A Falling Starr: The Complete Trilogy

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A Falling Starr: The Complete Trilogy Page 16

by Dani Hoots

  Michael’s men started to retreat into the city, where I knew another line of defense would be waiting. Slowly we followed, many craft ahead of us, chasing off any of Michael’s men. The four warcraft lead the way and we trailed closely behind. This was only the beginning, I knew. Once we entered the city, many more ships would appear and the battle would truly begin.

  As we flew towards the city, I waited for the automatic guns of the city defense system to be triggered. It didn’t happen. Emmerich had mentioned a man on the inside who would stall the defenses. Since some of the craft were technically Cartrefian, it would take a while for the guns to register them as a threat.

  I wondered how long they could delay the guns. I prayed it would be a while. If we were lucky, the battle would be over quickly and I wouldn’t have to worry about any more of me or my men or the Galaftns getting hurt. I just hoped Michael would listen to reason and surrender before it was too late.

  We entered the city. I watched as people ran in fear. Did they really think we would attack innocent civilians? Had Michael brainwashed them into believing such a thing? Then again, if I saw hundreds of ships in the sky, I would be taking cover as well.

  The enemy flew at us in waves. The ship shook as a lucky shot made its way through the defenses and hit the hull of our ship. I grimaced, waiting for another blow to our ship. I was sure that we were done for. One of the Galaftn crafts surrounding us quickly shot it down.

  “That was close,” I breathed.

  Isaac gave me a sideways glance. “Yeah, well, it isn’t over. We aren’t even to the capital palace yet.”

  Elwood gave him a look. “Don’t say things like that, we have to keep up hope. We will make it through fine, we have been preparing for this for a year now.”

  “Yeah, well, I am just trying to be realistic,” Isaac said.

  Elwood stuck his tongue out at Isaac and Isaac returned the gesture. I was glad the pilot wasn’t looking back here, I didn’t want to be seen with these two idiots. I smiled as I watched them bicker. I was glad that they were both by my side. I could always count on Elwood to lighten the mood and make me worry less, even if it was just for a brief moment.

  I looked back out the glass. Some of the ships in the battle got hit and crashed down into the city. I tried not to watch, a sickening feeling filling my stomach. I hated to think that bystanders would get hurt in this battle, but I tried to remember that it wasn’t my fault, that Michael had pushed me to do this.

  Capitol City seemed a lot larger as we flew over the towering buildings that made up the city. It had been a long while since I had flown through the city, conscious that is, although both times I had been fearing for my life. The city appeared different than I remembered it, Michael’s rule had not cared for it like I had. While I had made sure there was equal opportunity for everyone and every area was thriving, now areas were desolated and abandoned, especially near the sea wall that separated the city from the ocean.

  I looked back out at the warcraft that surrounded us. Emmerich was in one of them, making sure that I was protected and commanding the fighters into the battle. It reminded me of all of the science fiction movies and series I had watched on Earth, yet here it was real. I could only imagine what people on Earth would think if they knew that somewhere in space, these things were truly happening.

  The battle raged on, I still felt helpless as all I could do was wait for the chance to get through the line of enemy craft and hop into the palace and get to Michael. Every once in a while the ship would shake from a laser strike. Someone always came to the rescue, though, making sure that was all the damage they could do.

  “Do you really think that stopping Michael will end this battle? How do we know the people will see the defeat and stop fighting?” I asked both Isaac and Elwood, hoping one of them would have the answer.

  Elwood nodded. “I believe that once they see the truth, that you are more powerful than Michael and that you are their true leader, the battle will stop. Michael has been sitting in that throne long enough, he won’t go down without a fight but I believe you can stop him. We will be there by your side as well to back you up. Whatever you need, just let us know.”

  I looked at Isaac. He didn’t say a word but I guess he agreed. His mind seemed to be somewhere else. I presumed he was thinking about the battle around him, wanting to be out there fighting himself just like the rest of us. But he needed to help me and Elwood, we couldn’t do this alone.

