edge of her lip between her teeth and leaned back, sliding her hand over the bottom half of my abs before taking my hardness inside of her palm. “It certainly seems so.”

  A deep rumble escaped my chest as I chuckled. I reached for her wrists and pulled her back down for another deep, sensual kiss. Suddenly, she broke away as we both heard her stomach growl.

  Hiding her reddened cheeks inside her hands, she shook her head, completely embarrassed by what had just happened. But I didn’t care. And I wasn’t all that surprised. After our marathon session last night, I was starved myself.

  “Lucky for you, food is on its way,” I said.

  She grabbed onto my arm as her breath caught in her chest.

  Smiling, I nodded. “Should be here any minute.”

  She tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips. Then she flicked her gaze over to the clock. “This early?”

  “I know people.” I winked.

  “How am I not surprised?” She nipped my lips before sitting up.

  My heart raced as I watched her lift her arms over her head and pull her hair back into a tight ponytail. Her breasts perked and tempted me to reach out and grab them. But before I could, she rolled off of me and excused herself. I closed my eyes and grumbled, ignoring the hard temptation throbbing beneath the sheets.

  Turning my head, I watched her beautiful curves bounce with each step until she disappeared behind the bathroom door, closing herself inside that little room.

  Willing my erection to go down, I turned my focus to the smaller things I appreciated about the woman I loved. Like her small apartment with its homey, comfortable feel that made me never want to leave. The colors were warm, her room the right bit of messy, and it was easy for me to imagine how she would decorate our future home—the one I provided.

  My palm fell over my forehead as I closed my eyes and laughed.

  Though I wouldn’t dare tell her now—too afraid that it would scare the shit out of her just like it had me terrified—but I knew she was the one.

  When she came out I was slightly disappointed to see she had slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a white tee. Even though I would have preferred she stayed naked, I still smiled and admired this beautiful creature as I watched her saunter over to me with a sparkle in her eye that made me believe she thought I was the one for her, too.

  As she crawled back into bed with me, I couldn’t stop thinking about what her friend had told me last night. “Rumor has it you have entrepreneurial ambitions,” I said with a quirked brow.

  She glanced at me and gave me a questioning look.

  Locking my eyes with hers, I said, “I ran into a friend of yours last night.” I suddenly realized I didn’t remember her name—or if I even gotten it at all. “Senator Day’s daughter.”

  “Sienna,” she said lightheartedly.

  I told her about our brief encounter and it didn’t take long for Sophia to start laughing. “That’s definitely Sienna. And don’t listen to her. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.”

  The door buzzer rang and I knew that it was our food. Sophia ran to the front door as I slipped my legs into my pants, not bothering to put on a shirt. By the time I was into the living room, Sophia was holding two big bags of food, looking at me with confusion flashing over her eyes. “They didn’t make me pay.”

  “I told you, I have connections.”

  She shook her head and clucked her tongue as she moved to the kitchen and dropped the bags on top of the counter. Pulling out a couple plates, I helped her open each carton of food. We had omelets, pancakes, bacon, coffee, and muffins. There was more than enough to go around, more than I knew we could finish ourselves.

  “I’m sorry for the mess,” she said. “I swear, it’s not usually like this.”

  I turned around and wrapped her up in my arms, pulling her back into my chest. Lowering my head to her neck, I kissed the soft spot behind her ear. “And I swear to you, my life isn’t usually this dramatic.”

  She spun around and clasped her fingers around my neck. Looking up at me from beneath her brow, she murmured, “Really? Because you’re pretty good at managing it.”

  My fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips as I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. “You make it easy.”

  Her eyelids fluttered as she put a hand over her heart. “You make me lightheaded.”

  I covered my hand over hers, feeling her heart race through them both. “This is love.”

  Our eyes swayed back and forth like a boat tied to the dock, riding the ebb and flow of the waves crashing to shore. She knew my words were the truth. It was the feeling of euphoria—like nothing else mattered when we had each other.

  “That movie last night.” She gave me a questioning look. “How many times have you seen it to be able to memorize the lines?”

  I tossed my head back and laughed. “Too many to count. Charlotte was in love with it.”

  Sophia stepped away to make both of our plates before we found ourselves sitting at the table. She wondered if we were close, Charlotte and me, and I could see in her eyes that family was important to her. I liked that, because my family was everything to me.

  “Yes. We all are,” I said seriously as I picked up my fork. Fixing my gaze on hers, I added, “Even my father. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for any of them.” Except date Audrey, I didn’t add.

  Time was suspended as she locked her gaze with mine.

  I knew what she was thinking—how was it that I could stick up for my father after what he’d said about her. But he wasn’t always like that. He was a good man. A man who was willing to protect us kids—and his wife—at all costs.

  Her eyes fell as she started to eat. I glanced to the family photo she had hanging in the living room. “What about you? What is your family like?”

  I listened intently, hanging on each and every word as she told me about her parents. I wasn’t at all surprised to learn she’d had a solid upbringing. After the coffee got into her system, she told me stories about high school and how it wasn’t the easiest time for her. But she’d found her calling in college. “That’s what got me hooked on software. I love the possibilities of technology and advances it has brought to our world.” She smiled and the more I heard her speak, the more I knew she was the perfect fit for leading Hera into the future.

