Taking Chances

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Taking Chances Page 7

by Susan Lewis

  Ellen smiled as she watched him and felt her heart fill with love and gratitude for the ease with which he had accepted her into his life. It could have been hell, but because he was such an exceptional little boy, so full of mischief and humour, as well as kindness and love, he had gone a long way towards making these past six months the most special she had ever known. In fact there were times when she fervently wished that his father was even half as easy to deal with.

  ‘I wish I knew why you were mad at me,’ Michael said softly as he slipped an arm around her.

  ‘Who said I was mad at you?’ she responded.

  ‘Well, the cold shoulder you keep treating me to lately’s a bit of a give-away,’ he said, his eyes twinkling with humour even though she knew he meant it.

  She looked off along one of the walkways to where a vast, lifesize model of King Kong loomed out over the teeming masses below.

  ‘I don’t get it,’ he told her. ‘You set a date for the wedding, then you can barely bring yourself to speak to me. So what did I do?’

  Lifting her eyes to his, she smiled and shook her head. ‘Now’s not the time,’ she said. ‘We’ve got Jurassic Park and Back to the Future to get through yet, never mind ET and the Hard Rock café.’

  ‘You really didn’t want to come, did you?’ he challenged quietly.

  ‘Sure I did. I’ve just got a lot on my mind, that’s all.’

  For a moment it seemed he was going to let it go, then, turning her to him, he said, ‘It’s to do with the movie, isn’t it?’

  Her eyes fell away as she wondered if it would be a lie to say that it was.

  ‘A couple of weeks ago you were right behind it,’ he said, ‘so what’s happened to change your mind?’

  She looked up into his face and, seeing his confusion and concern, she felt such love swell in her heart that all she wanted was to hold him and forget about what was eating her. But sadly it wasn’t going to go away that easily. ‘Nothing’s happened,’ she said, ‘except that not knowing what we’re up against in a bunch of Colombian drug lords doesn’t exactly make for a restful night’s sleep.’ She shrugged. ‘Maybe, once the script is in and we’ve got some idea what we’re really dealing with, I won’t feel quite so concerned.’

  He was still looking at her, as though waiting for her to say more. ‘Are you sure that’s all?’ he prompted, when she only looked back at him.

  She smiled and marvelled at how well he knew her. ‘Why do you say that?’ she countered.

  ‘I just sense it,’ he said. ‘So am I right?’

  ‘OK, yes, I am holding something back,’ she admitted, ‘but only because we’ve been so frantic these past couple of weeks that there hasn’t been a chance for us to talk about anything except work or school. I thought we could today,’ she said, looking at Robbie, ‘but this comes first.’

  Michael looked at Robbie too, and when she saw the frown on his face Ellen turned him quickly back to her. ‘It’s got nothing to do with him,’ she said, ‘I swear it.’ And, seeing the anguish retreat from his eyes, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him. ‘I love you both,’ she whispered.

  He grinned. ‘So you’re not going to back out?’

  ‘Of the wedding?’ she laughed in surprise. ‘Is that what you were thinking?’

  He shrugged. ‘It crossed my mind.’

  Still laughing, she rested her head on his shoulder. ‘In a little over three months from now,’ she said, ‘despite the utter chaos our lives are going to be in because of this film, I’m going to become your wife, and nothing or no-one is going to stop me.’

  ‘Well, there’s a relief,’ he sighed, ‘because I’ve already booked the honeymoon and there’s no way I can get my deposit back now. Ouch!’ he grunted as she nudged him.

  ‘And what,’ she said, ‘makes you think we’re going to have time for a honeymoon?’

  ‘We’ll make time,’ he assured her, then pulled a face as her cellphone started to ring. ‘It’s Sunday,’ he protested.