  “I want to tell you guys thank you for everything, I don’t know what I would have done without you. I am glad you are on my side and I just hope that after all this is over, we will celebrate our victory over some drinks,” I said.

  Elwood nodded and smiled. “Something really hard, might I add. And smooth.”

  “Definitely. And a nice meal to go with it,” I glanced at Isaac but he still seemed to be caught up by what was happening outside the glass. “What sounds good to you Isaac? Or do you steer clear of the hard stuff?”

  He turned to me, his eyes still dark. “Yeah, something hard for sure.”

  I didn’t say another word as I looked back out in the fight that was going on around me. It was hard to believe all of this was happening, still, and that Michael would go to such lengths to keep his power. He wouldn’t succeed though, I would make sure of that.

  Michael’s men seemed to be dwindling in numbers and we were approaching the palace. The automatic guns still hadn’t begun to fire and I was very thankful for that. I could make out the palace now, the beautiful architecture and sculptures making it appear as grand as ever. Never had I thought I would be attacking my own home, needing to sneak in and reclaim it. So many of my ancestors had the world in their hands and I was the first to let someone take it away. Did that make me weak? I didn’t think so. No, it made me stronger since I was one who had to fight for it.

  A second wave of ships appeared and started to attack. It wasn’t a surprise, I figured they would send out more once we reached a certain line. One of the lead crafts blocked a laser that was meant for our craft, and exploded right before my eyes. My stomach churned. I hated to see such a thing happen, but I had to be strong for my people. I wouldn’t turn back now.

  We began our descent to the palace, separating from the other craft with a squad in front of us clearing a path. I tried not to throw up when the pilot started defensive maneuvers, twisting and turning to evade fire. It had been a while since I flew in such a way. I remembered why I had hated it so much. I didn’t like not being in control. Not to mention I couldn’t keep my eye on the horizon when it kept moving all around.

  The ship was hit and alarms started blaring. I gulped, hoping the pilot could deal with whatever it was that was hit. I believed that he could, I had faith that he could fix whatever the problem was. A couple of moments later, the beeping stopped. I took a deep breath.

  Spinning around again, I gulped down the bile that filled my mouth. Damn motion sickness, I would have to work on mastering it after this was all over, just in case I had to fly like this again.

  A couple of the ships in our squad got hit and I watched as they dropped down to the city. For one of them, I saw a man parachute out of the ship. At least he was safe, but I wasn’t sure about the other one. I hoped that Emmerich was safe as well. His was a much sturdier ship, and could take a lot more laser power than the ship that I was in, that was why they had so many ships surrounding us, making sure we were alright. The larger ships were decoys, most of the people thinking that I would be in one of them. I had seen the same thing on an episode of Star Wars. It seemed to work for them, why wouldn’t it work for us?

  The ship shook again and I glanced out the glass, seeing as we were getting closer to the palace. It felt as if I could almost touch the end of this battle. All I had to do was make it and stop Michael. It was all I had to do and I would focus on that.

  I watched as my people fought alongside us, taking down many of Michael’s men. I was proud of them, standing up for what they
believed in, standing by my side. I just hoped I wouldn’t let them down. No, I wouldn’t. I would take on Michael and I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way of defeating him.

  “We are almost to the palace,” Elwood said. “It’s going to get a bit shaky as we fly in. Once we are within distance, you and Isaac will head out. I will be right behind you.”

  I nodded and started to suit up, with my hedfan securely strapped to my waist. It was a cool apparatus that helped decrease acceleration as you jump off of things. It was different from a parachute, and a lot more expensive. It let the person jumping off guide themselves a lot better. It wasn’t just to get out of the craft with, but to get to a particular point once suspended in the air. I could only imagine what people would use them for on Earth. We were to jump out of the aircraft onto the roof of the palace. If Emmerich’s intel was correct, it should be unguarded and unarmed. Once all of this was over, I would make sure the palace and defenses were a lot stronger, with Emmerich’s help and the Galaftns, I think it will be the safest place in the entire system.