  “If you were given the opportunity to go back to your old company,” I leaned forward onto my elbows, “would you take it?”

  She dropped her gaze and set her fork down. Leaning back into her chair, she took a moment to think on it. Then she shook her head. “No.”

  “Even under new management?” One brow arched.

  She turned her head away and blew out a heavy sigh. “Maybe, but Darren Gill still has the position I had my eye on and, without it, I might be better off working for myself.”

  I gave a crisp nod, widened my knees under the table, and leaned back just as my cell phone started to ring. Sophia nodded for me to get it as if realizing that it might be important. Pushing myself away from the table, I padded across the room and answered the call. “Did you get my message?”

  Noah’s voice broke through the line. “I’m with the lawyers now and we just arrived downtown.” He paused. “If you’re having doubts, now would be the time to tell me.”

  I glanced over my shoulder toward Sophia. “Do it,” I said.

  “How about we do this together?”

  I glanced at my watch. “See you in an hour.”

  I lowered my phone away from my ear and turned back to Sophia. She had a questioning look on her face. “Hope you didn’t have any plans today.”

  Her brows knitted as she cocked her head.

  “I need you to get ready. We’re heading downtown.” I plucked my empty plate off the table. “Oh, and you better bring your résumé



  Sophia had been sitting on her hands for the last five minutes.

  She didn’t say, but she had to know where I was taking her.

  It was a route she knew well—a route that was taking us one step closer to our future.

  I readjusted my grip on the wheel, purposely keeping her in suspense.

  She cleared her throat, and her knees kept bouncing as her heels lifted up off the floor. The woman couldn’t sit still and I kept smiling.

  Stopping at a light I put on my blinker, checked for oncoming traffic, and, when the coast was clear, I let up off the brake and made the turn.

  She glanced out of the corner of her eye as we approached. And I purposely slowed when we passed in front of the building where she used to work. Turning her head toward her window, her body tensed as her head tipped back, her eyes looking up toward the floor that had once defined her.

  A car honked behind me, but I didn’t care. I was too excited to see how she would react, now knowing that my girlfriend would soon be working for me.

  “I don’t know what you have planned, Nolan,” she spun her head around and fixed her eyes on me, “but I’m not walking into that building.” She tossed her thumb over her shoulder in Hera’s direction.

  The dimples on my cheeks deepened as I smirked. Driving into the parking garage, I slowed at the gate to request a ticket. And when the barrier lifted, I took us deeper into the bowels of this concrete jungle until I found an empty parking.

  Killing the engine, I unbuckled my seatbelt and let my gaze travel over to hers. She licked her lips and raised her brows as if preparing for a fight. I admired her willingness to demand more from me. But without saying a word, I reached behind to the backseat and grabbed her padfolio, knowing her résumé was tucked safely inside.

  Holding it in front of her, she drew her brow together, trying so hard to be mad at me.

  Instead, she only made herself more irresistible by how cute she looked as her bottom lip swelled into a fake pout.

  She looked at me and I looked at her, and she tried to resist taking her padfolio. What she didn’t know was that I had time on my side. I could wait all day if I had to—wait until she agreed.

  I pushed it closer to her, and she finally took it into her hands, saying, “Only because I don’t want you dropping it on my thighs.”

  I smiled, knowing I would have to adjust myself if she kept up the attitude. Because it was making me hard. Making her jump, I surprised her when I popped her buckle free. Then I opened my door and stepped one foot outside just as she reached for my arm.

  “I can’t go up there,” she pleaded.

  “Can’t go up where?” I asked with raised brows.

  Her lungs deflated as she lifted a single eyebrow. “You know where.”

  I chuckled, unable to control myself. But I was having so much fun, I didn’t want it to stop.

  She looked forward. “I didn’t leave on good terms.”

  I smiled and leaned my shoulder closer to her. “You don’t think I know that?”

  “I don’t know what you know.” She turned to face me, her voice just above a whisper.

  “C’mon, I’ll show you.” I stepped out and walked around the back. I reached for the handle and opened her door. She glanced up at me as I offered her my hand. Then her eyes fell to my opened palm and she stared at it for a long time before finally taking it.

  “I promise you won’t regret this,” I said as I pulled her up onto her feet. Lacing my fingers through her clammy hand, I gave her a reassuring smile before marching up to the exit.

  Rounding the building, we came up to the entrance and Sophia asked, “What if someone sees me?”

  I glanced down into her beautiful light brown eyes. “I hope they do.”

  She pulled her hand away. Looking around nervously, it was clear she was afraid that someone was going to see us. Then she turned back to me and said, “Nolan, just tell me what is going on.”

  Stuffing my hands inside my pockets, I pushed through the glass doors and walked to the elevator. I heard her heels clacking over the floor, knowing that she was only one step behind. She was willing to follow—trust me with my secrets—and I knew when this was all over she would be thanking me.