  ‘Look on it as a honeymoon rehearsal,’ she advised, digging around in her bag. ‘It could be Jackie Bott. I told her to call me as soon as she had an answer. Hello, Ellen Shelby,’ she said, into the receiver. ‘Oh hi, Jackie! How’s it looking?’ Her eyes were on Michael’s as she listened to the reply, and, as she started to grin, so did he. ‘That’s fantastic,’ she laughed, giving him the thumbs up. ‘I’ll get a contract sent round to you first thing tomorrow. No rush, have your lawyers look it over and get back to me if there’s a problem. Michael and I are meeting with Reece and Otto on Tuesday at four, can you make it? Terrific. We’ll see you then. No, still no script I’m afraid, but I’ve done a breakdown of the story and the kind of locations, facilities, crewing, casting etc. it’s going to need, so I’ll get Maggie to fax it over in the morning.’

  As she rang off Michael cupped her face in his hands and kissed her hard. ‘I take it,’ he said, ‘you just added the famous Jackie Bott to the producers’ team.’

  ‘It sure looks that way,’ Ellen beamed, and, kissing him on the mouth, she went to round up Robbie and his friends to move them on towards the Jurassic Park ride.

  It was way past eight o’clock when they finally dropped off Robbie’s friends and headed towards home. Robbie, surrounded by souvenirs of the day, was struggling to stay awake in the back, while Ellen went between dictating notes for Maggie into a recorder, and talking over the week’s madcap agenda with Michael.

  It really was going crazy now, as a couple of World Wide’s smaller projects were gaining some interest from the networks, and ATI was getting ready to go official with the new packaging format Ellen and Michael were introducing. Most of the other big agencies in town operated like that – putting together directors, producers, actors and writers – and though a number of ATI agents had long been working that way as part of their personal deal, it was only since Michael had involved himself in the company that ATI was starting to be recognized as a heavyweight contender on that front.

  As they pulled up outside the house Lucina, their new live-in housekeeper, opened the door for Spot to come hurtling down the steps to greet his master.

  ‘Hey Spot,’ Robbie cried, scooping him up and letting the dog lick him all over the face. ‘We brought you some hamburger. Can I give it to him, Ellen?’

  ‘Sure,’ she answered, ‘let’s just take everything inside. Everything OK, Lucina?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Lucina beamed, her round olive-skinned face gazing upon Robbie and Spot with unabashed devotion.

  ‘Any calls?’ Michael asked, taking damp towels, a Hercules mask and a helium balloon from the back of the Land Cruiser.

  ‘Lots,’ Lucina answered. ‘The machine take them. My English no good yet. You ready for bath, Robbie?’

  Robbie’s eyes grew wide as he looked up at Ellen. ‘It’s OK,’ she whispered, trying not to laugh, ‘Daddy’ll come in with you.’

  ‘Hey, you, me and Lucina in the bath, sounds like fun,’ Michael joked.

  ‘I can bath myself,’ Robbie said grumpily as he buried his face in Spot. Then suddenly he brightened again. ‘Can Spot come in too?’ he said eagerly.

  ‘I don’t think so,’ Ellen answered, taking one of the bags Michael was passing her. ‘Are your clothes still damp. Give them to Lucina, she’ll put them in the drier.’

  By the time the front door had closed behind them Michael was already in the study, playing back their messages. There was nothing on the machine that took calls from Chambers, but he was getting used to the erratic nature of contact from Colombia now, so he wasn’t unduly concerned. The other tape took some minutes to rewind, and by the time the first couple of messages had played Ellen had left Robbie in the bathtub and come in to join him. It was just as Michelle’s voice began that she happened to walk in the door.

  ‘Hi darling, it’s Mummy,’ Michelle began. ‘Sorry I missed you. Hope you’re having a good time, whatever you’re doing. How’s Spot? Is he being a good boy? Your letter was wonderful, and the photograph
s. I’ve put them up next to my bed. I’ve got a surprise for you, sweetheart. I’m coming over to Los Angeles in a couple of weeks. Isn’t that great? I hope it’s going to be OK with Daddy. Ask him to call me, will you? ‘Bye darling. I love you.’

  Michael stopped the tape and looked over at Ellen.

  ‘I’ll get Robbie,’ she said.


  She turned back.

  ‘Is it OK with you?’ he said.

  ‘Even if it weren’t, you don’t think I’d stop him seeing his mother, do you?’ she snapped.