  Isaac and Elwood also got ready with their hedfans. I was glad they were with me—I don’t think I could have done this by myself. They made me feel stronger.

  “Ready? Almost there!” the pilot yelled back to where we waited.

  “Ready!” Isaac shouted back before I could say no.

  The door opened and I looked down. Did I mention I was afraid of heights? Maybe I just didn’t notice until now but I was definitely afraid of heights. Or maybe it was just jumping. Yes, I had a fear of jumping. A fear of jumping out a moving vehicle hundreds of feet in the air towards the top of a palace.

  Well, here’s to facing my fears.

  I closed my eyes and jumped. The hedfan let me land without breaking every bone in my body. I made a mental note to send a hundred roses to whoever invented it after this was over. The air rushed past me as I dropped down to the roof below. Even with the hedfan, as I landed, I found that I was still going to have a few bruises, but at least I was alive. I quickly got to my feet and waited for Isaac and Elwood to do the same.

  Isaac came quickly behind, I was amazed that the hedfan could hold back his heavy body as it plummeted down toward the palace. He landed gracefully on his feet, as if he had done it a hundred times. I just hoped he didn’t see how pathetic I looked when I landed.

  Not long after Isaac landed, Elwood also came down from the sky. He definitely wasn’t as graceful and was quite definitely related to me. He hit the roof with his foot, tumbled forward, and landed on his face. Luckily the impact wasn’t that great and he would just be bruised for a few days.

  Elwood quickly stood up. “I’m fine, everything is okay! No one saw that.”

  Isaac hit him in the back of the head. “Idiot, how many times have I taught you how to jump out of a moving vehicle?”

  “About ten, maybe twenty? I didn’t break anything this time, though,” he rubbed his head. “Head hurts though.”

  I threw my fist up in triumph. “We made it!”

  Elwood high-fived me and as I turned to Isaac, I saw Isaac frown.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He pulled out a dryll and pointed it at both Elwood and I. I stared at him, not being able to understand what he was doing. Why did he want to point the dryll at me? Why was he acting strange all of a sudden?

  “Isaac, what are you doing?” I asked slowly, raising my hands as if I was calming a ravage dog.

  His eyes were dark. “Shut it, Angela. I don’t take orders from you. Not anymore,” he snarled.

  The memory came back, flashing in front of my eyes. The man who poisoned me stood in front of me, with the needle used to inject me. It had to go straight into the bloodstream, I remember. I struggled out of his grip and stumbled down the hallway, vision blurred, towards where Emmerich kept the device to open the portal. I wasn’t thinking straight but I knew I had to go somewhere no one could find me.

  So I had gone to Earth.

  And I remembered the man who tried to hold me down and inject the poison into my arm.

  That man was Isaac.

  “You! You were the one who tried to kill me!” I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe he had sided with Michael. I had known they were close, but Isaac worked for me. He was one of my men, yet his loyalty had been with Michael all along.

  He laughed. “And thankfully you didn’t remember what I did until now! Then all of this would have been for nothing. Then again, if you had tried anything, I probably would have just killed you. Couldn’t let anyone know who I really worked for.”

  “Why?!” I exclaimed. Committing treason wasn’t something someone woke up wanting to do. I wondered what Michael had promised him.

  “Money, power, anything I wanted really. Michael is a very persuasive man, if you didn’t already know. He knew that I wanted to be more than just being one of your commanders, so he gave me, what you would call, a raise, all I had to do was kill you with the poison he gave me. Unfortunately you got away, but the poison was already in your system. I chased you, but you disappeared in Emmerich’s room somehow. That’s when I found the remote to open the portal thing, and Michael figured out how to re-open it. I found you again on Earth, unfortunately there were bystanders there so I couldn’t finish the job.”

  That was the people on Earth who found me on the road and took me to the hospital. Luckily the poison somehow became dormant so that Emmerich could find me. I must have hit my head on something that made the memories also suppress along with the poison. “That’s how Michael found out about Earth, it was when I disappeared.”