  We exchanged flirty glances as we waited for the elevator to arrive. Once inside, we shuddered our way to the ninth floor. When the doors opened, I had to give her a tiny nudge of encouragement in the small of her back just to get her to step onto the floor where she’d once worked. And as soon as we stepped out, I saw Noah at reception.

  He nodded and pushed off the counter. When he stepped forward, I introduced him to Sophia.

  “So, this is Helen of Troy,” Noah said quietly into my ear.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Sophia. She looked like she belonged—like she wasn’t afraid to ruffle some feathers and get ready to lead this company into the future. She’d certainly dressed for the job, which I thoroughly admired. Though I knew she was nervous, still having no idea why she was here, this was meant to be.

  “She’s the one.” I nodded.

  Noah turned his back to Sophia, then locked his eyes on mine. “This was your plan all along, wasn’t it?”

  I felt my smile hit my eyes as I called Sophia over. “Give Noah your résumé,” I said.

  She tightened her grip on her padfolio, darting her eyes between my brother and me. And when I nodded for a second time, she finally opened up her folder and peeled her résumé free.

  “Take a look for yourself,” I said as Noah took the paper from her. Making sure that she heard what I was about to say next, I held her gaze and said, “Because after we’ve purchased this company, I’m hiring her to lead it.”

  Sophia’s eyes popped out of her head. “Nolan, no. I can’t.”

  I reached for her hand. Brushing my thumb over her knuckles, I said, “You can. And you will. You deserve this.”

  She dropped her head into her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose. She looked up and said, “I don’t like this idea.” Her eyes flicked over to Noah. “I’ve caused enough problems already.”

  Noah shuffled his feet and let out a heavy sigh. Then he turned to me and said, “This is crazy, Nolan.”

  “Insane, really,” a voice said from behind.

  Every muscle around my spine tightened as I felt the room fall silent. Not a peep was made as we all turned to see my father stepping off the elevator. I felt Sophia shrink next to me as she dropped her head, unable to look my father in his eye.

  I couldn’t read Dad’s expression, but from the tone in his voice I had a feeling that his appearance might derail my entire plan. If that happened, I wanted to make sure Sophia wasn’t anywhere around to hear what we both had to say.

  Dad’s eyes dropped to Sophia’s résumé that Noah still held in his hands. Then he held his hand out, requesting to read it over himself.

  My stomach churned as I waited anxiously to hear his response. I knew Sophia had the credentials to lead the company once it was ours. But what I didn’t know was if Dad was going to agree with my assessment.

  I turned to look at Sophia. Her eyes were quick to find me.

  When Dad looked up, we all did the same.

  Fixing his eyes on Sophia, I watched her freeze.

  She held her breath and looked him in his eyes.

  The room spun around us as we waited for Dad to speak.

  Then he bent an elbow and offered Sophia his hand. “Sophia Monroe.”


  “Stay.” He smiled. “Stick around for a while.” His gaze flickered over to me. “If Nolan thinks you’d be a great addition to our team, then I do, too.”

  I watch them shake hands before turning to Noah. We both laughed as I slapped him hard enough in the center of his back to get him to fly forward on his toes. Sophia started laughing as well, still holding onto Dad’s hand. Then he turned to me and said, “I was wrong about her, son.”

  My s
mile disappeared as I stared into my father’s eyes. They were full of remorse. A sincerity glimmered inside—one that showed me that he meant what he had said. Slowly, my head nodded.

  “Audrey’s father called me earlier. He told me everything he witnessed at the party. You were right, Audrey is more of a liability to the family reputation than I realized.”

  I choked on the stone that had formed in my throat.

  “I’m sorry, Nolan. I should have listened.”

  Stepping forward, I let my hand rest on his shoulder. “It’s all right, Dad. I know how much this company means to you. And I’ll do whatever it takes to protect your family’s reputation.”

  Dad patted my shoulder before turning to Sophia. “As long as you’re with him, you’re in good hands.”

  When the lawyers came out of the boardroom, we all looked at each other knowing what we had to do next. But it was Dad who took charge by saying, “Let’s close this deal so we can celebrate over lunch.”

  We walked into the back as a team and I subtly reached for Sophia’s hand, giving her fingers a hard squeeze, knowing that, with her, we would be unstoppable.



  Two weeks later…

  Leaning over Courtney’s shoulder, we finished writing the last of the code to our software update, set to roll out next week.

  When her finger hit the last key, she leaned back in her chair before glancing up at me. I smiled down on her. Squeezing her shoulders inside my fingers, I said, “Good work.”

  She patted my hand then drew her brows together. “Is it true the company is hiring?”

  My eyes glimmered when I thought about the stacks of résumés waiting for me on my desk. HR had sent them over to me earlier this afternoon to browse before we began making our first calls.

  I nodded. “We’re looking to bring on at least two more positions.”

  As soon as Nolan hired me to take over the company his family had just purchased, he told me to restructure the culture to how I saw fit. And though he didn’t specifically say it, I knew that he was interested in bringing more female talent into the company. But I didn’t care the gender. I was most interested in finding the perfect candidates who were both qualified and respectful.


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