  He stared at her, waiting for her to say more.

  ‘What?’ she cried, throwing up her hands.

  ‘If she’s coming she’ll have to stay here,’ he said.

  Ellen’s eyes flashed. ‘Well, won’t that be cosy?’ she responded tartly.

  Michael’s face darkened. ‘I don’t think I like the way this is going,’ he said.

  ‘Oh, is that so? Then try seeing it from where I’m standing, you’ll like it a whole lot less. “I hope it’s OK with Daddy,” like I don’t live here. Like I’m not the one who takes her son to school every day, who helps him with his reading, or takes him horseback riding, or to the dentist, or nurses him when he’s sick, and dries his tears when he’s missing her …’

  ‘You sound like you resent doing it,’ Michael cut in.

  ‘How dare you say that?’ she seethed, almost failing in the effort to keep her voice down. ‘You know how much I care for that boy, so don’t you ever accuse me of that. What I resent is her calling up and saying she’s coming, like I don’t exist. And then you saying she’s going to be staying here, like I don’t get a say in it.’

  ‘So what are you suggesting, that she goes to a hotel?’

  ‘I wasn’t aware I suggested anything.’

  He was silent for a moment, clearly trying to deal with his anger. In the end, he said, ‘You know, I didn’t realize you had such a big problem with Michelle.’

  ‘Me? You think I’m the one with the problem?’ she responded caustically. ‘I think it’s you.’

  He stared at her in genuine amazement. ‘I need a basis for that,’ he said tightly.

  ‘Maybe it’s not a problem,’ she said. ‘Maybe it’s something you just don’t want to share with me.’

  ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ he demanded.

  Instead of answering she stared at him, furiously, until finally she averted her eyes, not sure she wanted to get into this while their tempers were so frayed.

  ‘Come to the point,’ he said shortly.

  ‘Why don’t you?’ she shot back. ‘You’re the one who’s got something to hide, or secrets to keep, or whatever the hell you’re doing. So you come to the point. Just what is it that you, Michelle and Tom Chambers have got cooking together? I heard the message Chambers left, and I’ve been waiting, Michael, more than two weeks for you to tell me what the hell it’s all about.’

  ‘What message? I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  ‘“Did you speak to Michelle?”’ she repeated, her voice shaking with anger as she quoted Tom Chambers. ‘“I really think we could be on for this.” On for what, Michael? You’ve got something planned, the three of you? Are you intending to go down there, is that what it’s about? You’re just going to take off and go play heroes again …’

  ‘Hold it! Hold it!’ he shouted across her. ‘First, I’m not going anywhere, OK? And if this is the reason you’ve been so fucking difficult with me lately, then it’s time you grew up and learned to say what’s on your mind instead of bottling it up …’

  ‘Well, I think I just did,’ she raged. ‘So, what’s the answer?’

  ‘The answer is, I don’t know what the message meant any more than you do. Whatever he’s discussed with Michelle, neither of them have told me. Is that OK? Does that answer your question?’ His fist suddenly hit the desk in frustration. ‘Jesus Christ, what is this, that you think I’d hold back on you over something? Why would I? What the hell do you think I’ve got to hide? And I don’t see you getting this way about any other project, so while we’re at it, maybe you’d like to tell me just what you’ve really got against Tom Chambers and Rachel’s story?’

  ‘Oh, so it’s got a title already?’ she said. ‘Thanks for keeping me informed.’

  Michael rolled his eyes. ‘That wasn’t a title,’ he said. ‘But maybe it could be. Have you got a better idea? If you have, then let’s hear it. You’re as much a part of this damned movie as anyone else around here. And as far as I can see, you’re the only one who’s got a problem with it. So let’s get it all out in the open, shall we?’

  Ellen glared at him.

  He glared back, waiting.

  In the end she was the first to look away. ‘I don’t have a problem with the movie,’ she said, knowing how ludicrous she would sound if she told him how shut out Chambers had made her feel when he’d left that message – and how Michelle had just managed to do the exact same thing. The insecurity was hers, so she had to be the one to deal with it. ‘I just think we should … Oh, great timing!’ she snapped, as the private line on Michael’s desk suddenly burst into life.