  “Earth?” Elwood asked. “What is Earth?”

  “It is where little Angela ran off to, an entirely different planet. But yeah, he made me spy on Emmerich since he knew he would go looking for you since I didn’t finish the job. Took a while to find you though, and get the remote to work again. I don’t know how Emmerich got to you first, if he had another remote or just followed my men to Earth. Either way, he has been a great pain in my ass. But it doesn’t matter, I can finally claim my reward from Michael,” Isaac gestured to the door. “Now, let’s go.”

  “How could you do this? What is wrong with you? ” Elwood shouted.

  “Oh, yeah?” Isaac glanced at Elwood. “What are you going to do about it, pip-squeak? Not like you have ever been strong in a fight, or as a leader. Why didn’t you lead the forces instead of Emmerich? After all, you were technically the rightful heir after Angela disappeared. You could have led the troops without her. You are just a weakling, always have been, always will be.”

  Elwood shook his head. “No, you are wrong. You are the one who is weak, giving in to money and wealth. At least I will always stand up for what is right.” He reached for his dryll.

  Isaac was right, though, he was stronger. With his quick reflexes, Isaac shot him twice in the chest, then turned the dryll back to me before I could even realize what had happened. I watched Elwood slowly drop to the ground, his body slumping forward, blood pooling on the ground beneath him.

  “No!” I started towards him, even though I knew it was too late.

  “Don’t move, Angela. I’m not supposed to kill you, but don’t think I won’t hurt you. He’s dead, there isn’t anything you can do. He had it coming for a while now,” Isaac said as if he didn’t even care. All the bickering—I had always thought they were friends. Then again, I had made that mistake before.

  I stared down at Elwood’s body. How could such a lively soul disappear so quickly? I would miss his cheerfulness and it felt as if part of me had died with him as well. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. He was my cousin, my dear cousin who had always believed in me. He sacrificed himself for me. I couldn’t let him down. I would stop Michael no matter the cost. I would avenge my cousin and I would take back my world. Too many lives were lost today and I would not let them die in vain. The death felt like it activated the warrior inside of me, the one that had been dormant in my genes. I
would not give up.

  Isaac grabbed me and took my drylls that I had armed myself with. He didn’t know about the knife tucked in my boot, thankfully, and I wasn’t going to mention it. I just hoped I would have the chance to use it either against him or against Michael.

  “Now, as I said,” he motioned towards the palace. “Let’s go.”

  I spat at his feet. He slapped me across the face.

  “Don’t mess around, Angela! I told you I had no reserve to hurt you. Don’t give me an excuse.”

  I glared at him for a moment, then did as he said and entered the palace. Guards were waiting for us and joined Isaac to escort me to the man himself.


  Neither Isaac nor I said a word on the way to Michael’s office. My office. I knew that anything I could have said would make Isaac just hit me again. I needed my strength for when I would face Michael. I would be able to take him down, even without any of the help I thought I had. Why? Because I had faith in myself, I had faith that for once I could be strong enough to step up to Michael and bring him down for once and for all.

  The hallways were quiet as we strode down them towards the office. Other than the guards who had joined us when we stepped inside, I hadn’t seen any other people. They were all probably stationed outside or up in the sky helping to battle against my people and the Galaftns in this war. Did they realize what they were fighting for was wrong? Or did they simply do what was told of them, in fear that Michael could order their death? I wondered if we really had a man inside the palace or if Isaac had set this up all along.

  When we went into the lifts, I no longer felt as if I was being thrown around. I remembered how this technology moved back and forth and understood how lights warned which way the lift would turn. It was only a matter a moments before we found ourselves on the correct floor as to where Michael was waiting.

  The dark blue hallways seemed dimmer than ever, shadows moved across the ground eerily, as if they knew what was to come. Although I didn’t want to kill him, I knew at the end of this, only one of us would make it out alive. If the other lived, the battle would never end.


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