  Michael snatched it up. ‘Tom?’ he said, looking at Ellen. ‘Everything OK?’

  Chambers’s voice was fractured by static on the line. ‘I’ve got the names,’ he shouted. ‘I put them on the e-mail.’

  ‘You’ve got them?’ Michael cried incredulously as he reached over to turn on his computer. ‘Are you sure about them? I mean, that’s fantastic. Brilliant. But we can’t afford for there to be any doubt …’

  ‘There’s no doubt,’ Chambers assured him.

  ‘Then congratulations, if that’s the right word. This is going to make all the difference. So tell me you’ll be on the next plane.’

  ‘There are a couple more things I need to clear up before I leave,’ Chambers responded. ‘I’ll call you again in a couple of days,’ and the line went dead.

  ‘He’s got the names,’ Michael said as he rang off. Then, looking up, he saw that Ellen had gone. He stood staring at the empty doorway. He guessed she had gone to supervise Robbie out of the bath and into bed, but despite loving her for how much she did for Robbie, he knew that on this occasion she had used it as an excuse to disappear while Chambers was on the line. It seemed this movie was becoming a really big deal with her, and for the moment he could only thank God that she didn’t yet know he had agreed to make Sandy Paull one of the producers. That was a battle he really wasn’t looking forward to, but it seemed they had a few more to get through before that one eventually reared its head.

  Crossing the lounge, he stopped a moment to flick on the outside lights, illuminating the pool and garden, then continued on to the wing that contained Robbie’s bedroom and bathroom, the playroom, a guest-room and the stairs to Lucina’s basement apartment. He found Ellen sitting on his son’s bed, rubbing Robbie down with a towel as he playfully attacked her with Buzz Lightyear. She glanced up as Michael came in, then reached for Robbie’s pyjamas.

  ‘Daddy,’ Robbie said, as Ellen pulled him onto her lap, ‘do you think Spot could have a pony?’

  Michael’s eyebrows went up.

  ‘I mean, one day,’ Robbie added hurriedly.

  ‘What’s Spot going to do with a pony?’ Michael enquired.

  ‘Well, he could ride him,’ Robbie answered.

  ‘While you run along next to them?’ Michael suggested.

  Robbie looked up at him and grinned. ‘Will you come riding with me this week?’ he said. ‘They’re letting me go on Frisky, because I was good last time, and if you’re good you get to go on Frisky, don’t you, Ellen? Will you come, Dad, and watch me?’

  ‘I’ll certainly try,’ Michael promised.

  ‘Ellen’s coming, aren’t you, Ellen?’ he said, and putting his arms round her neck and his head on her shoulder he promptly fell asleep.

  Smiling and kissing him, Ellen laid him down and covered him with a sheet. ‘And
you stay there,’ she said to Spot, who was sitting up in his basket eager for attention. ‘No jumping on the bed, do you hear me?’

  Spot wagged his tail and started to pant.

  Michael came forward and leaning over his son dropped a kiss on his forehead, while roughing Spot’s shaggy little coat. ‘You didn’t tell him?’ he said softly to Ellen.

  ‘About Michelle? No. I thought you should.’ She carried on picking up Robbie’s clothes, folding them and putting them away, or tossing them aside for the laundry.

  ‘Can I fix you a drink?’ Michael offered.

  ‘No. I’m kind of tired. I’m going to take a bath, then go to bed.’

  ‘Is there room in there somewhere for me?’ he asked. ‘Like the bath?’

  Ellen looked at him, but there was no smile in her eyes.

  Swallowing his irritation Michael turned and left the room. He was waiting for her when she finally came into the lounge. ‘We’re going to have to decide something about Michelle,’ he reminded her.

  ‘I thought it was already decided,’ she responded.

  ‘She stays here?’

  ‘That’s what you said.’

  ‘Ellen, for Christ’s sake, she’s his mother. How can I tell her she can’t stay here when we’ve got more than enough space, and when she’s going to want to be with him as much as she can?’


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